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Xbox Game Pass Discussion Thread - A Tremendous Value for Hundreds of Games and Day 1 Releases At Who Gives a Fuck/Month


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I'm not sure what exactly triggered it, but sometime yesterday or the day before Destin from IGN tweeted out about Game Pass.  Basically mocking PS Fanboys that keep saying Microsoft is paying influencers to tweet about it.



Well it caused more saltiness, which has caused the joke to basically go viral.



Well yeah kinda funny to see a bunch in the gaming social circles all just getting in on the joke and mock the idiot fanboys that just blindly hate on the service and think the only reason people are hyping it up is because they are getting paid.  They got Game Pass Trending today because of it.

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2 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Funny that @Paperclyp says he doesn't need it when he could play hundreds of games and day one releases for only $9.99 a month and if he's new he can get 3 months for a dollar! That's cheaper than a sack of potatoes!

I know you’re poking fun but in all seriousness I realize the value of the service - it’s currently great. To remove any ambiguity: 


1. I think game pass is great! (Right now). It’s a great price with a great selection of games.


2. Although I have been personally tempted to get it, with my current backlog of games that I am actively enjoying, it would frankly be a little irresponsible to get it even at that great price. 

3. I am just generally suspicious of these types of services over the long run. The model tends to be get your user base up, then deploy the real tactics. Streaming services for video content has changed how creatives make content and how we consume it, and not always (or often?) for the better.


4. I actually do find it odd at how many media types fawn over the service, again not to say it’s bad but there’s something about it that just strikes me as weird. 

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1 hour ago, Paperclyp said:

I am just generally suspicious of these types of services over the long run. The model tends to be get your user base up, then deploy the real tactics. 


I have this feeling, too. It's just too good to be true for the long haul imo. Something will change. Just my opinion. 

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9 hours ago, best3444 said:


I have this feeling, too. It's just too good to be true for the long haul imo. Something will change. Just my opinion. 

Like what? The obvious model they're copying is Netflix and Netflix has definitely gotten BETTER since I've had it when it ws just a DVD mailing service and so has Gamepass. Why would MS or anyone else risk LOSING subscribers with bad bait and switch tactics? What's the precident that you guys have seen that makes you wary? If anything Gamepass' success should hopefully force Nintendo and Sony to offer competing services.

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1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Like what? The obvious model they're copying is Netflix and Netflix has definitely gotten BETTER since I've had it when it ws just a DVD mailing service and so has Gamepass. Why would MS or anyone else risk LOSING subscribers with bad bait and switch tactics? What's the precident that you guys have seen that makes you wary? If anything Gamepass' success should hopefully force Nintendo and Sony to offer competing services.


You're the only one I know who thinks Netflix is better. I'm sure others share your view, but the running joke from many of my friends is how much less content it has now that Disney has its own service and all those films left Netflix, and how people end up paying more due to increased competition, not less, since you're not paying for one service anymore if you want to watch whatever you want whenever without going month-to-month to a different service.


Not really their fault, just the reality of more streaming services leading to one service not having everything you want on it. Long as I can buy whatever I want, it doesn't really concern me. Streaming services just lead to more ways to play and attracts more people to the medium. Wanna rent? You can do that. Purchase physical or digital? Option's there. Stream and don't care if you own? Here are services. That's in addition to Playstation Plus and Games with Gold.

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6 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Like what? The obvious model they're copying is Netflix and Netflix has definitely gotten BETTER since I've had it when it ws just a DVD mailing service and so has Gamepass. Why would MS or anyone else risk LOSING subscribers with bad bait and switch tactics? What's the precident that you guys have seen that makes you wary? If anything Gamepass' success should hopefully force Nintendo and Sony to offer competing services.


I hope you're correct is all I'm really saying. It all is just so fantastic it just feels like it can't last but it absolutely can. I'm just a negative thinker sometimes. 

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12 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

If you start working on your Microsoft rewards right now it pays for itself.


