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The wrestling thread: the “Paul Levesque Era” begins… without the sex-trafficking degenerate POS, Vinny Mac!

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On 4/7/2020 at 7:07 PM, Spork3245 said:

Yea, they let Wyatt get creative control for the segment/match. Definitely made a difference. And Vince reportedly loved the puppet and did the voice for it :lol: 



In a sense, allowing the wrestlers to have control of their promos/segments is WWE “trying” compared to everything being laid out by the writers. :) 

Actually from what I’m reading the Fun House Match was predominantly Cenas idea and he was the driving creative force behind it. 

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 WWE deemed 'essential business' in Florida, resumes live shows



WWE was deemed an "essential business" in Florida, Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings said Monday, allowing the company to resume live television shows from its Orlando training facility and Full Sail University in Winter Park.



A spokesperson from DeSantis' office told ESPN on Monday that such services were characterized as essential "because they are critical to Florida's economy."


Asked if this would apply to UFC events, the spokesperson said, "The memo does not specify specific sports, as long as the event location is closed to the general public."


The UFC has suspended all events and does not have a time frame for a return, though UFC president Dana White has made it clear that he wants to resume as soon as possible.

Starting Monday with its Raw program, WWE will run live shows without fans after several weeks of taped programming, a spokesperson confirmed to ESPN on Saturday.


"We believe it is now more important than ever to provide people with a diversion from these hard times," WWE said in a statement. "We are producing content on a closed set with only essential personnel in attendance following appropriate guidelines while taking additional precautions to ensure the health and wellness of our performers and staff. As a brand that has been woven into the fabric of society, WWE and its Superstars bring families together and deliver a sense of hope, determination and perseverance."


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1 hour ago, SaysWho? said:

Supposedly a lot of the wrestlers and staff are (quietly) upset about this. They arrived on Friday prepared to do 1-2 shows live and pre-tape through May, and were all taken by complete surprise by this.
McMahon pushed for this as the TV contracts for Raw/Smackdown both limit the amount of pre-taped shows WWE can air per year, and they already hit or are near the limit. McMahon is worried that if they exceed the non-live allotment that NBC-Universal and/or Fox will then change the TV deal contract (as they’d be legally allowed due to WWE not complying with non-live shows), reducing the payment to reflect the non-live shows.

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Black Wednesday


WWE announces massive cuts.


  • Aiden English
  • Curt Hawkins
  • Drake Maverick
  • EC3
  • Epico
  • Eric Young
  • Heath Slater
  • Karl Anderson
  • Kurt Angle
  • Lio Rush
  • Luke Gallows
  • Maria Kanellis
  • Mike Chioda
  • Mike Kanellis
  • No Way Jose
  • Primo
  • Erick Rowan
  • Rusev
  • Sarah Logan
  • Zack Ryder




The following are list of producers/agents


  • Billy Kidman
  • Dave Finlay
  • Lance Storm
  • Mike Rotunda
  • Pat Buck
  • Sarah Stock
  • Scott Armstrong
  • Shane Helms
  • Shawn Daivari



Heard a rumor that NXT cuts could happen after the show tonight.

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In all seriousness, AEW doesn't even really have to do all that much, at this rate, Vince is just repeatedly shooting himself in his toes, feet, kneecaps, and surgically repaired quads until his whole company doesn't have the ability to stand anymore. FFS WTF!?


Mike Chioda had been with the company 31 YEARS! :(

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So apparently local reporters in Florida uncovered the fact that the very day that DeSantis labeled wrestling an essential service, the Trump SuperPAC that Linda McMahon runs pledged 18.5 million to run ads in markets in Florida.





On the same day that WWE was deemed an “essential business,” the American First Action political action committee, which is chaired by WWE owner Vince McMahon’s wife, Linda, announced a total of $18.5 million in television advertisement spending in the Orlando ($11.3 million) and Tampa ($7.1 million) media markets.



According to a press release from the super PAC, the money will be used for pro-Trump broadcast advertising from Labor Day through Election Day.




No worries for Trump, McMahon, and DeSantis though. Post-McDonnell we don't really punish this kind of corruption in this country anymore.

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13 hours ago, SoberChef said:



In all seriousness, AEW doesn't even really have to do all that much, at this rate, Vince is just repeatedly shooting himself in his toes, feet, kneecaps, and surgically repaired quads until his whole company doesn't have the ability to stand anymore. FFS WTF!?


Mike Chioda had been with the company 31 YEARS! :(

TBF, some of these may actually be furloughs.

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From what I've heard, the agents/producers and probably the trainers are furloughs.


If AEW is serious about a women's division, then they need swoop up Deonna Purazzo, unless she's still dating Marty and wants to go back to ROH.


Pretty inexplicable how misused she was in NXT.

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14 minutes ago, SoberChef said:


Go to 5:52 for a more concise breakdown that really just gets under my skin. FFS



Looking at the list of people released, I got a feeling when it happened that this was largely a "fuck you" to what Vince would have seen as the "whiners" over the years. People who have asked for releases or made public complaints about their spot over the years.


