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19 hours ago, Nokra said:

So this is a new one for me...


I'd been hanging out a lot with a woman who lives in my building (just around the corner, in fact) for about two months, slowly becoming friends, going out to eat, watching movies together, making a couple Costco runs together :lol:, etc.  It seems like we're very compatible, we have a lot to talk about, good communication, respect, chemistry, laughter, etc. A couple weeks ago things got pretty flirty, but still nothing really happened, but we finally had "the talk". She said that while she "has a bit of a crush" on me, she didn't want to date me because we live too close and she's worried about not feeling good about being home if things don't work out. 


I never meet new people these days, and I rarely feel such a good connection. To have it blow up in my face... Ugh. Dating in your late 30s sucks balls. 




Tell her you're considering moving really far away

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20 hours ago, Nokra said:

So this is a new one for me...


I'd been hanging out a lot with a woman who lives in my building (just around the corner, in fact) for about two months, slowly becoming friends, going out to eat, watching movies together, making a couple Costco runs together :lol:, etc.  It seems like we're very compatible, we have a lot to talk about, good communication, respect, chemistry, laughter, etc. A couple weeks ago things got pretty flirty, but still nothing really happened, but we finally had "the talk". She said that while she "has a bit of a crush" on me, she didn't want to date me because we live too close and she's worried about not feeling good about being home if things don't work out. 


I never meet new people these days, and I rarely feel such a good connection. To have it blow up in my face... Ugh. Dating in your late 30s sucks balls. 



Red flag. I feel like that wouldn’t be a deal breaker if she was truly into you. Something else is going on.

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22 hours ago, Best said:


I think she did make a valid point. But if the connection is as good as you are describing then it really is unfortunate she couldn't just go for it! And yea, dating and trying to get into a relationship in your late 30s early 40s is extremely difficult. 


3 hours ago, Uaarkson said:

Red flag. I feel like that wouldn’t be a deal breaker if she was truly into you. Something else is going on.


1 hour ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

Yeah that doesn’t make sense. “I’d be into you if we never had any chance of meeting in the first place.” Like wut


Yeah, honestly I also took it as just an excuse at first, because I didn't really understand why she would be unwilling to take the risk if things were otherwise so good, especially since we're both just renting apartments (i. e. not homeowners, coworkers, or in some other situation making it really hard to get away). Plus, I have a bit of a natural tendency to assume I'm the problem (thank you, guilt of my Christian upbringing :p and being cheated on a couple of times :silly:), so it's easier for me to automatically assume that I did something wrong, or I'm not attractive enough to her, or whatever.


But one thing she told me as part of this whole discussion is that her home space is pretty sacred to her and she's worried about not feeling comfortable at home. What she didn't mention this time but I happen to know from previous discussions is that she was in a previous relationship where the guy ended up getting physically abusive towards her by the end :(which I'm sure was very traumatic for her (she was in therapy). As a way to relieve some of my own sadness over this, I have to believe that part of what is happening now is that she's really anxious about a repeat of that situation (not feeling safe at home). Obviously I have never hit anyone and I sure as hell hope she isn't worried about that with me, but maybe she is; we haven't known each other that long. In any case, I know that major traumas like that don't just go away. 


Given that, I'm way more empathetic to her decision if it's a matter of her wanting to take care of herself around her own trauma and feelings of safety. I guess it could still be an excuse and there's yet something else (and believe me, my overactive and self-critical mind has imagined plenty of scenarios), but I guess whatever the case may be, if she can't or doesn't want to be with me, I suppose I'm better off looking elsewhere.


So for now I told her that I understand her reasoning, I accept her choice, and that I would like some time and space before we can hang out again since I don't think I'd be able to hang out just as friends at the moment, and she was understanding of that. None of this excludes the possibility of a future relationship I guess, particularly if we spend more time together and she realizes she truly is safe with me, but yeah... It definitely feels like rejection at the moment. :/ 

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5 hours ago, Nokra said:

So for now I told her that I understand her reasoning, I accept her choice, and that I would like some time and space before we can hang out again since I don't think I'd be able to hang out just as friends at the moment, and she was understanding of that. None of this excludes the possibility of a future relationship I guess, particularly if we spend more time together and she realizes she truly is safe with me, but yeah... It definitely feels like rejection at the moment. :/ 


Hire a hooker and make her jealous

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Went to Auschwitz today, when you’re in the gas chamber you can see the scratches in the wall. 

