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On 1/17/2022 at 1:23 PM, CitizenVectron said:

I wish that heat pumps were more viable here. I've heard of a few people installing them, but they barely work below -15C or -20C which makes them unreliable in our climate. The people that install them typically also have a secondary heating unit (electrical) that is unused until those temps...but that's very expensive to have/maintain for the few weeks a year you'll need it. Mind you, if you don't have it as a backup then you'll have major structural damage almost guaranteed.

When they built the 2nd Walmart in my town (just west of Toronto) This was the big thing they flaunted on being energy/environmentally friendly. Might be viable in my area of Southern Ontario but a Prairie location , would it breed seem harder with your colder/harsher winter.

I’ll go in record that I will take Summer over Winter any day really. The only benefit with winter is cold window breeze for sleep. Ok 2 things. NO FUCKING MOSQUITOES and other annoying bugs buzzing around me outside and in. Rather have my summer activities available then my winter options too. Sure the heat can be bad, but I did New Orleans for a week with +130f with humidity everyday. I still have my bad days with the heat but I have my outdoor garden to work with, GOLF, Blue Jays playing again, BBQ, AC and summer blockbuster films. Plus I HATE PANTS and would be in shorts all year long if I could. Almost did for a couple years with my old job, but pants required at new job 

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2 minutes ago, silentbob said:

When they built the 2nd Walmart in my town (just west of Toronto) This was the big thing they flaunted on being energy/environmentally friendly. Might be viable in my area of Southern Ontario but a Prairie location , would it breed seem harder with your colder/harsher winter.

I’ll go in record that I will take Summer over Winter any day really. The only benefit with winter is cold window breeze for sleep. Ok 2 things. NO FUCKING MOSQUITOES and other annoying bugs buzzing around me outside and in. Rather have my summer activities available then my winter options too. Sure the heat can be bad, but I did New Orleans for a week with +130f with humidity everyday. I still have my bad days with the heat but I have my outdoor garden to work with, GOLF, Blue Jays playing again, BBQ, AC and summer blockbuster films. Plus I HATE PANTS and would be in shorts all year long if I could. Almost did for a couple years with my old job, but pants required at new job 


I wish there was a place that was about 12-18C year-round. I love fall weather.

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Had to have our cat put down today. She was a rebound cat we adopted 12 years ago, days after our 1.5 year old cat randomly had a stroke and died. That kitten was a spazz, so we wanted one with a different personality. We found the saddest cat in the kennel who had been abused in her previous home to adopt, and she seemed to really thrive and love living with us. We eventually got another cat who died several years back and a beagle who we still have. But it feels weird to not have a cat at home for the first time in 12 years. 

We noticed a bump on her chest in November and had it taken out. At the start of January we noticed another lump and between then and now her whole right flank just got filled with tumors and lesions so quickly. She stopped eating on Monday night and we knew that was her waving the white flag. We had someone come out today to put her to sleep at home both because she fucking hated the car and we think the trip probably would have pushed her over the edge. I don’t envy the job of someone who comes to your house and euthanizes pets as part of their living but I’m really happy someone provides that care. And I’m glad I was working from home for this to maximize my time with her and to make sure she didn’t die alone. 

Pets are the best and losing them sucks. 

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On 1/20/2022 at 7:47 PM, Jason said:

I had to call Microsoft about the Elite controller I ordered not arriving 3 days in a row and this phone support woman was starting half of her sentences with "here's the thing". She was using it as basically "here's something important you need to know" but it of course sounded like she had bad news for me every time it came out. I was strangling the air in front of me by the third time.


E.g. she put me on hold for a couple of minutes when I first explained the problem and gave her the order and tracking information and then when she comes back on the line she starts "here's the thing" which sure fucking sounds like she's about to tell me to just keep waiting but it was actually a lead-in to telling me she has to escalate the problem to a higher support tier.

That controller is lit I hope you get it soon.

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4 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

Had to have our cat put down today. She was a rebound cat we adopted 12 years ago, days after our 1.5 year old cat randomly had a stroke and died. That kitten was a spazz, so we wanted one with a different personality. We found the saddest cat in the kennel who had been abused in her previous home to adopt, and she seemed to really thrive and love living with us. We eventually got another cat who died several years back and a beagle who we still have. But it feels weird to not have a cat at home for the first time in 12 years. 

