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Starting Today (a long time ago in a KFC far far away) You Can Get a Chicken Cheetos Sandwich From KFC

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3 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Except that's not really how it works. 



Also Cheetos are gross and looking at that sandwich triggered my gag reflex.


That's not how what works? I didnt say eggs lowered your cholesterol lol.

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6 minutes ago, Jose said:


That's not how what works? I didnt say eggs lowered your cholesterol lol.

Lol, your post made it sound like "my cholesterol is low despite the fact I eat a shit ton of eggs"and the evidence suggests that eggs don't affect your cholesterol so that's why I said what I did, lol



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8 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Lol, your post made it sound like "my cholesterol is low despite the fact I eat a shit ton of eggs"and the evidence suggests that eggs don't affect your cholesterol so that's why I said what I did, lol




That was my whole point. You must have missed me saying dietary cholesterol has no effect on your cholesterol.

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4 hours ago, Anathema- said:

I took one look and knew there was no way this would work out to be a well constructed sandwich. 


This is a valid criticism and you were of course right. I don't get how you can think if the sandwich is gross though assuming you like Cheetos.  Like how many times do you eat a sandwich with chips. This is just a sandwich with chips in it!

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2 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I never eat a sandwich with chips on it. Too messy and I don't like the mix. 


But if one finds cheetos gross, it's perfectly reasonable to find this monstrosity of a sandwich gross. 


My comment was for people that like Cheetos.

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Just now, SilentWorld said:

That, uh, doesn’t make sense. Are you high right now? 

I am at work caring for patients, I am most definitely sober. Plus, I never get high anyway. 


You were super dense in another thread now you come in here acting like I'm missing the obvious. It's not hard to understand, man.

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6 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:



So...for the sake of CEB investigation, I went out and bought one of these earlier tonight.  It was...eh.  I do like KFC chicken, but it and Cheetos just don't go well together.


And it was the only thing I ate today outside of a light lunch, so I should live. :p


Pics or it didnt happen papi.

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1 minute ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I am at work caring for patients, I am most definitely sober. Plus, I never get high anyway. 


You were super dense in another thread now you come in here acting like I'm missing the obvious. It's not hard to understand, man.

this is like peak americentrism but ok. it's also pretty typical of how you've been posting for the past few weeks to say it's "super dense" to ask questions on a discussion board. 

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2 minutes ago, SilentWorld said:

this is like peak americentrism but ok. it's also pretty typical of how you've been posting for the past few weeks to say it's "super dense" to ask questions on a discussion board. 

Okie dokie!


We just don't care for each other due to one another's posting styles. It's cool, man. 

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4 minutes ago, SilentWorld said:

nah I think  somethings going on with you, you've been really condescending with almost everything you post on here for the past two or three weeks. 

Hey, man, not cool with trying to diagnose me. Not cool at all. 



But seriously, nothing has been going on. My life is pretty normal lately. I lost a grandfather a couple months ago, but that's been the only upheaval and it was expected and I dealt with it okay. 


Much of how I post is a response to others. I perceive some people on here to be snarky, overly judgmental, and self-righteous at times. So I respond with my own snark or what have you. Some days I have more snark than others. I post pretty normal and chill a lot on here, too, I guess you don't see it. It just is what it is. 

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2 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

I mean, I already ate it.  I have the wrapper still...And I don't even know how to upload pictures to this site directly from my phone.

I usually just upload to Imgur and it let's me post pictures directly from the browser on my phone. I used to use Tapatalk, but that's been a while and I don't even know if it still exists. 


Either way, I find it easier to upload when I'm on my PC. 

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7 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Yeah, you didn't know what the National Mall was and asked why is it called a mall. I don't think you get to offer an educated opinion here lol. 


I hope nobody thinks you're an idiot for not knowing something, but if they do then at least you can keep each other company.

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