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The Outer Worlds - Information Thread, update - "Spacer's Choice Edition" announced for $60 ($10 if you already own base game + both DLC expansions)

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18 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Try killing their leader... I'm willing to bet the whole town will start shooting you on sight. 



Well at this point everyone in the town other than the leader went back to Edgewater, and you even get one of them to open a workbench station (not all that helpful but hey it's something) for doing his quest. Would be curious if they all suddenly turn on you if you still go back and kill the leader. 

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5 minutes ago, Dodger said:



Well at this point everyone in the town other than the leader went back to Edgewater, and you even get one of them to open a workbench station (not all that helpful but hey it's something) for doing his quest. Would be curious if they all suddenly turn on you if you still go back and kill the leader. 

It probably won't matter at this point.

  • stepee 1
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I can't really dispute any of the knocks against this game, but I'm enjoying it. I'm playing a pretty boring build that's focusing on guns, speech, and tech skills. At this point I probably won't do a second playthrough, but if I do, it'll be with a Dumb character that rolls solo and only does melee. 

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15 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

I can't really dispute any of the knocks against this game, but I'm enjoying it. I'm playing a pretty boring build that's focusing on guns, speech, and tech skills. At this point I probably won't do a second playthrough, but if I do, it'll be with a Dumb character that rolls solo and only does melee. 

So second play through you’ll literally be playing as yourself?

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Well, I noticed I was close to getting 1000/1000 so I did a quick 4 hour session and beat it on supernova getting the achievements I missed. In 4 hours I got to level fucking 20. Game gives out WAY too much exp. I basically just killed NPC's when I could to advance quests faster. What is BS tho is that getting the secret/joke ending doesn't actually count as beating the game despite the credits rolling. Didn't make anything harder, just longer. Now I really never ever have a reason to play this game and I never will!

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I'm finding the game  a chore to play, not sure how much more of a chance I'll give it, which sucks because I was super excited when MS acquired Obsidian. So far I've gotten the first two story achievements where you make your big choice between the corporations and the little guy fighting them, and of course in both instances they turn out to be dicks too. It's like Far Cry 4 without the crazy over the top villian to keep entertained that I oddly sympathize more with than any of the heroes. I ended up killing both those tools at the end of FC4 and letting the bad guy escape since both endings were fucked no matter who you worked for. This "both sides" BS is just making me want to kill everyone and just go do whatever. I'd probably have more fun that way. 

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39 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

Props to the people who find the game pretty mediocre to bad and complete the entire thing lol. 

I mean, who else is better to tell you that a game is bad than a person who did everything the game has to offer? 

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I will say this. Fallout just feels like shit to play. Like holly shit, I reinstalled Fallout 4 and controlling your character just feels fucking bad. Like it feels so slow and janky. It feels like the entire game just doesn't want you to play it. TOW at least feels like it really wants to be played. 

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The more I play this, the more I’m seeing how limited their budget must have been. 


The story stuff is good, I think. The way people were talking about the game, you’d think the entire way through NPCs will be shilling company lines and the “joke” will be the same, but it’s really only that first area where it’s like that, and that actually sets up a major plot point that becomes clearer the more you play. I think this game is worth playing based on the story and side stories alone. 


But man, after that it really is lacking. The weapons are pretty lackluster in design and fun in using them. This game made me realize that I actually really do managing inventory in Fallout, repairing stuff and whatnot. And speaking of fallout, it seems obsidian included stuff that’s in fallout games almost in an obligatory way. Like, there is very little reason to use sneak, or lock pick, or a number of other skills, because it just doesn’t matter. It feels extremely tacked on. 


You would think the worlds being more one off things rather than one big place would allow them to pack them full of character, uhhhh charactERs, and personality. I find the worlds, other than maybe groundbreaker, to be quite lifeless and dull in design. Again, even like the pip boy with the great music typically had by the fallout series or the talk radio that reacts to what you do goes a long way to make those games real, and this just doesn’t do that for me. 


