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Jon Stewart chokes up, gives angry speech to Congress

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1 hour ago, Chairslinger said:



To be disappointed in Fallon, I would have to give literally the barest shred of a damn that he exists. So that isn't happening.


I blame Colbert because he should have known better.


I wish that Late Show thread was still up (it’s gone from the site crash), I pointed out that Colbert didn’t give Trump a serious interview and was disappointed in Colbert because of it. and got semi-attacked by some people for saying as such because “he didn’t treat Trump seriously because Trump’s not a serious candidate” or whatever. I did enjoy continually bumping it throughout the primaries and election with “is Trump a serious candidate yet?”, though. :p 

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4 hours ago, Spork3245 said:


I wish that Late Show thread was still up (it’s gone from the site crash), I pointed out that Colbert didn’t give Trump a serious interview and was disappointed in Colbert because of it. and got semi-attacked by some people for saying as such because “he didn’t treat Trump seriously because Trump’s not a serious candidate” or whatever. I did enjoy continually bumping it throughout the primaries and election with “is Trump a serious candidate yet?”, though. :p 


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Back in 2010, 157 Republicans, including Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and now Vice President Mike Pence, voted against the Zadroga Act,


Wow...did they even have a real reason or is this just an example of how many Republicans back then would vote against literally anything backed by the Obama administration?

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1 hour ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:


Wow...did they even have a real reason or is this just an example of how many Republicans back then would vote against literally anything backed by the Obama administration?


In a Senate vote held on December 9, 2010, Democrats were unable to break a Republican filibuster against the bill.[8] Opposed Republicans expressed concerns over the $7.4 billion cost of the bill.[8] According to Republicans, the provisions to cover the cost of the healthcare program via an excise tax increase on foreign-made goods would violate international tax treaties.[9][10] They also raised concerns about creating an expansive new healthcare entitlement program and re-opening the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund.[11] Many Republicans refused to end the filibuster until the Bush tax cuts were extended. Forty-two Senate Republicans had signed a pledge to filibuster all bills until the Bush tax cuts were renewed and the government was appropriately funded for the next several months.[10][12] With only 57 votes to end the Senate filibuster and an incoming influx of Republicans in the wake of the 2010 Congressional Elections, the bill's future looked increasingly doubtful towards the end of 2010.[10]

On December 16, 2010, comedian Jon Stewart dedicated an entire episode of The Daily Show to the political battle over the Zadroga Act. Guests included four 9/11 first responders suffering from severe diseases and injuries related to their work near the WTC site.[12] Stewart also interviewed Republican Mike Huckabee, who urged that "Every Republican should vote for this bill".[13] Stewart also lambasted the lack of media coverage over the bill's political struggle in Congress.[14] Stewart's coverage of the Republican filibuster raised media awareness of and public support for the bill, drawing praise from politicians and media outlets. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs acknowledged Jon Stewart's role in revitalizing support for the Zadroga Act, and The New York Times compared Jon Stewart to Edward R. Murrow, describing his coverage of the Zadroga debate as "advocacy journalism."[14][15] New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg described Stewart's coverage as "one of the biggest factors that led to the final agreement".[14]

It WiLl CoSt ToO mUcH (per Wikipedia and NYT)

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McConnell to meet with 9/11 first responders amid public tensions with Jon Stewart



McConnell's office has not confirmed the meeting, but a Ground Zero recovery worker and longtime activist, John Feal, confirmed the meeting to ABC News. Feal added that he requested the meeting, which will be held Tuesday.

"I don't think he would have just openly invited me," he told ABC News.


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Was just about to post that. 



I am more certain that 9/11 was to us like Chernobyl was to the USSR. 


The things we neglected before the attack coalesced and did us immediate damage. We ignored the hints that it was coming. Our response to it has lead to the downfall of our power structure, and a complete change in how we express our policies. The populace of our nation has been changed irrevocably because of it. And the people that responded to the attack are forgotten, neglected, and left behind to suffer the consequences all alone, with few good men fighting for their cause. 


There should be monuments in every town square across this country to the 9/11 Responders. And they should be given every cent they need to address their healthcare needs. Not doing so is doing further damage to them and adding to the attack's death toll every week. 


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/29/2019 at 2:42 PM, SaysWho? said:

This is what he used to look like:




This does not make me happy at all. 


