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The Official Thread of Systemic Racism

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52 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I know quite a few black conservatives myself, some in my family, and they all strike me as being willfully ignorant or completely full of shit. No way you can be black and travel in those circles and not see the ugliest examples of racism first hand regularly. They often think that THEY can rise above it and change it or that the racism that they see doesn't apply to them. You see a lot of this in the South and amongst Black Immigrants from the Carribean and Africa. Usually lasts until they get that first wake up call.


29 minutes ago, SimpleG said:

I was just coming to type something similar. The company i work for just a hired a young man from Africa. When we were discussing the current climate of politics he mention" blacks in America are lazy and only want handouts, if they stayed out of trouble they wouldnt have to deal with cops" It was something out of the The Twilight Zone.


A common trope among white conservatives (and black ones like Thomas Sowell) is to point specifically to black immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean as "success stories" and to say "See? America isn't a racist society because look at how great those black immigrants are doing!  Would they be doing so well if America was actually a racist society? Of course not!  The problem must OBVIOUSLY lie with African-American culture, not with America itself!"

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30 minutes ago, Remarkableriots said:

Can you imagine being Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and agreeing with South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott that the United States as a nation is not racist! Those two should be ashamed of themselves?


They should absolutely be ashamed of themselves for spouting such nonsense.

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8 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

A common trope among white conservatives (and black ones like Thomas Sowell) is to point specifically to black immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean as "success stories" and to say "See? America isn't a racist society because look at how great those black immigrants are doing!  Would they be doing so well if America was actually a racist society? Of course not!  The problem must OBVIOUSLY lie with African-American culture, not with America itself!"


Of course, what the conservatives fail to mention is that more often than not, those African and Afro-Caribbean immigrants (especially from the English-speaking Caribbean) tend to NOT be from the lower rungs of the socioeconomic ladder.  As a result, they're already starting from a more advantageous position within American society than a not-insignificant chunk of the African-American population.  That alone makes a HELLUVA difference when it comes interactions with white America.

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2 minutes ago, stepee said:

yeah denying that we are a racist country is an america problem not a particular person problem

A black politician plainly stating the truth that this country is racist has no national aspirations as stating that makes a lot of white people very uncomfortable.

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1 hour ago, SimpleG said:

I was just coming to type something similar. The company i work for just a hired a young man from Africa. When we were discussing the current climate of politics he mention" blacks in America are lazy and only want handouts, if they stayed out of trouble they wouldnt have to deal with cops" It was something out of the The Twilight Zone.

They've been fed that shit for decades. Their tune almost always changes once they've been here for awhile :p I've seen it happen so many times with African immigrant friends of mine... I've been lectured by newly arrived Africans on how American Blacks focus too much on race  only to have the friend who did the lecturing COMPLETELY do a 180 once his ass had been here long enough and experienced good ole fashioned American racism first hand.

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1 minute ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

In general, democrats don't know how to deal with Black conservatives. Which is why I consider Tim scott more dangerous electorally than Trump. (But maaaaaaayyyyyyybe not as actually dangerous to the republic)

Oh he would get SHREEDED by Black women in the Democratic party. I'm not worried about him at ALL. White Dems may not know how to deal with him but most black folk have been dealing with... people like him our whole lives. I'm not worried about Tim at ALL. Besides, he wouldn't make it out of Republikkkan Primary... especially THIS Republikklan party.

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Oh he would get SHREEDED by Black women in the Democratic party. I'm not worried about him at ALL. White Dems may not know how to deal with him but most black folk have been dealing with... people like him our whole lives. I'm not worried about Tim at ALL. Besides, he wouldn't make it out of Republikkkan Primary... especially THIS Republikklan party.

Was thinking Black men breaking off in greater numbers. The strength of obama's electoral coalition was boosted from his support from Black men in the upper midwest when compared to Hillary and Biden. A couple thousand more supporting Scott would be all that's needed to flip the election despite millions fewer votes overall.


There's a small chance he could make it out of the primary (without Trump) if only to bolster the "we're not racist we nominated a Black guy" wing but this might be a big stretch given how mask off they've been lately. He did outrun trump in 2016 in SC while on the same ballot based on exit polls among both white and Black voters fwiw

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I do posit that if an actual African-American conservative party -- one that was absolutely free from the taint of the GOP's white supremacist baggage -- where ever to somehow be created that the Democratic Party would be in SERIOUS danger of complete and total irrelevance in large swathes of the South (well, moreso than they are now :p)


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2 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

I do posit that if an actual African-American conservative party -- one that was absolutely free from the taint of the GOP's white supremacist baggage -- where ever to somehow be created that the Democratic Party would be in SERIOUS danger of complete and total irrelevance in large swathes of the South (well, moreso than they are now :p)


If conservatives got rid of the white supremacist elements that dominate their party they would make headway with A LOT of minority groups including blacks, hispanics and muslims, all groups they tend to be socially conservative because of their religious beliefs. However, Black people are not stupid. Tim Scott may peel off a few black votes but Black voters have been the most reliable constituiency the Dems have. There have been black conservatives in this country as long as there has been a country... most black folks ain't falling for that bullshit. Most that aren't named Tim Scott that is.

