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Sincere apologies for neglecting my posting duties of late

Commissar SFLUFAN

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I want to sincerely apologize to D1P for neglecting my posting duties in recent days.  I have zero doubt that you've noticed a marked decline in my posting output!  The reason for this posting deficit is that a few weeks ago, I looked at myself in the mirror and REALLY didn't like what I saw.  I had become soft, flabby, and REALLY out of shape.  Like seriously disgustingly out of shape.  As in my waist line was around 44" (like my actual age!) out of shape.


Needless to say, this was an unacceptable state of affairs and I made up my mind to rectify the situation. 


And, man, have I EVER been rectifying it.


For about three weeks, I decided to "shock" my body by engaging in two-a-day workout sessions at 0500 and again at 1800.  Each of these sessions involved both intense cardio and strength training.  I also took extreme measures with my diet by ensuring that I was in significant caloric deficit combined with a reduction of carbohydrate intake to the bare minimum necessary to ensure that I maintained my energy levels.  In essence, I decided to rely on my stored fat reserves to burn while ensuring that my protein intake preserved the muscle tissue.  This has had the desired effect of increasing my metabolism exponentially.


Once the desired effect of shocking my metabolism into overdrive had been achieved, I dropped the 0500 workout in favor of an increased intensity 1800/1900 workout, which is where I'm at now.  The results of this program have been nothing short of impressive (in my not-so-humble opinion).  For example.


- Waist line is now 38" and approaching operational goal of 36" by Thanksgiving (I don't celebrate that stupid holiday so it's not like I'm gonna ruin that objective!)

- One mile run speed is now 8 mph or 7.5 minutes/mile.  The operational goal of 8.5 mph or 7 minutes/mile should be achievable by Thanksgiving.

- Treadmill interval training currently stands at 10 minutes, split between jogs at 5.5 mph and sprints at 9.0 mph. The operational goal of sprints at 10 mph should be achievable by Thanksgiving

- Significant increases in strength has been noted in all forms of resistance training with increased muscle size/definition, especially in chest/shoulders.  This is assisted by strict regime of using 20 push-ups to "superset" each set of a particular exercise. 


There's far more that I can relate, but I figured you get the drift.  So, this explains why my posting has declined recently.  Once I'm comfortably certain that I can easily maintain my current performance levels while slowly increasing to the next goals, I surely return to my usual posting standard to which you have all grown accustomed. 

  • stepee 2
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4 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I honestly hadn't noticed, but congrats on the weight loss! Speaking from personal experience, it's a great feeling. 

Here's the thing: I have absolutely zero idea how much weight I've lost because that's not the standard by which I'm judging my progress :p


I have yet to step on a scale because that number is totally irrelevant to me compared to the other metrics I'm using!

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2 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

Why the devil would I want that?!?

It's a thermogenic, basically caffeine and makes you sweat more, it's like your body is an ice cube and there's heaters around melting some fat, not a ton, but just a boost. You can also lookup protein shake thermogenics, I use this one: https://www.gnc.com/protein_fitness/386569.html



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27 minutes ago, 2user1cup said:

It's a thermogenic, basically caffeine and makes you sweat more, it's like your body is an ice cube and there's heaters around melting some fat, not a ton, but just a boost. You can also lookup protein shake thermogenics, I use this one: https://www.gnc.com/protein_fitness/386569.html

Oh, I know what it is - I just really don't see the need for it in my case :p

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2 hours ago, atom631 said:

what is your workout routine like? 


ive lost a bunch of weight by just not eating like a slob and cutting out the IPAs and stouts. but now i want to kick it up a notch and get strong. 

This is the routine that I use





I dont consider my self very strong but it works for me

My squat/dL max 550-600 depending on my energy. My bench is stuck 280 , OHP is 220 and my row is 260.




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14 minutes ago, SimpleG said:

This is the routine that I use





I dont consider my self very strong but it works for me

My squat/dL max 550-600 depending on my energy. My bench is stuck 280 , OHP is 220 and my row is 260.




thanks. ive also been looking at strong lifts 5x5  as an option as well. i definitely want to start soon. i used to run a lot and hope to add that to the mix for my cardio on off-days. i figured 3 days a week lifting and 2-3 days cardio would be good. in the spring/summer/fall i would look to replace running with mountain biking. 

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1 hour ago, atom631 said:

thanks. ive also been looking at strong lifts 5x5  as an option as well. i definitely want to start soon. i used to run a lot and hope to add that to the mix for my cardio on off-days. i figured 3 days a week lifting and 2-3 days cardio would be good. in the spring/summer/fall i would look to replace running with mountain biking. 

5x5 is another excellent option.

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Wade, I hear you! About 8 weeks ago I couldn't take my weight situation as my back was killing me! I've been dragging my ass out the door each morning at a 4:45 am to go running and lift before work, which starts at 6 am. Its been a seriously tough couple of months, but I've got it under control now and I'm probably only another 2-3 months from my target weight of 200 lbs! Keep up the good work man, you know you have the will and the internal strength to push through, you just need to want it. It sounds like you really do! :fedora:

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On 10/22/2019 at 6:43 AM, atom631 said:

what is your workout routine like? 


ive lost a bunch of weight by just not eating like a slob and cutting out the IPAs and stouts. but now i want to kick it up a notch and get strong beer.

I hear ya man, it’s just too damn good to give up!  I just make up for it by not eating 

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