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Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - Information Thread, update (06/21): Fextralife guides posted

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I went from a level 36 to 42 today. Trying to get into Stormveil Castle is a real bitch. I went to the cliffside and cleared all the enemies out but there is no way into the castle. I didn't find one rather. 


The main gate is absolutely brutal because you're constantly being shot at and there are tons of enemies on the attack. 

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27 minutes ago, best3444 said:


What didn't you like about it? Do you like Elden Ring more?

I like ER WAY more. DS2 feels bad to play. There is a game feel that has existed since Demon's Souls, but DS2 does NOT have that game feel. It is a bit abstract, but I find it to be awful. Some people get what I mean whereas others think it feels the same. DS2 doesn't feel like a FromSoft Souls game to me. It feels like a game made by a different developer. DS2 feels like a Souls-like rather than a Souls game.

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5 minutes ago, Bacon said:

I like ER WAY more. DS2 feels bad to play. There is a game feel that has existed since Demon's Souls, but DS2 does NOT have that game feel. It is a bit abstract, but I find it to be awful. Some people get what I mean whereas others think it feels the same. DS2 doesn't feel like a FromSoft Souls game to me. It feels like a game made by a different developer. DS2 feels like a Souls-like rather than a Souls game.


That's interesting. 

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That is why I think Lies of P is so fucking good. It nails that game feel. It feels like something From could have made. That's what makes it good. Other Souls-like devs try to do their own thing and that just means I'm not going to like the game.

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5 hours ago, Firewithin said:


Tree Sentinel? 



5 hours ago, best3444 said:


He litteraly played 5 minutes of the game. It's the rider right next to the church of Elie. It's litteraly the very beginning and you don't have to even fight him lol. 

My play log says I played for around half an hour. Some of that was character creation and tutorial stuff, though.


But you’re not wrong, it’s in the beginning of the game…and that’s what pisses me off about it! Why put something like that right in the beginning?! That’s NOT good game design, that’s just trolling the player.  I hate that. 

And I tried not fighting it. But it chased me down and one-shotted me. So I rage quit. *shrug*

I dunno. Maybe since I’ve calmed down I’ll give it another try. I WANT to give this game a fair shake. I just hate, hate, *HATE* this kind of garbage right up front in an adventure RPG. :angry:

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Elden Ring is a game that teaches you how to play it. One of the first things it teaches you is to avoid things you aren’t ready for yet. When I stepped out of the tutorial area and saw some giant fucker on an armored horse off in the distance, I said “aw hell naw” and went the opposite direction. Didn’t fight that bastard until like 10 hours in. 

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22 minutes ago, GameDadGrant said:



My play log says I played for around half an hour. Some of that was character creation and tutorial stuff, though.


But you’re not wrong, it’s in the beginning of the game…and that’s what pisses me off about it! Why put something like that right in the beginning?! That’s NOT good game design, that’s just trolling the player.  I hate that. 

And I tried not fighting it. But it chased me down and one-shotted me. So I rage quit. *shrug*

I dunno. Maybe since I’ve calmed down I’ll give it another try. I WANT to give this game a fair shake. I just hate, hate, *HATE* this kind of garbage right up front in an adventure RPG. :angry:


You make fair points. It's definitely extremely difficult but the open world allows some breathing room and a lot of strategy. If you're going to give it another shot you really have to be patient and dedicated. 

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2 hours ago, Bacon said:

I like ER WAY more. DS2 feels bad to play. There is a game feel that has existed since Demon's Souls, but DS2 does NOT have that game feel. It is a bit abstract, but I find it to be awful. Some people get what I mean whereas others think it feels the same. DS2 doesn't feel like a FromSoft Souls game to me. It feels like a game made by a different developer. DS2 feels like a Souls-like rather than a Souls game.

It definitely has a different feel than Demons Souls, Dark Souls 1 and 3 and Bloodborne. The movement is...off. There's some good concepts in the area design, some enemies and bosses and lore but it's clearly made by a team that didn't have a decent amount of experience

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2 hours ago, GameDadGrant said:



My play log says I played for around half an hour. Some of that was character creation and tutorial stuff, though.


But you’re not wrong, it’s in the beginning of the game…and that’s what pisses me off about it! Why put something like that right in the beginning?! That’s NOT good game design, that’s just trolling the player.  I hate that. 

And I tried not fighting it. But it chased me down and one-shotted me. So I rage quit. *shrug*

I dunno. Maybe since I’ve calmed down I’ll give it another try. I WANT to give this game a fair shake. I just hate, hate, *HATE* this kind of garbage right up front in an adventure RPG. :angry:

How is it bad game design when you can literally go ANY where else and increase your stats and come back?

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16 hours ago, eventide11 said:

How is it bad game design when you can literally go ANY where else and increase your stats and come back?


Do you guys not read my posts? I specifically said I went in the direction AWAY from it! To avoid fighting it. And it still chased me down and killed me, LOL.


11 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Try going any other direction than forward. :p


I mean...okay.

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3 minutes ago, GameDadGrant said:


Do you guys not read my posts? I specifically said I went in the direction AWAY from it! To avoid fighting it. And it still chased me down and killed me, LOL.



I mean...okay.


Hey, it's not a game for you. It's brutal but beautiful and amazing but I completely understand anyone not wanting to play it. 

