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The Outer Worlds - Information Thread, update - "Spacer's Choice Edition" announced for $60 ($10 if you already own base game + both DLC expansions)

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3 hours ago, Bacon said:

Bruh, I thought the exact same thing for that quest. But I am pretty sure marauders literally can't even talk according to the lore. Like, I think Parvati even mentions that all marauders have some sort of disease that forces them to act like that. Like, it wasn't even something you can ask her, she just said it one time after walking past some dead marauders. It is possible that I am misinterpreting that comment by taking it too literally. 

Apparently the Marauders are all psychotic from taking too much Adrena-time. The barber on the first world can talk about what Adrena-time does to people if you talk to him about the suicide and the girl in the marauder camp talks about how much they like it.

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1 hour ago, TwinIon said:

That article does bring up something that I'd kinda forgotten about, which is how little your decisions in Outer Worlds actually matter.

Not only that, but your choices are hardly even shown. As an example, there was a quest I did were Person A wants you to kill Person B because of their outrageous suspicions. After questioning Person B I realized I need to let Person B live, just not as they were currently. So, I told Person B to align themselves with Person C. I went back to Person A and, because the game wouldn't let me(no option) lie, I had to tell them I let Person B live. Person C couldn't brought up at all, again, no option. Person A was hella mad and will no longer associate with my character. Now, while Person B has actually left the area where I found them, unlike other similar instances in this game, they are not where Person C is located. When I went to Person C they had nothing to say about Person B either.


I then reloaded and killed Person B to see if anything changed, but not really. I mean, Person A was happy, but there are no different world states between the two options. 

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4 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Curious if you guys think Outer Worlds is better than Fallout 4


Both, in different ways. I think we can all agree that despite the bad optimization, the game engine in TOW is far superior to the jankfest that is Fallout. It also looks a lot nicer, and had actual colour. TOW is definitely a lot smaller than FO4, and is broken up into multiple areas. But if you go in knowing that, it's still a good game. I don't know if I'd say it's great, or revolutionary, but if you like the Fallout genre (of which Fallout is really the only entry), then this is a more-polished version that you'll likely enjoy quite a bit.

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12 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Curious if you guys think Outer Worlds is better than Fallout 4

I beat Fallout 3, I beat Fallout New Vegas, and I will be beating The Outer Worlds, but I have tried numerous times to get into Fallout 4 but I usually lose interest after I get the power armor. The base building and crafting are a major turn off.

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So like, this game is quite lacking. 


Not really many weapons, and every weapon is bland to the point where you might was well make everyone use an mini-gun and call it a day. That or the Heavy AR. My PC was rocking 4 AR's with different modifiers. Shock, Plasma, Acid, and N-ray.  It is very noticeable that their are no real explosive weapons or things like grenades and mines. You won't really find anything neat like a fatman/mini nuke,  or a gun that shoots junk. Outside of Science Weapons, there are no unique looking weapons as far as I am aware of, and unique weapons are just named normal weapons, with the same basic mods that you can put on any weapon yourself. You can't change or add mods on the unique weapons making them mostly useless. 


Armor is crap. Unless you are doing a hardcore sneak build, this is no reason to no deck out everyone in the Heaviest of armors. I just carried some lighter stat boosting armors for stat checks.


The worlds in The Outer Worlds are quite dull and bland.  You get a green area, and brown area, and a grey area. You are VERY unlikely to encounter a friendly Human NPC in the outdoors. It makes sense in a way, but that just means the only things that happen in the outdoor sections is you killing marauders/outlaws, or 3 types of beasts. The towns don't have much to offer either. The monsters fucking suck. Rocky Apes, large Mantis bugs, and fucking Skag's from borderlands. I guess there are space rats, but lol. There is also nothing to find in the world. As in, there is no reason to explore the outside unless you are looking for more ammo. But at the end of the game I have over 4k Heavy ammo and that was all I ever used. Never once bought ammo. Bits are pointless except for tinkering and you sometimes need to spend a few grand to advance a quest. Not putting this against the game as it is more preference, but I kinda find the 70s/80s era sci-fi aesthetic to be stupid. Like, why are they using fucking DOS pc's? I prefer sci-fi to be somewhere between Halo and Mass Effect.


