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Guerrilla Games is moving to a new building and wants to expand its team, make AAA games more frequently


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Guerrilla will lease the five office floors, totaling 7300 square meters, from the beginning of next year. "I've been looking for room for growth for three or four years," says CEO Hermen Hulst, "but that is hardly possible in Amsterdam, which will be the base for Guerrilla." 



At Guerrilla there are now around 250 game developers in permanent employment, which can double during the final development of games. The company, one of the most important gaming studios in the world, wants to grow to at least 400 permanent employees. 



Growth should also make it possible to release A-list games more often. "We have worked at Horizon for 6.5 years, which is exceptional: we want to release games in the two or three years, both new titles and games based on existing titles."


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6 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

HZD is categorically different from their previous games. It's absolutely AAA in every sense. Still, one great game isn't really a track record.


Hopefully this is all for the better.


There's a really good video where they were at some conference they were talking about the development of the game, the challenges of making their first open world RPG, what worked and what didn't work the way they had hoped. Human combat was one of the areas that didn't get the refinement of the Robot Combat, and they talked about that at length, how they developed it and what could be improved. It was illuminating and it makes me extremely excited for the sequel because they have such a great foundation with this first game and they know what they struggled with.


If I remember, I'll link it when I get home. 

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11 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

HZD is categorically different from their previous games. It's absolutely AAA in every sense. Still, one great game isn't really a track record.


Hopefully this is all for the better.

Never mind. Here it is. 



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3 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


There's a really good video where they were at some conference they were talking about the development of the game, the challenges of making their first open world RPG, what worked and what didn't work the way they had hoped. Human combat was one of the areas that didn't get the refinement of the Robot Combat, and they talked about that at length, how they developed it and what could be improved. It was illuminating and it makes me extremely excited for the sequel because they have such a great foundation with this first game and they know what they struggled with.


If I remember, I'll link it when I get home. 

Thanks for the link, I'll try and check it out. The NoClip documentary on HZD is also worth watching.


I think they're obviously talented and have a solid development team that knows how to make quality games. What I'm slightly more concerned about is just the effect that scaling an operation like that can have. If they can take the lessons from HZD and put those to use across their teams,  they very well could become very successful at pushing out more great products more often. Otherwise, they wouldn't be the first game developer to lose their way after scaling up and moving to a more aggressive release schedule.

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17 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


2 has a huge fan base. I've never played any of them, but the praise for 2 and its level design is always at an extremely high level.



Metacritic tells the basic story of how I would sum up the series. Killzone was an ambitious game that was more or less kneecapped by the hardware.


KZ2 was the height of the series. It's one of the PS3's highest rated games. If it wasn't AAA than the term basically has no meaning. Just because I don't like Halo doesn't mean I don't acknowledge it's a AAA title. KZ3 had the not uncommon flaw of being about as good as 2, but got marked off for being more of the same, but still AAA.


Shadowfall didn't change enough, so it was received even more harshly. Guerilla was right to move on.

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58 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

Shadowfall didn't change enough, so it was received even more harshly. Guerilla was right to move on.


I felt that Shadowfall was the most different of the series, it was more like half life than anything. For the brief period of time I played it I enjoyed it more than the other games.

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