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Update: North Korea claims that it "tragically ruined" a joint liaison office with South Korea with a "terrific explosion"

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3 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

I thought we had a full deal signed and in place for North Korea to denuclearize? No? Pretty sure Trump said that. 


He's refusing to finalize it until they hand over his Nobel Peace Prize. Very smart! 

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1 hour ago, ort said:

Trump’s lucky everyone is too distracted by all of the other fucked up shit going on with Trump to pay attention to this story and mock him endlessly for it.


"Trump attempts to distract from being implicated in a crime by surrendering to North Korea on nukes."


Sometimes it is hard to tell the distractions with this administration and you just gotta pick your poison.

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5 minutes ago, CayceG said:

Jesus Christ. 


So let's go down the list. 

1. Threatening China

2. Publicly feuding with his SECDEF

3. "good and warm"

4. China's great President

5. Only I Can Fix It (with see #4)



6. If I do the thing I think is bad it'll be BIGLIER than any past president's!

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7 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

If I'm going to do this thing that I think is a waste of money, I'm going to waste more money than you can imagine!


"$100 million for war games? What do you mean $90 million for war games?"

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Here’s the outline of the tentative deal as described to me:

  1. Both countries will sign a peace declaration to symbolically end the Korean War. That conflict ended in an armistice (basically a truce), not an actual peace treaty, in 1953, which means the war is technically still ongoing. The agreement would effectively, although not officially, end hostilities between the two countries and dramatically improve their relations.
  2. North Korea will agree to return more remains of US troops who died during the Korean War, although it’s unclear how many of the thousands will come home and when. Last year, following the Trump-Kim summit in Singapore, North Korea returned the remains of 55 American service members.
  3. The US and North Korea will establish liaison offices — which are quasi-embassies with minimal authorities — in each other’s nations. That will be the first concrete step toward normalizing diplomatic ties between the two longtime enemies.
  4. North Korea will agree to stop producing materials for nuclear bombs at its Yongbyon facility. In exchange, the US will push to lift some UN sanctions on Pyongyang so it can pursue joint economic projects with South Korea. It’s also possible the deal will include some other nuclear facilities, one source said.

Again, it’s entirely possible that this tentative deal will change — perhaps even dramatically — between now and when Trump and Kim meet on February 27 in Vietnam. But the deal as it currently stands comports with what many expected heading into the summit.


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