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Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - Information Thread, update (06/21): Fextralife guides posted

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32 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Basically what I was saying yesterday. The true path of the game is actually to go south to Morne. It's like an extension of the first area with bosses that drop plenty of useful items. There's even a boss who drops a staff (that I know @XxEvil AshxX was looking for) - And it's a lot easier to obtain in this area than using the trap chest.


EDIT: I was telling someone the other day that this reminds me of Dark Souls 2 in a lot of ways (which I played more recently) that the game subtly guides you to other areas. In DS2 there's an area early on with a bunch of powerful enemies and a boss and you can get there but it's really hard. The game is actually guiding you to the forest to kill some other bosses first.


That's why I'm trying to tell these new people to "explore" because this game is  about discovery and not necessarily making a beeline from A to B.


I actually just headed south yesterday. For whatever reason, the last time I went there, the ballista ran me off and I never went back. Then yesterday I was like "uh, why didn't I just charge at it with my horse?" so I did and now I went through and killed the big rat in the church and did some other stuff but that was as far as I got before going to bed. 


But yeah, I was a bit surprised when I went there because most of the creatures there are fodder. It's obvious I was supposed to have gone here much earlier. Now I just need to charge at whatever the fuck is hammering me from like, a mile away.

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36 minutes ago, Dimden said:


Poise affects how easy or hard it is for you to be staggered by attacks. High poise is useful for trading in PvP or being able to, for example, cast spells or perform charge attacks without being interrupted.


@JPDunks4, Bottom of the Divine Tower in Caelid. You need to beat the Apostle boss first in order to gain access to it. I found an even better version of the same sword in one of the end game areas.




Had a good weekend, Ranni's quest line was well worth trudging through, incredible rewards and a really cool, Bloodborne-esque boss.



I just got the starter to this quest line in the tower and it seems like it’s going to be very cool. 

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3 minutes ago, GameDadGrant said:


How is this known?

steam achievements will show percentage of people that unlocked.  Not sure if that is what is specifically being referred to here where that stat was gotten from though


edit: i assume they are talking about margit?  i feel steam showed it higher than 50% but id have to look again

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2 minutes ago, Firewithin said:

steam achievements will show percentage of people that unlocked.  Not sure if that is what is specifically being referred to here where that stat was gotten from though


edit: i assume they are talking about margit?  i feel steam showed it higher than 50% but id have to look again


Ahh it's a 3 day old article at this point.

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1 hour ago, Zaku3 said:

I recommend the mimic if youbwant to use a high tier summon. It costs HP. I think it was probably designed for players that are melee focused.

I jave been.

34 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:


I am only at plus 4 but I find it kinda weak. Like it seem great vs mansized enemies and cav enemies. Monsterous enemies cause it problems. The AI for it kinda sucks. It might just be that I was trying to fight bosses too powerful for it but not sure.

Really? The thing is destroying bosses for me.

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56 minutes ago, Dimden said:


Poise affects how easy or hard it is for you to be staggered by attacks. High poise is useful for trading in PvP or being able to, for example, cast spells or perform charge attacks without being interrupted.


@JPDunks4, Bottom of the Divine Tower in Caelid. You need to beat the Apostle boss first in order to gain access to it. I found an even better version of the same sword in one of the end game areas.




Had a good weekend, Ranni's quest line was well worth trudging through, incredible rewards and a really cool, Bloodborne-esque boss.



Yes, I know what poise is, I wanted to know how it was calculated.

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25 minutes ago, XxEvil AshxX said:

I actually just headed south yesterday. For whatever reason, the last time I went there, the ballista ran me off and I never went back. Then yesterday I was like "uh, why didn't I just charge at it with my horse?" so I did and now I went through and killed the big rat in the church and did some other stuff but that was as far as I got before going to bed.


Similar to my experience but I think I didn't even have the horse by that time. Then I was like I think I'll check it out and just charge in there. Was pretty easy in that regard. :p

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5 minutes ago, nublood said:

So what main weapon is everybody rolling with? I'm about 25 hrs in and still using the twinblade with blood ash. I honestly haven't found anything better for my build. I nearly solo'd Godrick with it.