Serious. A few minutes a day and you don’t even have to pay for it. I have over 2 years of GP banked, have had GP since nearly the beginning and I’ve paid a total of $81 for it all.  $1 for the initial sign up and converted two years of gold for $40 each. Rest has been paid for with rewards points.

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6 hours ago, SaysWho? said:


You're the only one I know who thinks Netflix is better. I'm sure others share your view, but the running joke from many of my friends is how much less content it has now that Disney has its own service and all those films left Netflix, and how people end up paying more due to increased competition, not less, since you're not paying for one service anymore if you want to watch whatever you want whenever without going month-to-month to a different service.


Not really their fault, just the reality of more streaming services leading to one service not having everything you want on it. Long as I can buy whatever I want, it doesn't really concern me. Streaming services just lead to more ways to play and attracts more people to the medium. Wanna rent? You can do that. Purchase physical or digital? Option's there. Stream and don't care if you own? Here are services. That's in addition to Playstation Plus and Games with Gold.

Better than when streaming first came to the service? ABSOLUTELY. I've had Netflix since before they even offered streaming and when streaming first came to the service it had absolutely NOTHING. Now while it may not be as good as it was when it really hit its stride with the streaming service a couple of years ago, its still infinitely better than it was when the service first launched just based on original content alone. That's what I'm talking about. Whether or not people think they are getting their money's worth with Netflix is a matter of personal preference. I'm happy with the service and with what I'm getting with it but I've been a subscriber to it since it launched (with DVDS, LONG before streaming was even offered by them or anyone else) and I can definitely see how its grown and gotten better. Netflix changed the game so much that it forced all of the major content creators to follow THEIR model which is why you have so many streaming services now. Amazon was early too but they got off to a much slower start than Netflix did.


I'm not gonna get into a back and forth but i know for a fact that even with all of the streaming services I subscribe to (and I subscribe to damn near all of them) COMBINED they're still cheaper than my cable bill was for all of the same content (Less when you think about it because who watches all of the channels that come with cable anway?) When I went to cut the cord last year my cable company practically BEGGED me to keep the TV service and gave me an all digital plan that was so cheap I said "I might as well".  Anyone paying more for streaming services than a premium cable plan is doing things VERY VERY wrong. There's so many deals and so much competition that your entertainment bill should be MUCH cheaper than it was in the past when Cable companies had a monopoly. 


So I'm gonna respectfully disagree that the streaming services are "more expensive" or that you end up paying more because of so many different services. I've had Apple TV since launch and haven't paid a DIME for it because they gave me a year for free and then extended THAT by six months. I got in on the Disney plus deal before it launched and have that paid up until 2022 for like a hundred bucks and some change. I would suggest that your friends do a little more research or deal shopping if they think they are paying too much for streaming :peace:

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10 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

So I'm gonna respectfully disagree that the streaming services are "more expensive" or that you end up paying more because of so many different services. I've had Apple TV since launch and haven't paid a DIME for it because they gave me a year for free and then extended THAT by six months. I got in on the Disney plus deal before it launched and have that paid up until 2022 for like a hundred bucks and some change. I would suggest that your friends do a little more research or deal shopping if they think they are paying too much for streaming :peace:


Read everything and agree with or at least understand plenty of it, but I want to respond to this specifically: before, I had everything I wanted on Netflix. Now I don't because everyone has their own streaming platform. You're comparing this with DVDs, but I don't think that's a good comparison because we're talking about the evolution of streaming, not a complete change in how content is delivered. Netflix had everything I needed, all the classics, and new content coming, but little by little, this show went to Hulu, that show went to Disney+, and before I knew it, Netflix wasn't the all-encompassing streaming service it was when it started. So prices are naturally more expensive than years ago, plus much of the content left. It went from, "Here's one service I have that I'll pay monthly for to watch what I want, when I want," to, "Here's one of the services and I can watch what I want on that service, when I want, and I'll either have to purchase several services at once, or I'll have to go to a different one when Show X Season Y arrives."


