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~~ PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT! || Millions of Impeaches, Impeaches for Me || House Impeachment Hearings OT ~~

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Not impeaching before now was still, in my opinion, a gamble with too great a risk. But now it seems like the dice came up sevens and I'm happy the strategy seems to have worked.


Still not a fan of the fact that Pelosi whipped against impeachment but it's absolutely true that she's not being seen as partisan because of it.

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1 minute ago, Anathema- said:

Yang and Williamson both out here supporting impeachment while Gabbard swings for the fences by coming out against. What fucking primary does she think she's running in? Does she really think she'll even hold on to get congressional seat at this point?


She does if she switches parties ;)


55 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

This is exciting! 


Edit: Pelosi getting on board means that the vast majority of Democrats, including moderates, are on board. I know everyone wanted it sooner, but maybe people should just be happy it's happening with a more united front.

My guess is she believes that NOW they have a narrative that they can sell to the public and just said fuck it. Like a told a buddy of mine earlier today, for Pelosi to be on board at this point tells me that she knows something that WE don't know yet and feels like she can effectively make the case to the public. We'll see... Enough is enough with this fucking guy.

  • stepee 1
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Just now, ort said:

So are impeachment trials all about one specific thing, or can they just toss every damn thing in there and say, here's a list...

The house passes articles of impeachment, this is kind of like a grand jury true bill which lists out each individual charge. The senate trial covers all of the charges in the impeachment. 


But there aren’t the same sorts of restrictions on evidence and testimony as a criminal trial.

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