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Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - Information Thread, update (06/21): Fextralife guides posted

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Elden Ring Specs & Compatibility





On PC, Elden Ring will support resolutions up to full 4K (3840x2160p), and framerates up to 60fps. The framerate limit is a bit disappointing, but nothing out of the ordinary for the studio's games on PC. Modders, usually, get around those limitations fairly quickly.


Outside of that, you can expect HDR and ray tracing support on PC.






On PS4, and PS4 Pro, the game will run at 30fps. PS4 uses the standard 1080p resolution, whereas PS4 Pro has the sharper 1800P (via checkerboarding). PS5 offers two separate modes, one prioritises resolution and the other performance. The latter targets 60fps, as you'd expect, and the former is limited to 30fps.


PS5 runs at up to 3840x2160p in both modes. HDR is supported across all PlayStation consoles, but ray tracing is limited to PS5 - available in a patch.






The split is a little wider on Xbox. Xbox One, and One X are both locked to 30fps, but the former runs at 900p and the latter 4K. Both new consoles: Xbox Series X, and Series S will offer a 60fps performance mode.


Unsurprisingly, Series S has the lower render resolution of 1440p, compared to Series X's 4K. Series X is also the only Xbox console that will support ray tracing when it arrives. HDR is supported on all, except the base Xbox One.



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31 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Wow. What a two faced liar. Thanks bruh. And tbh Bacon begs for every new game release. He isn’t poor just lazy. 


Lol. If you really want me to buy you a game I can. I honestly don't remember promising you I'd buy a game for you. What game are you looking forward to?

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2 hours ago, best3444 said:


You have plenty of money. I try to help out those who can't afford every game released. 

Dude bought himself a bunch of pocket pussies. He ain’t poor. Having said that, ain’t nothing wrong with buying someone a game who ain’t poor. Love is a beautiful thing 

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9 minutes ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

Dude bought himself a bunch of pocket pussies. He ain’t poor. Having said that, ain’t nothing wrong with buying someone a game who ain’t poor. Love is a beautiful thing 

Well, if I would have known ER was coming out to pre-order I wouldn't have bought the two, not "a bunch of" onaholes. Not even kidding. I haven't made a purchase over $60 since my 180 day sub in July. At least when it comes to hobbies(?) anyway. The onaholes are the last big spend for the rest of the year. 

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I don’t know that Souls games are “hard” compared to a lot of popular games now… chances are if you’re playing something like Fortnite, PUBG, Apex, Valorant, Overwatch, etc., you’re probably going to get worked a lot harder than any Souls game will work you, and those games are dramatically more popular than Souls games in terms of player count.


The punishing thing about them is the possibility that you lose a significant amount of progress if you die if you want make it back to your body, or that there is an awful lot of the game that is obfuscated from players or not made obvious. I get why they’re designed that way and I‘ve played enough of them that I adapt my style while I’m playing, but I don’t blame anyone who loses an hour+ worth of progress for bouncing off the game forever… that can be a really shit feeling.

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13 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

It's lovely for sure but I beat the original PS3 version of Dark Souls twice total and it ran like absolute dog shit. I think Blighttown was in the low 10s most of the time. 


Dark Souls on the 360 is the only game I ever stopped playing because of performance issues. Blight Town was so fucking miserable, getting hit with poison darts I couldn’t see, with a framerate so bad I couldn’t react…

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I don't think it's fair to compare multi-player games to Dark Souls in terms of difficulty. And at least for me, I would never say CoD4 MP was harder than Dark Souls. I felt like god so often in CoD4 it was unreal. Of course that was still the "early" days of MP and on Console. Anyway in multi-player games, the game isn't challenging you, other players are. I know that isn't exactly your point with the hard work part and all but still. 

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5 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


Dark Souls on the 360 is the only game I ever stopped playing because of performance issues. Blight Town was so fucking miserable, getting hit with poison darts I couldn’t see, with a framerate so bad I couldn’t react…

Yup. Dark Souls on PS3/X360 has to be one of the worst performing games I've ever played. I mean it runs okay in quite a few areas but when it shits the bed, it absolutely tanks. 