To be fair, obsidian warned us that this is not an open, sprawling game like fallout. But that being the case I just don’t know why they then made it a fallout game in almost every other respect, just not as good. 


I like the game, I’m going to finish it. But it made me reinstall fallout 4 last night and honestly I think that game is severely underrated, and I’m gonna start a game of that and play through the DLC I never got to. 

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Just played this at a friends house and whew what a nice change of pace.  I honestly was worried I'd be spending the rest of my year playing Death Stranding 5 minutes at a time(cause that's as far as I can get before falling asleep).  Then I got home and cleaned out my garage and realized I actually enjoyed it!  So I was gonna light Death Stranding on fire but now I think i'm gonna keep it so I can play it for a few minutes before doing unbelievably monotonous house hold chores in order to make the chores actually seem fun!!!

  • Guillotine 1
  • Haha 2
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23 minutes ago, Mercury33 said:

Just played this at a friends house and whew what a nice change of pace.  I honestly was worried I'd be spending the rest of my year playing Death Stranding 5 minutes at a time(cause that's as far as I can get before falling asleep).  Then I got home and cleaned out my garage and realized I actually enjoyed it!  So I was gonna light Death Stranding on fire but now I think i'm gonna keep it so I can play it for a few minutes before doing unbelievably monotonous house hold chores in order to make the chores actually seem fun!!!

George Lucas called........he wants his license back from EA.  

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7 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Sad? How so? Expressing my opinions on mediocre games is sad? 


Sad because you get on people about hating on a game without playing it, but that's all you've been doing since SW landed. Does peoples dislike of Death Stranding bother you t hat much?

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27 minutes ago, ARZ said:


Sad because you get on people about hating on a game without playing it, but that's all you've been doing since SW landed. Does peoples dislike of Death Stranding bother you t hat much?

So I just wanna make sure I understand correctly. It’s okay when other people did it in the Death Stranding thread but not okay when I do it to a game you like? 

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1 hour ago, Biggie said:

So I just wanna make sure I understand correctly. It’s okay when other people did it in the Death Stranding thread but not okay when I do it to a game you like? 


No, it's not ok there either. Just seems beaten to death at this point.

I thought you liked Star Wars. Shouldn't you be happy it's reviewing well and people are enjoying it?

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1 hour ago, ARZ said:


No, it's not ok there either. Just seems beaten to death at this point.

I thought you liked Star Wars. Shouldn't you be happy it's reviewing well and people are enjoying it?

I love Star Wars. But I’m sorry this game is not good. 🤷‍♀️

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Greetings fellow spacers,

We want to let you all know that our Patch has been released for all platforms!


Resolved Issues for Patch

The game crashing at a specific point when the player has reached Tartarus has been resolved

Toggle to increase the font size (found in the UI tab under Settings). Increases font for conversation text, cinematic subtitles, bark subtitles, and terminal text.

Players will no longer experience muffled sounds when playing on the PlayStation 4

The Prismatic Hammer has been rebalanced.

Foliage on the Xbox One now has parity with the foliage on PlayStation 4

Various quest fixes made including "Radio Free Monarch"

The achievement/trophy for "It's Not the Best Choice" will pop correctly

Existing Botched companion quests will have their status reset to Active allowing the player to add them to a party when leaving the ship in order to un-botch the quests, unless the death occurred prior to unlocking the companion quest.

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6 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Kinda a nothingburger patch.


It still doesn't fix the game not launching at 4k and having to switch it back.


The large text is barely larger and it's only for dialogue, NPC  text is still small. Also the dialogue is still confined to a box that would fit a 4:3 screen. Can we make it wider?

Hey don’t shoot the messenger. lol 

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  • 5 weeks later...

