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Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - Information Thread, update (06/21): Fextralife guides posted

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3 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

I use the godskin set with my sword.


Also, thought I was done with Lake of Rot, then I found a coffin.....


I think I have 3 areas left. Going for Trump's wife first. I am pretty sure me and mimic me can pwn her. 

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4 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:


I think I have 3 areas left. Going for Trump's wife first. I am pretty sure me and mimic me can pwn her. 

She's incredibly hard. I didn't use a mimic, but I also didn't beat her yet. I tried her about 15 times. I don't know mimic would help much, she's brutal. 

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    I'm just about to start this game! Excited and a bit worried too. I have a hard time understanding all the weird things you can find and just how they should be used. I know basic shit like heavy means less rolling and swinging, etc but it's all the little stuff that's in these games that makes me pause. I'm going in completely blind, I have not read a wiki, or other than watching IGN's 10/10 review I have seen no media coverage. I do need some beginner 101 stuff before heading plz. Like stuff you know now but with the game would tell you stuff. I don't need spoilers, just help going in and I would appreciate it alot. I'm gonna be pissed if this  game doesn't grab me from the start and and just wow me. I'm not worried about the difficulty, that's fine it's just how read intense is it to understand the important  nuances of the game. Starting Thursday morning, i'm excited.


   I just played Grim Dawn a made a character an managed to beat {Well Almost} Ultimate difficulty. I'm a lvl 83 Pyromancer and boy is this game just fantastic. I clicks every box on a game I would like. I love hack'n'slash loot games like Diablo 2 and this have taken all my gaming time now for the last 5 weeks! I even bought D2: Resurrection and didn't touch it...lol Anyway, Elden Ring here I come!

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Also yeah mimic tear is still some damn good shit. Got mine to level 10 and it’s baller, must have been just game breaking before, which makes sense they nerfed it I guess.


I can’t get over how huge this game is in terms of actual designed content, not just huge swaths of random land. It just keeps sprawling in all directions. Seems like an absolute nightmare if you are a designer and want to imitate this.

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Couple other random things while I take a quick poop break.


Its intentional trolling that it asks you if it’s okay to consume a potion to spawn the horse  creating a prompt instead of whisking you away to safety right? Because come on.


I don’t like status effects in games period, kinda nervous about lake of rot because of that. The

twin valiant gargoyles

are the first boss I noped out on in quite a bit. Fucking poison cloud is cheap shit. I’ll return later at 150 when I can hopefully just cut them down in a couple combos. Though I didn’t have my mimic summon yet so maybe I already can. 


Also let me check the map when enemy’s are nearby, just disable fast travel. You are the ones that decided to not allow a mini map so let me risk it to make sure I’m in the right direction. That keeps happening where it’s blocked and I just want to check real quick.


The enemy

on top of the study hall after you use the inverted statue, before you get whatever that renna mark thing is

can fuck off too. Took me like 20+ times even though each time I was like one hit away because I swear it was reading my inputs starting whenever it was one hit away to do whatever it had to do in that moment to stop me. And on top of that it turned out not even to be an great enemy lol. Though the item I’m guessing will be important and some point, but could have snuck around.


Lastly, despite having some complaints and stuff I do think this really is one of the best games I’ve ever played. It’s pretty fucking spectacular. Not sure how I’ll rank it long term but it’ll be high up on my favorites unless the ending absolutely yanks.


Also okay fine I’ll ask, wtf do people mean when they say “liar ahead” etc, what are they referring to generally in this games lingo? 


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I've been watching some of the final fights in the game and reading posts about them and it makes me think maybe I got super lucky cuz I'm seeing people struggling with the same fights I one shot and some are even using similar builds to mine. I mean, always believe the first attempt is always your best attempt until you beat it so that's why I think I got lucky. Like, if I would have died I would have taken much longer to beat these fights. 

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1 hour ago, Kal-El814 said:


I've normally seen it around levers I can't pull, doors I can't open from a specific side, etc.


okay so it means to find another way to get by sorta? 


Just beat

auriza hero’s grave

, can’t believe they made you beat a boss that hard after putting up with that bullshit to get there. Could have at least put in a grace pot there. Didn’t want to lose the stake so I pushed through but didn’t really want to this late.


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12 minutes ago, stepee said:

okay so it means to find another way to get by sorta?


I generally see that message in front of locked doors in dungeons that you have to pull a lever to open.


I mean it's fairly obvious and the game prompts you as such so it's not too much of a mystery. :p

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Just now, Keyser_Soze said:


I generally see that message in front of locked doors in dungeons that you have to pull a lever to open.


I mean it's fairly obvious and the game prompts you as such so it's not too much of a mystery. :p


Its just written weirdly and I never paid too much attention but after 110 hours I was curious finally lol

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We are distributing this new update to fix several bugs in patch 1.03




We are distributing this new update to fix several bugs in patch 1.03

We apologize for the inconvenience, but please apply the latest update before you enjoy the game.

Targeted Platform

PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 5 / Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S / Steam

Major items included in the latest update

  • Fixed a bug that sometime prevented players from advancing NPC Nepheli Loux’s questline
  • Fixed a bug that causes the playable character to die when trying to descend from a spot near Bestial Sanctum
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Ash of War, Endure from taking effect
  • Fixed a bug in multiplayer that allowed players to teleport others to incorrect map coordinates

The version number of this update shown at the lower right corner of the Title Screen will be as followed

App Ver. 1.03.2

Regulation Ver. 1.03.2

※Online play requires the player to apply this update

We will continue to provide improvement updates in the future so you can enjoy "ELDEN RING" more comfortably. Please stay tune for more news.


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3 hours ago, stepee said:

Oh man I went back and beat the

  Reveal hidden contents

so easily just two days later lol. I also did NOT expect that to happen afterwards with the cutscene and new area.

oh man I got to them last night and couldn’t take them down. Now I’m extra motivated haha

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Oh, and I got a dagger that applies scarlet rot. It's light, so I can usually carry it on me as a spare weapon, and it melts humanoid health bars. It's the only weapon ive found in 100 hours that applies Scarlet Rot, and it works well. I upgraded it to level 8, and and it's been handy. 

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Also @Dimden im doing str, w/ dex (and 15 int) weapons, should I respec my dex to bare minimum, and put my str up to 80? Or do I keep it more balanced? Im currently like 56str-45 dex, but im not sure I require that high of dex for a str build.


I might be able to use extra int more than dex, honestly. Im working on finishing up the last few hard bosses and then min/maxing my character.

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