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What beer or liquor have you drank recently


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2 hours ago, Chris- said:

Man, I love Two Buck Chuck - anytime I know someone going to a state where the TJs sell wine, I have them pick me up a case - but I can't imagine taking a sip and thinking, 'This is my favorite wine.' 


From what I understand, there is a huge amount of variance with the wine. Sometimes you will get an enormous value, sometimes you will get undrinkable garbage.

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In the last week or so, bar being at a wedding and drinking a stupid amount...


Guv'nor wine (very sweet, but very drinkable)

A nice Scottish gin (pine needles and blackberry flavours)

Golden Hen beer (currently drinking, will probably drink a lot since it's Saturday and why not)


Easily the most I've drank in the past 4 months or so (bar the odd night out)

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4 hours ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

New Belgium Citradelic - 3/5




Lips of Faith La Folie is great but I think I've only had it off draft...New Belgium's bottled stuff has always seemed off to me, though. Like with Fat Tire, it's hard to describe what I find wrong with it, but I've had people suggest that New Belgium's bottling process leads to a lot of their bottles suffering from a little bit of oxidation.

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I got me another 6 pack of Stone w00t Stout and I picked up a 6 pack of Smig City Amarilla Gorilla.




Haven't tried it yet but plan to save it for pirating this Sunday. I am attending a friend's BBQ tomorrow in Long Beach coincidentally and plan to pick up some Zimas for us to try. Remember Zima guys? It's back!






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Mike Hard's Lemonade Watermelon. 


Recently bought some Bartenua wine, haven't tried it yet.  Not today since my erratic sleeping issues would be a disaster with alcohol.

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I've cut down on my alcohol consumption these days (I've gone through a couple of periods where I way overdid it), but I've been slowly exploring the local (Cincinnati) craft beer scene. A lot of them are completely fine, but nothing really worth seeking out. Although a lot of them seem to really love making IPAs, which I just can't do. 

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I'm part of a craft beer group on Facebook, and someone posted a photo of a huge German hop farm (vastly bigger than anything you would find in America) with the comment, 'Shame they don't put more in their beer.' The rube was lecturing Germans - people who take the purity of their beer so seriously there are laws to protect it - about their beer! What a jamoke.

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1 hour ago, Chris- said:


Man, you escaped the LDS. Live a little! Have some beers and stick your tongue in a nice juicy butthole.


The mormonism certainly is a part of it but it's definitely not all of it. It just never appealed to me. While other forbidden things were enticing and the serpent beguiled me, and I did partake.

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2 hours ago, Chris- said:

I'm part of a craft beer group on Facebook, and someone posted a photo of a huge German hop farm (vastly bigger than anything you would find in America) with the comment, 'Shame they don't put more in their beer.' The rube was lecturing Germans - people who take the purity of their beer so seriously there are laws to protect it - about their beer! What a jamoke.


The German beer scene is known for having become stagnant. Plus the Reiheinsgebot isn't really even a thing any more, imported beer can have whatever in it, and I think for beer brewed within Germany they just have to stick a label along the lines of "malt liquor" on it if it's not Reiheinsgebot-compliant.

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