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7 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Now for an Inuk update:




Reminds of what happened to my cat after he got his surgery last year.  He had to stay at the vet office for extra days because there were some complications that they had to monitor for, and they possibly said he might have to be put down if he didn't recover.  Well, miraculously, he did.

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@Greatoneshere As you know DVD / Film Aficionado died a while back and since then I had been thinking of ways to replace it. There was a program called Notion but it didn't quite do what I was wanting it to do. I had also started doing something on google sheets but I was looking for templates and also I wanted to replicate the detailed view which would probably be difficult to pull off. Anyway I ended up hunkering down on it a couple days ago and I think I came up with a reasonable facsimile in google sheets. I included a lot of the fields other than comments (maybe I'll add it? ) and had considered linking the ratings to my letterboxd but I decided against it.


You like it?





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3 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

@Greatoneshere As you know DVD / Film Aficionado died a while back and since then I had been thinking of ways to replace it. There was a program called Notion but it didn't quite do what I was wanting it to do. I had also started doing something on google sheets but I was looking for templates and also I wanted to replicate the detailed view which would probably be difficult to pull off. Anyway I ended up hunkering down on it a couple days ago and I think I came up with a reasonable facsimile in google sheets. I included a lot of the fields other than comments (maybe I'll add it? ) and had considered linking the ratings to my letterboxd but I decided against it.


You like it?


That looks really good! I don't do physical media anymore nor keep track of it like I used to a decade ago but that's definitely nice and helpful I think!

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5 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

@Greatoneshere As you know DVD / Film Aficionado died a while back and since then I had been thinking of ways to replace it. There was a program called Notion but it didn't quite do what I was wanting it to do. I had also started doing something on google sheets but I was looking for templates and also I wanted to replicate the detailed view which would probably be difficult to pull off. Anyway I ended up hunkering down on it a couple days ago and I think I came up with a reasonable facsimile in google sheets. I included a lot of the fields other than comments (maybe I'll add it? ) and had considered linking the ratings to my letterboxd but I decided against it.


You like it?


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I don’t know how much time I spent on DVDaf back in the day, but it was a lot 

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7 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:

That looks really good! I don't do physical media anymore nor keep track of it like I used to a decade ago but that's definitely nice and helpful I think!


Yeah I probably mentioned it in the physical media thread (which I maybe should have put this in) that I generally don't buy a lot of movies anymore. For some reason my dumb ape brain still likes to get physical versions of anime though. And yeah although my collection is slowing I still like to keep track of it. This method is probably more work but probably ensures the collection won't disappear.


5 hours ago, sblfilms said:

I don’t know how much time I spent on DVDaf back in the day, but it was a lot 


Yeah. Like I mentioned the site died unfortunately. There was a point they were going to go down and then got bought by someone but eventually went down for good in 2020. You can check out their facebook page for all the news and how everything happened, they made the site code public so if you're smart enough you can host your own version of it :p




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19 minutes ago, Chris- said:

I can’t wait to go grey/white*, it’s a great look. 


*this position is dependent upon keeping my hair, which at 32 remains a viable outcome


Sometimes you just wind up with a hair line retreating faster than Russian troops from the outskirts of Kyiv. Like me...

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42 minutes ago, CayceG said:


Sometimes you just wind up with a hair line retreating faster than Russian troops from the outskirts of Kyiv. Like me...

It could go in any direction: my uncle had terrible baldness starting in his early 20s, my dad is holding strong going into his 80s, and my brother started to go in his late 20s. 

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I've had receding temples since I was 20 or so, and my hair really started to thin around 30. So, since 32 or so I've been shaving my head. I grew a giant beard during the initial COVID lockdowns, but since then I've just gone back to stubble. My facial hair is around 50/50 black and grey, and my hair is probably 75/25 black/grey.

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I’m pushing 42, still have a full head of almost all brown hair, though I have some greys everywhere on my body, and I don’t need glasses yet. The hearing in my right ear is absolutely trash though, which is generally annoying except when I want to fall asleep and I can just lay on my left ear. The brain is really wild at compensating for this; if I’m wearing headphones, I do not notice that my right side is bad unless I lift up the headphones off one ear at the time and do 1 to 1 comparisons. It’s super obvious when I do that, but as soon as I go back to having both sides on normally, the compensation kicks in and it feels like I’m hearing things from both sides equally. The craziest part is that if it’s a song I know well and there’s part of the mix that’s on the right speaker only, I’ll still hear it clearly if I’m wearing headphones normally, even though if I take the left headphone off and listen with the right side only, I cannot hear that vocal / instrument / whatever at all. My brain just plays it for me even though my right ear cannot actually hear it.

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Got a quote today to redo our kitchen countertops, and all I can say is:




It was 50% higher than we anticipated, and we'll be politely declining, I think. We want wood butcherblock for the kitchen, and there is only one supplier in our city for the brand we wanted. The actual manufacturer is great, and they are the only food-safe and sealed wood countertop maker in Canada (that doesn't require constant oiling, etc). But...the supplier/installer is a big chain that doesn't have great reviews (though few do), and half their visit/quote was spent on promo videos showing how they are a member of BBB (red flag!) and stuff like that. Like...it's 2022, if you are selling that kind of image instead of just relying on your quality, then it's damage control.


