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Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - Information Thread, update (06/21): Fextralife guides posted

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2 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I don't understand what these videos mean.


47 minutes ago, Bacon said:

No. I borrowed SOTFS and couldn't stand it. I know some people can't feel the difference but it is totally different to me. It is far more like a Lords or the Fallen or one of those generic souls-clones. I mean, you can even see it. I'll post some videos in a sec

Like, the difference in the way melee weapons feel of so apparent you can visually see the difference. Based of sight alone you can tell they would feel different. 

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Just now, Bacon said:


Like, the difference in the way melee weapons feel of so apparent you can visually see the difference. Based of sight alone you can tell they would feel different. 

Yes, but as you level up you can definitely make the game play closer to how you want it. Not knowing the stat allocation of the different builds in those videos tells me nothing. Leveling up adaptability alone made my character feel much more fluid and suited for the way I played. Are all of the builds in those videos the same for each weapon stat wise?


Dark Souls 2 defintely feels slightly "heavier" than the first game but alone initially. Once you start leveling your character you can pretty much make them play the way you want them to.

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I mean, no matter what build you do, melee still feels like total shit imo. It never feels as good as any of the other titles. And heavier? No way. Every single thing in DS2 feels lighter and oiled up. Like it is artificially smooth. I mean, I don't know how much of each title you have played, but DeS, DaS, BB, DaS3, and Sekiro all feel extremely similar and DaS2 is extremely noticeably different than the others. I say this as some who has beaten every one of the titles I have mentioned at least 3 times except for DeS.

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Just now, Bacon said:

I mean, no matter what build you do, melee still feels like total shit imo. It never feels as good as any of the other titles. And heavier? No way. Every single thing in DS2 feels lighter and oiled up. Like it is artificially smooth. I mean, I don't know how much of each title you have played, but DeS, DaS, BB, DaS3, and Sekiro all feel extremely similar and DaS2 is extremely noticeably different than the others. I say this as some who has beaten every one of the titles I have mentioned at least 3 times except for DeS.

I've played all of them except for DS3 which I also own and have beaten all of them except for Bloodborne and DS3. I was talking about it with @JPDunks4 who is currently marathoning the whole series and he had an initial adjustment period going from DS to DS 2 but he also didn't notice any real difference. I don't know... i literally just beat DS2 the day before yesterday and jumped right into my midgame save in Bloodborne. The biggest adjustment for me was going from 60fps in DS2 to 30fps in Bloodborne. Also I know that all of the From Soulsborne games after DS2 got a speed boost. They all play faster than Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. So DS2 may indeed feel different, but I think it's an overstatement to say it feels like shit or whatever. Agree to disagree.


I thought you said the DS2 plays like Lords of the Fallen (another game I own and have beaten) and that game DEFINITELY feels "heavier" than the From Souls games. That's what I thought you were talking about. I'm not really sure what it is you're experiencing to be honest.

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35 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

but I think it's an overstatement to say it feels like shit or whatever.

It is not an overstatement. Dark Souls 2 is literally the only game I have ever used magic in. Melee is literally that bad that. I would rather not use melee at all and use magic and I hate using magic. Of course, I still beat DS2 twice while using melee, but for the third and final run I just became a caster because there was no way I could stomach another run of melee. I hate it. It is awful. It does feel like shit. In every game (aside from sekiro) I have built my character exactly the same. I always go with a quality build using a Halberd and Greatsword. There are only two times I haven't done that. In DS1 on a PvP Dex build, and in DS2 because I had to switch to magic or else I wouldn't have been able to suffer through it a third time. It isn't an overstatement. I don't even think DS2 is a good game in its own right. 


Also, Adaptability changes nothing for Melee weapon attacks. You can't really make the game play close to how you want it. I mean it increases iframes and other things but doesn't do anything when it comes to hitting enemies with a melee weapon. More iframes are good of course, but rolling isn't attacking. 


Adaptability Information

Attribute governing defense and agility. Boosts poison resist and bleed resist.

