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JJ confirms that Emperor "Sheev" Palpatine is back for Ep IX because hey why not, there is nothing original anymore.

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Yeah Snoke is not any worse than the Emperor in the OT. He didn't even appear until ESB (which was barely) and then was all-powerful (but easily defeated) in ROTJ. We only think we know him better because of the decades of EU material as well as the prequels. Snoke was fine, and killing him in the second movie was brilliant. The one criticism I will grant weight to was that they could have added at least one line in either movie as to why he inherited the First Order. Same with why the Republic apparently was comprised of 4 or 5 planets in a single solar system.

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22 minutes ago, Man_of_X said:


You're confusing really enjoying the movie to equating it to being cinematic perfection.


If that's all you have that's going to ruin a Star Wars movie for you then maybe you shouldn't watch them.


I love the fuck out of Star Wars, but let's be honest, there hasn't been a single one of these movies that's reached any kind of high level cinematic status.


But Star Wars is fucking cool as shit and there are great parts to every single movie that they've ever released.  Fact.


I enjoyed both movies just fine.  I'm not letting any of this ruin things for me.  


The only thing I'm saying is people who hate TLJ for plot issues but love Rogue One are forgiving a ton of nonsense.  You can hate TLJ and love Rogue One, that's fine, but to say TLJ makes no sense and abandons everything established in the lore then to gush over Rogue One makes no sense at all.  

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4 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

And Luke was never a psychopath? What? He straight up says he probed Ben’s mind, was horrified with what he saw, freaked out for a fraction of a second, popped his saber, regretted its immediately, but the damage was done.


Not to mention the biggest emotional crux of ROTJ is, 'I feel all of the anger and hatred in you right now, so are you gonna pop or what?' The entirety of the OT shows Luke as petulant and emotionally disturbed, and the arc of the trilogy is Luke being able to push back against that when it matters most (unlike his father).

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17 minutes ago, Chris- said:


Not to mention the biggest emotional crux of ROTJ is, 'I feel all of the anger and hatred in you right now, so are you gonna pop or what?' The entirety of the OT shows Luke as petulant and emotionally disturbed, and the arc of the trilogy is Luke being able to push back against that when it matters most (unlike his father).


It's a big part of why I'm puzzled when anyone goes, "I waited my whole life to see Luke go nuts in a light saber battle and didn't get to see it!" It's been said all around the internet and on this board, and I can't agree with it.


In the intro to ROTJ, he does everything in his power to get Han back without fighting -- droids, infiltration, Jedi mind tricks, and giving Jabba about 100 chances to reconsider. And the most badass thing he did wasn't knocking Vader down and cutting off his hand; it was throwing his light saber on the ground and declaring to the Emperor that he had lost because Luke refused to fight any longer and kill his father. 

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2 minutes ago, Chris- said:

Not to mention the biggest emotional crux of ROTJ is, 'I feel all of the anger and hatred in you right now, so are you gonna pop or what?' The entirety of the OT shows Luke as petulant and emotionally disturbed, and the arc of the trilogy is Luke being able to push back against that when it matters most (unlike his father).

Yes, this. Luke leaves Yoda at a critical moment in Empire. We relate to Luke and we feel he's making the "right" call; we'd likely make the same choice. Stay in school while my friends are getting tortured or do something about that shit? It almost costs Luke his life, he's barely saved by Leia after he pulls ForceTime out of his ass. Was that REALLY the right call? One of the few things I feel that the prequels Clone Wars does well is establish WHY Yoda has that perspective in that moment. He KNOWS what a half cocked Skywalker confronting the Dark Side can lead to.


But has Luke really learned by the beginning of Jedi? Not really, his plan to rescue Han almost results in his death. He's not going in there and slicing or mercing everyone up, but he's still biting off more than he can chew. Later, he realizes too late that the plan to blow up the Death Star was foreseen by someone whose shit is WAY more together than he anticipated. Luke's mic drop is meaningful not only because it's a rejection of what fueled Vader, but because at the end Luke is saved when the love between him and Vader was stronger than Vader's rage for a brief moment. It's meaningful because he doesn't become Neo, absorbing the Force Lightning and blasting it out back at Palp. He begs for help from the man he just spared.


Imagine a man whose defining moment as far as we know it is showing mercy, almost being killed for it, then having the father he spared die moments later when the favor is returned. Imagine that man deciding to alone rebuild an order that was manipulated to the point that galaxy was under the boot of the Sith. Imagine him being given the responsibility of raising and training his unbelievably powerful nephew, of taking him away from his sister and his friend, to be his teacher and mentor. Imagine his horror when he realized what was happening inside Ben, what he could become. Imagine that for a BRIEF MOMENT he contemplated the easy way out. Imagine the person he's responsible for training and loving seeing him at him absolute lowest and most shameful moment, having been manipulated to expect it. Imagine him knowing what happened to Vader, likely wanting nothing more than to keep his students from that fate, only to be the straw that broke the camel's back.


I can absolutely see why someone would feel that Luke wouldn't end up there. But the path to that moment is laid out in the movies, both in The Last Jedi and the OT.

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3 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

Yeah Snoke is not any worse than the Emperor in the OT. He didn't even appear until ESB (which was barely) and then was all-powerful (but easily defeated) in ROTJ. We only think we know him better because of the decades of EU material as well as the prequels. Snoke was fine, and killing him in the second movie was brilliant. The one criticism I will grant weight to was that they could have added at least one line in either movie as to why he inherited the First Order. Same with why the Republic apparently was comprised of 4 or 5 planets in a single solar system.


It wasn't... that was the seat of power for the Republic and where the fleet was located. It wasn't the ENTIRE Republic. Just the capital system.

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For the last time people, Star Wars makes no fucking sense.  It never has.  It didn't make sense within the first five minutes of the first movie when two empire chucklefucks don't bother to deal with an escape pod that has no life forms aboard in a world where sentient robots are literally everywhere.  You're carrying a torch for a storyline the original creators couldn't pull off right out of the gate.  

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I don't think there's ever been a franchise that's been as overthought as Star Wars... a franchise that is pure fantasy and is the last one you want to overthink. But "fans" still do it anyway.  While all you smart guys are at it, explain this one to me that had been bothering me since I was FOUR. HOW EXACTLY DOES SUPERMAN'S POWER OF FLIGHT WORK? When he first appeared, he couldn't fly, he could just jump around like the Hulk. How does his powers translate into flight? I'll give you a hint





































who gives a shit?

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9 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


All I see from pro TLJ people is that the sequels are better than the originals.


What makes the originals intrinsically the best, thought? I'd put Toy Story 3 and 4 over the first one, many put Godfather 2 over 1, and I'll be damned if Begins is better than The Dark Knight, especially since heyyou thought so which means it can't be true. :angry: 

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