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Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - Information Thread, update (06/21): Fextralife guides posted

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6 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:

Ok need to fix my post. I found a lvl 7 and then an 8 somber stone. I already had a 9 so my commander's standard is now +9 and I do over 600 damage per hit. 

Now you just need to find a somber accent dragon stone and you’re set!

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47 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

I should be wrapping the game up this weekend. There is a place that allows for massive power leveling with the right talismans and gear. I am currently level 185! 


I don't even know how this is possible. I have been putting 3-6 hours a day on this game since release. Damn.

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6 hours ago, stepee said:


Oh, ok, that’s kinda lame but that’s fine I’ll just find grinding areas outside of those places. I assume anywhere I can spawn my horse is safe then. 


Im level 41 now and beat Golddick with coop summons and also beat some grim reaper boat thingy boss alll by myself like a big boy, though it was like a side boss. I’m out of the castle and heading north now pretty far up but haven’t found the next “thing” just yet. I know I was supposed to clear that castle area and gold dick but Im not even sure what I got for that or why I couldn’t just go around.

The next thing is the Academy, but first you need to power up (and equip) the great rune, which is done from the castle. 

52 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

I should be wrapping the game up this weekend. There is a place that allows for massive power leveling with the right talismans and gear. I am currently level 185! 


Im level 70 and I thought I was rushing too much and decided to slow down.

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17 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Armored enemies are resistant to slash attacks. You can kill armored oppenents sure, but you're not getting maximum damage unless you use thrust attacks. Since Katanas only have one thrust attack, rapiers and blunt weapons work better against armored opponents. If you're way overleveled against them it doesn't matter though. but yeah, I have one of each damage type. My katanna is my most upgraded weapon and is my main weapon for sure, but last night I fought an enemy that was pretty resistant to my katanna slashes and my morningstar wasn't doing much better because it's not as upgraded. My rapier made short work of him though.





Elden Ring Slash Damage Guide: Slash Damage Effects, Sources, Combinations and tips and tricks to optimize your build.


I've always used katannas in these games so I know their strengths and weaknesses pretty well. In the other games, Katannas get damaged pretty quickly and have to be repaired often. That's not an issue in this game though. 

Do you find the one you started with better than the Uchigatana?

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1 hour ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

Now you just need to find a somber accent dragon stone and you’re set!


Hunted one down this morning. 740 some odd damage. Someone needs to let Miyazaki know there is a new sheriff in town.

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47 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

I finally went back to the Roundtable and talked to Mr. Lore Dump behind the desk now that I’m worthy, and he’s mentioning characters and regions of the map that I haven’t seen even hints of yet. This fucking game…:lol:

keep going back to him, he’ll add more and more people to talk about haha

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22 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

This is the first Souls game where I'm actively following quest lines. I'm hanging with Blaidd right now and I love that a 12' tall werewolf is calling me "mate"

His quest line was very interesting. So was Renni's.


So, I just discovered that the Royal Remains Armor replenishes hitpoints when you're down. Maybe if I had read the description sooner, rather than just checking stats.


Edit: Also it's weird that all of a sudden the game just starts throwing armor set after armor set at you. I found three new sets yesterday, a few the day before, two more this morning. 

I used an increased item find item on a Caelid Banished Knight and he dropped his whole set of petty damn strong armor, and his great sword.

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So, I just sped ran to spot in the game to test out a weapon. Like, I entered the capital for the first time, ran past every enemy on the way to the two back to back bosses that I fuckin' one shot because Mimic Tear is literally the most OP thing in this game, ran to the zone after it, killed the death boatman who drops the weapon, went back to the hold to get it to +9, and then fight the "Blood Boss" that I already beat with my other weapons on a different save. I wanted to pair it with the Dark Moon Greatsword.


Both are 50/50 split physical and magical damage, but they just so shit. Maybe my build is wrong. Maybe I shouldn't dump points into Int once I meet the requirements and instead invest into the physical side. I really don't know. I don't give two fucks about magic, I just wanted to use it because of the lore. But the Bloodhound's Fang and Dismounter combo just blows everything out of the water when it comes to dual wielding greatswords.


I wish the DMGS was just better. Like, because of how that sword works you need to use the buff, which costs FP, to actually even see close to the same damage. I mean, it can be a 200 damage difference per hit or more depending on an enemy's resistance to magic. It feels like the only way to get damage out of that sword is to use the sword beam. I'm basically just a caster at that point which isn't what I want. Like, I can have all of my stats invested into Int and with both weapons a +9(out of 10) there will be times where the Bloodhound's fang deals more damage despite barely having the stats in str and dex to wield it. 


Oh well, time to load up another backup save before I ever entered the capital so I can fight those bosses without the mimic tear crutch and solo those fuckers after taking my time to explore everything that place has to offer. 