The games really lacks character. There aren't any of those cool random events, except for one time on your ship when a bunch of space cows show up for no reason. This game really needs the wild wasteland perk. The wacky weapons really aren't, and there are only 4 or 5 of them. The entire game I really missed the radio. That has to be one of the best things about fallout. I could just play music myself, but it isn't the same and it wouldn't be controlled by the game so you'd have to pause it every time people start talking. There are not crazy wacky quests. You will not be helping a ghoul go to the moon. You will not be abducted by aliens(aliens not existing is kind of a small spoiler). You will not find a Republic of Dave on the map. You will not encounter an endgame monster in the parking lot of an abandoned grocery store despite only being level 3. There is nothing in the game that even comes close to creepy vibe of the old vaults, and you will never ever GARY! There is nothing like any of that in this game. To me, shit like that is what these types of games are all about and The Outer Worlds fails hard in this regard. 


Perks are just % boosts. You could remove them from the game and you wouldn't miss a thing. Run and Walk speed were the only perks that I had to have.

No real choices outside of choosing Group A or Group  B at the end of a quest line. Most everything least to the same end result.

Reputation can mostly be ignored.

ADA was interesting at first, but after like 1 story mission she has nothing almost nothing to say the rest of the game. Felt like a waste. 

I liked the ending I got.

There is a shitty ass sequel bait part that makes me want to say fuck you as what is revealed is far more interesting and I rather play that game


So, all that said, the game is not bad. It is just OK. I don't think would have been thrilled to spend $60 on a game like this, but I didn't so yeah. I'd give it a 7/10. Game was mediocre. At $1 I got great bang for my buck. And like, I didn't hate my time with it. I didn't love it, but if there is a sequel and they fix some of my complaints, then I might get it. And, I mean if it comes to game pass for a few bucks then I'd definitely get it either way. 

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On 10/28/2019 at 11:07 AM, Kal-El814 said:

That’s interesting, because I feel that almost all of the ME characters are tell, not show. I get that it’s an WRPG and there needs to be a lot of telling, I’m not objecting to it on a vacuum. Morrigan and Sven in DA are well written and I think it takes some time to get to know what their specific world view is. I feel that Leliana is, somewhat ironically a pretty egregious example of what it is that you’re talking about, as is the rest of the DA cast through 2 (haven’t played Inquisition) and almost all of the ME cast across all the games through 3 (haven’t played Andromeda) with the exception of Liara. 

Some of it is that ME you are playing Shepard who isn't a voiceless silent protagonist. ME feels more natural like a conversation because you have a little more back and forth. Bethesda games (including Outer Worlds) feel much more like the NPCs monologuing at you. They speak paragraphs whereas you get to choose from some 1 sentence responses. DA:O was kinda the same but if memory serves they weren't quite as long winded.


Keep in mind, a lot of this is my personal preference. I enjoy playing a game with a named player character that has their own personality. IE... I prefer being Geralt vs being the "dragonborn"

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15 hours ago, Bacon said:

Wow, for a mostly bug free game, the literal ending of the game has a near game breaking run killing bug. Like, that is worse than anything that can happen in fallout. 

I finished the game last night and had the same bug, I'm assuming. After looking it up I was able to go in through the back, but it's a pretty terrible bug. 


For that final mission I didn't really have to shoot anything up to that point thanks to the holo disguise thing. So it was pretty fast for me to run back. If I'd taken the hard way there I'd have been pretty pissed.

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1 hour ago, TwinIon said:

I finished the game last night and had the same bug, I'm assuming. After looking it up I was able to go in through the back, but it's a pretty terrible bug. 


For that final mission I didn't really have to shoot anything up to that point thanks to the holo disguise thing. So it was pretty fast for me to run back. If I'd taken the hard way there I'd have been pretty pissed.

