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The Official Thread of Systemic Racism

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On 7/17/2020 at 8:24 AM, BloodyHell said:

Its literally time for political violence. Its time for millions of Americans to get out and fight back, literally. People will die, but that’s the cost.America is literally become a fascist police state, and it will continue until we we tear it down. This is the first time in my life I really thought violence was what this country needs, but the government and police are out of control because they don’t fear the people.


Yeah. I carry, I travel, and i’m a minority. If a person with no badge, in an unmarked car, ever put their hands on me I WILL give them new holes to breathe through. If you don’t have ID, you aren’t a cop, imo. 

I couldn't be more anti-gun but what the fuck are people even supposed to do anymore. good luck everyone, and buy a helmet. 

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8 hours ago, Iculus said:

I couldn't be more anti-gun but what the fuck are people even supposed to do anymore. good luck everyone, and buy a helmet. 

That's sort of where I've arrived (but my wife hasn't). I'm in favor of getting guns but she says that turns us into them. 

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8 hours ago, Iculus said:

I couldn't be more anti-gun but what the fuck are people even supposed to do anymore. good luck everyone, and buy a helmet. 


13 minutes ago, SlipperySlope said:

That's sort of where I've arrived (but my wife hasn't). I'm in favor of getting guns but she says that turns us into them. 


I'm glad you've come to understand the importance of the right to bear arms!  I welcome you into the fold. 

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24 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:



I'm glad you've come to understand the importance of the right to bear arms!  I welcome you into the fold. 

As long as the law protects these “law enforcement” officers, then one’s right to bear arms is meaningless. You cannot shoot these federal operatives as a matter of self defense. You will be killed. 

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16 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Lmao thinking a gun will be able to protect you if the state really comes knocking


The Portland protesters probably wouldn't be getting fucked with by federal agents if they were all armed.  Just saying.  


How successful were the feds against the Bundys in Nevada and Oregon?  The Feds would have rolled into that cattle ranch and nature preserve on day 1, and start pepper spraying and hand cuffing all of those Bundy and Bundy supporters if they were armed. 

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2 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


The Portland protesters probably wouldn't be getting fucked with by federal agents if they were all armed.  Just saying.  


How successful were the feds against the Bundys in Nevada and Oregon?  The Feds would have rolled into that cattle ranch and nature preserve on day 1, and start pepper spraying and hand cuffing all of those Bundy and Bundy supporters if they were armed. 


Yeah, the guns were the reason the government handled the Bundys with kid's gloves 🙄

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41 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:



I'm glad you've come to understand the importance of the right to bear arms!  I welcome you into the fold. 

I live right by the Wendy's where the cops murdered that guy, that was later burned down in south Atlanta. We had to bail for a couple of weeks because the area was so tense. I'll still never buy a gun.

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1 minute ago, mclumber1 said:


The Portland protesters probably wouldn't be getting fucked with by federal agents if they were all armed.  Just saying.  


How successful were the feds against the Bundys in Nevada and Oregon?  The Feds would have rolled into that cattle ranch and nature preserve on day 1, and start pepper spraying and hand cuffing all of those Bundy and Bundy supporters if they were armed. 

Or they'd use the arms as justification to up the ante. 


You need to explain the ideological / racial / socioeconomic links between state security forces / state security personnel and the responses of state violence towards someone like the Bundy's vs the response to largely non-white and largely nonviolent protestors. 


Hint: one is actually challenging power structures and one was looking to fundamentally uphold the status quo and their own favored status

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I mean my God, they used a little bit of rioting, and one burned police precinct (that they withdrew from mind you) from back in May as justification for weeks of wanton flashbangs and tear gassing of unarmed protestors. Do you seriously think that they wouldn't take a cadre of armed Black Panthers, as an example, to stop gassing and using flash bangs? Hell no, they'd see it as proof of actual revolutionary intent! And the state would not let that happen, especially not for a black-led movement.

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4 hours ago, mclumber1 said:


Why did they handle them with kid gloves?

Because they were WHITE. They last time black people tried an "armed Protest" a city police department BOMBED THEM setting off a fire that killed 11 people including children and destroyed a city block.





