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The wrestling thread: the “Paul Levesque Era” begins… without the sex-trafficking degenerate POS, Vinny Mac!

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Sounds like Undertaker is retiring.



WWE star The Undertaker has 'no desire to get back in the ring'



He spoke about his most recent match against wrestler AJ Styles, which ended with him burying his opponent and riding away on a motorcycle.


"It was a perfect moment. You don't necessarily always get those. If there was ever a perfect ending to a career, that right there was it," Mr Calaway said.



"It's time this cowboy really rides away," he added. "I can do more good outside the ring than I can inside. I'm finally at a place where I can accept that."


He said he would consider returning for one last match, but that "only time would tell".


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It reminds me of this interview which I really enjoyed. The whole thing is great, but at 7:54, he talks about how much time he has left. This interview was in 2003:



And honestly, I can see why he hung on for so long. He was still putting on great matches in the 2010s. Not all of them (even he admits he shouldn't have been in the ring in 2017's WM). But his matches against HHH, his fantastic match with CM Punk, it was good stuff.

  • stepee 1
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The timing of a lot of these accusations is really suspect... To all happen on the same day is really weird. And then to pull out older known clips of people (like Sammy and Riddle) to get them in trouble... Sadly, I smell b.s. on a lot of this being sincere call outs =/

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4 hours ago, IdeaOfEvil said:

The timing of a lot of these accusations is really suspect... To all happen on the same day is really weird. And then to pull out older known clips of people (like Sammy and Riddle) to get them in trouble... Sadly, I smell b.s. on a lot of this being sincere call outs =/

No. It’s also not all “in the same day”. Women wrestlers are finally just coming forward and are giving each other the strength to do so, much like #MeToo did in Hollywood. The statistic for “bs” in regards to rape allegations is something like 2-10%, btw. There’s over 40 names on that (growing) list, so, even going by the high-end of that statistic that‘s only 4 possibly being “bs”.

The only questionable one is the Matt Riddle one as the accuser has been known to stalk Riddle and his family for several years now and Riddle has a restraining order against the woman - I could be misinformed on that one however.

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What needs to be understood is that a bunch of tweets came out on the same day, and it escalated from that day until present time with a whole bunch of new stuff being thrown out. And it's not like this kind of #metoo shaming hadn't happened in wrestling already - there were a lot of harassment accusations thrown out last year that were dealt with - so why didn't these same people join in on the train then?


I'm not taking anything away from anyone that has a legit gripe to claim. But this all sounds a little fishy with the way this current wave of accusations have come out. And let's be honest here, Sammy is being overly punished by AEW by not being paid, Cornette just dropped an hour long rebuttable against his accuser that sounds absolutely like his accuser is just trying to get one over on him, and someone like Joey Ryan (who I'm not really a fan of) getting shit on by other people in the business who all want to jump on the safe bandwagon, "I knew he was crap all along and never wanted to work with him, but did" is pretty pathetic sounding.

  • stepee 1
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I still haven't quite fully come to terms with the deluge of allegations that have rocked this industry we all love. I'm also not in a mood to really go on a ranting tirade. That all being said, specifically with Sammy, what he tweeted years ago or said on a podcast or really just whatever TF it was that caused all this to transpire, was really & ultimately IN POOR TASTE in the moment. To have him get not only lumped in with some of the most vicious & heinous acts I have read & heard about since Harvey is a whole other ball of wax. 


Sammy not only came out & owned up to it almost immediately, but then in turn publicly had an amicable resolution with Sasha. Yet far and wide WAY too many outcries of his job, his livelihood, all of it. Meanwhile, he and Sasha spoke privately ahead of this (even had a twitter interaction just a day or two previously no less) and yet still gets a hammer swung down HARD atop his head. I am more than sure Sammy will be back in the fold of AEW before the year is over (I hope so really because they were just getting to some interesting seeds of doubt being thrown about story wise with Inner Circle.)


What I find just absolutely ridiculous is WHERE IS THE FUCKING LINE IN THE SAND!? That's all I want anymore, a clearly defined line and not one that is elusive, evasive, liquid, and transparent that keeps shifting and being moved on no less than a daily basis. I don't mean in terms just in the scope of wrestling, but across all fields. Where can we just finally come to a point where "OK right HERE is where the topic can no longer be debated as its indisputable, you go on your side, I go on mine, and end of story. Enough bickering & infighting and complete & total outrage over something that seemingly so many of you aren't even PERSONALLY affected by yet put up as though someone cut your mother." 


