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Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - Information Thread, update (06/21): Fextralife guides posted

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1 hour ago, best3444 said:


I have the two pieces but don't know where the lift is. :(



I walked in to a celebration lol. Not lying. 



Good job. I found a place to farm runes. You get 2k a shot and it takes 30 seconds to do. Every time I log in a go there first to level up. So when I explore or try bosses I have 0 runes on me.

Oh, im not saying you're lying  im just shocked the conditions weren't what I thought they were. The difference between my playthrough and my friends was I did a very long quest line. He had to struggle through the castle, I had a celebration

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I really wish they would try with the story. They have some really good beats but a supported by nothing so it is all just fluff. 


Spoilers contain screen shots of the only relevant "story heavy" side quest in the game. Just, in any other game, this would be an amazing turn of events. Instead it feels more like just a random string of events that happens to have an ending. 










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Just now, Paperclyp said:

This game should not exist. 


I mean, it doesn't make sense to me how one team could pull this shit off in the amount of time they had. 

Well maybe, but we're also not sure how long they've been working on it. I'd imagine they probably started work on it immediately after finishing Dark Souls 3, with Sekiro being a smaller, more focused "side" project of sorts.

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Just now, Xbob42 said:

Well maybe, but we're also not sure how long they've been working on it. I'd imagine they probably started work on it immediately after finishing Dark Souls 3, with Sekiro being a smaller, more focused "side" project of sorts.

That's almost more impressive to me. Sekiro is one of the most satisfying games I have ever played. 

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58 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

That's almost more impressive to me. Sekiro is one of the most satisfying games I have ever played. 

I thought it was kind of boring myself, but it was definitely well made. Not a fan of any From game where I'm shoehorned into a specific playstyle.

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25 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Says the guy who shoehorned himself into using an OP weapon and complained about the game. :p

What? If you're talking about Elden Ring, I earned my OP weapon by fighting butt fucking naked to get it, and it's not like it's still OP. It just feels like any regular weapon now. The really OP stuff you can find on Youtube, which everyone and their grandma seem to be using in PvP. At this point I'm mainly using it because it's the most fun weapon I have. Although I found the matching claw weapon that teleports you forward without any real attack, so after I upgrade that I think it'll make for a super interesting and highly mobile combat style in PvP, actively swapping between the two.


But I'm also of the opinion that you shouldn't have busted OP weapons to begin with, make less weapons if necessary and make them more fun to use. Sekiro went too far and gave you no options at all. In Elden Ring I can still pair my sword with another weapon, magic, change up my armor, my talismans, have combat items, all kinds of stuff. Even if I take a really narrow route, I love having the option to change it up. For playthrough 2, or in this game, for PvP, or for when I just get bored and want to do more.

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2 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

I want to get my FP up to 100 now so I can use those omega summons, but I've got other things that probably should take priority. I don't think I have a stat over 20 right now. :p

I bit the bullet and dumped a bunch of points in so I could use the Headless Warrior. Well worth it 😂

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8 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I like the wolves because they are a good distraction in crowds.

Or just a good distraction in general. 3 nimble targets for one fucker to focus on. I'm usually not the kind of guy who likes summoning in any form, but there has been a few times, where I let loose the wolves because I don't want to deal with some bullshit.


Example. (slight zone spoilers so I'll mark it but it really ain't spoilers)



There is this massive place full of scarlet rot. You cannot use your horse for literally no reason other than the devs said "no lol". And there is a boss in this nearly endless lake of rot (not caelid). Tried fighting it solo but it would two shot me all while being under the life draining scarlet rot. So, because I feel that place is totally fucking bullshit and is 100% artificial difficulty where the devs changed the rules of the game because fuck you, I summoned the wolves, they distracted the boss, and I just wailed on that fuckers legs without ever having to dodge until that fucker died. The boss died quick. Didn't even feel bad about it. 


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22 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I like the wolves because they are a good distraction in crowds. I don't expect them to do much. The jelly fish is just a staionary target. I've been doing fine with the wolves.


The jellyfish moves around (slowly) and can tank a lot of hits so it's easy to draw aggro in a drawn out fight.

I like the skeletons because it's two of them and they resurrect as long as the enemy doesn't slam the ground twice.

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Mimic Tear Summon is crazy. 


4 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I like the wolves because they are a good distraction in crowds. I don't expect them to do much. The jelly fish is just a staionary target. I've been doing fine with the wolves.

It's stationary, but it's beam draws aggro immediately, and generally lives longer than other summons.

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Man I thought I was going to get out of this Morne area because I beat the main boss but I looked at the map and saw several places I hadn't been so I spent a lot of time going there. Even found a cave with @stepee in it. I had already beaten the one in the forest but could I do it a second time? The answer is yes, yes I could. :o


Also, you want a summon with numbers, how about 5 demi-humans biiiiitch?

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I swear I'm starting to get anxiety over how many fucking summons I'm getting at this point. I have SO many and no idea which ones to upgrade and keep using. I did try out the winged marionettes last night and they can throw fire bombs and generally are total chaos which was hilarious and distracted the hell out of the AI.


This is one of those games though where even if I have some minor, or bigger, gripe for a minute, I'll turn another corner or find something else or see another vista and I have that massive sense of joy in my gut again. It's funny because even fighting the same Erdtree boss again and again now, I get excited to try new tactics I learned on the last go-round on this one instead of thinking 'fucking recycled' as I'd expect. 


