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The wrestling thread: the “Paul Levesque Era” begins… without the sex-trafficking degenerate POS, Vinny Mac!

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2 hours ago, Zaku3 said:


AEW needs a better production crew. The lame explosion and bad cameras need to go.


TBF, the explosion being a dud could've happened anywhere and is more of an uncontrollable f-up. What IS inexcusable, IMO, is that they had no back-up plan if the explosion was a dud; Omega could've jumped back in the ring and been like "haha! jokes on you!" like Austin with the "bang" flag coming out of the gun. I dunno, pretty bad to not have a "what if this doesn't work" plan set-up. :shrug: 

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I just caught Bryan vs Brock and what a match this was! Brock has a talent for making a squash entertaining because he has such great ring presence, but he plays off Daniel Bryan's quickness, and Bryan's working of his leg led to a great moment later in the match. The comeback seemed believable given how it happened and despite being a heel, the crowd really turned in favor of him.


Good shit. Loved the match. Is it true Bryan REALLY wanted to face Brock and this was a dream match for him?



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You just HAD to slap a metric on it didn't you!?


In all seriousness though, I'm fairly certain that it will be well worth the wait & they'll put on a hell of a show. Also, 2CW is having a huge event paced over 2 nights that coming weekend in Syracuse which is pretty cool. Wouldn't be entirely shocked if we see numerous AEW talents show up there!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Spoilers, I'm not tagging, so if you didn't watch yet, just stop reading.


Night 1 was great minus the women's tag gauntlet - that was just boring.

Drew v Bobby was a fantastic hard-hitting style match - Drew not winning was lol. Good for Bobby, though.

Women's tag thing had no build and was boring.

Cesaro v Rollins was a lot of fun.

New Day v Styles/Omas... eh. I just don't buy Omas as the monster they're presenting him as. His whole thing seems to be "I'm tall" :rolleyes:

Shane v Strowman was what I expected; basically a comedy match. Shane gets a lot of shit, and I never understood why; he's always entertaining in his matches and puts his body through hell to do it.

Bad Bunny, holy fuck, match of WM, hands-down and best WM-Celeb match ever. Absolutely fantastic. He took it seriously and must've trained his ass off.

Sasha v Belair. Good match, wasn't all that invested in it and didn't care who won, tbh. I would've rather Belair vs Asuka and Sasha vs Ripley :shrug:


Night 2... meh. Boring as fuck mostly.

Fiend v Orton.. wtf. Seriously? Bliss distracts Wyatt and he loses via an RKO. This was his big return match - he needed this win. Fuck you, WWE.

Women's tag championship match, glad Tamina finally got some WM moments, but... meh.

Owens v Zayn, fun match, not enough build to the match, but Owens and Zayn are just so good to watch together.

Riddle v Sheamus :sleep:

Big E v Apollo... Big E 9, Apollo 1, but now Apollo has the belt. Another screwy finish for no reason. Apollo looks weak.

Asuka v Ripley was a good match, but fuck WWE for their Asuka booking.

Reigns v Edge v Bryan, match was fine, I guess, but WWE seriously decided to not have either "main" title change hands at WM? FFS.


Night 1 = 9/10

Night 2 = 5/10 (and I'm being generous)


  • stepee 1
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Tone-deaf WWE releasing superstars on literally the same day as Black Wednesday of last year all for the sake of (likely) more record profits.


Samoa Joe

Peyton Royce

Billie Kay

Mickie James

Chelsea Green



Wesley Blake

Bo Dallas



WWE has come to terms on a release of Billie Kay, Mickie James and more Superstars.


  • Shocked 1
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As long as Joe doesn't end up with those clowns at AEW, this could be good for him. Let him go Impact, or even better, New Japan. His matches with Shinsuke in NXT really showed how great his style would mix with those kind of wrestlers IF he wants to wrestle anymore. Otherwise, let him do commentary for ROH, even though they're probably the best commentating team right now. He'd still make a good third wheel.

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Pretty impressed they got Vince McMahon or this doc as well. And of course his right-hand man's there, Bruce Prichard.


Good ol' JR is there and has to be.


There's a funny sequence where they're talking about a three page list of new names he was given after Ringmaster, and Taker, Foley, Austin, and Bruce are reciting the names one after another, and they're so bad. Mr. Freeze was a pitch.


Didn't know his wife at the time was the one who thought up his name, Stone Cold Steve Austin.

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I know all about Austin 3:16 and King of the Ring 1996, but I didn't know that was the first time he said "That's the bottom line because Stone Cold said so."


HHH was interviewed about that since he was supposed to win at first. His comments were, "Halfway through, I knew he was getting made and I thought, 'Holy shit, that should have been me," but then another part of me said, 'Well, I wouldn't have cut that promo.'" :lol: 

  • Haha 1
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Great AEW PPV last night. Every match was at least solid except for the Cody match which had a weird feud/build to begin with. They booked around Sting honestly as best as could possibly be done and he looked fine especially considering his age and condition. The 3 way was fantastic. Stadium Stampede 2 was fun. Best part of the whole show though was having a full house live crowd back and they came to cheer.

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Top to bottom, a most excellent PPV for sure! A few thoughts about it ...

  • Britt v Shida: If we're being honest, we all knew Britt was going over before the bout began, but it's the how & when of it all that was the question. Truthfully, about midway through, you could see the girls were gassed a bit and it was there I was starting to fret. Then all of a sudden they both found this determination to just go above & beyond and really attempt to own the PPV (in their own right, they really were a spectacular highlight of the night!) By the end, it was inevitable that Shida would get put into submission but there were SO many near falls & the ebbs & flows of the match ... I was exhausted but excitedly so when all was said & done. Bravo ladies!
  • Kenny v. Pac v. Cassidy: I really just don't have words other than THIS IS HOW YOU BOOK A TRIPLE THREAT MATCH! So much story telling going on, amazing moves, false finishes, & the pure athleticism of these 3 men were just astonishing to witness. They all shined bright and I do hope that the contenders get their time with a title down the road for sure. (We all know that Omega's reign will end when it is the right time to crown Adam Page!)
  • Stadium Stampede had SO many "IN" jokes & references and I was marking out so hard for it, definitely made it a lot of fun. What I loved the most however was how this was more or less set up to really serve Sammy & push him into another stratosphere for the next year & it totally worked. One thing I do have to say, that aside from getting to see Konnan (SO happy he's still alive!), I feel like Santana & Ortiz were a bit side lined unfortunately. 
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