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Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - Information Thread, update (06/21): Fextralife guides posted

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The word you guys are looking for is narrative. Elden Ring won't have a narrative, i.e. first act, second act, third act, with character arc, etc., but will have a story and world building in the little bits of story that are given to reveal what's going on you can piece together through flavour text and dialogue. 

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As someone who shat on Dark Souls 2 in the past (but never played it) I'm really enjoying my first time through. I've played most of them but never finished any of them on my own. (My friend wanted to play co-op the first and third game so I did and I was pretty much carried the whole time) but I'm enjoying the sense of discovery. A lot of people say these games are hard but that is the brilliance. If you get to a part that is hard you're probably not supposed to go there yet. So it's interesting to see where all the avenues take you in the game.


I imagine Elden Ring is going to be this times a thousand since it's super open. I don't know if I'll finish it before Elden Ring but I'm enjoying my time with it.

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3 minutes ago, Bacon said:

I still believe that open world will make this game a lesser experience when compared to other titles, but we shall see. Either way, pretty much no other souls game can beat Dark Souls. I fuckin' love poise. 


I don't think it will unless they introduce level scaling. There is probably gonna be a recommendable order to do stuff in because of that.

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Important safety info for PC players. Don't take Thursday off. Take Friday off. Banco games unlock usually at 5:30pm or later. Unfortunately I was hoping to work tomorrow to be able to take Friday off but no luck. Did this with Tales of Arise and never again. 

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2 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:

I don't think it will unless they introduce level scaling.

Nah, replays will worse because open world games just take longer. Dark Souls games don't really have empty zones either. I personally get no joy in traversing empty fields. I don't care how realistic it is. Empty is boring and time wasting. I feel like AAA is nearly synonymous with open world at this point. Well, at least when it comes to they styles of game I have traditionally enjoyed.

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3 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

As someone who shat on Dark Souls 2 in the past (but never played it) I'm really enjoying my first time through. I've played most of them but never finished any of them on my own. (My friend wanted to play co-op the first and third game so I did and I was pretty much carried the whole time) but I'm enjoying the sense of discovery. A lot of people say these games are hard but that is the brilliance. If you get to a part that is hard you're probably not supposed to go there yet. So it's interesting to see where all the avenues take you in the game.


I imagine Elden Ring is going to be this times a thousand since it's super open. I don't know if I'll finish it before Elden Ring but I'm enjoying my time with it.


"I've played most of them but never finished any of them on my own" does say a lot.


    The games are difficult, I have played them all and find them really difficult for me, so I'm someone who over levels to accomplish what "DS" players beat in a timely fashion no problem. I beat Demon Souls on the PS3 and had a good time and didn't have to over lvl to beat it, though I did die ALOT. I have never played with anyone else except those FU%$#RS that invade and just hunt you down and kill you, god I hated that. I beat DS1 on Switch of all things...lol DS2 and 3 I was close and never finished, Bloodborne also nearly finished but had to over lvl again to make the game more fun. Sekiro I just struggled and never finished sadly also and really was disappointed too. These games really are very fun to explore and find what's just around the next corner, sucks that what is there though is just going to kill you {or me I mean, I'm not judging anyone here} I wanted to love these games so much but they really are too hard for me but I'm a sucker for Hype and a challenge knowing my gaming reflexes have diminished to a very subpar level at my advanced age...lol


   So I obviously own them all, mostly on Steam but had DS on PS3 and DS1 on Switch and Steam! That said I have Elden Ring Pre-ordered too digital version from BestBuy for the Series X and it should be fun. I highly doubt I'll sit down and play it through to the end without taking a few breaks here and there but again I am excited to have a go and see what's around those huge open world "Corners" again this time around too. Oh and I'm really wanting a PS5 for a few games but to have a go at Demon Souls again, the one that started it all and that I did beat even at sub 15FPS in Blight Town {I'll never ever forget that gaming experience of difficulty and shitty performance, I was a much younger man then too and used to finish my gamed at a better pace!}


   Lastly: I have also Own Nioh 1 and really tried but didn't finish that either, but didn't buy the sequel. I was liking the game but just was overwhelmed at the later parts. Also Remnant: From the ashes. Another pretty difficulty game though can be played and is multi player if you want, I found it very difficult so another non finish there too! lastly though Immortal Shell came around too and I loved that one a lot. I played it pretty much strait through {Meaning focusing on it and not stopping to play others in between. It kept me interested along with the difficulty, I do believe it was far less difficult too though, I beat it but again was quite a bit over lvl'd too to get the game finished but I did finish it that's always a good feeling!}

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Well, the games aren't about reflexes or twitch gaming skills so much as they're about pattern recognition. People aren't dodging every attack with ninja reflexes (aside from learning runs or PvP), they're dying a lot to a boss and memorizing all the tells and what are safe times to attack and when to just focus on avoidance. 


