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Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - Information Thread, update (06/21): Fextralife guides posted

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I finally found the lady who gives you the bell. I had found the jellyfish long before that and couldn't use it. Then I promptly used it to take down the boss in the wolf cave and the Pumpkinhead Boss :o


Also sort of spoilery screenshot if you haven't beaten him yet, just of my character heh








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1 hour ago, best3444 said:

I'm level 21 and can't even beat the boss in the wolf cave. Is it necessary to craft items etc? Where is the best place for that.


The bosses are ridiculous 😒 


I'm level 16. I just summoned a jellyfish and he went down pretty easy.


I haven't crafted many items. I just crafted some to see what it was like. I'm sure if there are important items to craft and you have the recipe then it's probably a good idea. Best place to craft? You can do it anywhere just go to the crafting menu.

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2 hours ago, best3444 said:

I'm level 21 and can't even beat the boss in the wolf cave. Is it necessary to craft items etc? Where is the best place for that.


The bosses are ridiculous 😒 

Bosses just require patience. Be conservative in your attack until you have their movesets down. And don't block when you can dodge. Blocking uses up more stamina.

I took down Margit at level 16 or 17 I think. I wasn't in my 20's yet. Patience is the name if this game.

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14 hours ago, atom631 said:

speaking of this…I noticed before dungeons, theres a statue and you activate it and it says “the summoning well is active” or something like that. Im assuming that means you can call in another player for help? But how do you do it? 

There should be a golden summon sign near that statue.  It summons an npc helper to help you fight.  Useful for boss fights. There's one right near Margit. 

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Man, level 22 and can't beat any bosses or higher level enemies. I upgraded my sword and got upgraded armor and I'm still getting my ass handed to me. I was just exploring a catacomb and got pretty deep inside then the enemies down there destroyed me.


I am addicted to this game but I'm really discouraged. Taking a break now but I'm going to play later. I did finally see the way points in where the game wants you to go. But if you follow that it gets tougher.


My question is, the higher the level you are will things get easier? I just grinded a few minutes ago to get to level 23. The game is very overwhelming that's for sure. 

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39 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


I'm level 16. I just summoned a jellyfish and he went down pretty easy.


I haven't crafted many items. I just crafted some to see what it was like. I'm sure if there are important items to craft and you have the recipe then it's probably a good idea. Best place to craft? You can do it anywhere just go to the crafting menu.


How do you summon? Also, is coop working because my nephew wants to help me with the bosses.

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Other miscellaneous thoughts/comments:


- While I appreciate the lack of hand holding more often than not, I feel like they didn't do a great job pacing the tutorial information (like finding multiple ashes and Ashes of War before finding the respective items to use them). It also seems like they left multiple combat concepts unexplained (though maybe I just missed some of that information).


- The first few mounted fights are exhilarating...They get pretty dull/dumb pretty quickly though. 


- Straight up just loving the exploration right now, it's a joy just running around and finding new things.


- So far I've beaten...



Demi-Human Chief, Beast of Farum Azula, Erdtree Burial Watchdog, and Tree Sentinel


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15 minutes ago, best3444 said:

How do you summon? Also, is coop working because my nephew wants to help me with the bosses.


Because I'm not Bloodytooth I'll tell you



Do you remember where you bought the crafting kit from, the Santa Claus guy?

In the same area there is some witch looking lady, talk to her and she will give you a bell to summon stuff with. I think the bell includes a spell to summon 3 wolves.

When you get to a boss area with a summon statue you can summon them near there. You have to equip the spell on your menu (like your flasks and other items) and then you push x to summon.



Here's what she looks like





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1 minute ago, stepee said:


Or he can engage with the community here and try asking here? Some people like that more than guides, like @Chris- and his Super Metroid thread. It’s normal.

Nobody is telling him not to ask questions, but he's clearly not getting the answers he wants. Seeing it visually might help far more than us giving him bad explanations of mechanics most of us don't yet understand.