We noticed a bump on her chest in November and had it taken out. At the start of January we noticed another lump and between then and now her whole right flank just got filled with tumors and lesions so quickly. She stopped eating on Monday night and we knew that was her waving the white flag. We had someone come out today to put her to sleep at home both because she fucking hated the car and we think the trip probably would have pushed her over the edge. I don’t envy the job of someone who comes to your house and euthanizes pets as part of their living but I’m really happy someone provides that care. And I’m glad I was working from home for this to maximize my time with her and to make sure she didn’t die alone. 

Pets are the best and losing them sucks. 


1 hour ago, Anathema- said:

We lost our dog a few weeks back, I'd rather not talk about it. I will say that after losing my cat a year and a half back it helped a lot to get a new friend soon. 


You guys are breaking me. Sorry for your losses.

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In August our cat Rocky died. My wife had him for 12 years (I knew him for 7). Within a week we had a new kitten named Columbo, a rescue cat with only three legs. He's now fully grown and a total shit disturber. Our other cat Little (12 years old) doesn't like him much since he chases her and she just wants to sleep and cuddle, but after 5 months they are getting along a bit better.


So, I am 100% in support of getting a new furry friend quickly. It's not replacing your friend, it's finding and saving a new one. ♥️


Here are two pictures of Columbo, and one of Little:








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On 1/25/2022 at 7:07 PM, CayceG said:






Jesus Christ dude lmao






I have another interview on Wednesday. :lol: It's very conflicting because PR is brutal work, but it would be a stupid amount of money compared to what I make now (it would be like a 40% jump, not even including the possibility they will cover tuition for my MBA).

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15 minutes ago, Chris- said:


I have another interview on Wednesday. :lol: It's very conflicting because PR is brutal work, but it would be a stupid amount of money compared to what I make now (it would be like a 40% jump, not even including the possibility they will cover tuition for my MBA).

As long as you have no ethical issues with the work you’ll be doing, I don’t think you need to be overly concerned with the history of the firm. Guys gotta eat.

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29 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

As long as you have no ethical issues with the work you’ll be doing, I don’t think you need to be overly concerned with the history of the firm. Guys gotta eat.

What I’m telling myself (for now) is that narrative control is an important aspect of growth; companies can’t get better if the public narrative is bearing down on them (a situation I’m sympathetic toward given that, as someone who works in client services, I often have to do damage control for mistakes made by internal teams). We’ll see how my moral compass fares against that logic!

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1 hour ago, Chris- said:

What I’m telling myself (for now) is that narrative control is an important aspect of growth; companies can’t get better if the public narrative is bearing down on them (a situation I’m sympathetic toward given that, as someone who works in client services, I often have to do damage control for mistakes made by internal teams). We’ll see how my moral compass fares against that logic!



When can we start calling you Chris- Manafort :p 

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Can we burn down the healthcare industry?


I'm missing doses of my NERVES NOT FUCKING DIE medication because my primary and secondary insurance couldn't agree on a ship FROM facility (TN or NC), couldn't find the Letter of Agreement resolving it, found the letter but the NC location is out of stock so it'll have to come from TN but can't because the weather until Monday. This assumes my secondary insurance even allows it to be shipped from the TN facility. 

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@CitizenVectronit is 30f here today and it made me think of you and how you regular deal with temps far worse than this. I *hate* the cold, and since we get typically only a handful of days each year this low, I just don’t have the clothes for it, which makes me hate it even more.

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8 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

@CitizenVectronit is 30f here today and it made me think of you and how you regular deal with temps far worse than this. I *hate* the cold, and since we get typically only a handful of days each year this low, I just don’t have the clothes for it, which makes me hate it even more.


According to my phone it is currently -26C here (-15F), and with wind chill feels like -38C (-36F)! While I certainly don't love the cold, I definitely dislike heat far more—anything above +25C (77F) and I get uncomfortable.


