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2 hours ago, Anathema- said:

I really don't see even this SCOTUS siding with tyrannatang. They might be hacksbut they're ideological hacks not partisan hacks. Well, one partisan hack; but that's not enough.


They'd be more concerned about precedent than anything else. Eventually Republicans will be looking for retribution against the next Democratic President the first opportunity they get, and they won't want Congressional power rendered completely impotent when that happens.

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45 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

I'm getting more and more scared of this every day.  Either Trump will do something drastic to distract everyone, the SCOTUS will rule in his favor, he'll somehow get re-elected, or he'll lose in 2020 but refuse to leave office.


I was mulling over a similar doomsday fantasy on the way home from work today. I don't know all the minutia of how it works, but I'm guessing that even if Trump somehow refused to physically leave the WH, he would no longer be President. He would essentially be an ordinary citizen at that point occupying the WH, and whoever was elected could still be sworn in, would still be CIC of the military, and could pretty easily have Trump removed.


Others on this board might have a better understanding of it though.

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13 minutes ago, Reputator said:


I was mulling over a similar doomsday fantasy on the way home from work today. I don't know all the minutia of how it works, but I'm guessing that even if Trump somehow refused to physically leave the WH, he would no longer be President. He would essentially be an ordinary citizen at that point occupying the WH, and whoever was elected could still be sworn in, would still be CIC of the military, and could pretty easily have Trump removed.


Others on this board might have a better understanding of it though.

It literally all depends on what Republicans think. If the election is close at all, he can claim fraud and hang on as long as Republicans allow

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1 hour ago, marioandsonic said:

I'm getting more and more scared of this every day.  Either Trump will do something drastic to distract everyone, the SCOTUS will rule in his favor, he'll somehow get re-elected, or he'll lose in 2020 but refuse to leave office.

1) He is always doing things drastic, so this is likely, but it will have to be big

2) SCOTUS won't rule in his favor. I wouldn't be surprised with a 7-2 or 8-1 against Trump.

3) This is a little less than a coin flip if you ask me. Trump could easily be reelected still, but it seems like things are slowly going against him as the inquiry continues. 

4) If he loses, he will certainly call the result fraud and try to create a stink. I don't know how far he will go with respect to physically not leaving the WH.

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Just now, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

He could simply ignore the electoral college results, declare then fraudulent, and sit his fat ass down behind the resolute desk


I don't see how he could have any authority at that point. It's not even his place to authorize an inauguration, and beyond that, maintaining power would require ranking generals to continuing to answer to him, which if they did, would essentially be a military coup.

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The average American is too dumb to adequately process and act upon the realities of modern politics. We are propaganda-fed, gullible, and emotionally polarized. Nothing matters at this point. Republicans are rallying around their team and sinking deeper and deeper into the alternative reality their favorite shiny talking head spoon fed them over the dinner table tonight. It’s all fucked. I’d move to Canada, but I still wouldn’t escape the reach of trump and Dumb America. 

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31 minutes ago, Reputator said:


I don't see how he could have any authority at that point. It's not even his place to authorize an inauguration, and beyond that, maintaining power would require ranking generals to continuing to answer to him, which if they did, would essentially be a military coup.

It'd be a coup no matter what. He's got sympathetic generals and he's filled his side of Congress and cabinet with yes men.

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11 minutes ago, Scott said:

The cop who arrested me for stealing a car is trying to overturn my status as a free person, and the witness who called the police had a cousin who works for the police force. I should go free.


As my friend just pointed out, dog walking would constitute a professional connection. 

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What motivates Trump?  It's not the money, since the gig pays less than before and it harms the businesses he already had.  It's not to be loved, since the stuff he says could only be appreciated by haters.  Judging from the giant skyscrapers with his name in gold letters you'd thing a guy like him would care about legacy yet he does pretty much everything imaginable to burn it to the ground.  The man is so stupid yet I cannot fully understand what his grift is.  What was he hoping to gain out of it?  Is it an act, and if so, for what reason? How is trolling and dogwhistling for the luls worth it when it empowers disenfranchised creeps to shatter records for the amount of mass shootings per year? The more you try to understand any of it the more elusive it gets.  People that evil rarely exist outside of cartoons.

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8 hours ago, fuckle85 said:

It's still baffling as fuck to me that Trump a) legitimately is so power hungry that he wants to be a supervillain president taking over the world, b) did it all while spouting as much bigoted rhetoric as possible with no care of consequences, including trying to enact policies that are outright gleefully nationalistic, xenophobic, and hilariously over-the-top evil (space force? lmao, Ok Darth Vader)  c) thought that anything worthwhile would come of it. 


What motivates him?  It's not the money, since the gig pays less than before and it harms his business.  It's not to be loved, since the stuff he says could only be appreciated by haters.  Judging from the giant skyscrapers with his name in gold letters on it you'd thing a guy like him would care about legacy yet he does pretty much everything imaginable to burn it to the ground.  The man is so stupid yet I cannot understand how his mind works at all.  What was he hoping to gain out of it?  Is it an act, and if so, for what reason? How is trolling and dogwhistling for the luls worth it when it empowers disenfranchised creeps to shatter records for the amount of mass shootings per year? The more you try to understand any of it the more elusive it gets to me.  People this evil rarely exist outside of cartoons.