1.2 out now



Top Community Requests:

  • Updated the "Large Text Mode" setting to apply to Examinables
  • Added "Chromatic Aberration" setting to all platforms
  • Added "Controller Aiming Sensitivity" setting to all platforms
  • Added "Head Bobbing" setting to all platforms
  • Added "Field of View" setting to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 platforms
  • Fixed weapons unholstering when interacting with the environment
  • Fixed additional cases of companion quests being marked as Botched incorrectly


  • Fixed multiple characters from talking over each other when the player dies
  • Fixed audio cutting out when scrolling on the map
  • Fixed NPCs continuing to have dialog after they have died


  • Fixed some of Felix's belongings appearing on the Unreliable even when he wasn't recruited
  • Fixed Vicar Max being available as a companion even if he was killed in Edgewater
  • Fixed consumable durations not being affected by Max's "Tuned In" Perk and the "Beverage Service Technician" Aptitude
  • Fixed enemies not always animating correctly when hit by Max's companion ability
  • Fixed companion Perks being reset when the player respecs
  • Added a notification for when companions gain Perks from quests
  • Fixed companions calling the player's attacks ineffective, even if they were dealing appropriate damage
  • Fixed lit areas of companions' armor being unlit after they were knocked out
  • Fixed companion outlines not appearing after changing their armor


  • Fixed the "Battle Hardened" Perk not stacking correctly with the Inspiration 40 Skill unlock
  • Fixed the Determination 100 Skill Unlock not applying to both companions
  • Fixed the "Precision" Perk not applying to companions in some cases
  • Fixed the Determination 40 Skill unlock not applying to both companions in some cases
  • Fixed the SuperNova Hunger debuff not applying in certain situations
  • Fixed description text for the Ambidextrine status effect
  • Fixed duration for the Ambidextrine status effect
  • Fixed the "Steady Hand" Perk stacking incorrectly
  • Fixed non-drug consumables not stacking correctly
  • Fixed automechanicals being susceptible to the Poison debuff
  • Fixed the Burn status effect from Mantipillar attacks lasting forever in some cases
  • Fixed the "Bleed" and "Sugary Drink" status effects not working with one another
  • Fixed the "Leader" status effect missing a description when applied to a companion
  • Fixed the Inspiration 80 skill unlock stacking incorrectly
  • Fixed the "Caffeine Drink" status effect not applying when the "Permanent Concussion" Flaw was active
  • Fixed the effects of the "Robophobia" Flaw not clearing in certain conditions
  • Fixed "Pack Mule" Perks not applying while on the Unreliable
  • Fixed the "Revenge" Perk not increasing damage
  • Fixed misleading text in the description of Thinking Cap-let items
  • Fixed "Adelaide's Gardening Shears" not applying the Bleed effect on targets
  • Fixed the Prismatic Hammer not benefiting from several melee Skills and Perks
  • Fixed the Prismatic Hammer not benefiting from Critical Hits
  • Increased damage of Handguns


  • Fixed "A Family Matter" not updating properly if Tucker Needham was killed in Stellar Bay
  • Fixed "The Amateur Alchemist" not progressing if the player intimidated Vaughn
  • Fixed an optional objective in "BOLT With His Name" being blocked if the player exited a terminal at a specific point
  • Fixed "Comes Now the Power" not updating properly if the Deserters returned to Edgewater under specific conditions
  • Fixed "The Doom That Came To Roseway" being blocked if Anton left Roseway before getting his research back
  • Fixed "Friendship's Due" not updating correctly if the player spoke to Harlow without meeting specific requirements
  • Fixed "Friendship's Due" not updating correctly if the player killed Trask before speaking to Harlow
  • Fixed "Solution Vital" not updating properly if Captain Irion's medical automechanical was killed
  • Fixed Dr. Chartrand attacking the player after she agrees to help them
  • Fixed issues with manti-creature spawning during Nyoka's companion quest if the player left the area and returned in the middle of the fight


