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Writer E. Jean Carroll accuses Trump of rape

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1 hour ago, ort said:



If no one cared one bit about the other 19 women (or whatever it was) why would they care about this one? The Republican base has proven they don't care. All of their moral highroading through the years has been 100% proven to be complete and total horseshit. They don't actually care about any of it. They are just playing a game and Trump has proven it beyond a shadow of a doubt.


The teachings of Christ and Donald Trump are in direct opposition to each other. They do not overlap. You cannot be for both and have even a sliver of integrity.

It's justified in their minds because Trump is pro life. They care more about what judges his appoints than what he did 35 years ago.

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On 6/25/2019 at 1:25 PM, TwinIon said:

I wonder what would have made this story get more traction, or if we're so doomed that nothing really matters anymore.


Did it really matter that this was in the New Yorker Magazine, and not the Times or the Post? 


She certainly seems credible enough.


Is the problem that it was 20 years ago?


Or is Trump being a rapist just a thing we all either know or reject?


Toxic men and male chauvinist culture are still in charge of newsrooms.

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18 minutes ago, Anathema- said:


Toxic men and male chauvinist culture are still in charge of newsrooms.

No, they just realize it’s not going anywhere, period. How many times can they rehash it? His base denies it, right wing news denies it, he ignores it and insults accusers. It rolls off his back like water, and no amount of coverage will make it more of an issue.


This is ‘Murica.

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5 hours ago, TheGreatGamble said:

No, they just realize it’s not going anywhere, period. How many times can they rehash it? His base denies it, right wing news denies it, he ignores it and insults accusers. It rolls off his back like water, and no amount of coverage will make it more of an issue.


This is ‘Murica.


5 hours ago, johnny said:

Trump supporters don’t care about the rape accusations because they believe that everybody is out to get Trump and it’s all fake news. They probably think the democrats paid her to say she was raped. The denial is strong. 

Honestly, I think it comes down to readership. In the end, (most) news organizations are businesses, and if these stories got the same readership/viewership/metrics as, say, Hillary's emails, we'd have a daily piece on the front page of every paper detailing the latest revelations in Trump's long and terrible history of sexual misconduct. But that's not what we get. I understand that a lot of Trump supporters are allergic to "liberal media," but the apathy among everyone else is still surprising to me.

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