You'd think the ONE thing America (edit: meaning the American people, aka us) could do right is protect the 9/11 responders. But fucking no. No of course not. Can't help heroes but we'll fund fake superhero movies instead that have false heroics. America will go to droves in movie theaters to watch Captain America, but they can't apply enough political pressure on our government to help real Captain Americas. And everyone tells me: "most Americans are lazy, they don't follow politics closely, etc." When you are following the fake universe of the MCU more closely and spending more time and money on that than this, I just don't know what to say. Apparently they aren't lazy enough to make 10 minute youtube videos on the incongruity of the MCU, but something that matters? Too lazy. 


Okay, yeah, this day sucks. Is anyone as pissed off as me about this? Seriously - you guys, you're pissed right? It's not just me and Jon Stewart? Let's vent. I dunno. This sucks. I want everyone to look at him then, and then now. Do it again. Do it a couple of more times. Like holy shit. :(

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23 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


This does not make me happy at all. 


You'd think the ONE thing America could do right is protect the 9/11 responders. But fucking no. No of course not. Can't help heroes but we'll fund fake superhero movies instead that have false heroics. America will go to droves in movie theaters to watch Captain America, but they can't apply enough political pressure on our government to help real Captain Americas. And everyone tells me: "most Americans are lazy, they don't follow politics closely, etc." When you are following the fake universe of the MCU more closely and spending more time and money on that than this, I just don't know what to say. Apparently they aren't lazy enough to make 10 minute youtube videos on the incongruity of the MCU, but something that matters? Too lazy. 


Okay, yeah, this day sucks. Is anyone as pissed off as me about this? Seriously - you guys, you're pissed right? It's not just me and Jon Stewart? Let's vent. I dunno. This sucks. I want everyone to look at him then, and then now. Do it again. Do it a couple of more times. Like holy shit. :(

To be fair, the MCU isn't funded by the government, so it doesn't cost government money to make those movies. 


Besides, I like Captain America. I even have made a tradition of watching The First Avenger every July 4th.  It brings back memories of a simpler time in our nation's history. Back when the megalomaniacal xenophobic asshole and his legions of dedicated followers were the people this country was supposed to be fighting against.


...now I'm sad too.

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7 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

To be fair, the MCU isn't funded by the government, so it doesn't cost government money to make those movies. 


Besides, I like Captain America. I even have made a tradition of watching The First Avenger every July 4th.  It brings back memories of a simpler time in our nation's history. Back when the megalomaniacal xenophobic asshole and his legions of dedicated followers were the people this country was supposed to be fighting against.


...now I'm sad too.

I'm talking about the American people, not the government. The American people could give their money to this voluntarily in the same way they give money to the MCU (in the same amounts too, stick to ticket prices) is what I mean, nothing to do with the government. But they don't. They could apply political pressure on the Senate as one (or close to one) united voice. But they don't. That help clarify? I was a bit confusing on that. :)


Also; Captain America is my favorite Avenger and Chris Evans plays the hell out of the character. I'm just juxtaposing Captain America, who is fictitious, with real life Captain America's, who we aren't helping enough. 


But hey, Americans can go make 100 more MCU youtube videos rather than helping real heroes out.

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22 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

Fuck Rand Paul forever.


"Listen, I know that Bruce Willis and his mining crew could save the world from the coming asteroid. But where is the money going to come from? Our deficit is too large, therefore I am blocking this bill to fund the mission. Our grandchildren will thank us for being so fiscally prudent."

  • Haha 4
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He’s really making a strong case for being the worst Paul in recent political history, and there are some really strong contenders for that crown.

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4 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

I'm still upset about this.




Lower Manhattan should not have engaged itself in a global conflict with terrorists if they weren't prepared to deal with the costs associated with it. How on earth does the federal government need to bail New Yorkers out from their foreign policy debacles?

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3 minutes ago, Jason said:


Lower Manhattan should not have engaged itself in a global conflict with terrorists if they weren't prepared to deal with the costs associated with it. How on earth does the federal government need to bail New Yorkers out from their foreign policy debacles?


Jokes, they do help! :) But that poor guy . . . look what WE'VE done to him. Just LOOK at it. And our taxpayer dollars have killed children at the border. OUR taxpayer dollars. That's on our souls. This fucking sucks. I'll survive but I have a limit. If the Republican party can't even do this, they are literally the enemy of the people. Yeah, I said it. 

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14 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

I'm still upset about this.



We have a history in this country of not taking care of the people that heed the call. 

EDIT: I never expected this to get far. The people that have a history of sending people off to die also have a history of turning the other way when those come home and need help. "Thank you for your service and sacrifice, now fuck off." 

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