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Rumour: PlayStation 5 Is More Powerful Than Xbox Scarlett, According To Devs


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1 hour ago, crispy4000 said:


I think they run the risk of many people just forgoing their consoles entirely from now on. 
They're giving us too viable options other than buying an Xbox.

Your mistake is thinking this isn't what MS wants. Actual console sales are not where the money is. Consoles in the past have been sold at a loss or with very small margins. 


Microsoft is making a killing in the subscription game. If everyone next Gen purchases a ps5, but also subscribes to xcloud to play the ms exclusives and game pass games... Then MS still wins.  They don't care about the console war. They want to make more money. 


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1 minute ago, number305 said:

Your mistake is thinking this isn't what MS wants. Actual console sales are not where the money is. Consoles in the past have been sold at a loss or with very small margins. 


Microsoft is making a killing in the subscription game. If everyone next Gen purchases a ps5, but also subscribes to xcloud to play the ms exclusives and game pass games... Then MS still wins.  They don't care about the console war. They want to make more money. 


You really think there are people who are going to spend $15/month on gamepass that don't own an Xbox?

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One of Xbox Ones biggest flaws wasn’t so much it wasn’t as powerful, granted it was obviously a pretty big issue.  The bigger issue was it was the weaker box with the bigger price tag.  So the entire premise of paying an extra $100 for Kinect and TV features really rubbed so many the wrong way.  


That entire regime running MS is gone for a reason, and I’d be hard pressed to say I think Phil would make any dumb mistakes with Scarlett.  


The 360 was “weaker”, but it was cheaper (and a year head start).  I think MS could manage releasing a weaker console as long as it’s priced accordingly.  


The only dumb decision hardware wise since Phil took over was the discless XBO which I think is selling terribly.  So hopefully that’ll teach them some more lessons.

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1 hour ago, number305 said:

Your mistake is thinking this isn't what MS wants. Actual console sales are not where the money is. Consoles in the past have been sold at a loss or with very small margins. 


Microsoft is making a killing in the subscription game. If everyone next Gen purchases a ps5, but also subscribes to xcloud to play the ms exclusives and game pass games... Then MS still wins.  They don't care about the console war. They want to make more money. 



You’re correct, actual console sales aren’t where the money is.  Royalties from 3rd party sales are.


Subscriptions are are another huge opportunity, I’m not denying that.  And possibly the future.


Is it better for Microsoft to have a strong multi-prong subscription platform than weak console sales?  This is uncharted territory.  We can say that at least, it’d need to make up for royalty sales that would be attained if Microsoft prioritized their consoles in the way the other manufacturers do.


Also, I can’t envision a future where everyone is subscribing to Games Pass.  I think there will be a sizable segment of gamers that jump from service to service based on the latest releases.

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1 hour ago, number305 said:

Your mistake is thinking this isn't what MS wants. Actual console sales are not where the money is. Consoles in the past have been sold at a loss or with very small margins. 


Microsoft is making a killing in the subscription game. If everyone next Gen purchases a ps5, but also subscribes to xcloud to play the ms exclusives and game pass games... Then MS still wins.  They don't care about the console war. They want to make more money. 



Selling more consoles and more games per console throughout its lifetime and making money via licensing fees make a lot of money as the numbers from the competitors would indicate. There's more to selling a console than just the console, even putting aside that PS Now draws half the revenue of the major streaming services (Origins and Game Pass included) and more consoles will also spur more people to buy the streaming service to use on your device if you're not a PC gamer.


The reason this talking point is being used is because MS has to move the goal posts as to what "winning" looks like since they can't say they're number 1 and, with the way Switch is selling, will soon not be able to boast number 2. There are risks to their strategy as well. The mistake is thinking they're set with Game Pass; the streaming space is competitive as well, even more as Google enters the market.

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I love how this happens every generation, we get all this bitching and comparing about the most minute of details. Then people are like "Here's the PC version at 72k and 12,000 FPS" and people are like "Ugh whatever who cares," while comparing the dithering on a leaf in the distance between the Xbox/Playstation version. It's great every time!

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Just now, Xbob42 said:

I love how this happens every generation, we get all this bitching and comparing about the most minute of details. Then people are like "Here's the PC version at 72k and 12,000 FPS" and people are like "Ugh whatever who cares," while comparing the dithering on a leaf in the distance between the Xbox/Playstation version. It's great every time!


Probably because people are getting significantly different results depending on their rig, so the top-end stuff isn't indicative of everyone's experience. It's easier to compare consoles because there aren't as many variations.


I've watched enough videos and read enough threads to know people look at how smooth shit looks from afar on PC versions of games as well. :p 

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3 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


Probably because people are getting significantly different results depending on their rig, so the top-end stuff isn't indicative of everyone's experience. It's easier to compare consoles because there aren't as many variations.


I've watched enough videos and read enough threads to know people look at how smooth shit looks from afar on PC versions of games as well. :p 

Yeah, but everyone also sits 30 feet from their TV, most people can't even read the text if it's not in 90-point font, then act like they're gonna notice that the shadows are 10% less sharp. :lol:

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13 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

I love how this happens every generation, we get all this bitching and comparing about the most minute of details. Then people are like "Here's the PC version at 72k and 12,000 FPS" and people are like "Ugh whatever who cares," while comparing the dithering on a leaf in the distance between the Xbox/Playstation version. It's great every time!