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19 minutes ago, GameDadGrant said:


Do you guys not read my posts? I specifically said I went in the direction AWAY from it! To avoid fighting it. And it still chased me down and killed me, LOL.



I mean...okay.

Well it's not meant to be fought as soon as you come out of the first dungeon. Enticing? Absolutely but it will stomp you into a mud hole

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Just now, eventide11 said:

Well it's not meant to be fought as soon as you come out of the first dungeon. Enticing? Absolutely but it will stomp you into a mud hole


I understand he's complaint though. Why have an enemy that powerful so close to the beginning area? It's dumb BUT completely avoidable I get it. 

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Just now, best3444 said:


I understand he's complaint though. Why have an enemy that powerful so close to the beginning area? It's dumb BUT completely avoidable I get it. 

It's been in souls games since Adam and Eve. If you play his games like casual games he'll show you he doesn't make games for casual gamers

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Just now, eventide11 said:

It's been in souls games since Adam and Eve. If you play his games like casual games he'll show you he doesn't make games for casual gamers


I get it but casuals will be confused and frustrated. But when you play a From game you should know what you're getting in to.

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2 minutes ago, eventide11 said:

It's been in souls games since Adam and Eve. If you play his games like casual games he'll show you he doesn't make games for casual gamers

Honestly I enjoyed what I played of it but at a certain point it became to challenging. I know I can summon help but I didn’t want to be bothered by all that and I lack focus and determination that these games require. Sekiro was great until it wasn’t. 

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15 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

This game was a best seller, and was universally acclaimed.  Lots of casuals are able to figure it out.


Not @GameDadGrant :p


I personally think it's one of the greatest games ever made. Masterpieces like this come around every 10 or so years.  

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14 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

This game was a best seller, and was universally acclaimed.  Lots of casuals are able to figure it out.

Yeah there's TONS of walk throughs, a dedicated Fextralife Wiki and literally thousands upon thousands of YouTube videos to become OP within an hour or two of gameplay

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Just now, eventide11 said:

Yeah there's TONS of walk throughs, a dedicated Fextralife Wiki and literally thousands upon thousands of YouTube videos to become OP within an hour or two of gameplay


I don't want to farm but it's tempting :mthinking:

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Just now, best3444 said:


Not @GameDadGrant :p


I personally think it's one of the greatest games ever made. Masterpieces like this come around every 10 or so years.  

I try not to single out any specific gamer -- I just don't think its right, and TBH he is entitled to his own opinions about his own personal experience.

That said, his opinions seem very different to what I hear from almost everyone else. I played a similar amount, and didn't get stuck.

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2 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

I try not to single out any specific gamer -- I just don't think its right, and TBH he is entitled to his own opinions about his own personal experience.

That said, his opinions seem very different to what I hear from almost everyone else. I played a similar amount, and didn't get stuck.


He singled himself out lol. 

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1 minute ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

I try not to single out any specific gamer -- I just don't think its right, and TBH he is entitled to his own opinions about his own personal experience.

That said, his opinions seem very different to what I hear from almost everyone else. I played a similar amount, and didn't get stuck.

Some people like to bash games people enjoy but get butthurt if you challenge them on the games they like. 


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7 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Some people like to bash games people enjoy but get butthurt if you challenge them on the games they like. 


It's not just games.  There are is a whole segment of society that can't handle the fact that other people don't share their opinions on a broad variety of topics.

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1 hour ago, best3444 said:


I understand he's complaint though. Why have an enemy that powerful so close to the beginning area? It's dumb BUT completely avoidable I get it. 


Think of it like this @GameDadGrant


These games have a bit of an old school mentality. Imagine playing Super Mario Brothers and on the first level you don't jump and hit a koopa and die. Do you say, "fuck this!" and never play again? No, you try again trying a different strategy.


Personally I think the reputation of fromsoft games gets in people's heads before they even play the game. This game is challenging at times (not brutal) and very accessible. Like I said, you can go in any direction but that Tree Sentinel and discover an amazing world. But you're never going to do that if you turn the game off the first time you die.


46 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

This game was a best seller, and was universally acclaimed.  Lots of casuals are able to figure it out.


Not to mention people beating it in bizarre ways, like that girl who beat the game just using a dance pad. :silly:

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4 hours ago, eventide11 said:

It's been in souls games since Adam and Eve. If you play his games like casual games he'll show you he doesn't make games for casual gamers


4 hours ago, best3444 said:


I get it but casuals will be confused and frustrated. But when you play a From game you should know what you're getting in to.


4 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

This game was a best seller, and was universally acclaimed.  Lots of casuals are able to figure it out.


3 hours ago, best3444 said:


Not @GameDadGrant :p


I personally think it's one of the greatest games ever made. Masterpieces like this come around every 10 or so years.  


What the...?!? Are you goons calling me a "casual" gamer because I don't like From Software's BS? :silly: 






Listen. I don't mind challenging games. I've gone through the OG Xbox's Ninja Gaiden. I beat Gamecube's F-ZERO GX. Practically the entire Castlevania series is my bitch. But those games at least don't pull this garbage of putting an enemy that can "stomp you into a mud hole" right up front. And the excuse of "oh, well you can just go somewhere else what's the problem?" doesn't hold water. Why is there anything near the start that can do that? It doesn't make any sense. 


I'll give it another shot soon. See how it goes.

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