I think a lot of folks who struggle a bit with Souls games and kind of get baited by the dumb "git gud" memes are assuming that it's normal for a veteran Souls player to just get in there and first or second try most bosses. Maybe for easier bosses with much more obvious tells... but most people just keep dying until they either fully or at least mostly understand the entire fight. 


Which is to say that Souls games aren't like most games where you're expected to beat each boss you encounter reasonably on your first try, the entire core of the games are built on this repetition. "Over" leveling (or... just adjusting the game to a comfortable difficulty level, who's to say you're overleveled?) is simply another tool to make sure people can get through the game. 

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20 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

Well, the games aren't about reflexes or twitch gaming skills so much as they're about pattern recognition. People aren't dodging every attack with ninja reflexes (aside from learning runs or PvP), they're dying a lot to a boss and memorizing all the tells and what are safe times to attack and when to just focus on avoidance. 


I think a lot of folks who struggle a bit with Souls games and kind of get baited by the dumb "git gud" memes are assuming that it's normal for a veteran Souls player to just get in there and first or second try most bosses. Maybe for easier bosses with much more obvious tells... but most people just keep dying until they either fully or at least mostly understand the entire fight. 


Which is to say that Souls games aren't like most games where you're expected to beat each boss you encounter reasonably on your first try, the entire core of the games are built on this repetition. "Over" leveling (or... just adjusting the game to a comfortable difficulty level, who's to say you're over leveled?) is simply another tool to make sure people can get through the game. 

Yea I suspect your right! Hell I mean I remember the grinding to fully over level FF7 characters to beat Emerald and Ruby...lol. it was just what you had to do. Ruby {The red dragon in the sand immediately removed on of your Characters right at the first start of the fight by sinking them in the sand, and it was random on who would go} tough fight man, Ruby had 500,000 hit points. But then there was Emerald that blue floating / swimming / underwater Monster with just the 1,000,000 hit points! This was my first experience in a game where you would just rerun certain places to get better stuff over and over and over to get youo health and stats up, etc.

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7 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

As someone who shat on Dark Souls 2 in the past (but never played it) I'm really enjoying my first time through. I've played most of them but never finished any of them on my own. (My friend wanted to play co-op the first and third game so I did and I was pretty much carried the whole time) but I'm enjoying the sense of discovery. A lot of people say these games are hard but that is the brilliance. If you get to a part that is hard you're probably not supposed to go there yet. So it's interesting to see where all the avenues take you in the game.


I imagine Elden Ring is going to be this times a thousand since it's super open. I don't know if I'll finish it before Elden Ring but I'm enjoying my time with it.

The hub or 'nexus' in DS2 was my favorite by far. The music and setting set the tone of the game better than the others. 

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7 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

As someone who shat on Dark Souls 2 in the past (but never played it) I'm really enjoying my first time through. I've played most of them but never finished any of them on my own. (My friend wanted to play co-op the first and third game so I did and I was pretty much carried the whole time) but I'm enjoying the sense of discovery. A lot of people say these games are hard but that is the brilliance. If you get to a part that is hard you're probably not supposed to go there yet. So it's interesting to see where all the avenues take you in the game.


I imagine Elden Ring is going to be this times a thousand since it's super open. I don't know if I'll finish it before Elden Ring but I'm enjoying my time with it.

How does it look graphically to you?

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49 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

How does it look graphically to you?


The look of the game was what kept me away and I don't think much has changed in that regard. Some things look ok, some textures look bad but at least it runs smoothly.

I think part of the issue is that there's like no lighting or atmosphere. Wile DS1 kind of had a darker tone, DS2 looks like it's bathed in light. So since everything is so bright you see all the imperfections.

DS3 on the other hand I think looked the best of the three games.

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18 hours ago, Brick said:

The word you guys are looking for is narrative. Elden Ring won't have a narrative, i.e. first act, second act, third act, with character arc, etc., but will have a story and world building in the little bits of story that are given to reveal what's going on you can piece together through flavour text and dialogue. 

Nahh, I've played all the souls games, and its story will be the most basic bitch stuff together. Every game is about piecing together the lore and history through equipment and items you find. You get the odd story piece, yes, but its mostly throw away and completely unimportant. I don't expect any more from this. It will be all about discovering the lore of the world. I mean od course it will have "a story", but it will be so bare bones it will be mostly ignored. 


Im playing HFW right now. That game has a complete narrative. It has story and lore interspersed throughout every nook and cranny of the world that meshes together to tell a very interesting and engaging story. I don't expect that from ER at all (but would be very happy if I was wrong).

18 hours ago, Zaku3 said:



I want it NAO. 


I am gonna play a Cathay campaign. Then some Sekiro. Finally beat that stupid ape.


Oh god, I haven't even gotten to start Total War Warhammer 3 yet. Ill play that for a very long time though, so ill get to it after ER.


5 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

The Ape I think he's talking about isn't the first boss battle. He's probably talking about Guardian Ape. You fight that boss in the mid-point of the game.

The first time I thought I killed it, I stopped paying attention for a minute to check my phone and whatever, and all of a sudden my shit got completely pushed in. What a crazy fight.

