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Feds charge dozens in massive college admissions scandal

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7 hours ago, Jason said:


I do think though that it's probably true that in a lot of fields, there's probably a huge boost from going to one or two specific programs, but that then after that it kind of doesn't matter where you go, with the other options not being BAD, just not the automatic door-openers the fancy programs are.



Didn't you go to an Ivy League school? It's been years since you've been in college so I could be misremembering but you probably wouldn't be making six figures in your early 30's if you went to Cal State Northridge instead. 


If you go to an Ivy League school and your first job out of college is some 40k a year cubicle farm job you're doing it wrong. That's what people who got 3.0's from local state school go do. 


Going to an elite school, or going to the top program a local school is known for will absolutely set you up well for future success. If your college experience is getting decent grades at local State U in your English major like everyone else, then yeah it doesn't matter where you go, any place will do.


Even locally, I imagine graduating from say University of Michigan (since it was already brought up) will give you an advantage looking for a job in Michigan (or probably anywhere in the Great Lakes area really) over the guy went to random local liberal arts college in Michigan

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1 hour ago, Firewithin said:

Gee I guess that 500k came with a bonus huh


If you click through to the TMZ article it sounds like it's probably not as salacious as the headline makes it sound (that she was one of several of the guy's daughter's friends who were on the yacht—so a rich people spring break trip, basically). 

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2 minutes ago, Jason said:


If you click through to the TMZ article it sounds like it's probably not as salacious as the headline makes it sound (that she was one of several of the guy's daughter's friends who were on the yacht—so a rich people spring break trip, basically). 

Lol, white people 

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8 hours ago, RedSoxFan9 said:

Welcome to the Failson hangout. This is the thread for Failsons. We are disappointments to our families, burdens on societies, and NOT jealous of our older sibling's nice houses and luxury automobiles. We have our computers, and frankly, that is enough! Our taxes are easy to fill out, and if we save up our Christmas and Birthday money, we can buy our own television.

What's the word for being offended at how accurate something is?

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It kinda seems like Meghan McCain doesn't know what a legacy admission is



But then Behar brought up legacy admissions — the practice in which, if your parents went to a school, your chances of getting in improve greatly. (If they donate millions, so much the better.) Behar noted its roots in racism — to keep out minorities.

McCain, oddly, brought up the generations of her family that attended the Naval Academy.

[My family goes back generations at the Naval Academy. And that’s service to your country, so I would push back on that part of it because my grandfather, great-grandfather, my brothers all served their country. I don’t think there’s anything to be ashamed of with my family’s legacy at the Naval Academy, my father’s buried there.]


“I’m not talking about your family,” Behar said. “I’m talking about the policy of where legacy admissions came from.”



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19 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Well, you sure seemed to imply something nefarious was at work here. In regards to it being women, that is.


That's quite a leap from musing that it was strange how they were the face of the scandal. It's a media commentary.

  • Haha 1
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Just now, Firewithin said:

Taking a SAT prep class is a "systematic leg up" ?


Dont most do that?  I think my HS offered that....

I'd figure it's a leg up in that a lot of poorer folks can't afford to do that. But I don't see it as gaming the system.


We have the ACT around here. I was a moron in high school, only took it once, basically at the last possible time. I did get a high enough score for a scholarship for 2 years, but looking back, I kick myself for not applying myself sooner. But it worked out in the end.

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1 hour ago, Firewithin said:

Taking a SAT prep class is a "systematic leg up" ?


Dont most do that?  I think my HS offered that....

My poor as shit high school didn't have it. Not going right into the workforce/trades or community college meant you were an extreme outlier

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Im not sure I care about this, but its still disgusting. I mean was ANYONE shocked when we found out being rich is the key that opens almost any door? Im pretty sure rich people have been doing this for decades, with donations, back channels like this. Its only shocking to the public because celebs are caught up in it. 



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