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Shudder - The Last Drive-In w/ Joe Bob Briggs Returns for Nightmareathon Aug. 30th

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Huge fan of Ginger Snaps (and also Katharine Isabelle!!) so I stuck around for that. As for the second flick, I'm good on all that considering my day job & also the fact that I have been working a significant amount of OT on top of that, just needed to catch up on sleep as it is. 


3 weeks down, I believe another 6 Friday's to go!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a total blast w/ my buddy & I! Made smashburgers on my griddle on my grill that turned out amazing AF & getting to see Lustig's works on Joe Bob's show while Bruce joined in, just the freaking best time all around!

Side note, there's a Drive In event in July for the 40th anniversary of Evil Dead in which Bruce Campbell will be there in person, gonna be a hell of a good time!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ended up putting on An American Werewolf in London about 30 minutes into the first ... "film". After that, threw on AEW as I did ever so briefly tune back in to see the 2nd movie and my god just no! 


Unfortunately however, we only have 2 more weeks left ... then hopefully an end of summer/Labor Day sort of special perhaps? 

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20 hours ago, heydude93 said:

The monstervision guy!  It's been a minute since I recalled that show. I have fond memories of watching it back in the day, and had no idea he was still around.  I'll definitely have to check this out soon ^_^

They have many of his previous shows that have aired on Shudder in that apps archives, as well as even to go so far that they have JUST his bits of banter, gab, & facts about each project without the film which is kinda cool. Shudder is totally worth the price of admission, hands down!

  • stepee 1
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Clint Howard is a fucking treasure & that musical number at the end was icing on the awesome cake this week (with a surprise cameo of his brother Ron no less, fucking EPIC!)


Only 1 week left of season 3 but they're already hyping it up a bit so can't wait.

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Firstly, I never knew that there had been a Little Shop of Horrors prior to the Rick Moranis musical, add to it the fact that it was Jack Nicholson's first film as well, just awesome! As for Humanoids From the Deep, how is this movie that freaking good!? Like legit, far & away superior to the likes of Piranha, Alligator, or even Meg. 


Having Roger on throughout the course of the night was an absolute treat, and I was enthralled by every story he spoke upon. As for the lives & careers he's touched directly, like OH MY GAWD! All roads truly do lead back to Corman, no doubt about that. Possibly the highlight of what had been an all around amazing season! 

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I wouldn't say I'm a neophyte of his work, I just haven't ever done a full deep dive into it either. Numerous works of his have been shown previously on TLDI already & I am sure many more shall continue to be. It's more about him as a person and the influence & staying power he's had over 70 years in the industry. 

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I've seen maybe a handful of his directed work. Looking at what he's produced, I know I've seen a bunch of those but just never realized it. I do remember watching some of Roger Corman Presents on Showtime back in the day.

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17 minutes ago, SoberChef said:

It's more about him as a person and the influence & staying power he's had over 70 years in the industry

Yea his influence is massive. I find his work falls into 1 of 3 categories 


Just Terrible - these just have no real quality to them


Bad but so much love - Humanoids from the Deep falls in to this one. Its a not a quality film but feels like he really into making it the best it can be .


God Tier - House Of User, The Pit and the Pendulum, Masque Of the Red Death


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As for the inevitable, yet always fantastic to hear news of Shudder renewing TLDI for a 4th season, I wish they would just pull the trigger and be like "We put Joe Bob & Darcy on a 10 year contract ya'll, they ain't leaving us or you any time soon!"


Gotta admit that last night, while slightly distracted via a family BBQ get together, I felt like something was missing ... and it was the fact that The Drive-In wasn't on! It really has become ingrained in my week to week programming, a thing to look forward to & celebrate together via the #MutantFam #HorrorFam commiserating about all the awesomeness we are watching together. The communal relief that is viable there is quite cathartic for sure.

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6 minutes ago, SimpleG said:

About god damn time someone got Near Dark. Nice to see Creepshow and DOTD show up , both are classics.


I bought the Near Dark blu-ray for like $8 nine years ago. It's selling for 4 to 5 times that used on eBay.

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1 minute ago, 69los said:


I bought the Near Dark blu-ray for like $8 nine years ago. It's selling for 4 to 5 times that used on eBay.

I know, I thought about buying it several times. Wasnt sure on the quality of it so I never went for it.

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