Stuff like taking advantage of freebies isn't their long-term goal, and getting in on Disney+ before it launches isn't something people can do anymore.


There's really no reason I see that Game Pass will get day one third parties in perpetuity, which is why they had to buy out so many developers (plus a publisher); in the end, they're not always gonna get the third party deals or even have all the third party games, and they have to make sure their own content is sufficient for the service. I'm 100% confident they realize that or else they wouldn't have expanded their first party developers to the extent that they have.

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1 minute ago, SaysWho? said:

Read everything and agree with or at least understand plenty of it, but I want to respond to this specifically: before, I had everything I wanted on Netflix. Now I don't because everyone has their own streaming platform. You're comparing this with DVDs, but I don't think that's a good comparison because we're talking about the evolution of streaming, not a complete change in how content is delivered.

No I'm not. I'm comparing it to where it was when it first launched streaming and the several years after that when all it had was some reality TV shows and Lillyhammer. I've had Netflix streaming since it first launched so I KNOW how far its come. 


3 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

Netflix had everything I needed, all the classics, and new content coming, but little by little, this show went to Hulu, that show went to Disney+, and before I knew it, Netflix wasn't the all-encompassing streaming service it was when it started. So prices are naturally more expensive than years ago, plus much of the content left. It went from, "Here's one service I have that I'll pay monthly for to watch what I want, when I want," to, "Here's one of the services and I can watch what I want on that service, when I want, and I'll either have to purchase several services at once, or I'll have to go to a different one when Show X Season Y arrives."


At it's PEAK, Netflix may have been a one stop shop FOR YOU but it never was for a lot of us. It doesn't have News or Late Night programming (althought they've tried a couple of times) and it doesn't have Sports. NO CHANNEL has ever been a one stops shop and had EVERYTHING that one could want which is why you have more than. one channel. Netflix was NEVER all encompassing and while a lot of content has left, a lot has been replaced. Netflix isn not short for content... I just don't see hown anyone could say it is. Between their original offerings and all of the foreign stuff. And Competition was always inevitable once Netflix showed how profitable streaming was and people's viewing habits changes (largely because of Netflix)


9 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

Stuff like taking advantage of freebies isn't their long-term goal, and getting in on Disney+ before it launches isn't something people can do anymore.


No you can't. But there are deals ALL THE TIME.  There's a bundle deal for Disney, Hulu and Espn Plus going on RIGHT NOW. All it takes is a little effort to find the deals and you'll be spending a lot less on this stuff than someone who won't put in the time. I'm trying to drill this into my parents heads who are paying WAAAY more for TV than they should be but are stuck in the "old way" of doing things.


11 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

There's really no reason I see that Game Pass will get day one third parties in perpetuity, which is why they had to buy out so many developers (plus a publisher); in the end, they're not always gonna get the third party deals or even have all the third party games, and they have to make sure their own content is sufficient for the service. I'm 100% confident they realize that or else they wouldn't have expanded their first party developers to the extent that they ha

One does not exclude the other. Gamepass will continue to get third party games IN ADDITION to their first party stuff. Why wouldn't they? Coming back to Netflix, they still license movies and shows that they didn't produce in addition to their own content. 


I just don't get all of the nay saying and doom glooming. Are people THAT afraid of change? People complain about game prices going up and now if you have Gamepass, Gamefly and PSNow... you pretty much never have to pay full price for a game again. Why is this a problem? For most people unlike us with our huge backlogs... this is a TREMENDOUS value and good deal. I hooked my brother up with two of my last gen consoles and PSplus and Gamepass and he doesn;t have to buy a game for a year and has plenty to play. Which is perfect for someone like him. This is a problem, why?

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Just now, skillzdadirecta said:

No I'm not. I'm comparing it to where it was when it first launched streaming and the several years after that when all it had was some reality TV shows and Lillyhammer. I've had Netflix streaming since it first launched so I KNOW how far its come. 