  • Raises poison bonus
  • Raises poison, bleed, petrify, curse resistance
  • Raises Agility
  • Raises Poise
  • Slightly increases HP for each point: +2 HP (0-20), +1 HP (21-50), +0 HP (51-99)
  • The soft cap for adaptability appears to be at 39.
  • Using healing items becomes faster (This only applies to Lifegem, Estus Flask, and Divine Blessing)
  • Shield raising speed increases slightly (Needs to be further tested)
  • The Bandit begins with the lowest Adaptability at 3 and the Explorer starts with the highest Adaptability at 12.
  • Adaptability 3-10 gives 2 points of Agility, 10-20 gives 7 points, 20-30 gives 8 points, 30-40 is 7 points, 40-99 is 7 points.
    • Agility reaches its softcap at 110, regardless of how much is gained from attunement or adaptability. The numbers shown are for investment in agility before this specific number is met. See our Stat Calculators page for an agility calculator.
  • Raising adaptability yields a greater number of invincibility frames during a roll, but does not actually change the animation



You can read more on all stats here


Stats is a stat in Dark Souls. Stats effects, scaling, equipment and tips for Dark Souls 2.



So, there is no stat allocation in DS2 that actually changes the way melee weapons attack. Those videos are perfectly fine in displaying the difference. It doesn't matter how much STR, DEX, or any other stat you have. They don't change any of the gameplay I am talking about. 

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37 minutes ago, Bacon said:

It is not an overstatement. Dark Souls 2 is literally the only game I have ever used magic in. Melee is literally that bad that. I would rather not use melee at all and use magic and I hate using magic. Of course, I still beat DS2 twice while using melee, but for the third and final run I just became a caster because there was no way I could stomach another run of melee. I hate it. It is awful. It does feel like shit. In every game (aside from sekiro) I have built my character exactly the same. I always go with a quality build using a Halberd and Greatsword. There are only two times I haven't done that. In DS1 on a PvP Dex build, and in DS2 because I had to switch to magic or else I wouldn't have been able to suffer through it a third time. It isn't an overstatement. I don't even think DS2 is a good game in its own right. 


Also, Adaptability changes nothing for Melee weapon attacks. You can't really make the game play close to how you want it. I mean it increases iframes and other things but doesn't do anything when it comes to hitting enemies with a melee weapon. More iframes are good of course, but rolling isn't attacking. 


Adaptability Information

Attribute governing defense and agility. Boosts poison resist and bleed resist.

  • Raises poison bonus
  • Raises poison, bleed, petrify, curse resistance
  • Raises Agility
  • Raises Poise
  • Slightly increases HP for each point: +2 HP (0-20), +1 HP (21-50), +0 HP (51-99)
  • The soft cap for adaptability appears to be at 39.
  • Using healing items becomes faster (This only applies to Lifegem, Estus Flask, and Divine Blessing)
  • Shield raising speed increases slightly (Needs to be further tested)
  • The Bandit begins with the lowest Adaptability at 3 and the Explorer starts with the highest Adaptability at 12.
  • Adaptability 3-10 gives 2 points of Agility, 10-20 gives 7 points, 20-30 gives 8 points, 30-40 is 7 points, 40-99 is 7 points.
    • Agility reaches its softcap at 110, regardless of how much is gained from attunement or adaptability. The numbers shown are for investment in agility before this specific number is met. See our Stat Calculators page for an agility calculator.
  • Raising adaptability yields a greater number of invincibility frames during a roll, but does not actually change the animation



You can read more on all stats here


Stats is a stat in Dark Souls. Stats effects, scaling, equipment and tips for Dark Souls 2.



So, there is no stat allocation in DS2 that actually changes the way melee weapons attack. Those videos are perfectly fine in displaying the difference. It doesn't matter how much STR, DEX, or any other stat you have. They don't change any of the gameplay I am talking about. 

Ok :thumbup:

  • Guillotine 1
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10 minutes ago, Bacon said:

Well fuck you then I guess 

nah it wasn't like that. Like I said, we'll agree to disagree. I just finished the game and it didn't feel all that different from the other two games and definitely didn't  feel like terrible combat. I went with a dex build with light armor and the combat felt fine to me, but to each their own. I know that DS2 is the red headed step child of the Soulsborne games and you're definitel not alone in how you feel about it. I just shared this list with @JPDunks4 yesterday




Six games, hundreds of boss battles, and a defining game genre.


