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Death Stranding OT - Special Delivery, update - PC release on July 14 (Steam/EGS)


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1 hour ago, ALIEN-gunner said:

I read somewhere that the ending cutscene is two hours long.


That can't be true...

You're right. 2 hours is pretty short. He's been bottling this shit up for years. I expect at least 6 hours and then e-tickets to a theater performance explaining the more esoteric details in my local area.

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So my roommate from college is in town this week with a review copy and we just breezed through a seven hour chunk of it. All I'll say right now is Death Stranding is pretty fucking bonkers, but not nearly as bonky as a lot of reviews made it seem.  It'll take a minute to grind through that slog of an opening act, but then you start getting the weapons, gadgets, upgrades, vehicles, etc.  The reviews are kinda misleading, honestly: pretty certain MGS fans are gonna adore this game to death so if you're huge into that series definitely pre-order it soon or buy it on release week, then sit back and relax while letting the gorgeous imagery, brilliant cinematics and engaging gameplay wash over you for 40 hours.  This will easily be a GOTG contender.

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2 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

Easy Allies: the game wants you to be bored! It’s super easy to be critical of Death Stranding, but it’s better to find reasons to like it! 8/10


... wut? Is “Kojima Syndrome” a real thing? They were saying things that made it sound like it should be in the mid-6 range

My exact thoughts when watching that review. 

11 minutes ago, Nokt said:

Cancelled my pre-order. Probably wait and see if it has a sale for Black Friday. Otherwise I’ll wait until it drops below $40

did the same thing. Depending on how it sells, this could easily be $40 or less on Black Friday/cyber Monday. 

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2 hours ago, fuckle85 said:

So my roommate from college is in town this week with a review copy and we just breezed through a seven hour chunk of it. All I'll say right now is Death Stranding is pretty fucking bonkers, but not nearly as bonky as a lot of reviews made it seem.  It'll take a minute to grind through that slog of an opening act, but then you start getting the weapons, gadgets, upgrades, vehicles, etc.  The reviews are kinda misleading, honestly: pretty certain MGS fans are gonna adore this game to death so if you're huge into that series definitely pre-order it soon or buy it on release week, then sit back and relax while letting the gorgeous imagery, brilliant cinematics and engaging gameplay wash over you for 40 hours.  This will easily be a GOTG contender.

Right now it's a RDBX contender for me.


Sounds disappointing as fuck overall and and I find it even weirder and more irritating that somehow half the impressions seem to have wildly differing takes on the quality of its gameplay.


I've read a lot of reviews and I haven't once seen anyone mention MGS in any other way than 'this is the total opposite'. What makes it exciting for MGS fans in your experience, can you elaborate?

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29 minutes ago, atom631 said:

My exact thoughts when watching that review. 

did the same thing. Depending on how it sells, this could easily be $40 or less on Black Friday/cyber Monday. 


I’m definitely still playing it and giving it a chance, but, seriously, the score given in a lot of these reviews do not seem to match the content within the review. It’s just... odd

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55 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

Right now it's a RDBX contender for me.


Sounds disappointing as fuck overall and and I find it even weirder and more irritating that somehow half the impressions seem to have wildly differing takes on the quality of its gameplay.


I've read a lot of reviews and I haven't once seen anyone mention MGS in any other way than 'this is the total opposite'. What makes it exciting for MGS fans in your experience, can you elaborate?

Not a single second of gameplay footage has looked even remotely interesting in terms of combat or sneaking, so I have no idea what the fuck that dude is smoking. Reviews consistently say to NOT expect it to be like MGS. The combat looks borderline atrocious, and the gameplay core seems to be terrain traversal, which is the complete opposite of MGS.

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1 hour ago, Spork3245 said:


I’m definitely still playing it and giving it a chance, but, seriously, the score given in a lot of these reviews do not seem to match the content within the review. It’s just... odd

I’ll definitely grab it eventually to see for myself, but a day one purchase this game is not. There’s just too much other stuff to play right now. 