Shit I ranted a little, dammit. I have more but just I cannot even with so much vitriolic hatred spewed back and forth and directly at so many people, all without an inkling of a DISCUSSION, a CONVERSATION, a way to come to terms and elaborate on things as opposed to just "getting one over on someone in the moment."

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11 hours ago, IdeaOfEvil said:

What needs to be understood is that a bunch of tweets came out on the same day, and it escalated from that day until present time with a whole bunch of new stuff being thrown out. And it's not like this kind of #metoo shaming hadn't happened in wrestling already - there were a lot of harassment accusations thrown out last year that were dealt with - so why didn't these same people join in on the train then?


Hmm, let's see, maybe because statistically something like 91% of rapes and abuse go unreported due to fear from the accuser? Maybe because these women were scared of retaliation or their career ending because they spoke out and were the only one doing so? Will Ospreay and others already tried to start having one accuser black listed because she accused his buddy.



I'm not taking anything away from anyone that has a legit gripe to claim. But this all sounds a little fishy with the way this current wave of accusations have come out.


Yes, you are. That's the problem. What do these women have to gain? They have nothing to gain and everything to lose by making a rape claim against someone. JFC - look what you're posting, know it's common thing said by fans of an accused, and tell me is this is what they REALLY want to go through and maybe it's why they never spoke out previously and are doing so now because there's a large group coming out in unity that can protect eachother.

"Oh, I'm gonna hurt this guys career by making up a sexual assault story. Sure, I might lose my career, I'll have a bunch of people harass me for the rest of my life, get death threats, potential law suites, etc... BUT IT'S TOTALLY WORTH IT".

Yes, there's always going to be bad actors trying to take advantage of situations, but when there's 40+ sexual assault cases coming out, is it really the correct response to go "oh, seems fishy!"?  I'm not going to say that there isn't some stupid shit on there, like, I forget what wrestler talking and flirting with girls in a video that "looked young" and one of the girls in the video thankfully saw it and came out to say "uhh, we're all 19 and we all wanted to get with him". But, again, I'm talking about the rape and abuse claims only and specifically.



And let's be honest here, Sammy is being overly punished by AEW by not being paid, Cornette just dropped an hour long rebuttable against his accuser that sounds absolutely like his accuser is just trying to get one over on him, and someone like Joey Ryan (who I'm not really a fan of) getting shit on by other people in the business who all want to jump on the safe bandwagon, "I knew he was crap all along and never wanted to work with him, but did" is pretty pathetic sounding.


Jim Cornette is not someone anyone should take seriously in the industry. He is and always will be a gigantic POS. That being said I have not read up on the Sammy Geuvara case. The only case that I've read up on with a direct accuser that is questionable, IMO, is Matt Riddle’s, because the woman in questions has been known to stalk Riddle and his family for years and I believe he even has a restraining order against her.


11 hours ago, SoberChef said:

I still haven't quite fully come to terms with the deluge of allegations that have rocked this industry we all love. I'm also not in a mood to really go on a ranting tirade. That all being said, specifically with Sammy, what he tweeted years ago or said on a podcast or really just whatever TF it was that caused all this to transpire, was really & ultimately IN POOR TASTE in the moment. To have him get not only lumped in with some of the most vicious & heinous acts I have read & heard about since Harvey is a whole other ball of wax. 


Sammy not only came out & owned up to it almost immediately, but then in turn publicly had an amicable resolution with Sasha. Yet far and wide WAY too many outcries of his job, his livelihood, all of it. Meanwhile, he and Sasha spoke privately ahead of this (even had a twitter interaction just a day or two previously no less) and yet still gets a hammer swung down HARD atop his head. I am more than sure Sammy will be back in the fold of AEW before the year is over (I hope so really because they were just getting to some interesting seeds of doubt being thrown about story wise with Inner Circle.)


Again, I haven't read up on his specific case, and I'm only referencing the 40-some-odd firsthand abuse and sexual assault allegations. 



What I find just absolutely ridiculous is WHERE IS THE FUCKING LINE IN THE SAND!? That's all I want anymore, a clearly defined line and not one that is elusive, evasive, liquid, and transparent that keeps shifting and being moved on no less than a daily basis. I don't mean in terms just in the scope of wrestling, but across all fields. Where can we just finally come to a point where "OK right HERE is where the topic can no longer be debated as its indisputable, you go on your side, I go on mine, and end of story. Enough bickering & infighting and complete & total outrage over something that seemingly so many of you aren't even PERSONALLY affected by yet put up as though someone cut your mother." 