I'm all-in on the Rapier. I just really like the moveset and speed of these types of Dex weapons. I have my Dex scaling at an A and can easily get in three quick stabs at a time. 

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3 minutes ago, nublood said:

So what main weapon is everybody rolling with? I'm about 25 hrs in and still using the twinblade with blood ash. I honestly haven't found anything better for my build. I nearly solo'd Godrick with it.


I am using the Commander's standard Halberd and the vanilla halberd. It works way better here because I think enemy tracking is improved so the halberd can actually hit stuff that isn't on the same plain as you. I haven't fully decided which to go for. I need to see whst damage I get from a +25 halberd vs the plus 10 commander. Trying to advance the main story to get to areas where I can get the upgrade materials to determine that.


I am slightly tempted by dual weilding greatswords but I want this game to be a halberd finish atleast.


Also as for the mimic summons. I don't technically need the summons anymore but I use them because its fun and since my posts are filled wit warhammer references I use them as a distraction carnefex. 


Ughhh I want to play. I am gonna start just walking around with the summon item. Found like 3 pvp summons yesterday. I feel like bleed and ashes of war are op but I theorize with practice I can pwn people that use those things. Problem is getting in enough practice. I do need 5o check if I can fast roll with medium armour.

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9 minutes ago, nublood said:

So what main weapon is everybody rolling with? I'm about 25 hrs in and still using the twinblade with blood ash. I honestly haven't found anything better for my build. I nearly solo'd Godrick with it.

I'm using my katana that came with the samurai starting class... upgraded of course. I also have a Rapier as my secondary and a morningstar for armored/hardened opponents. Those are my three main weapons in my right hand.

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I'm using my katana that came with the samurai starting class... upgraded of course. I also have a Rapier as my secondary and a morningstar for armored/hardened opponents. Those are my three main weapons in my right hand.


Katana sucks vs armoured opponents?

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33 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:


Katana sucks vs armoured opponents?

Armored enemies are resistant to slash attacks. You can kill armored oppenents sure, but you're not getting maximum damage unless you use thrust attacks. Since Katanas only have one thrust attack, rapiers and blunt weapons work better against armored opponents. If you're way overleveled against them it doesn't matter though. but yeah, I have one of each damage type. My katanna is my most upgraded weapon and is my main weapon for sure, but last night I fought an enemy that was pretty resistant to my katanna slashes and my morningstar wasn't doing much better because it's not as upgraded. My rapier made short work of him though.





Elden Ring Slash Damage Guide: Slash Damage Effects, Sources, Combinations and tips and tricks to optimize your build.



Slash Damage is a type of Physical Damage that is often associated with sharp weapons such as Curved Swords, Daggers and Katanas. Weapons that primarily deal the other damage types can also possess attacks that deal Slash Damage within their movesets. Slash damage is effective against unarmored or lightly armored enemies as well as fleshy creatures.

I've always used katannas in these games so I know their strengths and weaknesses pretty well. In the other games, Katannas get damaged pretty quickly and have to be repaired often. That's not an issue in this game though. 

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Still just using the Claymore. Outside of the beginning of the game and being transported out east a few times I haven't had too many problems. A few bullshitty areas/enemies here and there, but nothing a couple tries couldn't handle outside of that teleporting mage fuck stick in the academy tower and when I went to the Siofra river at like level 30 with the claymore only +4. I was actually getting through the enemies until I got to the part where the spectral bulls just spawn in fire arrows that take were taking off half my health. I just finished Ainsel River so I think I'll go back there tonight and show those assholes what's what. 


Basically, if you leave the east side of the map alone and go do the main area, then the south area, then StormVeil, then the lake area (which also has a ton of the early upgrade materials) and then do the rivers and go east, you should be fine. That seems to be the natural progression path anyway. That's what I've done, and I don't have any OP shit, and I'm far from an expert at these games other than I've beaten all of them save Sekiro, and I'm getting along just fine with little problems. 