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5 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

Easy Allies: the game wants you to be bored! It’s super easy to be critical of Death Stranding, but it’s better to find reasons to like it! 8/10


... wut? Is “Kojima Syndrome” a real thing? They were saying things that made it sound like it should be in the mid-6 range


Yes it is. That was apparent to me after MGS4. It;s been downhill since then as far as I'm concerned... which is crazy to me because Snake Eater is amazing.

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The reception to this game is a great example of how videogames are still a nascent artform.  Games media still generally lacks the ability to critically evaluate games that don't fit into pre-existing genres and that lack strong comparisons to other games.  So, when games take huge swings (for better or worse) we rarely get an articulate consensus on their merits or shortcomings.  Coverage has definitely evolved from the days of the magazine (was it GamePro?) that scored things on "sound", "fun factor", etc, but I still think there is a ways to go, mostly because of how derivative and similar most games are.


This doesn't look interesting or all that fun to me, but I'm happy that such a strange game was made in the AAA space.  Even if it falters, it's likely to be more interesting that lots of other modern games.

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It's a fucking Kojima game. If you like Kojma games, you'll love this game. If you don't, then you won't. It's literally as simple as that. For me, I'm glad we're getting Kojima going full Kojima. I'm shocked people even need reviews. Do you like Kojima? Play the game. Do you not? Don't, and go play The Witcher 3 or any number of other games that aren't like Kojima.


There's plenty of other games out there for those who want something more traditional or simple or easy or whatever. But there's only one Kojima, and as a fan of literally all of his other games, I'd prefer an ambitious game whose reach exceeds its grasp than just another standardized AAA game. 


Kojima watering himself down just to make a more accessible game for the masses is boring as fuck. Let him be weird, even counter intuitively so.

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What drags down any hope of the game for me was listening to the Beastcast and they made the point that after playing the 50-60 hour campaign, the game really didn't have anything interesting to say by the end.  


This game will definitely be on sale for Black Friday. The newest Call of Duty games go on sale for like $45 usually so I would guess Death Stranding to be about that. Because it is so weird, I kind of want to play it just to experience whatever it is. 

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19 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

Right now it's a RDBX contender for me.


Sounds disappointing as fuck overall and and I find it even weirder and more irritating that somehow half the impressions seem to have wildly differing takes on the quality of its gameplay.


I've read a lot of reviews and I haven't once seen anyone mention MGS in any other way than 'this is the total opposite'. What makes it exciting for MGS fans in your experience, can you elaborate?


What is RDBX?


So I only played the ending moments of the first act, then several hours after the gameplay opens up.  It’s tough to mention any details without spoilers since so much of the fun is figuring out how to react to all the surprising and weird moments while wondering what the story is about, but I’ll say this: at some point fairly early on it becomes much less of a sloggy hiking and delivery guy simulator and plays more like the action games Kojima is known for (if you want to play it that way or not, it’s up to you) and there’s a reason why reviewers are not talking about it very much. It could ruin your experience if I say much else. Just go in with an open mind, prepare to be in think mode and go through some emotional labor, expect engaging mechanics and an evolution of the MGS storytelling and cut scene direction and it will probably click.  MGS's fanbase might be confused at first, but there will be many who praise DS no matter what, some will not get what it’s going for, etc. I think it will be worth playing at least once though and it's gonna be fun and interesting to see everyone's reactions.

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1 hour ago, Greatoneshere said:

It's a fucking Kojima game. If you like Kojma games, you'll love this game. If you don't, then you won't. It's literally as simple as that. For me, I'm glad we're getting Kojima going full Kojima. I'm shocked people even need reviews. Do you like Kojima? Play the game. Do you not? Don't, and go play The Witcher 3 or any number of other games that aren't like Kojima.

From the impressions I have heard and read, this is absolutely not true. 


One of the biggest Kojima fans on the planet, Dan Ryckert, called it his least favorite AAA video game of all time. 

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7 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

From the impressions I have heard and read, this is absolutely not true. 


One of the biggest Kojima fans on the planet, Dan Ryckert, called it his least favorite AAA video game of all time. 


I'm not saying Kojima fans can't end up not liking the game - once they play it. But if you are a Kojima fan, not to even try such a bizarre and unique game because of reviews, when this game was always going to be divisive?


Yeah, I think that's silly. If you are a Kojima fan, find out for yourself.

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