Many times today I found it hard to keep composure; at one point did have to go stand in the corner for a few minutes.


Drinking at this random bar I walked into in Krakow right now. 

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On 8/11/2024 at 12:50 PM, Spork3245 said:

I just adopted another dog today. She has a vet appointment tomorrow to check her leg (the rescue thinks it’s just a growing pain or she stepped wrong on the gravel outside this morning, but they want to bring her to the vet before they let me bring her home), so I’ll probably get her in a few days:



Half German Shepherd, half Great Pyrenees. Her and her siblings were found in a box on the side of the road in Texas, left to die. People are absolute monsters.


Anyway, we wanted another dog because Erebus (our 15 month old dog) desperately needs a friend. Sticking with the god and/or day/light cycle theme, we were thinking Astrea for her name, but also have Luna, Athena, and Artemis on the table.

Got her Friday morning 



The transition seemed like it was zero stress for her. You’d think she’s always been living here lol

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6 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

Got her Friday morning 



The transition seemed like it was zero stress for her. You’d think she’s always been living here lol


She's beautiful 😍 

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So...earlier today, I pissed off one of my favorite Internet artists, and got booted from their Discord server.


The artist released a drawing of their newest character while expressing that they felt like they were in a creative slump. 


So, what did my stupid ass do?  Make a joke about said character's country of origin.


I tried to apologize, but in the end, I got booted from their server. 


How appropriate that this happened on the two-month anniversary of me getting laid off.



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...This year fucking blows chunks.


I fucking hate this fucking year.


Holy shit, I have not hated a year this much since 2016, and that took me having to work a holiday Best Buy retail job and watching this country elect as president a pile of racist Cheetos in a business suit!



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On 8/14/2024 at 4:37 PM, TUFKAK said:

That’s why I fucking walked underground 


And after ten hours I was fine walking 



2.5 hours to get through security; had to sprint from a gate to c gate cause the tram was undergoing maintenance and my flight was boarding in 15 fucking minutes only to board and be told a mechanical issue with an engine is delaying departure 😂


At least my fat old ass can still sprint that far with a pack but my gods this trip, the actual traveling part, has been the worst trip of my life and I include the military trips in that 😂

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1 hour ago, marioandsonic said:

Ugh...my stomach has been a tire fire since Tuesday.  I couldn’t eat or drink anything without puking.  I finally went to the ER earlier, where I got an IV and some anti-nausea, and I'm back home now and cautiously having some soup.


...and I couldn't keep it down.  Fuck.  I hate everything.

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2 hours ago, marioandsonic said:

I'm wondering if any of this is psychosomatic.  The last two months have been an absolute nightmare for me personally, and I just now feel tired, depressed, bitter, and miserable.  So maybe part of this is me just worrying myself sick.


There's probably a psychosomatic aspect to it, but even so, giving your digestive system a "break" for a few days by only consuming bland food isn't a bad idea.

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2 hours ago, marioandsonic said:

I'm wondering if any of this is psychosomatic.  The last two months have been an absolute nightmare for me personally, and I just now feel tired, depressed, bitter, and miserable.  So maybe part of this is me just worrying myself sick.


It's definitely your mental state that is also affecting your health. I've been there many times. Just try to focus on positives even though it can be difficult. You'll eventually get better. 

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15 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

You should absolutely not be eating soup.


Your diet should be dried toast and crackers until it passes.


@marioandsonic In addition to this, freeze Pedialyte in an ice cube tray then crush it up and slowly have a spoonful at a time. That helped me a lot when I had norovirus a few years ago.

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1 minute ago, Chris- said:


@marioandsonic In addition to this, freeze Pedialyte in an ice cube tray then crush it up and slowly have a spoonful at a time. That helped me a lot when I had norovirus a few years ago.


Take it from someone who has had several rounds of stomach infections over the course of his nearly 50 years on this planet - this is fantastic advice as well.


Make sure to use Pedialyte or some other similar non-sugar electrolyte replacement beverage.

