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Breaking: Ghislaine Maxwell found guilty in sex-trafficking trial

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Alright, I grant you the Dutroux case though the Guardian article used as a citation for the "20 unexplained deaths" literally has that as a throwaway sentence at the article's end with zero further elaboration.


I give zero credence to anything involving a Playboy model who dies of an overdose simply because I expect every Playboy model to eventually die of an overdose.

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5 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

Alright, I grant you the Dutroux case though the Guardian article used as a citation for the "20 unexplained deaths" literally has that as a throwaway sentence at the article's end with zero further elaboration.


I give zero credence to anything involving a Playboy model who dies of an overdose simply because I expect every Playboy model to eventually die of an overdose.


OD'd with no drugs in her system too!

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I realize others tried to talk to you. Did he ever offer money? Did anybody ever try to silence you?


Epstein never tried to get people to give you money — I wonder what he was capable of doing since he settled a lot of lawsuits —

Nobody ever wanted to offer me money. I don’t care about money. I want everybody to just leave me alone. Just one thing: When somebody from newspapers write, and from everywhere call you, me, “Red Army fucking commando.” What that mean exactly?

If it’s untrue, that would be over-the-top. 

That’s terrible. So after that, they call me “mobster”!



Okay. I didn’t know that. 

I’m standing with girls. The girls just looking at me, and the girls get scared. So I don’t know if you want to get me to say something and I don’t want to — I want to deal with no one.

I get that. But you and I have a history at this point. One thing you told me, for instance — okay, one thing you told me is he got a heads up when the authorities were going to come to his house the night before.

Listen, what you say is between you and me —

You told me he would get phone calls the night before and eight o’clock the police are going to come. He would get a heads up from local police.


You told me that, Igor. Want me to read the quote?

Well, you can read whatever you want right now. Don’t just — you can put yourself in big trouble.

You said: “He always do something wrong. There was some nights in question. There was at home arrest and police, before they come to the house, they call him and tell him they coming in at eight o’clock in the morning. It’s all corruption you know. It’s all bullshit.”

Listen, don’t put yourself in trouble. Seriously.

We talked about this. 

I understand we got this.

I’m telling you to give you a chance to remember because we talked about this stuff. I know it’s hard. I don’t know what you mean about “put myself in trouble.”

Let that go. Seriously. Let that go.

Why is it so important? Are you worried about the local cops?

Listen, you’re really smart and I’m not going to offer that over the phone right now, okay? You’re really smart. You have no idea. Please!

What do you mean by that?

I can’t explain you. I can’t explain you over the phone any of this.

You said that last time. And we didn’t talk for years. You can tell the world who this guy was. You were with him for a long time. You know what I mean?


I totally understand that you think he could have had help committing suicide. 

First of all, I have to go right now. I have another client.

Still training people?

Yes. But just be careful. I’m not kidding.

What’s your email so I can send you —

Don’t do any kind of that stuff. Just don’t play it. Seriously.

Can you tell me why?

I can’t. I can’t.

May I ask you one more question? 

Go ahead.

Have you been talking to anyone in the government, the FBI? Have they come to you?

[Long pause] Um. Great talking to you. Seriously. We talk later.



All right.  





only a real facebook/reddit crank would read anything into this interview with Epstein's former bodyguard 

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People had gossiped about Epstein's influence and his sexual appetite. Also in 2002, future President Donald Trump told New York magazine: "It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."


Carter assigned the reporter Vicky Ward to write the story. This summer, she told NPR's Morning Edition she wanted to pinpoint the source of Epstein's wealth and to figure out why very young women were always spotted around him.


Soon after publication, Connolly says, Carter called to share an ominous development: a bullet placed right outside his front door at his Manhattan home.

"That wasn't a coincidence," Connolly says.


Even in the absence of any evidence Epstein was involved, Connolly says, both Carter and he considered the bullet a clear warning from Epstein. Another former colleague, who spoke on condition of anonymity, recalls receiving an anguished call from Carter linking the bullet to Epstein. (NPR asked Carter repeatedly over the course of a week for his recollections of the bullet incident along with other elements presented here. After this story was broadcast and posted, his spokeswoman wrote to say Carter recalled the bullet appearing in 2004, not 2003.)


In 2006, federal authorities compiled accusations against Epstein in Florida. Connolly says he headed south to see if there was a story there for Vanity Fair.

As Connolly pursued interviews with women who had worked for Epstein, he says, Carter called him once more. The editor had found another intrusion, this time in the front yard of his Connecticut home: the severed head of a dead cat.


"It was done to intimidate," Connolly tells NPR. "No question about it." (Others who worked for Vanity Fair at the time said the cat's head was the talk of the office.)


Connolly tells NPR he voluntarily decided to stop pursuing the subject for the magazine. He later wrote a nonfiction book about Epstein with the bestselling crime novelist James Patterson.



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On 9/8/2019 at 1:17 PM, RedSoxFan9 said:


Dude, you don’t even know the half of it.  You’re way behind the curve here.  Epstein was clearly part of a network of pedophiles working at the highest level of government that receive off-world mind control AI technology from The Fallen One, an inter dimensional psychic vampire (in control of a larger network of psychic vampires who assist the pedophiles) referred to historically as Satan.  This is already incontrovertibly established by reliable sources, Buzz Aldren among them:


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19 minutes ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

Dude, you don’t even know the half of it.  You’re way behind the curve here.  Epstein was clearly part of a network of pedophiles working at the highest level of government that receive off-world mind control AI technology from The Fallen One, an inter dimensional psychic vampire (in control of a larger network of psychic vampires who assist the pedophiles) referred to historically as Satan.  This is already incontrovertibly established by reliable sources, Buzz Aldren among them:


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