Yeah, probably the same bug. I thought I was going to have to kill the chairman to advance. 


2 hours ago, Dexterryu said:

Some of it is that ME you are playing Shepard who isn't a voiceless silent protagonist. ME feels more natural like a conversation because you have a little more back and forth. Bethesda games (including Outer Worlds) feel much more like the NPCs monologuing at you. They speak paragraphs whereas you get to choose from some 1 sentence responses. DA:O was kinda the same but if memory serves they weren't quite as long winded.


Keep in mind, a lot of this is my personal preference. I enjoy playing a game with a named player character that has their own personality. IE... I prefer being Geralt vs being the "dragonborn"

While I do like a voiced protagonist, I DO NOT want that in Fallout or TES. That is a huge issue with FO4. 

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On 10/29/2019 at 12:23 PM, Bacon said:

This made me want to check out that Tides of Numenera. It is only 11-ish bucks right now, but I have also yet to enjoy one of these new-era isometric RPGs. 

Well, what do you fuckin know, this shit is on game pass. 

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13 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Too bad you're one and done with gamepass

??? I thought I said it depends on the game at some point, or something like that? Like, I am still not gonna resub in November. I am treating game pass like a rental service. I'll sub if there is game I want, but don't care to own. I know I said that before. Edit: Yeah, I said this on Page 2. 


I'll prolly sub if that Disco game comes out on it. I want try it but not at $40. 

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11 hours ago, Bacon said:

??? I thought I said it depends on the game at some point, or something like that? Like, I am still not gonna resub in November. I am treating game pass like a rental service. I'll sub if there is game I want, but don't care to own. I know I said that before. Edit: Yeah, I said this on Page 2. 


I'll prolly sub if that Disco game comes out on it. I want try it but not at $40. 

I have Gamepass but I feel the same way about Disco Elysium.

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On 10/29/2019 at 9:38 AM, Keyser_Soze said:


Well yeah I agree with this and I said it earlier about that quest with getting the fingers from the marauders. I thought it would be better if you could interact with them and maybe come out with a peaceful outcome. Like say, "Hey so and so has a bounty and we only need your finger as proof but I can let you live if so and so happens and I can say it's this person's finger or you cut off your own finger and you live" - or something like that.


Bounties after that planet do give you choices/options like that. At least the next location I got to after the first planet. 

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On 10/29/2019 at 12:23 PM, Dodger said:

I haven't time to play too much and it doesn't help I already restarted to respec, but I do find it funny this over the top corporations are evil story comes from a company that let one of the biggest corporations in the world buy them out. Corporations must not be evil when they present with you with a fat check. I get the point, the soulless evil megacorp I personally work for just made us all sign arbitration agreements so the company can fuck you over after they've been fucking you over or literally will force you to quit if you don't sign it. Still, this story works a little better optically before they "sold out". 


Once you get on the ship, you can pay to respec, and can do it as much as you want. It just gets more expensive each time.

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This game just clicks with me. I’m really having a blast roaming around space and exploring everything. My one complaint are the load times during travel or entering a new area. I hope the sequel offers bigger areas to explore and lots more planets. I’m thinking this will be an Xbox exclusive next time. 

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On 10/30/2019 at 2:12 AM, Bacon said:

So like, this game is quite lacking. 


Not really many weapons, and every weapon is bland to the point where you might was well make everyone use an mini-gun and call it a day. That or the Heavy AR. My PC was rocking 4 AR's with different modifiers. Shock, Plasma, Acid, and N-ray.  It is very noticeable that their are no real explosive weapons or things like grenades and mines. You won't really find anything neat like a fatman/mini nuke,  or a gun that shoots junk. Outside of Science Weapons, there are no unique looking weapons as far as I am aware of, and unique weapons are just named normal weapons, with the same basic mods that you can put on any weapon yourself. You can't change or add mods on the unique weapons making them mostly useless. 