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3 minutes ago, stepee said:


Or he can engage with the community here and try asking here? Some people like that more than guides, like @Chris- and his Super Metroid thread. It’s normal.


This "advice" is hilarious. "Go to reddit, or google or this" or what if he's in this thread of an established community already and he can ask here and can actually get an answer? :o

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Just now, BloodyHell said:

Nobody is telling him not to ask questions, but he's clearly not getting the answers he wants. Seeing it visually might help far more than us giving him bad explanations of mechanics most of us don't yet understand.


Keyser’s answer looked very helpful to me idk.

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@best3444 To sort of elaborate on what @skillzdadirecta said


Rolling against bosses is generally the way to go because when you roll there are some invincible frames of animation so you won't get hit and can maneuver better. If you block, especially against big boys your stamina will take a huge hit and you could get staggered.


Now if you've got armor (and weapons equipped) that weigh too much you'll fat roll and your roll won't be as mobile so you should lighten the load if you're doing that so you can roll appropriately.

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1 minute ago, best3444 said:

@Keyser_Soze and @stepee thanks for backing me up.


I learned something from keyser so that's why I like to interact here. It's part of the fun. I have the summoning bell so I'm going to use that shortly on a boss. Thanks for the advice. 


It might be a good idea to practice this technique against normal enemies first, like bigger ones like those burly sword guys who ride on horseback (ones who are on foot though) or maybe even try rolling by those giant things with the big nutsacks. That way you'll feel a bit more comfortable doing it by the time you face off.

But if you have those summons, they're usually a pretty good enough of a distraction to draw aggro from the boss.

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Just now, skillzdadirecta said:

How is everyone with parrying? I've never gotten good with in any of the games.


I suck at it. Still dunno how i beat the last boss in DS1. I parry abused him. I am far better at dodging. Also I try to play like a warhammer High Elf. Basically I try to always strike first. I use greatswords and halberds so I tend to stun lock enemies if it can be done.

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I just hit Lvl 30, still haven't even approached the Castle.  Hit that little Shack once you go through the Stormgate (Troll drops on you), I just started exploring everything behind me.  I think I've killed maybe 6-8 mini bosses now.  2 Overworld Bosses, and maybe 6 Mini-Dungeons.  Really enjoying my time exploring, ran into a few side quest NPCs, but haven't tackled their actual quests yet.  Will get on a little later to continue the journey.

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Those little statues you find randomly around them map, it once let me examine one and it made a light patch pointing me to somewhere.  When I return to that same statue, it's not an option to examine it again.  I've seen one other somewhere else where it didn't give me the option either.  


Anyone know what allows us to examine those statues?

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2 minutes ago, Dimden said:


Oh those, they're hints. They'll usually have some sort of whisp that protrudes from them in a direction they want you to go. Think of it like a location-based riddle. A couple of them led me to cave dungeons. They're usually pointed in the direction they want you to go, so just walk in that direction and look for something that matches up with the riddle.


Yeah, I got that.  This one let me interact with it, and it showed me the wisp and direction to go.  I think you need to activate it to actually open up the entrance to the Dungeon, but not sure.  


I ignored the direction though the first time, and each time I've returned, it won't let me interact with it.  And when I go to where it was pointing, I don't find any entrance to a cave or anything, so I'm a bit confused.  I was wondering, does anyone know why we can or can't interact with it in different circumstances?

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1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

How is everyone with parrying? I've never gotten good with in any of the games.


I just can't.

Im fine with normal enemies 

45 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

For those having trouble with Margit, he's susceptible to back stabs.

Thats what i finally destroyed him with.

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4 hours ago, Dodger said:

At least early on crafting gets you consumables like arrows and fire bombs and such. You can definitely just buy arrows, but you can craft blood arrows, poison arrows, fire arrows, rope firebombs. I assume you can just buy all this but of course at different merchants you won’t remember who has what so the crafting part may be more convenient sometimes. Maybe later you can craft better shit.

Great. Now where do I get a fucking bow to use all these arrows lol

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