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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) OT - Going Dark

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2 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

How's the campaign? I've always liked COD'S campaigns more than most, particularly the Modern Warfare series... who are the celebrity cameos in this one?


Campaign is fantastic! Every minute I've had for gaming since it released i've spent on it.

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16 hours ago, Mercury33 said:

The amount of shit you have to download for this is beyond stupid. Someone explain to me why I’m downloading over 100GB including 4 damn “DLC’s” just to play a short campaign MP focused game. Shit is ridiculous. 


7 hours ago, JPDunks4 said:

Being a long time BF player, i hated Ground War when I tried it.  It seems to primarily be for people that like racking up kill streaks sniping.  If you like close combat aggressive gameplay, it's horrid.  


It's just non stop kill streaks, vehicle spam, ect.  Nothing feels tactical at all.  


That being said, I love the regular MP so far.  I have it on both PC and Xbox.  Went on a nice 10 game win streak last night, it's been fun.  I like the unlocks for guns, lots of ways to tweak your builds.  Looking forward to spending more time with it.


On 10/24/2019 at 4:24 PM, ARZ said:

My first COD since W@W. Excited :D


Add me up. I hate playing non TDM games where no one does the objective.



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10 hours ago, SimpleG said:

I ve been in your shoes. Your in stage 2 or 3 of the Kubler - Ross model. The Battlefield series is dead and nothing can replace it. We can get thru this together.



This is actually spot on. I really hoping this would out-battlefield, battlefield. But it doesn’t. 

i just want a good BF again. Plz Dice. 

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10 hours ago, Biggie said:

You have to forget everything you ever knew about Battlefield @atom631 lol

CoD is the complete opposite of it 

I can’t. I wish I could but I don’t play a ton of different PVP games. Just BF really and I played destiny for a bit. I just need some fast-paced action. This isn’t it sadly. 

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Like plenty of others have mentioned by now, the time to kill is so fast its just not fun. I want to love the multiplayer.  Why is that so hard. The way the maps are designed I just can't get into a good groove. If I do start getting a killstreak it's never more than 5 without insta dieing. Who do they test this shit with?

Have the devs ever adjusted the game after release when it comes to the ttk? I don't remember that ever happening but I'll keep hoping. 

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3 hours ago, DarkStar189 said:

Like plenty of others have mentioned by now, the time to kill is so fast its just not fun. I want to love the multiplayer.  Why is that so hard. The way the maps are designed I just can't get into a good groove. If I do start getting a killstreak it's never more than 5 without insta dieing. Who do they test this shit with?

Have the devs ever adjusted the game after release when it comes to the ttk? I don't remember that ever happening but I'll keep hoping. 


I just rented it from Redbox because I was really interested in the Conquest type game mode and I got through about four matches and I was done. Played with some friends in Team Deathmatch for about ten more matches just to level up my gun levels and unlock some stuff... but yeah. It's going back to Redbox tomorrow and I doubt I'll ever think about it again.


I wanted to like it but it's as you and others have said; it's whoever sees who first is the one that wins. I don't recall winning a single firefight where the other guy shot first. I don't even recall many firefights period, it's usually pretty one-sided.


And I will also say that a super-quick TTK coupled with a 2ms ping and a 400Mbps upload speed doesn't feel like it's doing me any favors. It feels like the other guy knows I'm there before I do. Gotta love that old "interesting, that's not what I saw" killcam revelation.

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I'm liking it, but agree that the TTK is way too damn fast. Doesn't need to be super slow since this isn't a sci-fi game where we're wearing power armour like Halo or something, but a nice middle ground would be nice. What does everyone think a good increase would be? 30%? 50%? Double!?


I had one gunfight just now where someone was shooting me, and I turned around and killed him. Don't know how I got that lucky.

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I don’t know of many games that you become good/expert at by playing it for an hour. I know some of you play difficult games like Sekiro, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, etc.    Did you become great at those games by playing for a short time and giving up? CoD is no different. It takes time, patience, and many hours. Also the more guns, perks, and weapon attachments you unlock the better you will become. You’ll get a feel of what stuff suites your game play style and for which mode and maps. Also I love people that complain about getting shot running in the MIDDLE of a wide open street. Maybe don’t run down the MIDDLE of a wide open street? If you were in a actual fire fight would you just run down the MIDDLE of a wide open street surrounded by abandoned buildings?