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2 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

Nahh, I've played all the souls games, and its story will be the most basic bitch stuff together. Every game is about piecing together the lore and history through equipment and items you find. You get the odd story piece, yes, but its mostly throw away and completely unimportant. I don't expect any more from this. It will be all about discovering the lore of the world. I mean od course it will have "a story", but it will be so bare bones it will be mostly ignored. 


That's what I said :|

  • Haha 1
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18 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

"Over" leveling (or... just adjusting the game to a comfortable difficulty level, who's to say you're overleveled?)

I fucking hate when people complain about this. Like who fuckin' cares? Why do you care? I mean, in Dark Souls 1, getting 40 poise is like playing with god mode on and no one is bitching about that. 

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  • Pikachu changed the title to Elden Ring (25 February 2022) - Information Thread, update: PC system requirements released
9 minutes ago, Dimden said:




6PM Eastern on Thursday. I definitely plan to leave work an hour early and get some Elden Ring in. The kids are staying over their cousins after school, my wife is stuck at work till 1:00 a.m. and I took the whole weekend off. 


Yea I saw 6pm after I posted. Thank you for the heads up. Seems like you have everything planned.

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1 hour ago, best3444 said:

This is the first game in a long while that I'm really hyped playing. I barely seen any footage and I'm basically going in blind. I really hope it delivers for me lol. 

Yeah me too bro. Marathoning the other Souls games before this one and finishing the ones I hadn't and starting Dark Souls 3 has really upped my anticipation of this game. I'm REALLY enjoying Dark souls 3, so much that I haven't touched Dying Light 2, Sifu or Horizon since I started playing it. It might be on it's way to becoming my favorite Souls game over Sekiro and the original Dark Souls if it keeps up. Those games are on the backburner for me right now. Hopefully I can have Dark Souls 3 done by Thursday night so I can start Elden Ring.


This game does have co-op so some of us can carry those who need it if they get stuck.



Elden Ring offers a vast array of co-op and multiplayer options, but as usual with From Software games, each mode requires some tinkering.


I will be offering up my services for help... provided I don't need any myself :p

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5 hours ago, Dimden said:



"Story will be the most basic bitch stuff"


Vaatividya (and others) built an entire career on Souls Lore.


Does not compute. :silly:




Agreed. If a game allows you to grind levels and you make the conscious decision to do so in order to get past a particularly difficult area, well nothing is lost except some time. It's a weird thing to care about.

I wasn't bitching in any way, Just saying That's how I played them, knowing that gaining lvls helped me to move forward and get to see more of these games. "Over leveled" in my book was my strategy my way of playing that's all.... 

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6 hours ago, Dimden said:

"Story will be the most basic bitch stuff"


Vaatividya (and others) built an entire career on Souls Lore.


Does not compute. :silly:

It's like I said earlier. Lore and story are not the same thing. Or narrative, to please Brick, but even then we all know the Souls games lack narrative, but the "story" they tell is like 60% interpreted so it's not really a story so much as it's putting together a puzzle that's intentionally missing many pieces.



Here's a playlist of 20 videos on the Old Gods from WoW, creators like Bellular and Nobbel also built entire careers on lore speculation videos specifically about WoW... and like 99% of it is completely irrelevant to anything in the games because when you get down to it, WoW tells a basic bitch story but likes to think they're telling a high concept intellectually stimulating mystery. In fact they are telling pure nonsense and think a bunch of super vague bullshit they put in every now and again constitutes compelling narrative leads.


Of course, the Souls games do a far better job than WoW at actually keeping their narrative, such as it were, coherent. Which is especially impressive since WoW overtly attempts to tell a coherent narrative... but fails over and over.  So at least when it comes to implied lore, I don't think the Souls games are basic bitch, but the surface-level narrative we're all presented with long before the lore videos is absolutely basic nothingness. Just vague fappery we can barely care about even if we pay real close attention and try. Item descriptions are simply the absolute shittiest way to tell a story. When a piece of media tells a great story, you won't have many lore channels building a career out of it because there's no need for an interpreter unless the lore just goes on and on and on forever like with Bethesda games.


I've played through the Souls games multiple times (sans Bloodborne... hit me up when there's a version that doesn't run like shit) and I'd still struggle to bring up anything related to the narrative. Uhh... I'm the last undead and have to kindle fires or something. I can tell you in great detail what my specific actions were and the enemies I fought, which is very good. It's good that the exploration and gameplay is memorable. But every NPC just spouts pure nonsense word salad and then gives a dumbass laugh. Gets old, y'know?

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GMG announced their keys go live tomorrow.  


Edit: If I wasn't on attendance step 4 I'd just call out Friday and Monday. Guess I can play Elden Ring until like 2 or 3am on Thursday night. Also Sekiro update. I think I am almost done with the game. I still think ill play it after Elden Ring comes out. I kinda jumped between DS3 and Sekiro so I imagine that will continue with Elden Ring.

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