He kept so many of these people on the payroll simply to keep them from going to other companies, and this was the optimal time to cut them because their options are severely limited right now. Considering that Indies pretty much by definition rely on house shows for almost all their money, this is especially brutal. Even under the current circumstances AEW will probably do what it can to get an upper mid-carder like Rusev, but for many of them lucrative spots on Indie shows would have been their only option.....and that's just gone right now.

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Okay. So, supposedly these cuts were only so WWE can still be at their pre-pandemic profit projections on their 1st Quarter shareholder call in a few days... even though they still would have been at a profit, just not where they previously predicted. According to a WrestleTalk video I watched, WWE only saved around $750k with these cuts (the wrestlers were supposedly caught extremely off guard), to put that in perspective, Goldberg was paid TWO MILLION DOLLARS for ONE match in Saudi Arabia... oh, and WWE has $500-million of padding in their bank account. Meanwhile, tiny companies like NJPW and RoH have not fired anyone and are actually paying all their talent for scheduled shows which were canceled.

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12 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

Okay. So, supposedly these cuts were only so WWE can still be at their pre-pandemic profit projections on their 1st Quarter shareholder call in a few days... even though they still would have been at a profit, just not where they previously predicted. According to a WrestleTalk video I watched, WWE only saved around $750k with these cuts (the wrestlers were supposedly caught extremely off guard), to put that in perspective, Goldberg was paid TWO MILLION DOLLARS for ONE match in Saudi Arabia... oh, and WWE has $500-million of padding in their bank account. Meanwhile, tiny companies like NJPW and RoH have not fired anyone and are actually paying all their talent for scheduled shows which were canceled.

Are RoH and NJPW publicly traded companies?

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2 hours ago, Mercury33 said:

Are RoH and NJPW publicly traded companies?

Being publicly traded doesn’t justify treating your employees like shit. If that’s what you’re about to reply with, please, fuck off. WWE was still in a steep profit prior to the firings and were well into the black without these releases - they were not anywhere near reporting or projecting a loss to shareholders.

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13 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

Okay. So, supposedly these cuts were only so WWE can still be at their pre-pandemic profit projections on their 1st Quarter shareholder call in a few days... even though they still would have been at a profit, just not where they previously predicted. According to a WrestleTalk video I watched, WWE only saved around $750k with these cuts (the wrestlers were supposedly caught extremely off guard), to put that in perspective, Goldberg was paid TWO MILLION DOLLARS for ONE match in Saudi Arabia... oh, and WWE has $500-million of padding in their bank account. Meanwhile, tiny companies like NJPW and RoH have not fired anyone and are actually paying all their talent for scheduled shows which were canceled.



For anyone interested in understanding my post

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3 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

Being publicly traded doesn’t justify treating your employees like shit. If that’s what you’re about to reply with, please, fuck off. WWE was still in a steep profit prior to the firings and were well into the black without these releases - they were not anywhere near reporting or projecting a loss to shareholders.


I was genuinely curious, but you can take your constant hostility and that high horse you love to ride around on and shove it up your ass.


But since you know so much about everything.  Just being in the black doesn't save your stock prices from going down.  If you've projected something and then end up coming in well under that your stock can still take a major hit.  The markets also don't give a shit about extenuating circumstances.


Is it a great optic?  No of course not but none of those people released are headed to the poor house so relax and lets stop pretending Vince is putting babies on spikes on his front lawn. 

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If you had watched the WhatCulture vid I shared a few days ago, WWE has stated publicly that not only did they have roughly $500 million set aside for instances like this, but were also looking to still make well north of $100+ million in profits this year even after all the house shows/Mania/live events being cancelled which is crazy all things considered.


So when you see that the competition who, aside from AEW, don't have nearly as much money available, are still taking care of their employees and contractors, just goes to show how full of shit Vince & the company were being with far too many of these men & women.

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"Ex-pro wrestler and yoga instructor Diamond Dallas Page says he will not be reopening his gym tomorrow despite the announcement from Georgia Gov. Kemp.
“We have to err on the side of caution,” he tells Anderson Cooper."


DDP voted for Kemp.

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Looks like some leftists are getting a little jealous of the right always looking stupid, lol






A woman attempted to slam Walmart after mistaking a WWE nWo t-shirt for propaganda in support of the conspiracy version of the New World Order.


A woman has mistaken an nWo t-shirt she found in Walmart for open propaganda in support of the conspiracy theory version of the New World Order -- an alleged clandestine totalitarian world government that would see the globe operating under a single government, religion and currency.


The red shirt sports the pro wrestling stable’s classic logo and includes an added '4-Life' underneath it. Additionally, there is a clear WWE logo on the back collar. Clearly enraged, but getting the wrong end of the stick, the woman vented on Facebook about her discovery, attempting to rally her followers to "show Walmart what we think!"






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19 minutes ago, SoberChef said:

So there's rumors circulating that Vince is basically just saying "FUCK IT!" and wanting to sell WWE to either ESPN (owned by Disney ... ohhhh fuck no!) or Fox Sports.


When this happens, I'm personally hoping Kylo Ren helps Roman Reigns break out of a rubber steal cage at next years Wrestlemania





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