Rape and abuse is that line, bud. I think the larger problem comes more-so from blind loyalty to famous people from fans who stick their fingers in their ears and put their hands over their eyes when they realize and can't handle "oh, man... maybe that person I like on TV isn't a good person". 



Shit I ranted a little, dammit. I have more but just I cannot even with so much vitriolic hatred spewed back and forth and directly at so many people, all without an inkling of a DISCUSSION, a CONVERSATION, a way to come to terms and elaborate on things as opposed to just "getting one over on someone in the moment."


No one is trying to "get one over" on anyone. The idea that women in wrestling (or any industry) coming out together is some type of set-up isn't a conversation worth having.

91%. 91%. 91%  of rape cases go unreported. What's occurring in this conversation with the idea that a large number coming out at once makes it "suspect" or "fishy" is perhaps one of the reasons why such a high percentage never come forward. What number would be appropriate that it's not so "fishy"? The entire point of #SpeakingOut, like #MeToo, is to give women and men who have not reported their cases the strength to do so by having so many speak up in unison.

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I am NOT talking about the actual individuals who are stepping up and stepping forward sharing their horrible stories. I am not decrying the moments of MeToo, BLM, LGBTQ+, sexual assault victims, et al. What I am crying foul about is the multitude of people who are NOT INVOLVED directly, running out there with proverbial pitchforks and torches doing their best to burn so much down with their "all or nothing" mind set. 


Take for instance, Sammy's situation. Completely over reacted however he is now technically a sacrificial lamb. I am sure he'll be back down the road but whatever. If he makes amends not only personally to the one he offended but also multiple public ones, in an immediate affect no less, and yet still SO many vitriolic individuals with literally nothing better to do, are some how unable to take that for exactly as it is and STILL want his life ruined, I can not and will not abide such sentiments. Luckily, he can and hopefully will course correct, but FFS please. 


I came across so very many individuals in the last number of weeks with regards to so many different accusatory settings in which these outliers were like dogs with fucking bones in their mouths, frothing over roasting someone over a goddamn spit. At the very least, aim that malicious focus at the right spots and do your very best to be as positive while you are at it. There is far too damn much hatred spewing about and it is absolutely sickening, absurd, and ridiculous. 

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16 minutes ago, SoberChef said:

I am NOT talking about the actual individuals who are stepping up and stepping forward sharing their horrible stories. I am not decrying the moments of MeToo, BLM, LGBTQ+, sexual assault victims, et al. What I am crying foul about is the multitude of people who are NOT INVOLVED directly, running out there with proverbial pitchforks and torches doing their best to burn so much down with their "all or nothing" mind set. 


Take for instance, Sammy's situation. Completely over reacted however he is now technically a sacrificial lamb. I am sure he'll be back down the road but whatever. If he makes amends not only personally to the one he offended but also multiple public ones, in an immediate affect no less, and yet still SO many vitriolic individuals with literally nothing better to do, are some how unable to take that for exactly as it is and STILL want his life ruined, I can not and will not abide such sentiments. Luckily, he can and hopefully will course correct, but FFS please. 


I came across so very many individuals in the last number of weeks with regards to so many different accusatory settings in which these outliers were like dogs with fucking bones in their mouths, frothing over roasting someone over a goddamn spit. At the very least, aim that malicious focus at the right spots and do your very best to be as positive while you are at it. There is far too damn much hatred spewing about and it is absolutely sickening, absurd, and ridiculous. 


Again, I am only referencing those accusing things such as rape and abuse. I'm not referencing "offensive tweets" from x amount of years ago or bad taste jokes.

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I just read up on Sammy Guevara. “I wanted to just go fucking rape that women”. Yea, it was stupid to say that and the suspension was/is just to show that AEW is zero tolerance. I doubt the suspension will be long, it’s not like he got fired. Going for outrage on his situation and punishment is a bad look, he’s still employed and is fine.

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Over 24 WWE wrestlers and staff just tested positive for COVID. This is why only doing temperature checks is not enough. Some of last weeks taped episodes allowed “family/friends” in the crowd and not just “performance center athletes”, supposedly (WWE is denying the allegations, of course) Kevin Dunn was asking people not to wear masks since it looks bad on camera. Also, WWE has been separating the talent in the crowd vs the in-ring talent and staff, even having them in separate areas/tents during breaks (away from the catering :lol: ), yet, WWE had wrestlers make entrances through the crowd, had wrestlers escape through the crowd, oh, and would have the crowd come into the ring to help referees break apart brawls (and then go back into the crowd). Then, before taping Smackdown last week (for this week) it was announced that one of those performance center athletes showed symptoms and tested positive... and, of course, WWE didn’t immediately alert everyone in contact with the athlete and they all heard about it through the press release with the rest of the world. Then another tested positive, so they canceled the rest of tapings last week... and now 24+ people have it. GG.

