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It Chapter Two Discussion Thread (Update: Final Trailer)

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54 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Even with the mixed reviews, I'm still excited to see this tomorrow.


46 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:


don't take my comments wrong. I still enjoyed the movie. 

So did I... It's still an entertaining movie. It just didn't have the same impact on me the first one did. And it could have used a trim by 15 or 20 minutes.

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56 minutes ago, Brick said:

I'm seeing it tomorrow. Still wonder what the Cary Fukunaga version would have been like. 


Despite it being long and repetitive in some areas, I have ZERO problems with the direction. The director was able to draw some very good performances from the actors and several scenes were very well done and evocative without being overt if that makes any sense... very important information and plot points were revealed in very subtle ways. That's rare to see these days especially in a big budget horror film.Two scenes I'm thinking of in particular. 

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2 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I liked it. Yeah, the kid cast has better chemistry, but they  really nailed the adult casting. Feel like I need to watch them both again, back to back, later on to get a better feel. 


And having just finished the book, my mind kept comparing the movie scenes to the book, lol. 

 I need to watch both back to back AND read the book. Maybe the end of the year...

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1 minute ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

He has said he was doing a ton of coke when he wrote the book. He also said he regrets it and it had played out differently in his head. 


yeah, I know. I just mean it must have been a heavy use day when he was working on that scene. I understand that concept was to have the loser for this special bond. The movie definitely handled it better.


Have you watched the tv mini-series? It definitely doesn't have the production values of these latest movies but I have to admit I actually enjoy it quite a bit. Of course I also enjoy the heck out of the tv mini-series for The Shining as well. It does a much better job of showing how complex of a character Jack is as apposed to just the flat out psycho Nicholson portrayed him as. 

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I want to see this, but the wife refuses. SHe will only watch a horror movie at home with me, she says getting scared in a theater is embarrassing to her (I don't know why, thats supposed to be a point, but she does get jumpy), so unless I find a friend to see it with, I may just wait until it's on home video. The first IT terrified her. Even at 36 she has an overactive imagination. She's ok if she can cuddle up close to me on the couch and hide under a blanket when it gets too scary, but that is her limit. 


I watched Mothman Prophecies with her when we first met 14 years ago, and had to go to work the next evening. She ended up awake in bed all night with the lights on and doors locked. LOL. She's gotten slightly better, but not much. 

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I read the book around 5 years ago. I really enjoyed it. It is an extremely vulgar book though. The child orgy scene just started happening (I didn’t know it was in the book) and it felt somewhat out of place, but not entirely given how vulgar the rest of the book is and it was over in less than 2 pages if I remember right. It’s a shame that some people avoid the story over it when you can just skip it, and many times that’s the first thing people mention when discussing IT. 


As for the movie, I want to see it since I enjoyed the first one, but the runtime is a deterrent and I’m pressed for free time atm. 

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6 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

I read the book around 5 years ago. I really enjoyed it. It is an extremely vulgar book though. The child orgy scene just started happening (I didn’t know it was in the book) and it felt somewhat out of place, but not entirely given how vulgar the rest of the book is and it was over in less than 2 pages if I remember right. It’s a shame that some people avoid the story over it when you can just skip it, and many times that’s the first thing people mention when discussing IT. 

It's exactly because it is so out of place that it is often the first thing that gets mentioned. And yes the book is damn dark, but even so that scene still doesn't feel like it belongs. 

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On 9/7/2019 at 11:11 PM, skillzdadirecta said:


Despite it being long and repetitive in some areas, I have ZERO problems with the direction. The director was able to draw some very good performances from the actors and several scenes were very well done and evocative without being overt if that makes any sense... very important information and plot points were revealed in very subtle ways. That's rare to see these days especially in a big budget horror film.Two scenes I'm thinking of in particular. 


I meant moreso with the writing. If he has stayed on as director for the first, and stuck around for the sequel there's no doubt he would have written the screenplay for it as well. 


Also as for the orgy scene since it's been mentioned, I almost blame King's editor more. If King was doing mountains of cocaine, and rivers of alcohol at the time, you can't really blame him too much, but his editor should have told him to just cut the scene. That's what an editor is for! 

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The movie was OK. Not sure how it compares to the book, and what's changed, what's cut, what's added, but it really wasn't as good as the first. Didn't even feel scary either. Felt like a video game, "go get these items, then face the final boss", like some weird horror Zelda game, but again it wasn't that horrifying, especially that final confrontation. 

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1 minute ago, MarSolo said:
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So is it just me or were they implying that Richie was gay? When Pennywise was yelling at him that “he knew his dark little secret”, I thought that was the implication, and then when he carved his initials in the bridge with Eddie...


They weren't implying, it was pretty obvious.

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4 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Nah, the initials being reinforced at the end was the proof if you didn't catch it before. 


It didn't bother me, but it's an obvious change from the book and I don't recall it hinting at it during the first movie. 


A quick Google search basically said to me: "fucking duh!"


Also in that Google search, supposedly it's hinted at in the book, mainly when


Eddie dies.


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49 minutes ago, MarSolo said:


A quick Google search basically said to me: "fucking duh!"


Also in that Google search, supposedly it's hinted at in the book, mainly when

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Eddie dies.


Having just finished the book, I certainly didn't pick up on anything of the sort. Yeah, he was upset, but that's about all. They were all upset.

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Just now, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Having just finished the book, I certainly didn't pick up on anything of the sort. Yeah, he was upset, but that's about all. They were all upset.


Yeah, it's been two years for me, so I don't remember if there was something like that.



And to be fair, it's a nice addition to the character. The book never really got into Richie's sex life in the book if I'm not mistaken.


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On 9/7/2019 at 5:47 PM, EternallDarkness said:

have to disagree there, they were mostly predictable jump scares


And each sequence seemed to follow the same beats. By the third one they just lost their impact for me. Stuff that should have been shocking or disturbing just seemed ridiculous and outrageous. Still interesting to look at, but not even remotely scary. Also Bower and his undead buddy are just kind of forgotten about? I know Bower was killed, but what about his undead accomplice?

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2 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:


And each sequence seemed to follow the same beats. By the third one they just lost their impact for me. Stuff that should have been shocking or disturbing just seemed ridiculous and outrageous. Still interesting to look at, but not even remotely scary. Also Bower and his undead buddy are just kind of forgotten about? I know Bower was killed, but what about his undead accomplice?

Seemed like no one could see zombie Hocksetter, so I'm not sure we really needed a conclusion there. The book pretty much handles it the same.

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On 9/8/2019 at 8:53 PM, EternallDarkness said:


yeah, I know. I just mean it must have been a heavy use day when he was working on that scene. I understand that concept was to have the loser for this special bond. The movie definitely handled it better.


Have you watched the tv mini-series? It definitely doesn't have the production values of these latest movies but I have to admit I actually enjoy it quite a bit. Of course I also enjoy the heck out of the tv mini-series for The Shining as well. It does a much better job of showing how complex of a character Jack is as apposed to just the flat out psycho Nicholson portrayed him as. 

I realized I forgot to reply to this. I never saw the miniseries. I was a kid when it came out and terrified of clowns, so I always avoided it. I might check it out sometime, just for comparison.

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1 hour ago, Brick said:

I haven't seen the It mini series either, aside from clips on YouTube, but from the looks and sounds of it, it hasn't aged well, and it's not scary at all. Tim Curry is a riot, however. 


been quite a while since I've watched it, but often time made for tv stuff doesn't age all that well, so that wouldn't surprise me in the least. 

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