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14 hours ago, Jason said:

Cutting back on drinking way more than I've cut back on buying beer is starting to turn into a predicament for my ability to fit things that aren't beer into my fridge.


How many cans vs bottles? Anything in a can is probably fine to just stash in a closet for a few months.

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11 minutes ago, Chris- said:


How many cans vs bottles? Anything in a can is probably fine to just stash in a closet for a few months.


All cans but it's pretty much all slushie/smoothie sours that need to be kept refrigerated at all times to be kept from fermenting in the can and eventually exploding. 

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17 minutes ago, Jason said:


All cans but it's pretty much all slushie/smoothie sours that need to be kept refrigerated at all times to be kept from fermenting in the can and eventually exploding. 

You’d have it coming for actually drinking that dreck! Sours should be filtered. 

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5 minutes ago, Chris- said:

You’d have it coming for actually drinking that dreck! Sours should be filtered. 


lol nah, some of the breweries definitely aren't good but the good and just dump random fruit in but the ones are really good. One of them is in Pennsylvania, Imprint. 

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There was like 15 minutes of sustained legitimately fucking scary turbulence as we're approaching the destination airport on my flight today and this fucking dipshit kept standing up. The flight attendants had to keep intercoming to tell him to sit down and the second time I just reflexively told him he needed to sit the fuck down, and this jackass comes back with "worry about yourself". Uh yeah dude do you not understand how fucking turbulence works, I'm worried about your stupid ass getting catapulted into me. 

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@marioandsonicYikes. Don’t do too much of that. You’re basically overdriving your body’s waste mechanisms with the salt. It creates an osmotic gradient that pulls water into the GI tract, resulting in a bit of a turbo clean-out.


Make yourself a pitcher of Oral Rehydration Solution. Add a few ice cubes to a glass and refrigerate the rest. Takes sips of it every 15 minutes or as tolerated. You can add 1/2 cup orange juice or a mushed up banana into it as well for potassium. Combined with bland foods this is the way to rehydrate safely. ORS is basically homemade Pedialyte.



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Can't sleep, so might as well post this:


I got laid off two months ago, and I'm just about to give up.  I feel like if I can't find something by the end of September, I'm going to have to move out because I can't afford to pay my monthly bills on unemployment alone.  I don't know where I'm going to go if that happens.  I have relatives that would kindly take me in at least, but I doubt I can fit all my furniture wherever I go.


But the worst part is my cat.  I've had him for nearly 5 years, and he's been such a bright spot in my life, but...I'd likely have to give him up.  My apartment is the only home he's known, and I doubt he'll be able to adjust with other people or other pets.  But he's also prone to rummaging through cupboards, always trying to get at food, and peeing on the carpet.  That may just cause whatever shelter I bring him to...to euthanize him, and I don't know if my soul could take that.


What am I supposed to do?  All I can do is keep applying for jobs and hope for a phone call.  I hate everything about this...

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6 hours ago, marioandsonic said:

Can't sleep, so might as well post this:


I got laid off two months ago, and I'm just about to give up.  I feel like if I can't find something by the end of September, I'm going to have to move out because I can't afford to pay my monthly bills on unemployment alone.  I don't know where I'm going to go if that happens.  I have relatives that would kindly take me in at least, but I doubt I can fit all my furniture wherever I go.


But the worst part is my cat.  I've had him for nearly 5 years, and he's been such a bright spot in my life, but...I'd likely have to give him up.  My apartment is the only home he's known, and I doubt he'll be able to adjust with other people or other pets.  But he's also prone to rummaging through cupboards, always trying to get at food, and peeing on the carpet.  That may just cause whatever shelter I bring him to...to euthanize him, and I don't know if my soul could take that.


What am I supposed to do?  All I can do is keep applying for jobs and hope for a phone call.  I hate everything about this...


I was in the exact same situation and I had to give my cat back to his original owner. I cried like a baby on many occasions but sometimes in life you have to sacrifice and adjust accordingly. 


I have lost many people in my life including my identical twin brother of 35 yrs. That the worse pain I'll ever feel in my lifetime. 


You have to get strong and move forward. Stay focused on some small goals and tough it out. 


Just remember, as bad as you think your situation is, there are millions worse off than you. You can do this, man. 

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