Dark Souls 2 is consistently ranked at the bottom of these lists for a reason so you're not crazy and I didn't mean to imply that i thought you were :hug:


You DO make DS2's combat seem like it's on the same level of a game like Elex' melee combat though :p

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13 minutes ago, Bacon said:


I'd rather do a melee build in Elex than play DS2 melee again. 

Melee in Elex feels stiff and terrible compared to any of the Souls games but I haven't gotten too far in that game so i don't know if it gets better.


1 minute ago, Zaku3 said:

I'm trying to go sword and shield in DS2 but the damage boost of 2 handed tempts me everytime. 


I alternated between Sword and shield and dual weilding myself. Once I leveled my adaptability up and got a decent dodge roll going, I didn't need a shield except for enemies that used fire attacks.

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3 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Melee in Elex feels stiff and terrible compared to any of the Souls games but I haven't gotten too far in that game so i don't know if it gets better.


Elex  probably has some of the worst melee combat out of any game I have ever played. I mean, Elex has the worst combat in any game I have ever played. But in the Context of Elex it really doesn't bother me. Of course, objectively, DS2 is just outright better. But like, Elex is also shit in general so like... I don't really know how to put this. Complaining out melee combat in Elex is like complaining about melee combat in Minecraft or something like that. Prolly no the best way to put it, but that's the best I can do. 


But like if I had to play Elex with a melee build or DS2 with a melee build right this instant, I'd just go with Elex because halfway through the game you'll just stunlock all enemies anyway so it doesn't matter how shit it is when you can't even get hurt.  

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9 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

That's also not how the game looks in motion at all. Here's a screenshot from my game from a couple of days ago







game may look a little dated but it doesn't look bad and it didn't play differently for me at all especially when I understodd how the stats worked and how different they were from the original Dark Souls. Game is definitely worth playing if you enjoy the genre. The hardest boss in the game is an optional one. I never really got stuck playing it after I figured out I could ignore that boss :p


9 hours ago, Brick said:


Funny I actually thought it looked better than the first game. 


Here's what the first game looked like, beautiful










Also, the screens I posted previously were from the original DS2 and I assume Skillz is playing SOTS.

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Just wrapped up Bloodborne.


My ranking so far would probably be


1 - Dark Souls

2 - Bloodborne

3 - Dark Souls 2

4 - Demon Souls


Dark Souls 2 was definitely a weaker entry than Dark Souls, but I still really enjoyed it once I got adjusted to it.  It's not the prettiest game, but it has its moments in certain areas, with the wonderful world and enemy design From Software is known for. 


Really really enjoyed Bloodbornes combat.  The faster style that relied more on movement and dodging fits my playstyle more.  And some of the enemy design in that game was just crazy.


Onto Dark Souls 3.

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2 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:



Here's what the first game looked like, beautiful










Also, the screens I posted previously were from the original DS2 and I assume Skillz is playing SOTS.


Eh I don't know something about the first game, maybe the textures or lighting, looked worse to me. Not that these games are all that good looking on a technical level to begin with. Also I'm comparing the PS3 versions of the games since that what I played them on. 

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12 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:



Here's what the first game looked like, beautiful










Also, the screens I posted previously were from the original DS2 and I assume Skillz is playing SOTS.


Those screens are too dark to really see graphical quality. Bloodborne looked great if i remember correctly and i think Elden Ring looks pretty good, too.

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59 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Really? Which Covenant and how does it make fights easier?


It's the first guy you talk to, Way of the Blue. I it summons a dude if you get invaded to protect you.

I guess I read it wrong originally because I thought it allowed you to summon dudes before a boss but I guess that's for everyone.

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5 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


It's the first guy you talk to, Way of the Blue. I it summons a dude if you get invaded to protect you.

I guess I read it wrong originally because I thought it allowed you to summon dudes before a boss but I guess that's for everyone.

I never knew that! I think I was in the Covenant with the cat. Not sure why i joined it or what it did for me but that's what it was. I didn't get invaded much by real players on my playthrough but there are a few instances where you get invaded by tough NPCS

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17 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

This is just on PC right? Because I got invaded in Bloodborne last night on Playstation and was killed by another player :p They weren't cheating but they did have a pretty good PvP build with some weapons I had never seen before.


It's only PC and it's not really about cheating it's about an exploit that allows others to take over your computer.

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