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The eviction crisis

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Now, a new study shows that not all evictions are created equal. Scholars at Georgia State University, in conjunction with a ProPublica journalist, examined “serial” eviction filings, or those done repeatedly by a landlord against a tenant. By comparing serial evictions to ordinary ones, the researchers found patterns of landlord behavior and intentions, some of which are reminiscent of the worst of the housing crisis a decade ago.


As a reminder, nearly half of Americans are “rent-burdened,” which means that they spend more than 30% of their income on rent. Homelessness is on the rise. Nationally, as many as one in seven children may have experienced eviction in the last decade. And, just as the foreclosure crisis disproportionately hit African-Americans, so does the eviction epidemic. Black women in Milwaukee, for example, were evicted at a rate three times their share of the population, and black renters in metro Seattle were evicted four times as frequently as whites there, according to earlier research.

The Georgia State authors compiled evidence that eviction proceedings can be predatory: “Filings can be the beginning of a forced removal process, but they are also frequently a tool used to enforce the collection of rent and fees,” they note.

The authors cite several earlier local studies that demonstrate the phenomenon. Researchers in Baltimore, Cleveland and Dallas “found that some landlords viewed the additional revenue from late fees, enforced by the threat of an eviction filing, as a supplemental source of funding in addition to the regular rent roll.”


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12 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:


nah.  I've got a few friends with $$$ that bought rental property and charge under what they could charge because they think our city's rates are obscene.  They would also be on top of repairs if necessary (new place soooo)


Anyhoo, I think landlords that are landlords for a living are often parasites but those families that buy an investment property can often be pretty good.  I know when I was in 3rd year university we moved into a house that was renovated nicely and though we weren't the worst, he probably could have had better tenants.  


The punk in the picture is just another example of the new favorite thing to do which is take the extreme view and not have an honest and truthful conversation.  Also, did you know that all men are rapists, any reference to a culture that is not yours is racist, and all corporations are the devil


Anyhoo, I'm off to starbucks… anyone want anything?

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