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Theranos founder has been faking her voice for over a decade

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Eh...I wouldn't really hold this against her. I know a number of women with very high voices who feel that people think they sound too childish and aren't taken seriously. I don't see this any differently than someone with, say, a southern accent taking voice lessons to speak with a more midwest accent for similar reasons.

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3 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:

Eh...I wouldn't really hold this against her. I know a number of women with very high voices who feel that people think they sound too childish and aren't taken seriously. I don't see this any differently than someone with, say, a southern accent taking voice lessons to speak with a more midwest accent for similar reasons.


Yeah, I don’t see it as an inherent negative, I just think the choice she made was poor in that her voice sounds wholly unnatural.

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2 minutes ago, sblfilms said:


Yeah, I don’t see it as an inherent negative, I just think the choice she made was poor in that her voice sounds wholly unnatural.


That's the sign of someone that didn't go through a voice coach and just decided to wing it.

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5 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:

Eh...I wouldn't really hold this against her. I know a number of women with very high voices who feel that people think they sound too childish and aren't taken seriously. I don't see this any differently than someone with, say, a southern accent taking voice lessons to speak with a more midwest accent for similar reasons.

This right here. I made a conscious effort to eliminate my southern accent so I would be taken more seriously 

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31 minutes ago, CayceG said:

But accents are entirely different than the tone of your voice. lol


It's almost psychopathic to do what Holmes does. 


No, it's not. It's a WAY more common concern women have than you probably think. My wife works as a therapist and has a naturally low voice that she raises up an octave to come across as more caring to her clients. Because you know, caring and kind is high pitched for some reason. Her natural voice would be right at home in, like, a board room if she were trying to sound assertive. In her field, though, it had the complete opposite.


Didn't Maria Bamford have a stand-up special years ago that Comedy Central ran on repeat ad nauseum about this very subject? It's no different than every person in my family that has a white people voice they use on the phone so they aren't ignored by customer support. Isn't that the entire premise of Sorry to Bother You? Or this clip?



You can't really be arguing that women with "child-like" voices don't have the same concerns anyone else in a similar situation may have.

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39 minutes ago, CayceG said:

But accents are entirely different than the tone of your voice. lol


It's almost psychopathic to do what Holmes does. 


I really don’t think it is meaningfully different. People do take into account vocal traits as a way of determining things like intelligence, seriousness, maturity, and such. Altering a vocal trait to mask a perceived defeciency is a fairly normal thing for humans to do.


Look at the reaction of lots of people to Christine Ford’s voice during her senate testimony. The pitch of her voice was referred to by a bunch of people as “child like” and such, because she had a fairly high pitched voice.


The oddity here is the particular voical traits she opted to mimic.

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48 minutes ago, CayceG said:

It's almost psychopathic to do what Holmes does. 

It's truly nothing of the sort.


A decent number of my female college professors had to dramatically change the pitch and tone of their voice for them to be listened to. I know a non-trivial number of women who do this professionally.

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1 minute ago, CayceG said:

I guess I just haven't run across it ever before, knowingly. 



I'll relent, then, and say that HOLMES is an insane person so utterly committed to the lie that this is but one of the weirder aspects of it to me. 

Everything about Thernaos is crazy town banana pants, but a professional woman adopting an affection in her professional speech is an exception. :p

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The craziest thing IMO, and I think this about pretty much every scammer that gets caught, is why DIDN'T SHE HAVE AN EXIT PLAN? Like you're the CEO of (what was at the time) at multi-billion dollar company. Surely it would've been possible for her to embezzle a few million dollars and go on a "business trip" to like Barbados or something and never ever return. 

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Just now, SilentWorld said:

The craziest thing IMO, and I think this about pretty much every scammer that gets caught, is why DIDN'T SHE HAVE AN EXIT PLAN? Like your the CEO of (what was at the time) at multi-billion dollar company. Surely it would've been possible for her to embezzle a few million dollars and go on a "business trip" to like Barbados or something and never ever return. 

Ego, I’d wager. People like this think they are smarter than everybody else and will never get caught.

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My great aunt used to actually speak in a falsetto voice because she considered her voice to be too deep and not lady-like enough. Even as a kid I thought it was sad that she thought she had to change something like that about herself in order to be accepted. :( 

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50 minutes ago, RedSoxFan9 said:

Changing your voice slightly in different situations is normal.  That’s not what she did. 



It most certainly is. She is just really bad at it.

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3 hours ago, CayceG said:

But accents are entirely different than the tone of your voice. lol


It's almost psychopathic to do what Holmes does. 


We once had this hostess that had an absolutely excruciatingly high voice. Like so bad that you thought she was fucking with you. The GM at the time told me to tell her that she had to speak with a deeper voice to customers. I just ignored him, but yeah I'm sure it's a real thing that happens.

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It's baffling and hilarious.  In the footage of her I saw she speaks in a very forced unnaturally deep voice.  Why!?  You put so much effort into the con and you're doing all these next level jedi mind tricks while at the same time speaking in a cartoon voice when you could just be talking normally :lol:


2 hours ago, sblfilms said:

Ego, I’d wager. People like this think they are smarter than everybody else and will never get caught.


That seems most likely to me as well.  It was possibly a psychology/social game she was playing to avoid boredom.  Raising the stakes to see if anyone noticed, ego blinding her and making her think nobody would. 

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5 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Ok so I finally watched the videos.




Tempest in a teapot


It is soooo weird. It’s like if you decided to combat your southern accent by going with a rural Minnesota accent. Too much.

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