Frank Powell, a Philadelphia police officer who in 1985 was chief of the city’s bomb disposal squad, remembers vividly the moment he was given his instructions. “Wow,” he recalls thinking. “You want me to do that?” On 13 May 1985 Powell was handed an army-style green satchel containing a bomb made of C-4 plastic explosives of the sort widely deployed in Vietnam. He boarded a state police helicopter, and took up his position balanced precariously on the skids of the aircraft. “I can’t remember being scared,” he told the Guardian, “though I must have been.”

At 5.27pm as the helicopter rose into a crystal-clear blue sky he carried out his orders. Flying over a largely African American residential neighborhood of west Philadelphia, he lined up his sights, lit the 45-second fuse with a military igniter and followed his orders. “I reached out and I dropped it. Perfect. It was going right where it was supposed to go.”


His target was the roof of 6221 Osage Avenue, a row house which at the time had 13 American citizens inside. They were all members of Move, a group which combined the black liberation struggle with back-to-nature environmentalism. Each Move member took the last name Africa to signal their commitment to race equality as well as to each other as a family. For years they had been in a running battle with the Philadelphia authorities culminating that May in arrest warrants, for a range of offenses including “terroristic threats”, “riot” and “disorderly conduct”, being served and a standoff ensuing that ended with the dropping of Powell’s bomb on to their house.



After the bomb struck, a fire took hold and began to spread. The police commissioner, Gregore Sambor, critically and fatally decided “to let the fire burn”. By the following morning 61 homes had been razed to ashes, leaving 250 Philadelphians destitute and homeless.  Only two of the 13 residents of the Move house got out alive. The remaining 11, including five children aged seven to 13, were similarly reduced to ashes. As the 35th anniversary of the bombing approaches, efforts are under way to increase public awareness of the atrocity. It was one of the rare times in US history that American civilians were attacked on domestic soil by aerial bombing, another being the dropping of dynamite on to African American homes in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the bloody race riots of 1921.



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Just now, skillzdadirecta said:

Because they were WHITE. They last time black people tried an "armed Protest" a city police department BOMBED THEM setting of a fire that destroyed a city block.








That isn't the last time a group of black people armed themselves and were violently put down by law enforcement.  We've had several instances within the last few months of open carrying while black, and the cops didn't shoot them or arrest them.  Although to be fair, I'm sure cops have harassed black people carrying a lot more than whites.  

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5 hours ago, mclumber1 said:


The Portland protesters probably wouldn't be getting fucked with by federal agents if they were all armed.  Just saying.  Na they'd be dead.


How successful were the feds against the Bundys in Nevada and Oregon?  The Feds would have rolled into that cattle ranch and nature preserve on day 1, and start pepper spraying and hand cuffing all of those Bundy and Bundy supporters if they were armed. The FEDS didn't want another WACO or Ruby Ridge and didn't want to Martyr the Bundy's because they would have most definitely killed them all. Guns had nothing to do with it. It was all political.


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Just now, mclumber1 said:


That isn't the last time a group of black people armed themselves and were violently put down by law enforcement. 


No it wasn't the last time... which should tell you something.



We've had several instances within the last few months of open carrying while black, and the cops didn't shoot them or arrest them.  Although to be fair, I'm sure cops have harassed black people carrying a lot more than whites.  


There are a ton of cameras everywhere and now is not the time for those confrontations. If you think your little pop guns scare the Feds then you're REALLY delusional.

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10 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


That isn't the last time a group of black people armed themselves and were violently put down by law enforcement.  We've had several instances within the last few months of open carrying while black, and the cops didn't shoot them or arrest them.  Although to be fair, I'm sure cops have harassed black people carrying a lot more than whites.  

One of the reasons there are protests is because Black men have been shot and killed for the mere appearance or suggestion that they might be armed, so you can pack up that opinion and head over to Bozo Town ya fuckin clown. 

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45 minutes ago, Chris- said:

One of the reasons there are protests is because Black men have been shot and killed for the mere appearance or suggestion that they might be armed, so you can pack up that opinion and head over to Bozo Town ya fuckin clown. 