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4 hours ago, Brick said:

I'm liking it, but agree that the TTK is way too damn fast. Doesn't need to be super slow since this isn't a sci-fi game where we're wearing power armour like Halo or something, but a nice middle ground would be nice. What does everyone think a good increase would be? 30%? 50%? Double!?


I had one gunfight just now where someone was shooting me, and I turned around and killed him. Don't know how I got that lucky.

I think to combat camping the health increase would need to be at least 50% higher. People shouldn't be rewarded with a kill because they are crouched down in a corner trying to one shot everyone. 

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2 hours ago, Biggie said:

I don’t know of many games that you become good/expert at by playing it for an hour. I know some of you play difficult games like Sekiro, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, etc.    Did you become great at those games by playing for a short time and giving up? CoD is no different. It takes time, patience, and many hours. Also the more guns, perks, and weapon attachments you unlock the better you will become. You’ll get a feel of what stuff suites your game play style and for which mode and maps. Also I love people that complain about getting shot running in the MIDDLE of a wide open street. Maybe don’t run down the MIDDLE of a wide open street? If you were in a actual fire fight would you just run down the MIDDLE of a wide open street surrounded by abandoned buildings?

Also, the meta of the game is still being established and it will change over time, things will be buffed and nerfed. A little patience may cure things people don't like right now.

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3 hours ago, Hurricane Game said:

I've found the hardcore and realism modes tend to be a slower pace and allow for more strategy, perhaps you should give those a try before you write-off the game completely.


Are there hardcore modes? I saw realism which takes away most of the HUD, but I thought that was the new hardcore mode. I think the current TTK would work better in realism/hardcore, and give a bit of an increase to the regular game modes. 


Once I beat the story, which I think I'm nearing the end of (holy shit is it getting dark), I'm going to try Special Ops. 

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So the modern warefare subreddit is ablaze with complaints as well. This is something I didnt know but is absolutely insane! - when your character is yelling "contact" or "throwing smoke" or "enemies in the courtyard" ....... the enemies can FUCKING HEAR IT!!!!! you are giving away your own position! that explains so much. how did this get past play testing? I didnt realize it...but in the killcam you can actually hear it happening. 


another thing is crouching does not silence or quiet your footsteps. its just as loud as running/sprinting. 


the dead silence perk doesnt actually silence anything - it just muffles it. ive found this perk helps, but ive also gotten merked by someone waiting for me. 


So not only do you have an insane amount of corner/window camping... you literally have people audio-camping as well. what a mess. 


They need to fix the TTK - make it almost double.

Get rid of these callouts or make it so only you or your team can hear (and only teammates within proximity). 

Fix the footsteps so they are quieter overall and more spatial. its almost impossible to tell if they are above/below etc. 

Tier the footsteps noise level: Spring > Running > Walking > Crouching

Fix dead silence

Nerf the M4 and MP5 - everyone is using these guns bc they are so good

IMO - with the way the minimap/spotting is and the incessant amount of corner camping - they need to increase the amount of non lethal frags (smoke, stun). if i need to breach and clear multiple buildings, i should have more than 1 or 2. 



Last night, I decided to try a few matches again, but disabled crossplay....and the amount of corner/window camping reduced a lot. I was also able to win a few more firefights when it was a situation where we spotted each other at the exact same time. Crossplay is a great feature, but in PVP games like this, there should be an option for console players to chose only crossplay with other consoles.  Im actually going to leave it off if I continue to play the MP since my enjoyment level went up a decent amount when it was more of a fair match. 


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On 10/26/2019 at 1:47 PM, skillzdadirecta said:

How's the campaign? I've always liked COD'S campaigns more than most, particularly the Modern Warfare series... who are the celebrity cameos in this one?

Rented it via RedBox Friday morning, beat the campaign early Sunday morning. Definitely a solid story, decent beats that were different & fun *an interesting "escort" structure I hadn't experienced before that was rather tense and also the sniping mission was solid yet not quite as memorable as "All Guillied Up". Just so happy to see Price back but then you get invested in the other core characters as you continue to tackle each mission and while the end result was telegraphed to a point (coin flip as to which of two specific characters would die) I was still intrigued to watch it all go down.


