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Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - Information Thread, update (06/21): Fextralife guides posted

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Update: Basically everywhere I’ve gone so far leads to some sort of dickwad enemy above my current pay grade I say I’ll come back to a little later. I haven’t even figured out how to level up yet. Doesn’t seem to be an option at the bonfires  Sites of Grace. Maybe  there’s a uh Gracekeeper or something that does it later.

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19 minutes ago, XxEvil AshxX said:

Assuming ya'll have physical copies cuz my shit won't unlock till 11:00.


PC gamers got the game at 6PM EST. 


Ya I am getting my ass kicked in. Expect for this cave wolf boss. Pwned it so hard with a halberd. My High Elf Phoenix Guard would have been proud of me.

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54 minutes ago, Dodger said:

Update: Basically everywhere I’ve gone so far leads to some sort of dickwad enemy above my current pay grade I say I’ll come back to a little later. I haven’t even figured out how to level up yet. Doesn’t seem to be an option at the bonfires  Sites of Grace. Maybe  there’s a uh Gracekeeper or something that does it later.


The 2nd bon fire you are lead to. The one near the gate and enemy camp use it and a cutscene will play.

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7 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:


In general I think that stuff is overstated. If you have an awesome 50 hours with a game and the wheels fall off at the end, that’s still 50 solid hours. And I don’t think that happens all that often; the exceptions are memorable. I also think that “finishing” a game doesn’t mean all that much depending on the genre. If you finish the main quest line in something like Horizon and do no side content, and finish the game in 20 hours, do you know the game better than someone who dumped 40 hours into it and got halfway through the main story? Or on the other side, if a game is a complete slog but has a rad twist at the end, I don’t know that the slickest ending hook is going to make up for a bland game leading up into it. If a game takes many hours to get good, I think it’s equally valuable to know that someone bounced off it for a long period.


Books are just a horse of a different color. I have a couple friends who are authors and my impression is that the review industry / machine is meaningfully different to the point where it’s an apples to oranges comparison… but I’m not claiming to be an expert.


TL;DR… I feel like I’ve been playing games long enough to make informed decisions about a game much earlier than they end in the majority of circumstances and I’d wager most reviewers can probably do the same. And I think that a couple dozen hours in a game is enough to make an informed decision about whether or not it’s worth the investment, again, in the majority of circumstances.

i agree with you BUT if there’s a game that is heavy on the story, there’s a chance the ending sucks shit and leaves players with a bad taste in their mouth. something like elden ring, I don’t think a reviewer needs to finish it to have an informed opinion. 

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28 minutes ago, johnny said:

i agree with you BUT if there’s a game that is heavy on the story, there’s a chance the ending sucks shit and leaves players with a bad taste in their mouth. something like elden ring, I don’t think a reviewer needs to finish it to have an informed opinion. 


I think it depends on the game yeah. You wouldn’t want someone to review Heavy Rain without them seeing how the mystery “wraps up”.

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So I was having trouble launching this game. The thing would have the Easy Anti Cheat splash screen then go to a white screen and crash. I'm not the only one with this issue. I had this same issue with Scavengers, it used the same EAC and would do the same thing. The issue was never fixed on my end. But someone said to UNINSTALL Epic Games Launcher and their game worked. So I tried it and my game worked. I don't think I'll be reinstalling that POS!

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20 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

So I was having trouble launching this game. The thing would have the Easy Anti Cheat splash screen then go to a white screen and crash. I'm not the only one with this issue. I had this same issue with Scavengers, it used the same EAC and would do the same thing. The issue was never fixed on my end. But someone said to UNINSTALL Epic Games Launcher and their game worked. So I tried it and my game worked. I don't think I'll be reinstalling that POS!


It's just another launcher.


Calling it quits for the night. At lvl 23 with a plus 2 Halberd. Beat 2 bosses. A wolf man and the boss at the horse boss near the first bonfire. Need to git gud to beat the first main story boss and this random dark knight near the enemy camp.

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I was watching a Swedish dude on Twitch play.  I never watch a SP game stream, but I was so intrigued based on the insane review scores, I had to take a look. I think I wound up watching for like 2-3hrs! I have to say it looks really good. Its just oozing with atmosphere. The freedom of exploration was really giving me a hardcore BOTW vibe. And there are checkpoints everywhere. There wasn’t really a time where he went far without finding another one. And it seems from

what i saw there is usually a checkpoint right outside main boss arenas. 

im 13hrs into Horizon and while its good, it hasnt sunk its claws in me. I may have to pick this up. 

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1 hour ago, Kal-El814 said:


I wouldn’t want anyone to finish Heavy Rain for any reason :p


But they will be more likely to warn potential players about its story if they see the end I’d think!


Fake edit: apparently Heavy Rain got an 87 meta on its original release so maybe not

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I'm enjoying the game a lot, haven't done much though. It feels like Sekiro gave them good practice for making a better feeling game because the movement and combat feels a lot more fluid than a souls game. That being said this is super easy compared to a real souls game. You can easily pick of enemies and if you get into some trouble run away and they don't give chase for too long. The stealth is a big game changer (not that the enemies are super aware) but sneaking around camps picking off soldiers one by one makes this feel more like MGS than dark souls (Metal Gear Souls?)


I picked withered so maybe that's why it feels different to me, I'm just kind of hiding in bushes like an animal ambushing soldiers and stuff. It's really interesting just wandering around (I headed east at the beginning rather than where the site of grace directs you) and the world is so alive, time of day changes rains falls, pretty crazy.


I thought the beginning was kind of funny, that first boss is like "if you can't pass this really easy boss fight you should probably quit" :p

And those wimps out there who say they can't get into these types of games because it's too hard they really made it easy with the replenishing flasks and the checkpoint statue things

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8 hours ago, Zaku3 said:


I think the lock is an engine limitation.


Also are we supposed to kill the boss knight we run into. He kinda pwns me I ran away. Also halberd use is getting pwned by my weight. If I have the shield on I have roll. 

You're supposed to kill him when you think you're powerful enough. If you just started, he'll probably push your shit in. 


So damn hyped. Creating a character right now!

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1 hour ago, TheLeon said:

The names and exposition in this game are such magnificent bullshit. 

Lol always. Although I think this intro and the lore for the bosses given might be the most interesting and the most coherent of any of the souls games so far. Like I actually have a general idea what’s happening in the world haha. 

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2 hours ago, TheLeon said:

The names and exposition in this game are such magnificent bullshit. 

The first Dark Souls is my actual favorite game of all time. I've beaten it several times and I legit have no fucking clue what the actual STORY is to this day and don't care. This is going to sound asinine but their lore reminds me more of something like obscure song lyrics in poetry format. It's all more about the atmosphere of their word choices and so on. 


So in short, it IS magnificent bullshit and also awesome because it simply exists to support the game world and atmosphere.

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I played for about five whole minutes last night before I was too tired to bother with dodging and parrying so I just had to go to bed. I'll check it out for real this afternoon when I get home from work.


I did have a thought though. What if everyone talked with dramatic pauses for real, for like, an entire day? That lady at the beginning was practically talking to herself yet took dramatic pauses, just because. I guess for her horse?

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21 minutes ago, XxEvil AshxX said:

I played for about five whole minutes last night before I was too tired to bother with dodging and parrying so I just had to go to bed. I'll check it out for real this afternoon when I get home from work.


I did have a thought though. What if everyone talked with dramatic pauses for real, for like, an entire day? That lady at the beginning was practically talking to herself yet took dramatic pauses, just because. I guess for her horse?


That..........might be terribly................amusing.....? Heh heh heh heh heh heh

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