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2 minutes ago, Dodger said:

Still just using the Claymore. Outside of the beginning of the game and being transported out east a few times I haven't had too many problems. A few bullshitty areas/enemies here and there, but nothing a couple tries couldn't handle outside of that teleporting mage fuck stick in the academy tower and when I went to the Siofra river at like level 30 with the claymore only +4. I was actually getting through the enemies until I got to the part where the spectral bulls just spawn in fire arrows that take were taking off half my health. I just finished Ainsel River so I think I'll go back there tonight and show those assholes what's what. 


Basically, if you leave the east side of the map alone and go do the main area, then the south area, then StormVeil, then the lake area (which also has a ton of the early upgrade materials) and then do the rivers and go east, you should be fine. That seems to be the natural progression path anyway. That's what I've done, and I don't have any OP shit, and I'm far from an expert at these games other than I've beaten all of them save Sekiro, and I'm getting along just fine with little problems. 


The claymore is OP change my mind. (Dabb3d on DS3 with a claymore once I was sufficiently leveled)


Edit: I am not looking forward to going back to Sekiro after this. Gonna be asemi-noob when I go back.

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3 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

I honestly mainly choose weapons based on how cool they look and how cool their moveset is. So far, it all seems pretty viable to me.


I wanna get into flails, those things are nasty looking. 


While I like the unique weapons since I focus on pvp I prefer speed of attack. So i'd rather use say the claymore then any of the unique greatswords unless one matches the claymore's speed of attack.


The commander's banner is basically a cooler looking halberd so I use it. If it wasn't I'd still be using the nilla halberd.

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21 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:


The claymore is OP change my mind. (Dabb3d on DS3 with a claymore once I was sufficiently leveled)


Edit: I am not looking forward to going back to Sekiro after this. Gonna be asemi-noob when I go back.


The Claymore just has a great moveset and doesn't require crazy stats, and can be found early in most of the games. But it doesn't have insane damage or bleed or anything. Just a great overall weapon you can find early in these games. Well in this game I had to suicide run to get it early but you can still get it early. 

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1 hour ago, Zaku3 said:


I am using the Commander's standard Halberd and the vanilla halberd. It works way better here because I think enemy tracking is improved so the halberd can actually hit stuff that isn't on the same plain as you. I haven't fully decided which to go for. I need to see whst damage I get from a +25 halberd vs the plus 10 commander. Trying to advance the main story to get to areas where I can get the upgrade materials to determine that.


I am slightly tempted by dual weilding greatswords but I want this game to be a halberd finish atleast.


Also as for the mimic summons. I don't technically need the summons anymore but I use them because its fun and since my posts are filled wit warhammer references I use them as a distraction carnefex. 


Ughhh I want to play. I am gonna start just walking around with the summon item. Found like 3 pvp summons yesterday. I feel like bleed and ashes of war are op but I theorize with practice I can pwn people that use those things. Problem is getting in enough practice. I do need 5o check if I can fast roll with medium armour.

Speaking of Carnifex, did you see their showing the new Combat Patrol and and Tyranids codex? Im so f'in hyped.

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22 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

I’m going to be getting into this more shortly, once I wrap up Horizon. Someone tell me how close I can get someone to looking like Guts from Berserk in this game.


The sword is there, I don't know enough about the show to know if there is an armor set for it but you should be able to find something. 

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57 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

I’m going to be getting into this more shortly, once I wrap up Horizon. Someone tell me how close I can get someone to looking like Guts from Berserk in this game.

Pretty damn close... You can definitely find the sword and create the facial model. I'm certain there's armor that will get you pretty close to his look. Funnily enough, Dragon's Dogma which Elden Ring clearly borrowed a decent amount from, has whole armor sets inspired by Beserk and are pretty much pulled from the anime.

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2 minutes ago, Dimden said:



Still trying to figure out the requirements to get in there. I've killed all the bosses in Caelid (that I know of) and have no idea what else to do beyond maybe completing Alexander Iron-Fist's quest line (which I also don't know where the hell he is now). Oh well.



Edit: There's a dungeon right next to the Erd Tree in the area very close by, if you've not found it yet.



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My first thought was Alexander too. I honestly don't know how I haven't noticed it before.

It looks like a Coliseum.

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