And these folks you've seen pictured are from the daytime, when a casual observation tells you the real "fun" has been at night

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6 hours ago, mclumber1 said:

The Portland protesters probably wouldn't be getting fucked with by federal agents if they were all armed.  Just saying.  


How successful were the feds against the Bundys in Nevada and Oregon?  The Feds would have rolled into that cattle ranch and nature preserve on day 1, and start pepper spraying and hand cuffing all of those Bundy and Bundy supporters if they were armed. 

Imagine seeing everything that’s happened recently and coming away with this take.

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2 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

Imagine seeing everything that’s happened recently and coming away with this take.


My point wasn't that the Bundys right or justified in their standoffs.  My point was that being armed let them hold their ground for days and weeks longer than a similar instance without being armed. 


1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

The FEDS didn't want another WACO or Ruby Ridge and didn't want to Martyr the Bundy's because they would have most definitely killed them all. Guns had nothing to do with it. It was all political.


To be fair, the feds didn't want another OKC bombing.  Waco and Ruby Ridge were prime motivators by McVeigh to carry out the terrorist attack.  So I suppose if the government is willing to accept more domestic terrorism, they can go into a lot more situations with guns blazing.  

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9 minutes ago, Anathema- said:

The feds literally killed one of the Malheur refuge podunks when he drew on them. Guns isn't what kept them from being raided.


Sure.  He died because he took offensive action against the LEOs.  It was a justified killing by the State Police as far as I'm concerned.  


But this just reminded me: A lot of you on this very board (and other places like Reddit) were salivating at the opportunity to firebomb or otherwise massacre the Bundys and their supporters.  So it's just a little lulz when you think the state should use extreme violence against people. 

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Very wild reading through the replies to this and seeing people with Don't Tread on Me flag avatars telling Rand Paul he's wrong about this. You're never gonna see it more clearly laid out that "don't tread on me" in practice means "only tread on those people" 99% of the time.

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1 hour ago, mclumber1 said:


Sure.  He died because he took offensive action against the LEOs.  It was a justified killing by the State Police as far as I'm concerned.  


But this just reminded me: A lot of you on this very board (and other places like Reddit) were salivating at the opportunity to firebomb or otherwise massacre the Bundys and their supporters.  So it's just a little lulz when you think the state should use extreme violence against people. 

If drawing on an officer is justification to shoot someone, then in what sense is it really protection in that situation? You either draw it and get shot, or you don’t draw it and it becomes functionally pointless. 

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1 hour ago, mclumber1 said:

But this just reminded me: A lot of you on this very board (and other places like Reddit) were salivating at the opportunity to firebomb or otherwise massacre the Bundys and their supporters.  So it's just a little lulz when you think the state should use extreme violence against people. 


Nobody wanted them firebombed, we were credulous at the fact a different group would get firebombed because different groups did get firebombed. 

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37 minutes ago, Ricofoley said:

You're never gonna see it more clearly laid out that "don't tread on me" in practice means "only tread on those people" 99% of the time.


On the contrary it's been obvious when almost every Don't Tread On Me license plate user is on some really nice and expensive vehicle.  Like, guys we can see you. "Gonna spend 65k buying and tricking out my Suburu, taxes are theft bro!"

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5 minutes ago, Anathema- said:


Nobody wanted them firebombed, we were credulous at the fact a different group would get firebombed because different groups did get firebombed. 


Eye roll


The amount of times you guys have hoped (or wanted) to see right wing whackos get firebombed is too damn high.

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1 hour ago, mclumber1 said:

To be fair, the feds didn't want another OKC bombing.  Waco and Ruby Ridge were prime motivators by McVeigh to carry out the terrorist attack.  So I suppose if the government is willing to accept more domestic terrorism, they can go into a lot more situations with guns blazing.  

No they didn't want another WACO or Ruby Ridge because without those events, you don't get the massive surge in Right Wing Terror andHate Groups that exploded in the 90's leading to the OKC bombing. By your logic, the United States would have completely withdrew from the middle East after 911... oh wait, they didn't. 

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