You said you had it since they were a DVD service, so if I misunderstood that, then it's my mistake.


Just now, skillzdadirecta said:



At it's PEAK, Netflix may have been a one stop shop FOR YOU but it never was for a lot of us.




Again, you're the only human I know on earth that thinks this, but I'm sure others on the board agree with you. :p 


Just now, skillzdadirecta said:



It doesn't have News or Late Night programming (althought they've tried a couple of times) and it doesn't have Sports. NO CHANNEL has ever been a one stops shop and had EVERYTHING that one could want which is why you have more than. one channel. Netflix was NEVER all encompassing and while a lot of content has left, a lot has been replaced. Netflix isn not short for content... I just don't see hown anyone could say it is. Between their original offerings and all of the foreign stuff. And Competition was always inevitable once Netflix showed how profitable streaming was and people's viewing habits changes (largely because of Netflix)


No you can't. But there are deals ALL THE TIME.  There's a bundle deal for Disney, Hulu and Espn Plus going on RIGHT NOW. All it takes is a little effort to find the deals and you'll be spending a lot less on this stuff than someone who won't put in the time. I'm trying to drill this into my parents heads who are paying WAAAY more for TV than they should be but are stuck in the "old way" of doing things.


One does not exclude the other. Gamepass will continue to get third party games IN ADDITION to their first party stuff. Why wouldn't they? Coming back to Netflix, they still license movies and shows that they didn't produce in addition to their own content. 


I just don't get all of the nay saying and doom glooming. Are people THAT afraid of change? People complain about game prices going up and now if you have Gamepass, Gamefly and PSNow... you pretty much never have to pay full price for a game again. Why is this a problem? For most people unlike us with our huge backlogs... this is a TREMENDOUS value and good deal. I hooked my brother up with two of my last gen consoles and PSplus and Gamepass and he doesn;t have to buy a game for a year and has plenty to play. Which is perfect for someone like him. This is a problem, why?


Uh, no shit they're gonna get third party games? It doesn't mean everything's coming day one, or they get all the ones they seek since they're the main service ATM. Different companies will be offering lucrative incentives to publishers, and with more developers inevitably being gobbled up, there's no feasible way for them to get everything. Unless there's a streaming service that has everything all the others has and has their own stuff, which I'd be mighty impressed with.


You get very defensive when it comes to this stuff, sorry to say, and I know you do ONCE the CAPITAL LETTERS start and I'm imagining YOU shouting the CAPITAL WORDS. :p 


But here's my first post:



Not really their fault, just the reality of more streaming services leading to one service not having everything you want on it. Long as I can buy whatever I want, it doesn't really concern me. Streaming services just lead to more ways to play and attracts more people to the medium. Wanna rent? You can do that. Purchase physical or digital? Option's there. Stream and don't care if you own? Here are services. That's in addition to Playstation Plus and Games with Gold.


Not really a lot of doom and gloom there if the assumption is that streaming will expand the market. You ought to respond to my posts as they are written and not the caricature that you might argue with on FB or Youtube or Twitter or something. 

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Netflix has less 3rd party content, but it increased its 1st party content a thousand fold. Disney is investing a ton of money into its service. Subscription services require content and if anything, it means more and more content being made. Not only more content but a better variety. 

Microsoft is pouring more money into games not only through acquisitions but also setting up a new studio.  More money is going to Indie Devs to fill out the Game Pass library. This is having a knock on effect where Sony is funding new studios like Jade Redmond and the one announced at Summer Game Fest.  There is too many games at this point. I love it and hate it. 

I think Game Pass is dope as hell. Legitimately there are so many games I have downloaded that I want to try out. If Microsoft wants to spend billions to give me games at a low price? Ok thanks bud. It makes no sense why anyone would be upset by a sub service. You can still buy those games as people evidently do based on dev interviews. 