  • Fixed the "Look Up" and "Look Down" keybindings being swapped
  • Added "Foliage" graphics setting for PC platform
  • Added "Enable Cinematic Kill Camera" setting


  • Fixed player response nodes being numbered when using a gamepad
  • Updated Vendor UI to show carry weight and encumbrance limit
  • Updated item tooltips to better indicate Pristine items
  • Added item sorting options to the Companion and Workbench screens
  • Added SuperNova survival meters to the Consumables screen
  • Fixed the companion damage bonus from the Inspiration skill not appearing correctly in the UI
  • Fixed two-handed melee weapons not showing the correct DPS value
  • Fixed plus signs appearing next to Skills that cannot directly gain points
  • Fixed quest objectives disappearing from the Quest Tracker after certain quest updates
  • Fixed the "Sublight Sniper Rifle" unique Dead-Eye not being marked as unique
  • Fixed the Vendor screen from becoming misaligned when selling many items at once
  • Fixed the effects of the "Paranoid" Flaw not displaying correctly
  • Fixed encumbrance limit not updating correctly when applying a Backpack armor mod
  • Fixed certain lootable NPC corpses not highlighting correctly
  • Fixed the "Compare" option incorrectly being available on the Companion screen
  • Fixed the effects of the "Adrena-Time Crash" debuff not displaying correctly
  • Fixed Adreno not being automatically equipped to the Emergency Medical Inhaler
  • Fixed the "Leader" status effect missing from the player
  • Updated description of "Field of View" setting and moved it to the Graphics screen
  • Fixed a missing button icon in the Quick Melee tutorial


  • Fixed a crash involving mind-controlled enemies
  • Fixed a soft lock when trying to interact with the Meditative Aid after attacking the hermit
  • Updated description of "Everybody Likes Me" and "Destroyer of Worlds" Achievements/Trophies to reduce confusion
  • Fixed the player's weapon becoming invisible when trying to attack while using the inhaler with the weapon holstered
  • Fixed facial animations not playing in certain conditions
  • Fixed NPCs continuing to climb beyond the end of a ladder on the Unreliable if the player started a conversation while they were climbing
  • Fixed not being able to open the Ledger if the player has unspent Skill points and two NPCs are conversing
  • Fixed Raptidon Collosi being able to knock targets hundreds of meters
  • Fixed Julius Moreau missing voice-over on a line of dialog
  • Fixed not being able to hit enemies with ranged weapons from point-blank range
  • Fixed various issues when trying to fire a ranged weapon and use quick-melee simultaneously
  • Fixed modded Flamethrowers being able to damage targets through walls
  • Fixed Raptidon Matriarch being invulnerable to Flamethrower damage during certain animations
  • Fixed beam weapons being able to lock on to underground targets
  • Fixed the reload animation playing too fast when exiting Tactical Time Dilation
  • Fixed a missing collision issue in Amber Heights
  • Fixed a spot in the Byzantium Tunnels that allowed the player to fall out of the map
  • Fixed not unlocking the Cascadia landing pad fast travel point in certain circumstances
  • Fixed collision issue in Edgewater junkyard
  • Fixed grass showing through the floor in Fallbrook
  • Fixed low-resolution blood textures in Labyrinth
  • Fixed a temporary asset being visible in Monarch
  • Fixed collision issues in Monarch
  • Fixed flickering geometry in Stellar Bay
  • Fixed rare cases of characters falling through the world as it was loading
  • Fixed "Hemlock's Eyepatch" unique item being weightless
  • Fixed rare instances of player response options not being available after loading a save
  • Fixed an issue resulting in duplicate items appearing
  • Fixed consumable durations not updating correctly after saving and loading
  • Updated credits to correct a title, added two focus tester names, and added a developer that was uncredited
  • Fixed instances of missing text when playing in non-English languages
  • Fixed German localization issues
  • Fixed Japanese localization issues
  • Fixed various text errors


  • Thanks 1
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