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34 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

If conservatives got rid of the white supremacist elements that dominate their party they would make headway with A LOT of minority groups including blacks, hispanics and muslims, all groups they tend to be socially conservative because of their religious beliefs. However, Black people are not stupid. Tim Scott may peel off a few black votes but Black voters have been the most reliable constituiency the Dems have. There have been black conservatives in this country as long as there has been a country... most black folks ain't falling for that bullshit. Most that aren't named Tim Scott that is.


I've probably said this already but my dad was a republican right around the George W Bush days but switched over and he said, "Republicans are crazy" if he said that back then he certainly would be in for a treat today to see what they look like now.

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16 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


I've probably said this already but my dad was a republican right around the George W Bush days but switched over and he said, "Republicans are crazy" if he said that back then he certainly would be in for a treat today to see what they look like now.

My dad was also Republican up until around 2006-2008. He's voted almost completely Democrat since Obama's first term, I'm assuming for the same reason.

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17 hours ago, Remarkableriots said:

Can you imagine being Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and agreeing with South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott that the United States as a nation is not racist! Those two should be ashamed of themselves!


President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday agreed with South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott that the United States as a nation is not racist, but added that the country has a history of racism that cannot be overlooked.



They should be. Want me to tell you a secret? I don't actually like Joe Biden or Kamela Harris that much at all. Of the 30ish nominees for Democrat in the Primary, both were near the bottom for me.


I don't HATE them or anything, but I see them as representing everything I hate about moderate dems and the old school two party system that is responsible for all of the disfunction in washington. They are both way too middle-of-the-road to take a real stand on anything. Of course they were going to agree. If they said otherwise, they would have been throwing gasoline on the fire and playing right into the republicans trap.

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I’ll play devil’s advocate here for a minute. I can see from some people’s perspectives that saying American is racist is like saying your family is racist because your grandpa and mother are racist, and if a colored person shows up for dinner with a family member they only use paper plates and plastic utensils. The family has racists, but isn’t holistically racist.

one could argue that all the voter suppression bills in places like Georgia are not because of racism. Not because so many voters are black. It’s because those voters vote for Democrats. If Blacks overwhelmingly voted Republican we wouldn’t see some of these voter suppression bills.  We’d still wouldn’t see policies or laws to make their lives better or more fair. Tim Scott only cares about one person. Tim Scott. 

now I’m don’t with that. Because the people who are all butt-hurt over the thought of America being racist are the same people who wouldn’t even read the resume of a person with that sounds too black/ethnic. And seeing a headline of somebody with a name like being killed by police their first thought is the person must be a violent criminal or had something to do with drugs. 

we still have enough resists, and systems and practices designed by racists that you really shouldn’t say America isn’t racist.  We’ve yet to wipe away those mindsets from everyone that matters, and we haven’t come close to correcting wrong done decades ago targeted to make it harder for certain racial demographics to succeed in life. 

so shame in Biden and Harris for giving Republicans and Fox News a pass on their racism. 

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20 hours ago, sblfilms said:


Or maybe he actually believes it? I mean, do you know any Black people very well? I kinda do :p There are millions of Black conservatives who feel that same way.


To the best of my knowledge I do not know any black conservatives. I wish I did.

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32 minutes ago, ort said:

To the best of my knowledge I do not know any black conservatives. I wish I did.


I'm first gen Puerto Rican. I know SO many brown conservatives. They all think Republicans like them because they're socially conservative and not immigrants. It's hilarious because Republicans barely even acknowledge the island as part of the US.

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1 minute ago, Ghost_MH said:


I'm first gen Puerto Rican. I know SO many brown conservatives. They all think Republicans like them because they're socially conservative and not immigrants. It's hilarious because Republicans barely even acknowledge the island as part of the US.

i love the cadence in saying “first Gen Puerto Rican”. Got a nice rhyme to it. 

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Most of my wife's family is pretty conservative politically. Many of them are openly racist too... like, they don't even hide it or speak in coded language... it's just pure racism flowing freely and without hesitation or shame. Part of me has more respect for that kind of racist than the one's who pretend like it doesn't exist.

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People seem to have a view that being racist means that you hate people of a different race, when really racism is a spectrum. Yes on the far end there is the white supremacists who think all other races should be exterminated, but then there is the more casual racism like thinking Asians are bad drivers, or thinking it's no big deal to drop the n-word even though "I have Black friends". 

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I just served this old lady. She seemed very nice. She was joined by a Latino friend of hers who is a cook at a Chinese place down the street. After he left, she was like "he's a great chef, you know how those people from Mexico City are. It comes from their mothers.


I've learned over the last few years that even good stereotypes are still stereotypes, and they are all rooted in racism, even if it's a more benign form of it

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2 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

I just served this old lady. She seemed very nice. She was joined by a Latino friend of hers who is a cook at a Chinese place down the street. After he left, she was like "he's a great chef, you know how those people from Mexico City are. It comes from their mothers.


I've learned over the last few years that even good stereotypes are still stereotypes, and they are all rooted in racism, even if it's a more benign form of it



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36 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

I just served this old lady. She seemed very nice. She was joined by a Latino friend of hers who is a cook at a Chinese place down the street. After he left, she was like "he's a great chef, you know how those people from Mexico City are. It comes from their mothers.


I've learned over the last few years that even good stereotypes are still stereotypes, and they are all rooted in racism, even if it's a more benign form of it

I am going to say I don’t think you can call it racism to believe that people from a particular city are more skilled or whatever. Maybe there is something missing in your post that you are thinking of?

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