Plus I think you will see a consolation of streaming services on the tv side.  The smaller services will go back to licensing their stuff. 

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Gamepass will not look like it does not in 5 years, everyone knows that. But will it look like Amazon that rules the world, or will it look like Netflix that spawned branches and competing products.


All I know is I'm getting all my gaming in with access to hundreds of games and Day 1 releases for only $9.99/month as well as a special offer of 3 months for only $1 for new subscribers!!

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Just now, ManUtdRedDevils said:

Netflix has less 3rd party content, but it increased its 1st party content a thousand fold. Disney is investing a ton of money into its service. Subscription services require content and if anything, it means more and more content being made. Not only more content but a better variety. 

Microsoft is pouring more money into games not only through acquisitions but also setting up a new studio.  More money is going to Indie Devs to fill out the Game Pass library. This is having a knock on effect where Sony is funding new studios like Jade Redmond and the one announced at Summer Game Fest.  There is too many games at this point. I love it and hate it. 

I think Game Pass is dope as hell. Legitimately there are so many games I have downloaded that I want to try out. If Microsoft wants to spend billions to give me games at a low price? Ok thanks bud. It makes no sense why anyone would be upset by a sub service. You can still buy those games as people evidently do based on dev interviews. 


Plus I think you will see a consolation of streaming services on the tv side.  The smaller services will go back to licensing their stuff. 


Seriously, I'm deleting and downloading games every few days.

Need a new HDD!

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6 minutes ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

Netflix has less 3rd party content, but it increased its 1st party content a thousand fold. Disney is investing a ton of money into its service. Subscription services require content and if anything, it means more and more content being made. Not only more content but a better variety. 

Microsoft is pouring more money into games not only through acquisitions but also setting up a new studio.  More money is going to Indie Devs to fill out the Game Pass library. This is having a knock on effect where Sony is funding new studios like Jade Redmond and the one announced at Summer Game Fest.  There is too many games at this point. I love it and hate it. 

I think Game Pass is dope as hell. Legitimately there are so many games I have downloaded that I want to try out. If Microsoft wants to spend billions to give me games at a low price? Ok thanks bud. It makes no sense why anyone would be upset by a sub service. You can still buy those games as people evidently do based on dev interviews. 


Plus I think you will see a consolation of streaming services on the tv side.  The smaller services will go back to licensing their stuff. 


You know, no disagreement here! I have no interest in streaming (yet) but I've done a couple trials. I have a service through PS+, but again, it's definitely expanding the business where people of different socio-economic backgrounds can break into the medium. As long as I can buy games how I want, it's really not an issue how people are playing and getting their games.


Like watching movies on phones: yeah, it's not ideal, and I prefer a big TV. But Ebert was asked if watching movies on phones is an artistic crime, and he said, "Probably, and I've never done it -- but then I remember that as a budding movie-lover I grew up watching classic cinema on a small portable black and white TV... Watching a movie on your cellphone, with stereophonic sound (if you use headphones) is actually probably a step up from what I had then.


By all means I think you should see a movie on a big screen with a fantastic print and superior sound -- that's the ultimate experience -- but if a cellphone is all you have to work with, go for it."


It's not a 1:1 comparison, but the whole point is: if you can't afford a big screen and great sound or just choose not to buy those things and want to do a phone and it's more cost-effective, then have at it if that's helping you watch more movies. If you don't care about ownership, then stream and have a blast.

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29 minutes ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

Plus I think you will see a consolation of streaming services on the tv side.  The smaller services will go back to licensing their stuff. 

This is already happening.


28 minutes ago, ARZ said:


Seriously, I'm deleting and downloading games every few days.

Need a new HDD!

I'm gonna have to splurge and get that overpriced series X expansion drive at some point :p


15 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

If you start working on your Microsoft rewards right now it pays for itself.

Could you explain your method? I've tried a couple of times and just can't bring myself to keep doing all of that stuff :p

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