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17 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

Calling the president's lawyer a pedophile does not prove the President's conduct impeachable but keep stooping if you want.

All the facts laid out prove impeachable conduct in asking for the mere announcement of an investigation into the failson Hunter Biden, and yet it is a foregone conclusion that the charges against the president will be dismissed, and I'd wager on a party line vote, maybe even with some Dems voting to dismiss as well.



Continually failing to politically capitalize on the very easy association between an infamous sex trafficking pedophile and the president and the president's impeachment lawyer and now the GOP establishment looking past all of that to protect the president is a massive failure. Get senators on record about dersh, the ads basically write themselves

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6 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

All the facts laid out prove impeachable conduct in asking for the mere announcement of an investigation into the failson Hunter Biden, and yet it is a foregone conclusion that the charges against the president will be dismissed, and I'd wager on a party line vote, maybe even with some Dems voting to dismiss as well.



Continually failing to politically capitalize on the very easy association between an infamous sex trafficking pedophile and the president and the president's impeachment lawyer and now the GOP establishment looking past all of that to protect the president is a massive failure. Get senators on record about dersh, the ads basically write themselves


Like... I get all that. But I think the anlysis is wrong and completely forgets 2016. Focusing on pussy grabbing only seems to have emboldened Trump's support. And I think it forgets 2018 as well. Focusing on actual policy and consequences brought Dems the majority in the House.

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1 minute ago, GeneticBlueprint said:


Like... I get all that. But I think the anlysis is wrong and completely forgets 2016. Focusing on pussy grabbing only seems to have emboldened Trump's support. And I think it forgets 2018 as well. Focusing on actual policy and consequences brought Dems the majority in the House.

"Senator x is in DC protecting and cheering on associates of billionaire sex trafficking pedophile Jeffery Epstein all while voting to take health care away from millions of Americans. Elect Candidate D who will stand up and protect your right to health care/Medicare/whatever" or something like that. Just an example. It's not an either/or thing, and attack ads work, particularly when They are objectively true.

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2 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

"Senator x is in DC protecting and cheering on associates of billionaire sex trafficking pedophile Jeffery Epstein all while voting to take health care away from millions of Americans. Elect Candidate D who will stand up and protect your right to health care/Medicare/whatever" or something like that. Just an example. It's not an either/or thing, and attack ads work, particularly when They are objectively true.


Fair enough. I've just always found that approach incredibly cheesy.

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Dershowitz resets the mood



As the White House legal team went through its second day of opening arguments, Bolton loomed like an elephant in the room, present but unmentioned. It was only in the final presentation of the night when Dershowitz addressed Bolton head-on.


"Nothing in the Bolton revelations -- even if true -- would rise to the level of an abuse of power or an impeachable offense," Dershowitz said in the middle of what otherwise sounded more like an law-school lecture than an opening argument in a trial.


Dershowitz continued with an argument meant to reassure the rattled GOP senators.


"Even if the President, any president, were to demand a quid pro quo as a condition to sending aid to a foreign country, obviously a highly disputed matter in this case, that would not by itself constitute an abuse of power," he argued, adding, "Quid pro quo alone is not a basis for abuse of power, it's part of the way foreign policy has been operated by presidents since the beginning of time."


The entire presentation made a splash with the Republican conference, with multiple senators shaking Dershowitz's hand. McConnell could be heard telling Dershowitz the performance was "wonderful." Sen. Mike Lee of Utah told CNN he thought Dershowitz was "brilliant."


On Tuesday morning, Braun was still singing Dershowitz's praises. "I think he probably gave a lot more peace of mind to people that were wanting to see how to sort through it, when he made a strong case that each article was ill-founded," Braun told reporters in the Capitol Monday morning.


The Dershowitz closing only strengthened the status quo, with multiple Republicans reiterating they'll make the decision when the time for a vote on witnesses -- which will likely be later this week -- comes.


"Still going to make my decision when we finish this phase," said Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey.


Even Romney, who has been speaking in support of witnesses, seemed unwilling to make the effort when asked by reporters about his position following the conclusion of Monday's trial session.


"I'm really not going to comment on the process until it's all completed," Romney said as he boarded a Senate subway car. Then he added, as an afterthought, "I'd like to hear from John Bolton."


As the subway car pulled away from the Capitol station, Romney -- alone with an aide -- took in a breath and sighed.



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I've been deliberately paying as little attention as possible to this carnival of shit, because if I focus too much on it my soul is going to wither up and die.


Having said that, what exactly is the stated reason for going to such lengths to prevent witnesses from testifying? How is it not glaringly obvious that this is what guilty people do?


Is there seriously any other way to interpret it? What's the lie the Right is pushing? That Bolton is going to give up the launch codes on accident if he's allowed to be questioned?

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6 minutes ago, Scott said:

I've been deliberately paying as little attention as possible to this carnival of shit, because if I focus too much on it my soul is going to wither up and die.


Having said that, what exactly is the stated reason for going to such lengths to prevent witnesses from testifying? How is it not glaringly obvious that this is what guilty people do?


Is there seriously any other way to interpret it? What's the lie the Right is pushing? That Bolton is going to give up the launch codes on accident if he's allowed to be questioned?


Basically that the House should have done it.

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5 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

Senator Manchin (D-WV) says Hunter Biden is a relevant witness.

This is dumb. GOP will force him to testify then stonewall/block on Bolton leading them to just push for closure since hunter gave them all the evidence they will need (not really but they will make it out to be) that trump is not guilty. 

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Just now, Jose said:

I always wonder about this stuff. Can't it be that Hunter Biden as a witness is inevitable, so you might as well give the moderate some brownie points with his constituents?


lol Manchin ain't a moderate 

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Let's make some guess as to what type of headlines WaPo and NYT will use to describe the GOP blocking evidence and testimony that would implicate their own people, on the eve of revelations that the President's lawyers donated to many Senators before vote:


NYT: "Senate stymies Democratic Party plan to call witnesses. Vote seen as win for President Trump."


WaPo: "McConnell victorious over battle with Democrats in procedural hearing vote."

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