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Final Fantasy VII Remake OT - Big Trouble in Little Midgar


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2 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

So what you're saying is the acting in general is terrible because the writing is terrible and I should just turn voice acting off because this is some infantile shit for morons?

Got it.



I shout my simplistic emotions and some philosophical bullshit at you as I slowly throw a punch at youuuuuUUUUUUuuUuUUUU!!!!!!


Maybe you should just come out and say, you don't like anything in a foreign language. Or maybe you just don't like Japanese. If you played a game and everything was in French or German would you feel the same? Are these German actors bad because we "just can't tell?"

In the Sekiro thread it was because "you can't see the action and read at the same time" though the rest of the criticism you have for the voice acting IT does not apply to that game.


The English actors in dubs are generally worse because it sounds like they are trying to do an impression of the Japanese voice instead of making the character their own.

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8 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Maybe you should just come out and say, you don't like anything in a foreign language. Or maybe you just don't like Japanese. If you played a game and everything was in French or German would you feel the same? Are these German actors bad because we "just can't tell?"

In the Sekiro thread it was because "you can't see the action and read at the same time" though the rest of the criticism you have for the voice acting IT does not apply to that game.


The English actors in dubs are generally worse because it sounds like they are trying to do an impression of the Japanese voice instead of making the character their own.

I absolutely prefer playing in a language I can understand, yes. But specifically Japanese acting (in video games and most anime) is some of the corniest, hammiest fucking bullshit out there. It's grating on the ears and an affront to actual acting. It's like it's specifically designed to be as annoying as humanly possible, and as over-the-top (in an awful way) as they could get it. I assume it goes back to the tradition of their stage plays where they yelled out their emotions and shit for the benefit of the audience, but god I hate it so much. It's SO fucking bad. I've never gotten that same feeling from any other language. The Chinese narrator (speaking Mandarin) in ICEY was fucking great.

It doesn't help that the writing is almost universally terrible, but always thinks it's super deep. Like the Fire Emblem trailer today where they just shouted nonsense fifth grade philosophy at each other, and that was in English. No amount of "making the character your own" is going to fix the awful, infantile dialogue being written by what I assume are just developers, because they sure as shit aren't writers. When someone actually talented at writing handles a video game story, like the Zero Time Dilemma folks, it comes across a lot better in BOTH languages. Still not the highest grade media out there, but leaps and bounds above shouting about the power of friendship and then giving some stilted platitude that means literally nothing.

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10 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Maybe you should just come out and say, you don't like anything in a foreign language. Or maybe you just don't like Japanese. If you played a game and everything was in French or German would you feel the same? Are these German actors bad because we "just can't tell?"

In the Sekiro thread it was because "you can't see the action and read at the same time" though the rest of the criticism you have for the voice acting IT does not apply to that game.


The English actors in dubs are generally worse because it sounds like they are trying to do an impression of the Japanese voice instead of making the character their own.

I genuinely don't like Japanese dubs for the same sentiment that Xbob does. To be fair I haven't tried to watch a lot of anime in Japanese though, what I have watched though reflects Xbob's comments. The English Dubbed anime I have watched is usually considered shows that have very good dubs as well, so I'm probably not a great pick of evidence on either side.


What I can say though is that I love Dark on Netflix (German I believe) and I absolutely refuse to watch it in English. Same goes for Jet Li's Fearless. I've also watched shows in French for classes and I don't have anywhere near the same feelings for those as I do for Japanese dubs. Even actual Japanese shows like Midnight Diner on Netflix that is in Japanese is a whole other level than Anime.

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5 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

It doesn't help that the writing is almost universally terrible, but always thinks it's super deep. Like the Fire Emblem trailer today where they just shouted nonsense fifth grade philosophy at each other, and that was in English. No amount of "making the character your own" is going to fix the awful, infantile dialogue being written by what I assume are just developers, because they sure as shit aren't writers.