So, with inflation the way it is, and with a looming potential recession, I think we'll keep the big renovations in check for now and continue to invest and boost our emergency savings. I am very glad my wife and I are on the same page when it comes to saving/living within our means. We purposefully bought a house that we can afford on one of our salaries, if needed, don't carry any debt outside our mortgage, etc. Many people we know always insist we should spend more, get the new car, the bigger house, etc. But...while it's nice to have nice things (and don't get me wrong, I like nice things, and we do spend on things that matter), the future is always uncertain, especially with my wife's MS, so we're not going to put ourselves in a position where one of us losing our job (or interest rates rising, etc) risks everything we have. 

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7 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Got a quote today to redo our kitchen countertops, and all I can say is:




It was 50% higher than we anticipated, and we'll be politely declining, I think. We want wood butcherblock for the kitchen, and there is only one supplier in our city for the brand we wanted. The actual manufacturer is great, and they are the only food-safe and sealed wood countertop maker in Canada (that doesn't require constant oiling, etc).

Is there a reason you can’t purchase direct and install them yourselves or find a different contractor to do the install m? Butcherblock is very easy to secure, so the install price should be very reasonable.

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I'm playing guitar for a Bolivian folk music group tonight for a cultural festival in Salt Lake City. I don't particularly care for the music itself but I volunteered my services because my wife is associated with people from that group via her dance group, which is also performing. Also, I haven't played in front of an audience for years and years now.


I went to their rehearsal yesterday to learn the songs and man... one of the guys singing one of the songs cannot reach the higher notes of the one he's singing. On top of that, there's an instrument used in the song called a zamponia, and the one they have is in the key of C which consists of the notes C D E F G A B. The original song is in the key of D, which consists of D E F# G A B C#. I was listening and after the first run-through I mentioned that the zamponia sounded way off on some notes, and they said "yeah it's in C." So I offered that the rest of us change key to match that zamponia since it literally cannot be changed to another key. Another benefit, I added diplomatically, was that the singer wouldn't be "straining his voice" so much in "some parts of the song". The guy playing bass agreed with me, but the singer/leader guy was like "no we've been practicing it this way for a while now and we have it down this way." Then he told the zamponia player just to not play notes that don't correspond. So if there's an F# or a C# in her part that's literally impossible for the instrument to play, then just play any note besides F or C.


Like, I know nobody likes the brand new guy coming in and trying to change shit but come on. It's going to be so mediocre. LMAO. But, I'm just there to fill the background melody. Whatever.

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18 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

I'm playing guitar for a Bolivian folk music group tonight for a cultural festival in Salt Lake City. I don't particularly care for the music itself but I volunteered my services because my wife is associated with people from that group via her dance group, which is also performing. Also, I haven't played in front of an audience for years and years now.


I went to their rehearsal yesterday to learn the songs and man... one of the guys singing one of the songs cannot reach the higher notes of the one he's singing. On top of that, there's an instrument used in the song called a zamponia, and the one they have is in the key of C which consists of the notes C D E F G A B. The original song is in the key of D, which consists of D E F# G A B C#. I was listening and after the first run-through I mentioned that the zamponia sounded way off on some notes, and they said "yeah it's in C." So I offered that the rest of us change key to match that zamponia since it literally cannot be changed to another key. Another benefit, I added diplomatically, was that the singer wouldn't be "straining his voice" so much in "some parts of the song". The guy playing bass agreed with me, but the singer/leader guy was like "no we've been practicing it this way for a while now and we have it down this way." Then he told the zamponia player just to not play notes that don't correspond. So if there's an F# or a C# in her part that's literally impossible for the instrument to play, then just play any note besides F or C.


Like, I know nobody likes the brand new guy coming in and trying to change shit but come on. It's going to be so mediocre. LMAO. But, I'm just there to fill the background melody. Whatever.


lol the singer pretty much thinks he's able to hit the notes then. Let him destroy his voice. You're 100% right on what should be done.

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Had to play a bit of the ol’ social media hardball with our landlord at the indoor theater.


Posted something pretty spicy on our Facebook page about our landlord trying to squeeze us, community got up in arms about it, local news comes the next day to do a story.



The Wellborne Cinema Four Theater in Alvin was in danger of closing but spoiler alert, all sides have agreed to work together to keep it open.

She was pissed, but relented 😂

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5 hours ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

I'm playing guitar for a Bolivian folk music group tonight for a cultural festival in Salt Lake City. I don't particularly care for the music itself but I volunteered my services because my wife is associated with people from that group via her dance group, which is also performing. Also, I haven't played in front of an audience for years and years now.


I went to their rehearsal yesterday to learn the songs and man... one of the guys singing one of the songs cannot reach the higher notes of the one he's singing. On top of that, there's an instrument used in the song called a zamponia, and the one they have is in the key of C which consists of the notes C D E F G A B. The original song is in the key of D, which consists of D E F# G A B C#. I was listening and after the first run-through I mentioned that the zamponia sounded way off on some notes, and they said "yeah it's in C." So I offered that the rest of us change key to match that zamponia since it literally cannot be changed to another key. Another benefit, I added diplomatically, was that the singer wouldn't be "straining his voice" so much in "some parts of the song". The guy playing bass agreed with me, but the singer/leader guy was like "no we've been practicing it this way for a while now and we have it down this way." Then he told the zamponia player just to not play notes that don't correspond. So if there's an F# or a C# in her part that's literally impossible for the instrument to play, then just play any note besides F or C.


Like, I know nobody likes the brand new guy coming in and trying to change shit but come on. It's going to be so mediocre. LMAO. But, I'm just there to fill the background melody. Whatever.


Maybe “just skip those notes” is what he’s doing vocally as well! 

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