Then there's the very end and HOLY HOT DAMN I cannot wait to play the next campaign of this series!! I'll spoil tag a vague guess ...



It's a quasi-prequel yet also a reset of the timeline we all know reintroducing us to Gaz who we played as along multiple points of the story, showing that both Soap & Ghost exist and the formation of Task Force 141. Also a few other Easter egg name drops that made me salivate as to how all of this could play out!


Now I didn't tackle Spec Ops to "continue the story" because I'm on that D2 grind again and there is SO much to do now and only JUST almost 950.


PS: Beat the campaign on Veteran!

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2 hours ago, Brick said:


Are there hardcore modes? I saw realism which takes away most of the HUD, but I thought that was the new hardcore mode. I think the current TTK would work better in realism/hardcore, and give a bit of an increase to the regular game modes. 


Once I beat the story, which I think I'm nearing the end of (holy shit is it getting dark), I'm going to try Special Ops. 

Yeah I'm not sure what the button is on consoles, but if you go to the quickplay filter and press "R" on PC it shows you the hardcore modes, maybe on consoles it's whatever the reload button is.

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just wrapped up the campaign. its lazer-focused and only has a few gimmicky sections. theres no hunting for intel or anything (as far as i can tell). 


I really enjoyed it although its very short. I wanna say I completed it in 5ish hours on hardened difficulty. ill definitely be checking out spec-ops. 

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3 hours ago, Hurricane Game said:

Yeah I'm not sure what the button is on consoles, but if you go to the quickplay filter and press "R" on PC it shows you the hardcore modes, maybe on consoles it's whatever the reload button is.


Now that you mentioned it, I think I do remember seeing something for hardcore. I rarely played hardcore in the past anyways because I didn't like the faster TTK, and getting killed by my own teammates. I'll try realism though, and I hope they bring in the Night Vision mode soon. 



Speaking of multiplayer though, since cross play is enabled we should all get some games going together. What's everyone playing on? I'm on PC. How do you add other platform friends? Activision account? 

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The ending to the campaign put a huge smile on my face. I think it's safe to say that Call of Duty is back. I'm interested in seeing how exactly the story continues in Special Ops. Can't wait for the sequel now either, but of course I don't want them to rush it. Give Infinity Ward a good three years, Activision. 2022 is fine. Plus just imagine how good it will look on next gen consoles and PC! 

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19 hours ago, Biggie said:

Git Gud scrubs


I don't have to be good at a game to enjoy it. I've never really been good at CoD games but I've enjoyed them from time to time. This CoD needs work. The multiplayer just isn't fun in its current state.


You couple that ridiculous TTK with guns that are way too accurate for their own good and it'll ruin any multiplayer game. I got on a rooftop and sniped two guys on the street, a whole other building away, with an LMG. That shouldn't happen.


For every one time I did something like that to someone, there were ten times something like that happened to me. It was ridiculous.


I can respect what they tried to do with the Conquest style game mode, and I actually enjoyed it for a short time, but then the CoD bs starting getting to egregious to ignore.

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2 hours ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

In MW, MW2, and BLOPS2 I always played Hardcore mode. That TTK I’m seeing is right in line for that mode. 


I don't know if I'd agree with that.  I've played a whole lot of hardcore over the years and this COD's regular mode is not that.  Quite honestly, I haven't noticed anything that was glaringly different from past COD's with regards to TTK.  I get that some adjustments can certainly be made and they need to work on the spawns because sometimes, holy fuck.


Then again, I'm not a person that's rocking some 3.0 KD like it's no big thing and I don't know if some people's expectations are up that high or not.  I've always wanted to be over 1 and I'd be happy and feel like I was having fun. I'm a little below that right now after a pretty solid weekend of playing.  The TTK, which I'm sure they could tweak, isn't grossly out of line from past games as far as I can tell. I've had numerous times where I've hit guys 2 or 3 times and haven't killed them.  That's happened to me in regular mode of COD for years.

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5 hours ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

In MW, MW2, and BLOPS2 I always played Hardcore mode. That TTK I’m seeing is right in line for that mode. 

Are you comparing previous hardcore modes to the regular mode of MW:2K19?


If so, then that’s a problem, no? 

anyway - from what I read a lot game testers are saying it’s a lot to do with the netcode. BFV had that issue for a while and it seems they may have sorted it out. At least to me it seems better. 

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