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4 minutes ago, Bacon said:

I don't think it's fair to compare multi-player games to Dark Souls in terms of difficulty. And at least for me, I would never say CoD4 MP was harder than Dark Souls. I felt like god so often in CoD4 it was unreal. Of course that was still the "early" days of MP and on Console. Anyway in multi-player games, the game isn't challenging you, other players are. I know that isn't exactly your point with the hard work part and all but still. 


My main point is that I don’t think people mind dying / losing / repeating a lot in game, the thing about the Souls stuff that keeps them from being more accessible is the possibility to lose a non trivial amount of progress. Even in other difficult games that rarely happens, you can keep chipping away and don’t really lose stuff.

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12 hours ago, Bacon said:

Maybe not in Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1. But ever since two there have been many bonfires to the point where some are redundant. Most of the "run backs" take a minute at best if it is particularly bad. There might be enemies but just don't fight them. I mean, HARDCORE DARK SOULS FANS have started to complain about how many bonfires there are and how dying to a boss doesn't punish you anymore as you no longer have the grueling run backs. 


Dark Souls 2 too many bonfires

Dark Souls 3 too many bonfires

Sekiro too many bonfires(bit of a reach)

Perhaps things change later in the games as I admittedly didn’t make it too far into most of the ones that I played (Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, Bloodborne) because I got tired of having to redo long stretches of them that I had already completed just to get another shot at a boss.


I actually played the first Dark Souls quite a bit, and made it a fair way into it. That one I know doesn’t offer as many bonfires as I would like, or ones right before bosses. I didn’t play Dark Souls 2 or 3 quite as much since what I played of them also didn’t offer bonfires before bosses. Perhaps they do later, but not what I played of them.


I played a decent amount of Bloodborne going through every available area that I could that weren’t gated off by bosses, but unfortunately there weren’t save points before the bosses and I tried many times going back to them to try and defeat them and eventually gave up since I got tired of replaying through the same areas over and over again just to reach the bosses and die again.


Bloodborne is my favorite of the Soulsborne games that I’ve played, and it’s a shame that save points weren’t given before the bosses that I encountered because that’s basically what stopped me in my tracks from making it further in it.


Since Elden Ring is open world perhaps I won’t have the same frustrations with it that I’ve had with the other Soulsborne games that I’ve played. We’ll see.

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48 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:



If that is the only progress you have to lose there are ways to prevent that loss. And I don't mean the special rings. I mean Homeward Bones and the like. For a beginner level player, progress in character strength is far more important than progress from checkpoint to checkpoint. Maybe this isn't something a non experienced player would realize but Bones are there to save your progress. If you have enough souls to level, you might be better off retuning to base. You can then, usually, just run past everything on your way back. 


Once you are better at the game you realize souls have a lot less value and getting as far as you can holds far more value. Any lost souls can be regained from grinding. Dying in Dark Souls is really only as punishing as dying in a Zelda game.


41 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

right before bosses.

OK well this is likely never going to happen. You won't get many bonfires next to the literal boss door. You will almost always have a run back where you run past enemies. It really isn't that hard tho. Just run past them. It really isn't that bad. Well, it can be pretty bad in DS2 and DS2: SotFS made it even worse. But In DS3 the run backs aren't much. There are always a few bad ones but most aren't bad. DS1 does have some really long run backs tho especially in the later half. O&S, 4Kings, Neto, Painted World, Bed of Chaos, and Gwyn are brutal and highly annoying. Quelaag is also pretty bad even with short cuts. DS2 run backs wouldn't have been bad at all except for you can get hit out of the Fog Wall animation and there are so many boss doors that are preceded by a hallway of buttfucking enemies. Looking at you Velstadt and Glass Knight


Edit: There are a few boss that have Bonfires right before them. In DS3 the final boss has one. In Sekiro there is one right before a hard optional boss fight. In Dark Souls 3 the final DLC boss is another. Old Demon King and Nameless King have a run back with no enemies. I think Dragonslayer Armour is one as well. 

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4 minutes ago, Bacon said:

If that is the only progress you have to lose there are ways to prevent that loss. And I don't mean the special rings. I mean Homeward Bones and the like. For a beginner level player, progress in character strength is far more important than progress from checkpoint to checkpoint. Maybe this isn't something a non experienced player would realize but Bones are there to save your progress. If you have enough souls to level, you might be better off retuning to base. You can then, usually, just run past everything on your way back. 