Well that goes with the translation. If someone put some effort into it, like they do with the Phoenix Wright games, you could make something that makes sense and sounds good in English.

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4 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Well that goes with the translation. If someone put some effort into it, like they do with the Phoenix Wright games, you could make something that makes sense and sounds good in English.

I would love better localizations that try and rewrite nonsense lines that translate extremely poorly into something comprehensible! In particular feel my spine compress itself when an exchange between two characters is just meaningless platitudes that I presume someone thought sounded deep. Give me a real conversation! About what's happening! About why it's happening!

At some point, though, I think fans would revolt because it's "not what they were saying in Japanese," so that original script remains this shackle that keeps a game down. I don't need Toshi to be changed to Kyle or anything, but I would love "WE'LL OPEN OUR TRUE HEARTS TO EACH OTHER!" to maybe be changed to something that doesn't read like a tween's Kingdom Hearts fan art description.

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I don't get why people are creating arguments over this game. I see posters saying "I would rather this" and "I would rather that", and it's just turning into arguments over why various opinions are shit instead of them being alternatives to what another person would prefer =/


There's no healthy debate here, and it's all just anger and pointing fingers at people for sucking - as if having an opinion sucks. Is this all D1P is now? I can't say I want something without having to defend it like I'm incorrectly solving a math problem? I want to mod Tifa and I want Japanese voices. If others don't, fine. Why is that wrong?

  • stepee 1
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32 minutes ago, IdeaOfEvil said:

I don't get why people are creating arguments over this game. I see posters saying "I would rather this" and "I would rather that", and it's just turning into arguments over why various opinions are shit instead of them being alternatives to what another person would prefer =/


There's no healthy debate here, and it's all just anger and pointing fingers at people for sucking - as if having an opinion sucks. Is this all D1P is now? I can't say I want something without having to defend it like I'm incorrectly solving a math problem? I want to mod Tifa and I want Japanese voices. If others don't, fine. Why is that wrong?

But not ironic 

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48 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

At some point, though, I think fans would revolt because it's "not what they were saying in Japanese,"

It they were good changes I wouldn't care. I just don't want shit like this. This is why people complain. 


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9 minutes ago, eggydoo said:

I noticed the neck beard first lol

On another note.  Is Barrett not black?  He kinda has white dude hair going on there.

He looks a bit more black in game, but his hair is not the usual black curls you see IRL. 

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9 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

I absolutely prefer playing in a language I can understand, yes. But specifically Japanese acting (in video games and most anime) is some of the corniest, hammiest fucking bullshit out there. It's grating on the ears and an affront to actual acting. It's like it's specifically designed to be as annoying as humanly possible, and as over-the-top (in an awful way) as they could get it. I assume it goes back to the tradition of their stage plays where they yelled out their emotions and shit for the benefit of the audience, but god I hate it so much. It's SO fucking bad. I've never gotten that same feeling from any other language. The Chinese narrator (speaking Mandarin) in ICEY was fucking great.

It doesn't help that the writing is almost universally terrible, but always thinks it's super deep. Like the Fire Emblem trailer today where they just shouted nonsense fifth grade philosophy at each other, and that was in English. No amount of "making the character your own" is going to fix the awful, infantile dialogue being written by what I assume are just developers, because they sure as shit aren't writers. When someone actually talented at writing handles a video game story, like the Zero Time Dilemma folks, it comes across a lot better in BOTH languages. Still not the highest grade media out there, but leaps and bounds above shouting about the power of friendship and then giving some stilted platitude that means literally nothing.

100%. I cant watch anything Japanese because of the over-the-top melodramatic shouting that is considered acting. Even their porn when grown-ass adult women are crying like little school girls is absurd. Totally kills my boner. 


Also - things like music. I love metal. Death/Black/Grind - Shit I cant even understand anyway most of the time. A lot of good shit comes out of Europe. If its not sung in english - Im out. I  wont even pay attention to it. 



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