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Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - Information Thread, update (06/21): Fextralife guides posted

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5 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Sounds like he just created the story of the world but not the whole game.

This has been known for awhile.



While everyone is hyped to see Elden Ring finally emerge from the darkness with an actual trailer during Summer Game Fest, I did sort of see that everyone somewhat forgot what George RR Martin is supposed to be involved in this project in some capacity.


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2 hours ago, Bloodporne said:


"LOL this boss was a total joke..." to literally any and all bosses anyone finds difficult. I once saw someone describe the Bloodborne DLC bosses as 'a joke'. 


Lol the latter ones after Living Failures were a joke to me, but only because I was way over levelled for them haha. 

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12 minutes ago, Brick said:


Lol the latter ones after Living Failures were a joke to me, but only because I was way over levelled for them haha. 

I just cannot fathom any boss ever in those games being described as 'a joke' lol. You still have to play well and really pay attention. The easiest they get in my opinion is maybe one being noticeably easier than a complete ball-buster elsewhere in the game. Like a 'joke' of a boss would be something where I waltz in after two hours of playtime and beat it on my first try without taking damage or something like that.


I guess my point being even the comparatively easy bosses in any given Souls-related game can still fuck you up if you're not playing well, including over-levelling yourself I guess which also requires an investment of playing well technically. 

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5 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

@JPDunks4is marathoning The Souls series right now, I'd be curious to see what he thinks of all this talk about bosses. 


I finished Demon Souls, and just finished my 4th or 5th boss on Dark Souls.


A few things though, I am using a guide to tell me the order of how to approach each game.  I am trying to Marathon all 6 Souls games before Elden Ring, started like a week ago.  I don't really have time to waste exploring and figuring out the proper "route" to take, so using a guide to just tell me which area to go to next.  I also am just playing a sword/board type build with lighter armor.


Demon Souls I found to be pretty easy overall.  The fact you can carry essentially unlimited heals made it far easier than it mightve been.  Only boss that really stood out to me as difficult was Maneater.  Mainly because there were 2 of them, and I got knocked off the ledge like 4 times.  I also struggled at the PvP Boss, because I know nothing about PvP in this game, and my build definitely wasn't made for a PvP fight.  The guys I kept fighting seemed to be pretty geared and experienced and just like 2 or 3 shot me each time while taking little damage.  I ended up summoning someone to beat that.


I think I summoned maybe 4 people for fights in Demon Souls.  If there was the blue light before the cloud doors, I'd typically just hit it.  That may have made a few of the fights that were really difficult far easier.


Dark Souls I played back in 2012, so I kind of remember what I did.  The Gargoyles got me like 4 times, opening boss on the Castle Wall got me like twice, Butterfly twice, Caprya Demon 1st try, and Sewer Dragon thing 1st try.


The bosses I typically struggle with are if there are multiple, or they have adds.  If its a 1 v 1 Fight, I typically can learn the patterns quick enough to do alright.


I will say, Demon Souls was good, but didn't really hook me, this 2nd playthrough of Dark Souls has really hooked me.  The Estus Flask mechanic compared to unlimited heals really changes the dynamic of how these games are played for the better.  Elden Ring has quickly shot up to being my most anticipated game, where as I previously wasn't all that hyped.

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2 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

I just cannot fathom any boss ever in those games being described as 'a joke' lol. You still have to play well and really pay attention. The easiest they get in my opinion is maybe one being noticeably easier than a complete ball-buster elsewhere in the game. Like a 'joke' of a boss would be something where I waltz in after two hours of playtime and beat it on my first try without taking damage or something like that.


I guess my point being even the comparatively easy bosses in any given Souls-related game can still fuck you up if you're not playing well, including over-levelling yourself I guess which also requires an investment of playing well technically. 


Oh trust me I still had to be careful because a few hits and I'd be dead, but at the same time a handful of hits from me and they'd be dead. When I say I over levelled, I mean I really over levelled. There's an exploit with Living Failures that if you pull off right nets you millions of blood echoes. I figured I would try it, and when I did it I leveled up a bunch. Enough to max out a couple of stats like strength and health, among others. Completely took away the challenge of the game. I wouldn't really recommend doing it if it's someone's first time. At least it made it easy for me to do a couple of New Game Pluses to get the Platinum. Chalice Dungeon bosses could still fuck me up though. 

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1 hour ago, Mercury33 said:

What’s the boss who splits into 4 in the void? I remember that being pretty tough because you have to be flawless to get rid of them quickly before the next one spawns. 

Just go full Havel's, Grass Crest Shield on back, two hand your weapon and chug through the pain. 

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