Armor is crap. Unless you are doing a hardcore sneak build, this is no reason to no deck out everyone in the Heaviest of armors. I just carried some lighter stat boosting armors for stat checks.


The worlds in The Outer Worlds are quite dull and bland.  You get a green area, and brown area, and a grey area. You are VERY unlikely to encounter a friendly Human NPC in the outdoors. It makes sense in a way, but that just means the only things that happen in the outdoor sections is you killing marauders/outlaws, or 3 types of beasts. The towns don't have much to offer either. The monsters fucking suck. Rocky Apes, large Mantis bugs, and fucking Skag's from borderlands. I guess there are space rats, but lol. There is also nothing to find in the world. As in, there is no reason to explore the outside unless you are looking for more ammo. But at the end of the game I have over 4k Heavy ammo and that was all I ever used. Never once bought ammo. Bits are pointless except for tinkering and you sometimes need to spend a few grand to advance a quest. Not putting this against the game as it is more preference, but I kinda find the 70s/80s era sci-fi aesthetic to be stupid. Like, why are they using fucking DOS pc's? I prefer sci-fi to be somewhere between Halo and Mass Effect.


The games really lacks character. There aren't any of those cool random events, except for one time on your ship when a bunch of space cows show up for no reason. This game really needs the wild wasteland perk. The wacky weapons really aren't, and there are only 4 or 5 of them. The entire game I really missed the radio. That has to be one of the best things about fallout. I could just play music myself, but it isn't the same and it wouldn't be controlled by the game so you'd have to pause it every time people start talking. There are not crazy wacky quests. You will not be helping a ghoul go to the moon. You will not be abducted by aliens(aliens not existing is kind of a small spoiler). You will not find a Republic of Dave on the map. You will not encounter an endgame monster in the parking lot of an abandoned grocery store despite only being level 3. There is nothing in the game that even comes close to creepy vibe of the old vaults, and you will never ever GARY! There is nothing like any of that in this game. To me, shit like that is what these types of games are all about and The Outer Worlds fails hard in this regard. 


Perks are just % boosts. You could remove them from the game and you wouldn't miss a thing. Run and Walk speed were the only perks that I had to have.

No real choices outside of choosing Group A or Group  B at the end of a quest line. Most everything least to the same end result.

Reputation can mostly be ignored.

ADA was interesting at first, but after like 1 story mission she has nothing almost nothing to say the rest of the game. Felt like a waste. 

I liked the ending I got.

There is a shitty ass sequel bait part that makes me want to say fuck you as what is revealed is far more interesting and I rather play that game


So, all that said, the game is not bad. It is just OK. I don't think would have been thrilled to spend $60 on a game like this, but I didn't so yeah. I'd give it a 7/10. Game was mediocre. At $1 I got great bang for my buck. And like, I didn't hate my time with it. I didn't love it, but if there is a sequel and they fix some of my complaints, then I might get it. And, I mean if it comes to game pass for a few bucks then I'd definitely get it either way. 

Very well said. Game is decent... tries a little too hard to be like firefly sometimes and doesn't succeed very well at it.

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On 11/2/2019 at 4:26 AM, Biggie said:

This game just clicks with me. I’m really having a blast roaming around space and exploring everything. My one complaint are the load times during travel or entering a new area. I hope the sequel offers bigger areas to explore and lots more planets. I’m thinking this will be an Xbox exclusive next time. 



I'm having the opposite feeling. Game is just boring to me. Most of the quests are lame. So far the most interesting thing I've done is help a lesbian ask out her girl crush. Most quests are hi I need this, well before I'll give it to you you need to go get that from so and so. Then so and so has a quest for you too. And the combat just isn't good enough to make up for it. 


Small early spoilers ahead but I chose to divert power to Edgewater, and I still have almost max positive faction points with the deserters because I did all their other quests. I was expecting everyone in town to start shooting at me when I got back. Instead I just get a scowl from their leader. 


Game isn't nearly as good as I was hoping it would be. Like I don't even have much desire to keep playing it. 