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12 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

Over 24 WWE wrestlers and staff just tested positive for COVID. This is why only doing temperature checks is not enough. Some of last weeks taped episodes allowed “family/friends” in the crowd and not just “performance center athletes”, supposedly (WWE is denying the allegations, of course) Kevin Dunn was asking people not to wear masks since it looks bad on camera. Also, WWE has been separating the talent in the crowd vs the in-ring talent and staff, even having them in separate areas/tents during breaks (away from the catering :lol: ), yet, WWE had wrestlers make entrances through the crowd, had wrestlers escape through the crowd, oh, and would have the crowd come into the ring to help referees break apart brawls (and then go back into the crowd). Then, before taping Smackdown last week (for this week) it was announced that one of those performance center athletes showed symptoms and tested positive... and, of course, WWE didn’t immediately alert everyone in contact with the athlete and they all heard about it through the press release with the rest of the world. Then another tested positive, so they canceled the rest of tapings last week... and now 24+ people have it. GG.



Are you fucking kidding me?


This is pro-wrestling.


No one can think of a way to make it look cool that the crowd is wearing masks?


In a business with Kane, Mankind, the Fiend, Rey Mysterio, etc. you can't think of a way to make it look cool that your crowd are wearing masks?


  • Haha 1
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UFC's even going all out with their fight island concept. Meltzer reported there are 4 cities around the world (USA?) with major airport hubs that are in close proximation to where most fighters actually live. A fighter will go to that city, get tested for Covid, and be put up in seclusion in a hotel while the results get calculated. Once she/he passes the test, they immediately get on a plane to wherever White's fantasy island is, and they live there in total seclusion until their fight happens.


I don't think Vince is even paying for his wrestler's airfare to get to Florida to tape his stupid shows, lol

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5 minutes ago, IdeaOfEvil said:

I don't think Vince is even paying for his wrestler's airfare to get to Florida to tape his stupid shows, lol

Only the absolute top wrestlers sometimes have their travel paid for; wrestlers are typically always paying for their own travel, hotels, food (minus catering at events/shows), car rentals, etc. It’s pretty nuts.

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37 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

Only the absolute top wrestlers sometimes have their travel paid for; wrestlers are typically always paying for their own travel, hotels, food (minus catering at events/shows), car rentals, etc. It’s pretty nuts.


The last time I read a contract list, Benoit had all his first class tickets paid for by WWE, Undertaker was afforded personal jets, and Trips got to use the private WWE jet any time he wanted. Even still, during Covid Vince is basically saying, "come work on your own dime" (travel, hotel, food) while also, "go home if you want with the risk of being let go."

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9 hours ago, IdeaOfEvil said:


The last time I read a contract list, Benoit had all his first class tickets paid for by WWE, Undertaker was afforded personal jets, and Trips got to use the private WWE jet any time he wanted. Even still, during Covid Vince is basically saying, "come work on your own dime" (travel, hotel, food) while also, "go home if you want with the risk of being let go."

As I said, “top wrestlers sometimes have their travel paid for”. :p 

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10 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:



If they paid for all of Benoit's travel expences even after scrubbing him from the Network they must be treating the rest of the talent pretty good!

While what he did was terrible, he was a top talent at the time.

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27 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:



If they paid for all of Benoit's travel expences even after scrubbing him from the Network they must be treating the rest of the talent pretty good!


He was one of the top guys in the company prior to his murder-suicide. What in the world are you talking about? They didn't retroactively pay for his travel after the murder-suicide. :p 

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Just now, Spork3245 said:


He was one of the top guys in the company prior to his murder-suicide. What in the world are you talking about? They didn't retroactively pay for his travel after the murder-suicide. :p 



Mostly just making a joke, sorry if it fell flat.


I mean, it's funny you guys both seemed to think I was questioning his status as a top talent. When, if anything, it was more a joke about how long ago he was with the company. It's been 13 years now.

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7 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:



Mostly just making a joke, sorry if it fell flat.


I mean, it's funny you guys both seemed to think I was questioning his status as a top talent. When, if anything, it was more a joke about how long ago he was with the company. It's been 13 years now.

I didn’t take it as you questioning if he was a top talent :p 

I looked it up awhile ago I cannot for the life of me find it now, but I remember reading that wrestlers pay a LOT on average for all their travel expenses each year. I know that WWE unanimously does pay airfare now for all talents for international shows (that used to be an “earned privilege” too)

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