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~~ PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT! || Millions of Impeaches, Impeaches for Me || House Impeachment Hearings OT ~~

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Hook this whole article up to my veins.


Trump’s election, and the people and systems that enabled it to happen, provided a clear notice that people shouldn’t tolerate anything about the way things are right now. It was a big, red SHIT BE FUCKED sign written in the goddamn sky. I have no tolerance for Trump, nor for his brain-dead family. I have no tolerance for the electoral college. I have no tolerance for a Senate unwittingly constructed to give a disproportionate amount of power to our dimmest citizens while actively stonewalling the desires of the majority of Americans. I have no tolerance for Republicans who have embraced Trump while also pretending like his stench doesn’t cling to them. I have no tolerance for them gerrymandering every last map, holding every last judicial vacancy hostage, and diligently crafting laws to make sure that only people who get to vote are white people over 50 who have never gotten a parking ticket.


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12 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:


But if we do it quickly and with the cameras off, it's like we're impeaching while not impeaching at the same time.


If we don't do it this way then the guy who won the R+22% district by a coin flip and a prayer might not get reelected next year and we simply can't have that.



... seriously though, we've crossed the point of no return. Run with it now, embrace what you've decided to do. Or don't, and lose the vote in the house, let alone the Senate. 

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Everything about this is stupid as hell because Hunter Biden is already a walking political liability to his father without resorting to the extortion a foreign leader with military aid that should NEVER have been approved in the first place.


If you look up the phrase "fail son" in the dictionary, there's a picture of Hunter Biden because the term was practically invented for him.  Hell, he makes Don Junior and the other one look reasonably competent in comparison.  This was posted by one of my Facebook acquaintances last night and is worth reading to learn what an opposition researcher's wet dream come true Hunter truly is:




What makes this Trump phone call to Zelensky so richly Trumpian is how everything about it is just so gobsmackingly stupid. On one level, there's the stupidity in the hamfisted nature of the "ask" - the “I would like you to do us a favor though” pivot from the talk about military aid. There's also the addle-brained stuff about asking Ukraine's newly elected president (who is himself a bumptious muttonhead) to locate Hillary's server, which is just kind of hilariously idiotic, except that it's coming from the President of the United States. 


But there's a far deeper stupidity than all of these matters of detail: Only our Big Wet President (© David Roth) would be stupid enough to feel the need to shake down the leader of another country in order to use Hunter Biden to hurt Joe Biden in the event the latter is the Democratic nominee. There is just no need! Without any help from Ukraine, Biden's failson is a goldmine of oppo research sitting right out in the open. 


He's a crackhead who has cycled in and out of cush "rehab" resorts to no profit, but whose father bragged about writing legislation that resulted in mandatory 5-year sentences for those caught with a rock "the size of a quarter." (That attack ad writes itself.) 


His first job out of law school was with MBNA, Joe Biden's biggest donor and the beneficiary of the Delaware Senator's loving attentions as he performed his duty as concierge to the credit card industry. (Hunter rocketed to the position of Vice President shortly after his hiring as well.) 


Hunter was kicked out of the Navy for cocaine use and thereupon landed his $600,000.00/year no-show position with Ukrainian natural gas giant Bursima, despite having absolutely 0 background in any aspect of the energy business. 


And then there's the matter of his flying to China with his father on Air Force 2 in order to make a deal with a Chinese company that pioneered the facial recognition tech that the Chinese state uses to track down dissidents -- and even had his father meet his Chinese counterparties. 


The list goes on but you get the idea. This is not to mention the mountain of other non-Hunter-liabilities that Biden would bring with him to a presidential race. Given all this, what kind of moron feels the need to put the arm to a world leader to generate more dirt on Hunter Biden? Well, we know the answer to that.



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I feel both sides are misreading their positions horribly, dems being too timid hoping not to lose moderates whereas these people seem to have already decided Trump needs to go, and Reps giving Trump's base way too much influence because these people are never going to vote dem or not vote Rep, and cause of this what moderates are left will actually be pushed away.

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It seems like Dems might be rushing forward to an impeachment vote ASAP, and I'm not really convinced it's a good idea. If the end goal is to make sure that Trump's wikipedia page says he was impeached, then yeah you could probably get there. This story is easy to communicate, seems to be polling well, and likely enough to get that impeachment vote through without a whole lot of investigation. Of course, at the end of that impeachment vote, either the Senate quickly dismisses it, or McConnell never brings it up and it just goes away.


On the other hand you could use this as the clear jumping off point that Muller should have been to have a bunch of wide ranging investigations, a la Nixon. Make Trump's crimes the story all the time. Know Ukraine is your ace-in-the-hole, but use it as a hammer to get his tax returns, push harder on emoluments, try and get transcripts from other conversations he's had, etc. Sure, Trump will claim it's all a witch hunt and the system is rigged, etc. etc., but he does that even when he wins and there isn't a real investigation happening. The only risk here is if you can't find crimes he commited. If you re-enact the Whitewater investigation and bore the public to death with some boring scheme that no one has any reason to care about, yeah, you might help Trump somehow. But Trump is not Clinton. He's historically unpopular and guilty of a bunch of stuff. Shine official spotlights on it all instead of just hoping the Post writes another damning article.

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19 minutes ago, outsida said:

Fuck that noise, this whole scenario proves those 'whistleblowers' had a viable legal process to call out government wrong doing yet they decided to break the law. 


No. Snowden and Winner were contractors and the whistleblower protections don't apply to contractors. 

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19 hours ago, Massdriver said:

Exactly. It does confirm the call portion of the complain which lends it some credibility, and Trump did that to himself. They need to interview some of these other people. However, there is a lot of things that Congress will need to further substantiate. As an example, there isn't enough evidence right now that Trump moved other conversations, or even this one, to a highly classified system. We have second hand accounts about this. Congress needs to put people under oath and see what's going on. They also need to try to dig deeper to see if they can prove that Trump used the withholding of aid to pressure Ukraine. 


Welp, now the White House has confirmed that part too.





In a statement provided to CNN, a senior White House official said the move to place the transcript in the system came at the direction of National Security Council attorneys.

"NSC lawyers directed that the classified document be handled appropriately," the senior White House official said.



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1 hour ago, TwinIon said:

God I hope Giuliani goes down in history as the guy that accidentally took down Trump. He sure seems to be doing everything in his power to make that happen. I know we're a long way from any real consequences, but it's nice to dream now and then.

He’s traveling down Michael Cohen Ave in real-time and it’s incredible to watch. 

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