Once you are better at the game you realize souls have a lot less value and getting as far as you can holds far more value. Any lost souls can be regained from grinding. Dying in Dark Souls is really only as punishing as dying in a Zelda game.


Again, I don’t blame someone for bouncing off a game if they lose a couple hours of progress early on because they don’t appreciate that ultimately, 5,000 souls or whatever aren’t that many if it took most of their current playtime to get them.


I also don’t think it’s unreasonable for people to quit if they accidentally tap a shoulder button and purge Stockpile Thomas from their current run, or who won’t realize that sending an NPC to the “wrong” location will end up killing other NPCs they saved, or that not killing an NPC in the Nexus will slowly purge the other NPCs, etc. That shit sucks.


I like these games. I loved Demon’s Souls, I loved Bloodborne, and I liked what I played of Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2, even though I never finished the former because the performance blew ass and the latter because my save file got eaten when I was most of the way through the game. While the games / bosses are challenging, there are things about them that are deliberately made less accessible than they should be. That doesn’t make the game “harder” and I cannot accept that it adds to the vibe of the games, which I generally like. They just make them game more obscure and less accessible and that sucks.

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2 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

I also don’t think it’s unreasonable for people to quit if they accidentally tap a shoulder button and purge Stockpile Thomas from their current run, or who won’t realize that sending an NPC to the “wrong” location will end up killing other NPCs they saved, or that not killing an NPC in the Nexus will slowly purge the other NPCs, etc. That shit sucks.


Well, yeah. I think that as been fixed tho as the games went on as it was bullshit. Not sure what what done with the remake of DeS. But now NPCs usually don't attack you if you hit them once unless you do like half of their hp in one hit. 

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2 minutes ago, Bacon said:

Well, yeah. I think that as been fixed tho as the games went on as it was bullshit. Not sure what what done with the remake of DeS. But now NPCs usually don't attack you if you hit them once unless you do like half of their hp in one hit. 


Bloodborne still had an NPC you needed to tell “go to X” when you meant “go to Y” or else they start killing people. And you need to be aware that one of the NPC’s “changed” or else everyone you send to them dies, too. Some of this “doesn’t matter” in the grand scheme of things but again, I don’t blame any player who’s put off by not realizing that some small percentage of the game’s vibe checks actually mean something.

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1 hour ago, Kal-El814 said:


Bloodborne still had an NPC you needed to tell “go to X” when you meant “go to Y” or else they start killing people. And you need to be aware that one of the NPC’s “changed” or else everyone you send to them dies, too. Some of this “doesn’t matter” in the grand scheme of things but again, I don’t blame any player who’s put off by not realizing that some small percentage of the game’s vibe checks actually mean something.


It's almost like the games are designed to be unfair and hostile from the top down. It's something a lot of people actually like about the games but somehow you can't convince even the people who like it that it's true. 


It's ok to be a masochist, soulsfans.

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8 minutes ago, Moa said:

It's almost like the games are designed to be unfair and hostile from the top down. It's something a lot of people actually like about the games but somehow you can't convince even the people who like it that it's true. 


It's ok to be a masochist, soulsfans.


That’s the thing, I don’t think the combat and the PvE in general are designed in such a way as to be unfair. I think the possibility of losing XP makes it demanding and I get that design even if, as is often mentioned, it becomes trivial for people who are familiar with the system.


The other stuff I mentioned, like stats (which have gotten better since Demon’s Souls, for sure) and NPC silliness, ARE hostile and poorly designed IMHO. There’s no “skill” in predicting that if you tell an NPC to go south that they’ll actually go north, very few hints in game that someone could attack the hub, etc. And once someone looks at a wiki or has one playthrough when they realize the trick, it’s never a “challenge” again, it’s just an item on a checklist and it’s not interesting.


I appreciate the extent to which it contributes to the vibe, I still think it sucks.

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When I say the games are unfair I'm not taking about the combat. I'm talking about how just about everything in the game is a blind decision and how the games pressure the player into poor resource allocation. I'm not making a value judgement on this design, but it baffles me that many fans of the series refuse to acknowledge this aspect of the games while also probably being drawn in by these design decisions. 

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