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The whole game really is just Edgewater but reskinned. 


Hippies vs Corporate Protection. Freedom and Religion vs Corporate Protection. Freedom vs Corporate Protection. Bit of an exaggeration, but not as much as you might expect. 

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Well, I left this thread alone for quite a while as promised, but even so, in the intervening week or two or whatever, I only have this to add: I've stopped playing it completely. It's just underwhelming in every way that counts for a game like this. It's competent at everything it does, but no more than that. Nothing about it makes me want to keep playing. A shame, but eh, can't win 'em all. I'm glad people are enjoying it, but I hope for a lot more out of their next outing. Competence alone just doesn't capture my interest. I know we love dunking on Fallout (especially 76) in comparison to this, and while I'm always on board to take a fat shit on the trash-tier games that are the recent Fallout entries, one thing they did have was very large spaces, which served as a great way to hide really interesting things. Now, I don't think there were enough of those interesting things to warrant the map sizes, but Outer Worlds takes it way too far in the other direction, with every map feeling like a little snowglobe, you can practically predict the level design of every area before you get there.


Scattered boxes for cover, a bunch of containers lying around that you have to scrounge through for crap, maybe a roof you can jump onto, yet another terminal to hack to open a door or read a Super Wacky™ message, a conveniently enormous crawlspace located above something, extremely visible and easy to get to, that leads to a little bonus loot. The level design and worse, the characters, are so by-the-numbers and predictable that it completely kills any sense of wonder when I land somewhere, because the only interesting thing is the visual design of wherever you are, which wears off in a few minutes. If you're tired of hearing about Disco Elysium, play another Outer W__lds game: The Outer Wilds. It's not the same genre but it's unlike just about anything else you've played before and it also involves space travel! I didn't like it all that much at first, but once I saw what it was going for it got REALLY interesting.

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1 hour ago, Dodger said:

Small early spoilers ahead but I chose to divert power to Edgewater, and I still have almost max positive faction points with the deserters because I did all their other quests. I was expecting everyone in town to start shooting at me when I got back. Instead I just get a scowl from their leader.


Maybe try diverting power to the sanctuary and you might get the desired result. ;)

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2 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

Well, I left this thread alone for quite a while as promised, but even so, in the intervening week or two or whatever, I only have this to add: I've stopped playing it completely. It's just underwhelming in every way that counts for a game like this. It's competent at everything it does, but no more than that. Nothing about it makes me want to keep playing. A shame, but eh, can't win 'em all. I'm glad people are enjoying it, but I hope for a lot more out of their next outing. Competence alone just doesn't capture my interest. I know we love dunking on Fallout (especially 76) in comparison to this, and while I'm always on board to take a fat shit on the trash-tier games that are the recent Fallout entries, one thing they did have was very large spaces, which served as a great way to hide really interesting things. Now, I don't think there were enough of those interesting things to warrant the map sizes, but Outer Worlds takes it way too far in the other direction, with every map feeling like a little snowglobe, you can practically predict the level design of every area before you get there.


Scattered boxes for cover, a bunch of containers lying around that you have to scrounge through for crap, maybe a roof you can jump onto, yet another terminal to hack to open a door or read a Super Wacky™ message, a conveniently enormous crawlspace located above something, extremely visible and easy to get to, that leads to a little bonus loot. The level design and worse, the characters, are so by-the-numbers and predictable that it completely kills any sense of wonder when I land somewhere, because the only interesting thing is the visual design of wherever you are, which wears off in a few minutes. If you're tired of hearing about Disco Elysium, play another Outer W__lds game: The Outer Wilds. It's not the same genre but it's unlike just about anything else you've played before and it also involves space travel! I didn't like it all that much at first, but once I saw what it was going for it got REALLY interesting.

Nothing I disagree with here... especially Outer Wilds. In general I've been kinda trying to motivate myself to play Outer Worlds mostly because I have like 3 days left on my Xbox Game Pass to see if I can either finish it or if it gets good enough for me to keep my subscription alive.

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