Never forget the great “number of crows on the wire” debate that rocked D1P to its core. 

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1 minute ago, SaysWho? said:


wtf did I miss this? Which game?!


Lol I wish i could remember. It was a few years ago. I wanna say Watch Dogs but I’m not 100% sure. It was literally comparing how smooth the wires looked and how many birds were sitting on it lol

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4 minutes ago, Mercury33 said:


Lol I wish i could remember. It was a few years ago. I wanna say Watch Dogs but I’m not 100% sure. It was literally comparing how smooth the wires looked and how many birds were sitting on it lol

Personally, I could get behind this as a new measurement of overall system power! So, how many birds on a wire are we talking here? 

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27 minutes ago, JPDunks4 said:

One of Xbox Ones biggest flaws wasn’t so much it wasn’t as powerful, granted it was obviously a pretty big issue.  The bigger issue was it was the weaker box with the bigger price tag.  So the entire premise of paying an extra $100 for Kinect and TV features really rubbed so many the wrong way.  


That entire regime running MS is gone for a reason, and I’d be hard pressed to say I think Phil would make any dumb mistakes with Scarlett.  


The 360 was “weaker”, but it was cheaper (and a year head start).  I think MS could manage releasing a weaker console as long as it’s priced accordingly.  


The only dumb decision hardware wise since Phil took over was the discless XBO which I think is selling terribly.  So hopefully that’ll teach them some more lessons.


I agree that a weaker Scarlett could work well at a good price. Go for value instead of raw power.


Though I always thought Microsoft would be super aggressive next gen with both power and price.  Do what Sony did to them.

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1 hour ago, Xbob42 said:

I love how this happens every generation, we get all this bitching and comparing about the most minute of details. Then people are like "Here's the PC version at 72k and 12,000 FPS" and people are like "Ugh whatever who cares," while comparing the dithering on a leaf in the distance between the Xbox/Playstation version. It's great every time!


Eh, I care more about what devs will spec their games for.  Last gen being as long as it was kind of held those PC rigs back.


You can bet most every big game would be on the raytracing bandwagon if the new consoles launched yesterday.  I look forward to SSDs being a minimum requirement too.

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The power lines debate was BF4 as I think it was the very first video that dropped comparing PS4 to XB1, so it was the starting ground for the console war.  


Edit*   Birds were in that opening scene in the first stage.  They compared the jaggies of the power-lines in the driving sequence at the end of that level and number of birds in the sky when you first take control of your character. 


I remember watching it and just thinking, well damn these look identical to me.  Then got to the boards and just seeing how the gen would play out scouring every frame drop and polygon from every DF Analysis video. 


Regardless of power this gen, I can’t see many people that had a PS4 or XB1 as a primary console changing next gen if they’ve invested heavily in the ecosystem.  Too much backlog and old games there to leave behind.

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3 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

You really think there are people who are going to spend $15/month on gamepass that don't own an Xbox?

Yes. I think there will be many people who will buy a ps5 and pay a subscription to play ms exclusives. They will then find out they have access to a ton of 3rd party games, and will have to make a hard decision to buy those games for Playstation for a nominal graphics bump. 

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2 hours ago, number305 said:

Yes. I think there will be many people who will buy a ps5 and pay a subscription to play ms exclusives. They will then find out they have access to a ton of 3rd party games, and will have to make a hard decision to buy those games for Playstation for a nominal graphics bump. 


Was with you until the 3rd party games thing.


Microsoft has gotten a few notable releases.  But publishers who play ball with them for newer releases are also potentially losing digital PC sales too, in addition to PS5 copies.  


I don’t think that’s going to make sense long term for anyone but indies.  


For a major publisher, the best business model is have your own successful subscription service and have the console manufacturers (and streaming outlets) bend down to you.


Google, for example, is giving Ubisoft everything they could want.

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2 hours ago, SaysWho? said:

They have access to those games on a number of streaming services and rental programs. Game Pass is one of several that exists.

There are other services like gamepass... Like ea access.  But I don't see any that compare to the value. Look at the games added in the last month. Look at the games coming this fall. 

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4 hours ago, Bacon said:

The PS4 UI/Dashboard is slow as fuck. 

Mine is pretty snappy but the store is inconsistent as hell, at times requiring a restart if my damn PS4 to even get it to open. I’ve brought this up before though and it seems to be a relatively unique problem. 


But I gotta ask: if you think the PS4’s is slow what do you think of the Xbox’s? Because that thing is a dumpster fire. 

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Just now, Paperclyp said:

But I gotta ask: if you think the PS4’s is slow what do you think of the Xbox’s? Because that thing is a dumpster fire. 

I think all console UI is slow except for Nintendo's. The 360 was perfect before the first change. 

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Nintendo's is slow too, just in different ways. Little things like the animations to open games or the store taking forever (and seemingly closing itself automatically if you head back to the main menu to check something, regardless if you opened another game or not) or in time lost by having to scroll to all software since there's no folders or a list mode or anything. Lots of small things that add up. Still not as bad as the X1 by any means, though. That fucking thing is an abomination.

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7 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I'm skeptical there will be any significant difference, but my plans are already set. Ignore Xbox, as usual, and get a PS5 when there are games to justify my purchase. Same as it's always been!


Microsoft is no longer try to sell you a console. It’s now trying to sell you Games Pass, or failing that some of its games on PC

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