However, it's one of those things where your body acclimates to the weather around you after about a week, and really anyone can adapt to live anywhere, provided they have heating or AC. In my experience though, it's far easier to keep warm than to stay cool, especially when outside your own home. My province (and much of the Canadian prairies) is definitely in a unique place where we unfortunately have to have everything be compatible with both extremes; in an average year we see temperature ranges of -40C to +35C (-40F to +100F). It is a huge destructive force on our infrastructure. Our roads for example are 100% asphalt as we can't have concrete surface streets in this climate due to shifting/cracking/ice expansion, and those asphalt roads only last 5-10 years before falling apart. We effectively replace our entire road network every decade. And don't get me started on the painted lines! (disappear after 1-2 years)

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1 minute ago, CitizenVectron said:


According to my phone it is currently -26C here (-15F), and with wind chill feels like -38C (-36F)! While I certainly don't love the cold, I definitely dislike heat far more—anything above +25C (77F) and I get uncomfortable.


However, it's one of those things where your body acclimates to the weather around you after about a week, and really anyone can adapt to live anywhere, provided they have heating or AC. In my experience though, it's far easier to keep warm than the stay cool, especially when outside your own home. My province (and much of the Canadian western prairies) is definitely in a unique place where we unfortunately have to have everything be compatible with both extremes; in an average year we see temperature ranges of -40C to +35C (-40F to +100F). It is a huge destructive force on our infrastructure, for example. Our roads are 100% asphalt as we can't have concrete surface streets in this climate due to shifting/cracking/ice expansion, and those asphalt roads only last 5-10 years before falling apart. We effectively replace our entire road network every decade. And don't get me started on the painted lines! (disappear after 1-2 years)

Sounds like a prime opportunity to put some trains in place

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1 minute ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Sounds like a prime opportunity to put some trains in place


Canada is a perfect model of a place that could use trains. Our population is mostly urban and most of those urban centres are separated by hundreds of miles of empty space (farmland, forest, etc). At the same time, because our country is so young outside of the Quebec City/Montreal corridor, all cities are designed around cars. This means that outside of central Toronto or Vancouver, almost every household has multiple cars. So...why take the train when you can take your car? People in Canada are used to driving 5-10 hours between cities for weekend trips, etc. There is passenger rail service, but it's kind of a vacation thing, where you go for the experience, not the transit. The only area with actual commuter rail would be the GTA, though there are definitely other cities with decent light rail inside the city.


Another thing is that when I visited my friend in San Francisco (who lived in Regina until his late-twenties) we noticed that the streets there are not only immaculate (few cracks, all painted, etc), but most also have those little reflectors embedded into the surface. To me that's just crazy. We have construction year-round to replace roads, I can't imagine just building a road and then having it work for 10-20 years. Also we can't have those reflector strips because our snowplows/graders in the winter would rip them all up.

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11 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

Found out our next (and final) child will be a girl. I grew up in a house with only brothers and my first two have been boys so this will truly be a new experience for me.

We went boy, boy, girl. There is definitely something special about each relationship I have with my three children, but man, little girls love their daddies in a truly heart melting way.

My wife didn’t grow up with her dad around, only ever met him once in her life when she was 15, and so she even cherishes the way our daughter Olivia interacts with me because she never had the chance at that with her father.

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38 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

An interesting possibility for us is that she might be born the same calendar day as our previous child. Due June 10th, but our previous was born on June 2nd. And my wife likes to schedule inductions. So... we'll see.

Haha. My daughters were born on the 21st and 22nd of July. 5 years apart mind you but was very nearly the same day. My wife shares a birthday with her mother too. Apparently that was not fun for her growing up (but probably because her parents fucking suck)

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1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Haha. My daughters were born on the 21st and 22nd of July. 5 years apart mind you but was very nearly the same day. My wife shares a birthday with her mother too. Apparently that was not fun for her growing up (but probably because her parents fucking suck)

Damn. My wife and I were born a year and a day apart. August 6th 1985 and August 7th 1986 respectively.


Also, we got married on February 13th. So I feel like we get to combine celebrations at the furthest points apart in the year instead of four individual celebrations scattershot in the year.

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