Attention is what fuels Donald Trump. He's like the youngest brother in a family of 4 who acts out so mommy and daddy will pay attention to him.

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12 hours ago, Reputator said:


I was mulling over a similar doomsday fantasy on the way home from work today. I don't know all the minutia of how it works, but I'm guessing that even if Trump somehow refused to physically leave the WH, he would no longer be President. He would essentially be an ordinary citizen at that point occupying the WH, and whoever was elected could still be sworn in, would still be CIC of the military, and could pretty easily have Trump removed.


Others on this board might have a better understanding of it though.


Presidential and Vice Presidential terms expire automatically unless Congress certifies the election. If allowed to expire the Speaker of the House becomes Acting President until Congress sorts it out. 

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We're just seeing the boiled frog parable in action.


It's funny, because we had always assumed that like 75% of the Republican agenda was just complete and total horseshit, but now we see it all played out in front of us, as the entire party has chained themselves to Trump and is being drug down into the mud with him. The more they line up with him, the more they parrot his talking points, the clearer it becomes that this is all nothing but a game to them. They don't actually believe in anything at all. It's all a lie. They have been exposed. No rational thinking person can stand behind Trump. I don't give a fuck what your politics are. Republicans can't pretend anymore to believe all of the shit they say they do. It's antithetical to them supporting this unhinged clown. They believe nothing. They're just playing a game and Trump has exposed them for what they truly are. I don't understand how more people can't see this.


I know all of politics is a sick game, but the players usually do a much better job of hiding. The masks are off and anyone who is even remotely intelligent or observant cannot listen to a single god damned motherfucking thing Trump says and take him seriously for even a single second. The fucking emperor has no clothes. We all know it. Everyone pretending he is wearing clothes is an enemy of rational thought and has exposed themselves as the charlatan they are. Frauds. All of them.


They are all too deep in this game. They've been defending and rationalizing him this entire time as he has been descending into madness, and now they can't suddenly stop or they will look like idiots. They have to dig in and he's going to drag them all down with it and they will deserve it. Fuck them all. Now and forever. FUCK THEM.

  • stepee 1
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On 10/9/2019 at 12:50 AM, Jason said:

He didn't want to win but now holding onto power is his only way to stay out of state prison. 

Wanting to win at any cost for the sake of winning seems like a clear motive he has. 



On 10/9/2019 at 10:56 AM, ort said:

We're just seeing the boiled frog parable in action.


It's funny, because we had always assumed that like 75% of the Republican agenda was just complete and total horseshit, but now we see it all played out in front of us, as the entire party has chained themselves to Trump and is being drug down into the mud with him. The more they line up with him, the more they parrot his talking points, the clearer it becomes that this is all nothing but a game to them. They don't actually believe in anything at all. It's all a lie. They have been exposed. No rational thinking person can stand behind Trump. I don't give a fuck what your politics are. Republicans can't pretend anymore to believe all of the shit they say they do. It's antithetical to them supporting this unhinged clown. They believe nothing. They're just playing a game and Trump has exposed them for what they truly are. I don't understand how more people can't see this.


I know all of politics is a sick game, but the players usually do a much better job of hiding. The masks are off and anyone who is even remotely intelligent or observant cannot listen to a single god damned motherfucking thing Trump says and take him seriously for even a single second. The fucking emperor has no clothes. We all know it. Everyone pretending he is wearing clothes is an enemy of rational thought and has exposed themselves as the charlatan they are. Frauds. All of them.


They are all too deep in this game. They've been defending and rationalizing him this entire time as he has been descending into madness, and now they can't suddenly stop or they will look like idiots. They have to dig in and he's going to drag them all down with it and they will deserve it. Fuck them all. Now and forever. FUCK THEM.


He could still get attention with a TV series without the whole trying to take over the world thing.  If there's any positive side to his grift it might be how it could end up delegitimizing the platform of the GOP more than anyone's done in recent history.   Whatever happens, there will probably be debates for a while about the extent of how responsible he is for the culty behaviors and crimes committed in reaction to his influence.

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7 minutes ago, fuckle85 said:

Wanting to win at any cost seems like one of the few clear motives he has. 


Does this look like a guy who wanted to win?




Trump and Bannon had auditions for Trump's planned news network the day before the election. You don't do that if you're planning on winning. He wanted to lose and then spend the next 4 years whining on television about Crooked Hillary stealing the election from him.

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20 minutes ago, Jason said:


Does this look like a guy who wanted to win?




Trump and Bannon had auditions for Trump's planned news network the day before the election. You don't do that if you're planning on winning. He wanted to lose and then spend the next 4 years whining on television about Crooked Hillary stealing the election from him.

That is the first pic I have noticed that he doesn't ever seem to wear a wedding ring. 

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1 hour ago, Jason said:


Does this look like a guy who wanted to win?




Trump and Bannon had auditions for Trump's planned news network the day before the election. You don't do that if you're planning on winning. He wanted to lose and then spend the next 4 years whining on television about Crooked Hillary stealing the election from him.


"shit did my wedding ring slip off when grabbing that waitress by the pussy in trump tower or was it the one in mar a lago?"

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