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The Official Thread of Systemic Racism

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How can any rationally thinking person listen to this man speak about literally anything and think he is a person who knows what he's talking about? He's the biggest fucking nitwit on the fucking planet and the fact that people support him really does make me question everything I know to be true about the world.


I can honestly not even begin to comprehend how FUCKED IN THE HEAD you would have to be to put your support behind this man. What would have to be wrong with you? Like seriously, how can anyone listen to him speak and then line up behind him? FUCK THAT and FUCK all those people.

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1 minute ago, ort said:

How can any rationally thinking person listen to this man speak about literally anything and think he is a person who knows what he's talking about? He's the biggest fucking nitwit on the fucking planet and the fact that people support him really does make me question everything I know to be true about the world.


I can honestly not even begin to comprehend how FUCKED IN THE HEAD you would have to be to put your support behind this man. What would have to be wrong with you? Like seriously, how can anyone listen to him speak and then line up behind him? FUCK THAT and FUCK all those people.


its called racism 

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35 minutes ago, osxmatt said:

Wait, is he saying..



Republicans claim Democrats ant ever give a Republican President credit for anything, especially Donald. Yet when Donald makes this claim, and it’s not the first time, he obviously is forgetting LBJ pushing to get the civil rights act passed knowing the cost to the Democratic Party, because it was the right thing to do. 

Donald has yet to do something as progressively bold as either Lincoln or LBJ. 

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2 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:



I don't mean to have my hottest take in this thread be about this specifically... but this attitude drives me fucking insane. The complete disconnect between actions and perception shouldn't blow my mind anymore, but it still does somehow. "I'll get a good salary at the expense of the taxpayer, a pension, engagement in a fraternity with huge perks, get to assert my dominance in just about every situation... but I'm not universally respected and admired at the same time? I'm out."

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17 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


I don't mean to have my hottest take in this thread be about this specifically... but this attitude drives me fucking insane. The complete disconnect between actions and perception shouldn't blow my mind anymore, but it still does somehow. "I'll get a good salary at the expense of the taxpayer, a pension, engagement in a fraternity with huge perks, get to assert my dominance in just about every situation... but I'm not universally respected and admired at the same time? I'm out."

They got drunk on the post 9/11 hero juice and don't want to get clean

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San Francisco will no longer allow police to respond to non-criminal calls. Will dispatch trained, non-armed professionals in their place.



Mayor London Breed said officers would be replaced on non-violent calls by trained and non-armed professionals to limit unnecessary confrontation between the police department and the community.


The city will develop the plan over the next year and follow models like the Cahoots program in Eugene, Ore., Breed said.


That community-based crisis program employs social workers and mental health workers to respond to disturbances where crimes are not being committed.


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34 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

You mean to tell me welfare checks, mental subjects, parking complaints, and domestic troubles don't need an armed representative of the state to intervene!????!?


How fucking dare you


(Screenshot from right now in Richmond)

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@brucoe - great video, but if you're open to some "constructive criticism", I'd have to say that I kinda lost the "through line" for the video's theme about halfway through it.  You did recover it a bit in the last third, but it slipped again towards the end.


Do you script or outline these before you record?  If not, it's something that you should consider at least at a high-level as that will maintain thematic consistency throughout and be able to present a stronger, more powerful argument.

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1 hour ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

@brucoe - great video, but if you're open to some "constructive criticism", I'd have to say that I kinda lost the "through line" for the video's theme about halfway through it.  You did recover it a bit in the last third, but it slipped again towards the end.


Do you script or outline these before you record?  If not, it's something that you should consider at least at a high-level as that will maintain thematic consistency throughout and be able to present a stronger, more powerful argument.

Thank you. Good comments. It makes complete sense because I didn't script it but just kind of put the video together as a quick response to what was going on, and to be honest, I kind of regret that I didn't take more time to script the whole thing out. But it was one of those things I really felt like I wanted to get off my chest.


I really appreciate the comments. It will probably help on the next video I do.

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13 hours ago, ort said:

How can any rationally thinking person listen to this man speak about literally anything and think he is a person who knows what he's talking about? He's the biggest fucking nitwit on the fucking planet and the fact that people support him really does make me question everything I know to be true about the world.


I can honestly not even begin to comprehend how FUCKED IN THE HEAD you would have to be to put your support behind this man. What would have to be wrong with you? Like seriously, how can anyone listen to him speak and then line up behind him? FUCK THAT and FUCK all those people.


That's the thing; they're not rationally thinking people. They're racist morons.

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