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~~The Mueller Investigation: Season 2~~

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7 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

Clinton was never impeached. Although I think she should be impeached for the emails and Benghazi.


2 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


...Clinton was impeached by the house.  He was later acquitted by the Senate though, so he remained president.


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3 hours ago, PaladinSolo said:

Just find it amusing that the GOP once impeached a president for lying about something that wasn't illegal to a grand jury, but its totally ok for one to lie to everyone about something that is likely unconstitutional.


The GOP keeps whining (falsely) that Mueller is going past his mandate, when Starr had the same broad-reaching mandate—Starr's investigation started with Whitewater, and Clinton hadn't even met Lewinsky yet at the start of it.

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Vanity Fair: Trump Wants Mueller Probe to End in a "couple of weeks"; Threatening to Fire Rosenstein






Sources say Trump is increasingly taking his legal defense into his own hands—very much at his own peril. The Sessions tweet crossed a line into what many interpreted to be outright obstruction of justice. Trump also is arguing that he wants to sit for an interview with Mueller, against his lawyers’ advice, The New York Times reported. This is partly driven by Trump’s frustration with his legal team’s inability to end the Mueller probe. As I reported this week, Trump is angry with his lawyer Rudy Giuliani for giving a series of erratic television interviews that seemed to disclose a previously unknown strategy meeting at Trump Tower that took place days before Don Jr.’s infamous sit-down with a Russian lawyer to get “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. Trump is also unhappy with White House counsel Don McGahn, who in the past stood in the way of Trump’s effort to fire Mueller.



Trump’s latest attacks on Mueller are partly being enabled by conversations with his attorney Emmet Flood, one source told me. “Emmet feels there’s nothing there with collusion, so it’s fine for Trump to comment and tweet,” the source explained. This person added that Trump appears to be in earnest about his desire for Sessions to end the Mueller probe, and spoke of a timeline of a couple of weeks. Otherwise, Trump has threatened to fire Rosenstein himself.


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Hope Hicks, who is a key witness in the Russia investigation, boarded Air Force One with the President, en-route to Ohio for a rally.  Hicks resigned from the White House in March, about a month after she testified in front of Congress in February.


#witness tampering 

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Trump is apparently worried his son is going down cause hes stupid, and is really mad over the Manafort trial even though he clearly didn't have a role in his campaign.




Still, Trump has confided to friends and advisers that he is worried the Mueller probe could destroy the lives of what he calls “innocent and decent people” — namely Trump Jr., who is under scrutiny by Mueller for his role organizing a June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with Russians promising dirt on Hillary Clinton. As one adviser described the president’s thinking, he does not believe his son purposefully broke the law, but is fearful nonetheless that Trump Jr. inadvertently may have wandered into legal ­jeopardy.


The president privately fumed to one friend after another — on Air Force One, in the Oval Office and over the phone — that Manafort “has absolutely nothing to do with me,” according to people close to him. 


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8 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

As one adviser described the president’s thinking, he does not believe his son purposefully broke the law, but is fearful nonetheless that Trump Jr. inadvertently may have wandered into legal ­jeopardy.


Yeah, I didn't mean to murder that hooker, she just did too much blow and I had to whack her over the head with that vase.

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4 hours ago, mclumber1 said:



Hope Hicks, who is a key witness in the Russia investigation, boarded Air Force One with the President, en-route to Ohio for a rally.  Hicks resigned from the White House in March, about a month after she testified in front of Congress in February.


#witness tampering 


Maybe she's the only one capable of steaming his pants while he's wearing them. 

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Just now, Jason said:


Maybe she's the only one capable of steaming his pants while he's wearing them. 


Trump: Ok, let's go over your story again, what do you say if Mueller asks about the statement I wrote for Donny Jr. About the Trump Tower meaning?


Hicks: Glah, glah, glah, glah!!



Just kidding. I doubt he has enough to gag on.

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4 hours ago, PaladinSolo said:

Going to assume Mueller looks at this tweet.


"Fake news is reporting that I'm concerned for Donald Trump Jr's well-being. Fake news, I've never heard of Donald Trump Jr, never met him." 

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4 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

Apparently this made sense to Trump's lawyer.




I have heard people talk about the big picture and how we may be reaching some sort of climax here soon in the investigation with Manafort's first trial concluding, Stone looks to be on the line to be indicted soon, and Mueller making whatever moves he's going to make soon so as to avoid the election season as best he can.


What is interesting is that Trump team's talking points seems to be getting there, too. They are reaching the destination they were always headed to. Perhaps this has all been to just acclimate his base to accepting it(the proverbial lobster on a stovetop). That's right, we obstructed but it was just fighting back. That's right, we colluded but colluding is not a crime. 


The trick is that everyone, not just Democrats or progressives but everyone who refuses to accept this as tolerable behavior, has to realize what Trump realized at least since Dowd left. Being right and being honorable isn't going to fix this. Even proving Trump is guilty isn't going to fix this. This is a political problem. Unless the GOP loses big in November it's all just another toothless episode of rich boy Donny doing whatever he wants and getting away with it because no one forced him to stop.

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