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12 minutes ago, Firewithin said:

i was watching a streamer i like over the past week or so play and every time they got what i was thinking had to be the end they just end up in a new area.  i cant believe how massive this is and all i think is yep ill never finish this game lol

Finish as in complete, probably not. But you could definitely beat it.

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1 hour ago, Dimden said:


There's a certain quest line in the game that takes you to a high-end area much earlier than you're supposed to be. All of the enemies give ridiculous amounts of XP and there's a really stupid farming spot that nets you like 11-14K exp for no effort every ten or so seconds.




There's a bunch of these portals all around the world that'll just warp you clear across the map or into entirely new areas that are inaccessible by any other means. Some of them are really well hidden, so it pays really be thorough with your exploration. 


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Exactly. That first time I warped into that high level crystal mine, did fuck all damage to enemies and immediately got one shot, I was like "Oh fuck, how am I even going to get out of here!?" NGL, it was a great experience and a way better trap than the mimics from DS.




I still hit chests to make sure they aren't a mimic.

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11 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I haven't gotten an Uchigatana in this game yet. I never liked them much in the other games though. Scimitars and Falchon's are other swords I tend to use a lot as well.

Oh, its way back in the original area. I see a lot of people who started as a samurai using it.

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I'm here lvl 30-something and everyone in here is already lvl 1000 super-saiyan 2.  I guess I need to catch up.  I haven't really found most of the bosses I ran into difficult as of yet though, esp at appropriate level.  I think I only ran into one boss I was clearly not supposed to fight yet.

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1 hour ago, eggydoo said:

I'm here lvl 30-something and everyone in here is already lvl 1000 super-saiyan 2.  I guess I need to catch up.  I haven't really found most of the bosses I ran into difficult as of yet though, esp at appropriate level.  I think I only ran into one boss I was clearly not supposed to fight yet.

I’m level 31. 

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I feel I kinda hit a wall in terms of advancing. The bosses I have discovered beat the hell out if me and I'm a level 73.


I'm way underpowered and it's because I don't grasp everything this game has to offer. I feel 😪 about it...

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2 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Oh yeah? I suck at exploring clearly and missed a lot of stuff in the original area. Any hints as to where I should look?

Deathtouched Catacombs. Its not too hard to find. Its off in a little side hall in a dark corner as you go down some stairs 

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I've got a question for you guy's. I'm on the fence on buying this game. Like some, I am not a fan of the soulslike games. I want to be, but I haven't been so far. That said, I have enjoyed the bits of them that I've played. I enjoy the challenge and the difficulty. Where the games turn me off is that I have limited time to play and find that they don't have a great respect for my time.


I'm fine with a tough section of a game and dying to it over and over. Where I disliked them was that they'd force me to re-run long lengths of the game just to get back to the boss or encounter that killed me. Many of the reviews on Elden Ring seem to indicate that this isn't so much of an issue since it's much easier to get around and/or leave an encounter that you're struggling with and then come back to it later with different gear/approach?


The game looks really interesting and I'm tempted to jump in once I finish Forbidden West.

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25 minutes ago, Dimden said:


There are sites of grace all over the place, convenient shortcuts to find in legacy dungeons and every "Major" or "Boss" encounter has a "Stake of Merika" that allows you to spawn very close to - if not right next to - the place where you died. Corpse runs have been absolutely trivialized; however, this game will not respect your time...


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I'm OK with that. I love long games. I just don't love replaying the same parts of long games over and over again. Kind of like the pre-boss unskippable cut scenes. 

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So, I'm gonna post a optional late game boss (that i'm fighting early but at the right level) that I fought with the Mimic Tear vs the time I beat the boss solo. I don't usually use the armor in the video, but I was testing it and forgot to change it in the Mimic Tear version so and I was lazy so I just wore it in the solo fight as well. The videos are just to show how fucking op the mimic tear is. Some consider this the hardest boss in the game. I don't know if it really is, but with how many runes you get it just might be. 


Here is me beating the boss normally



Take note that this boss has two phases. 


Here is me beating the boss with Mimic Tear, aka the reason I don't like to summon 



If you didn't notice phase 2 never even happened. 


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Holy shit. JUST when I thought I hit a wall I had one hell of an evening! I'm now level 78, I leveled my sword up 4 times, and beat 4 bosses that were beating the shit out of me. 


I beat:


-Minor Erdtree (I think there is more than one of these guys)

-Bols, Carian Knight

-Glintstone Dragon Smarag

-Crucible Knight


I fucked them up. Tomorrow I'm going to try and unlock more land. Feels good.

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3 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

He was the boss i had the most trouble with by far.

He got me once because I was laughing at his tiny horse which was fucking hilarious, then the big fireball attack which was awesome, then on the third try he didn't really put up much of a fight for whatever reason.

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