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In Honor of the Upcoming Series Finale of Game of Thrones...

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Name some series that nailed the landing when ending their runs, some that didn't quite make it, and some that shit the bed. I'll start off



Six Feet Under

The Wire

Breaking Bad

The Shield

Mad Men




The Sopranos

Battlestar Galactica

The Office




Penny Dreadful (Great series but the last couple of episodes damn near ruin the whole series)


That's all I got so far... I'll see if I can think of some more.


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Nailed it

Black Sails

Breaking Bad

Six Feed Under



Supernatural (nothing happened after season 5, what are you talking about?)

Smallville (they started wondering in later seasons, but landed it at the end)


Didn't quite make it

Battlestar Galactica (got me in the feels, and simultaneously annoyed me)


Shit the bed


House of Cards (I never even finished the final season)

Sons of Anarchy (similarly, I never even finished the final season)


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Breaking Bad

The Wire

The Shield

Star Trek TNG

The Americans


Halt and Catch Fire



The Sopranos

The Office







Star Trek Enterprise

House of Cards, whole last season is an abomination 


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Nailed it

Mortal Kombat: Conquest

Star Trek The Next Generation

Star Trek Deep Space Nine

Star Trek Voyager


Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Hell on Wheels

Spider-Man The Animated Series

Quantum Leap




The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Family Ties


Shit The Bed

Last Man on Earth



How I Met Your Mother


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4 hours ago, elbobo said:


Breaking Bad

The Wire

The Shield

Star Trek TNG

The Americans


Halt and Catch Fire



The Sopranos

The Office







Star Trek Enterprise

House of Cards, whole last season is an abomination 



28 minutes ago, Remarkableriots said:

Nailed it

Mortal Kombat: Conquest

Star Trek The Next Generation

Star Trek Deep Space Nine

Star Trek Voyager


Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Hell on Wheels

Spider-Man The Animated Series

Quantum Leap




The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Family Ties


Shit The Bed

Last Man on Earth



How I Met Your Mother




I think TNG and DS9 had two of the best finales ever. Especially impressive for a time when not too many series attempted, let alone succeeded, in having finales that summed up the series so well.


If there were a rating between "nailed it" and "didn't quite make it" I would put Buffy and Voyager in there. Good finales that tick all the boxes, but didn't quite have that emotional punch that the best finales have imho.


Like both of you, I would put Angel in the "nailed it" column. 


How I Met Your Mother and Enterprise are funny because if you ignore the right things, they actually have pretty good finales.


If you count Terra Prime as Enterprise's finale it goes from being godawful to decent. If you ignore the last little reveal in HIMYM, it's a pretty good finale. I think the general gloominess of it isn't so bad, it's the total unnecessary arbitrariness of the last thing that fucks things up. And both these endings were so bad, the series runners after the fact basically said, "if fans want to ignore them, they can". 


The relaunch novels retconned These Are the Voyages damn near out of existence(it's all a hologram, so it's all only as reliable as the historical record) and an alternate ending to HIMYM was included after the huge backlash.






Just now, Dragonseeker said:


Breaking Bad

Mad Men



Battlestar Galactica

House of Cards



The Night Of


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles








I would put Sarah Conner Chronicles in a "did as good as you could expect with what they were given" along with Jericho. Both series that shouldn't have been cancelled when they were, and were probably truncated because they had a lot more story to tell. I think they were both series that struggled because of the damn writer's strike.



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2 hours ago, TwinIon said:

Some others that nailed it:

Cowboy Bebop

Fullmetal Alchemist

Futurama (original run, don't really remember the ending of the extended run)

The Last Airbender


Another that didn't:

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Holy shit I can't believe I forgot Cowboy  Beebop! Add Samurai Champloo to that as well for nailed it.

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5 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:


The Sopranos

Battlestar Galactica

The Office

5 hours ago, legend said:


Didn't quite make it

Battlestar Galactica (got me in the feels, and simultaneously annoyed me)


I still maintain that the BSG ending would have been sooooo much fucking better if they'd kept it exactly the same but just skipped the Angel Six/Angel Baltar Times Square scene at the end. It would have been a much more powerful ending if they'd just cut to credits after the camera pulled back on the scene of Adama sitting on the hill next to Roslin's grave.

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From the examples given so far, Dexter is my vote for biggest shit show of an ending. I can't figure out how they thought that was a good idea. Remember? Remember this bullshit!? 


A lot of the episodes in the later seasons are pretty bad so I guess it doesn't surprise me looking back now. 


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What is the prevailing opinion on Chuck's finale? I remember liking it at the time but in retrospect it seems like kind of a copout. Also, while I have my suspicions about how well it holds up, I feel like that show was really emblematic of it's time and place in recession and late war-on-terror America.


Obligatory Twin Peaks The Return nailed it.

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10 hours ago, Remarkableriots said:

Nailed it

Mortal Kombat: Conquest

Star Trek The Next Generation

Star Trek Deep Space Nine

Star Trek Voyager


Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Hell on Wheels

Spider-Man The Animated Series

Quantum Leap




The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Family Ties


Shit The Bed

Last Man on Earth



How I Met Your Mother


I hated the voyager finale. There was no reason not to have a cool 4-5 episode arc like DS9 had(six, I believe) and there were plenty of wasted episodes in Voyagers last season. 


If Enterprise had ended with Terra Prime, it would have been amazing. Or even if the last episode hadn’t tried to be a new TNG episode, and just played that story out on his own. And showed Archers speech!

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My Name is Earl would have nailed it.


There was this TV show called Awake. Only had one season and got canceled. But there was an ending filmed in case that happened. The show about about Draco's dad living in two different realities. In one, his son died. In the other, is wife died. Well, he entered the other reality by sleeping. If his wife was alive when he went to bed, when he awoke his son would be alive. He wasn't sure which was real and I think he was trying to figure it out. And then the show got canceled. So, in the series and season 1 finale it had Draco's dad wake up with both his son and wife alive. Everything was just a bad dream. "Just a dream," endings are pretty shit but this was pretty good and it worked really well. Most canceled show don't get closure but this did and it was good. 

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On 5/4/2019 at 12:38 AM, Remarkableriots said:

I need to watch that series. Doesn't it have two different versions?

It does. There is a lot of overlap in the beginning, but they go in rather different directions by the end. I think people say that the second run (Brotherhood) is better, but both are worthwhile.

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On 5/4/2019 at 4:41 AM, Remarkableriots said:

Shao Khan winning was the perfect way to end the series!


I remember this show being on and I think I watched an episode or two, but it was too cheesy to me at the time. According to this... this wasn't supposed to be the actual ending, but a cliffhanger.




The series originally aired on the WB Network and was later picked up by Turner Network Television, which aired the remaining new episodes as well as broadcasting the previous ones in syndication. The show was very popular, but according to the show's developer, Joshua Wexler, this resulted in higher budget costs for the show than anticipated. The cancellation was not announced at first and rumors of a second season circulated. However, TNT pulled the plug on the show leaving it with a cliffhanger ending. It was said that the last two episodes were a dream Kung Lao had, making what happened not true. The cliffhanger ending would have been resolved in the second season, which would have summed up the series and corresponded with the MK timeline.


Also... this.



Guest stars Angelica Bridges, Sung Hi Lee, Dana Hee, Jamie Pressly, Renee Tenison, Kathleen Kinmont, Candace Miller and Suzanne Stokes all posed nude for the adult magazine, Playboy. Another guest star, Eva Mendes, was also featured doing an interview in one issue.

Due to budget constraints, the costuming department was unable to afford any bras for the female cast members.


Suuuuuuuuure :p

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