Also I don't know how they did it but horse combat keeps growing and growing on me and legit rules. Usually anything with a horse sucks. Fighting one of the dragons out in the wild with fire spraying everything and double-jumping over shit is epic as hell.

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2 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

I swear I'm starting to get anxiety over how many fucking summons I'm getting at this point. I have SO many and no idea which ones to upgrade and keep using. I did try out the winged marionettes last night and they can throw fire bombs and generally are total chaos which was hilarious and distracted the hell out of the AI.


This is one of those games though where even if I have some minor, or bigger, gripe for a minute, I'll turn another corner or find something else or see another vista and I have that massive sense of joy in my gut again. It's funny because even fighting the same Erdtree boss again and again now, I get excited to try new tactics I learned on the last go-round on this one instead of thinking 'fucking recycled' as I'd expect. 


Also I don't know how they did it but horse combat keeps growing and growing on me and legit rules. Usually anything with a horse sucks. Fighting one of the dragons out in the wild with fire spraying everything and double-jumping over shit is epic as hell.

Ive only upgraded jellyfish, wolves, and Lhutel the Headless, and I actually tried to use Lhutel today, and had to summon jellyfish because it wouldn't allow me to summon him for some reason. 


Agreed on horse combat. Especially now that ive perfected my lock on/lock off technique.

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4 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

Not enough FP...??

Ohhhhh shit. Correct. I have 68. 


Edit: ill try it out with the filigreed crest and an mind wondrous physik. (If I have a mind one).


Im at 10 flasks, and on top of that I've learned to only use them while actively in combat so you get them back after killing a group, and at this point im really starting to feel not just strong, but tough. 


Also, how many beat Radahn? Because 


I really want to talk about that meteor. 


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7 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

Ohhhhh shit. Correct. I have 68. 


Edit: ill try it out with the filigreed crest and an mind wondrous physik. (If I have a mind one).


Im at 10 flasks, and on top of that I've learned to only use them while actively in combat so you get them back after killing a group, and at this point im really starting to feel not just strong, but tough. 


Also, how many beat Radahn? Because 

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Yeah some of these big-ass summons take around 100 FP so basically the equivalent to a level requirement on weapons. 

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4 minutes ago, best3444 said:


How do you upgrade the jellyfish?



You need to complete a quest. Near a grace point you will find a girl in red armour that lost her companions. There is an item in stormviel castle near the boss that is the first monster you run into. It's in a room near the hall with a boss and has 3 dogs there. Get it give it to the girl exbauster her dialog. Go to the roundtable hold talk to her and the blacksmith until you complete the quest. She will open a shop near the blacksmith that let's you upgradr summons.


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22 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

For those still early in the game or who are struggling with Margit.


Basically what I was saying yesterday. The true path of the game is actually to go south to Morne. It's like an extension of the first area with bosses that drop plenty of useful items. There's even a boss who drops a staff (that I know @XxEvil AshxX was looking for) - And it's a lot easier to obtain in this area than using the trap chest.


EDIT: I was telling someone the other day that this reminds me of Dark Souls 2 in a lot of ways (which I played more recently) that the game subtly guides you to other areas. In DS2 there's an area early on with a bunch of powerful enemies and a boss and you can get there but it's really hard. The game is actually guiding you to the forest to kill some other bosses first.


That's why I'm trying to tell these new people to "explore" because this game is  about discovery and not necessarily making a beeline from A to B.

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12 minutes ago, Dimden said:


A tip regarding the summon, it will only use whatever you have currently equipped. If you want the summon to use a really powerful spell, for example. Just equip the necessary staff and spell, summon it and then change to whatever equipment you normally use. Having too much stuff equipped at once can "confuse" it and it'll try using everything in it's arsenal and rarely use any of it's big hitting attacks. I tried experimenting with this last night and was able to get it to just use the dragon rot incantation and nothing else while I was going about business as normal.

Edit: In this sense, it's the best summon in the game as it can take on designated rolls with much greater efficiency than other summons, has really high HP and resistances when upgraded to +10.


I am only at plus 4 but I find it kinda weak. Like it seem great vs mansized enemies and cav enemies. Monsterous enemies cause it problems. The AI for it kinda sucks. It might just be that I was trying to fight bosses too powerful for it but not sure.

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26 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Basically what I was saying yesterday. The true path of the game is actually to go south to Morne. It's like an extension of the first area with bosses that drop plenty of useful items. There's even a boss who drops a staff (that I know @XxEvil AshxX was looking for) - And it's a lot easier to obtain in this area than using the trap chest.


EDIT: I was telling someone the other day that this reminds me of Dark Souls 2 in a lot of ways (which I played more recently) that the game subtly guides you to other areas. In DS2 there's an area early on with a bunch of powerful enemies and a boss and you can get there but it's really hard. The game is actually guiding you to the forest to kill some other bosses first.


That's why I'm trying to tell these new people to "explore" because this game is  about discovery and not necessarily making a beeline from A to B.

This is 100% true in my experience as well. I was baffled by Margit when going the path the game initially seemed to lead me...as in straight to the damn boss. I had to bash my head against it at low level for quite some time to rage-explore. I still think the way the game handles that is less than ideal, making the sites of grace point you specifically towards Stormveil and introducing necessary elements on that path. I think it would've been a lot more intuitive to indeed talk about Stormveil and all but also drop a hint or two, in some veiled Souls lingo, that you should prepare and discover adequately before trying to even think of taking that on.


Morne absolutely should be someone's first full dungeon before Stormveil. It's WAY easier and a proper introduction to a full Souls level and major boss.

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