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4 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Nice. I got my summons last year and it was a weird online thing and well I didn't go and they said I didn't show up and that was that. Not that I wanted to go anyway.

I'm embarrassingly ignorant of how this works, having never served jury duty before (was summoned once but had an easy out, being across the pond)... If you're selected, your employer still has to pay you, right? 


Edit - Why didn't you want to serve, out of curiosity?

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Just now, Nokra said:

I'm embarrassingly ignorant of how this works, having never served jury duty before (was summoned once but had an easy out, being across the pond)... If you're selected, your employer still has to pay you, right? 


I believe your employer is required to give you time off but doesn't have to pay you, they could give you PTO. The state pays you for your time on the jury if selected. Might be different in your neck of the woods.

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7 hours ago, Nokra said:

I'm embarrassingly ignorant of how this works, having never served jury duty before (was summoned once but had an easy out, being across the pond)... If you're selected, your employer still has to pay you, right? 


Edit - Why didn't you want to serve, out of curiosity?


I spent the first part of 2021 checking in on TWO jury duty summons. 


The first was for Federal court here in Tennessee. The process I had to go through was... call this phone number after 5pm every day, enter the summons number, and then listen to the recording to see if I need to come in person. Did that 5 weeks and never got the go-code, so that one ended. 


The next was for local Nashville court. I can't remember the specific process (even though it was more recent). But it was different than Federal court. It was one check-in to see if I get called in person, and I never did there either. But I did have to watch an orientation video that explains it. It sounded like the next phase would have been to come to court, wait in a waiting room, and maybe get called in from there... or not. I was dismissed before that process anyway. 



Apparently jury trials and whoever selects them really don't like professionals being part of them. They want your regular old Thom, Dick, and Harry to come in because they're easily pliable. Apparently people like engineers think too much. 


I kindof did and didn't want to be called up though. I didn't want to have to bother with the whole process. But at the same time, I wanted to get on the jury and just go for broke and try to persuade everyone else for jury nullification. 

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1 hour ago, CayceG said:

The next was for local Nashville court. I can't remember the specific process (even though it was more recent). But it was different than Federal court. It was one check-in to see if I get called in person, and I never did there either. But I did have to watch an orientation video that explains it. It sounded like the next phase would have been to come to court, wait in a waiting room, and maybe get called in from there... or not. I was dismissed before that process anyway. 



Apparently jury trials and whoever selects them really don't like professionals being part of them. They want your regular old Thom, Dick, and Harry to come in because they're easily pliable. Apparently people like engineers think too much.


I was selected one time.

The first day is waiting room day to get selected

The second day if you're selected is like, the judge tells you about the case and you talk about yourself and then you go home I believe (I might be confusing the length this happened)

The 3rd day you come in and the plaintiff and defendant are there and it's like the NFL draft. The lawyers talk to all the jurors and ask what you know and who you are and based on that they can keep you on the Jury or ask you to leave. I asked to be excused because I worked the graveyard shift and I'd have to come to the courthouse with no rest and then after that it would be like 8 more hours until I got home. :epilepsy:

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Getting jury duty has always been a dream of mine, not to actually do it, just to witness the confused/awkward/don't know what to do/have to ask the judge reaction of the court staff of what to do with a crip like me. Should be awesome. I'm registered for the draft for the same reason. 

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54 minutes ago, Jwheel86 said:

Getting jury duty has always been a dream of mine, not to actually do it, just to witness the confused/awkward/don't know what to do/have to ask the judge reaction of the court staff of what to do with a crip like me. Should be awesome. I'm registered for the draft for the same reason. 



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This reminds me that I somehow got a jury duty summons from New Jersey that I still need to deal with. I tried to deal with it as soon as my parents gave it to me, but then the website was down for a week when I went to tell them I live in California. 

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On 12/22/2021 at 12:56 PM, Jason said:

This reminds me that I somehow got a jury duty summons from New Jersey that I still need to deal with. I tried to deal with it as soon as my parents gave it to me, but then the website was down for a week when I went to tell them I live in California. 


The site was still down 24 hours after it was supposed to be back up, can't wait to get extradited from California over NJ's screwup. 🤷‍♂️ 

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4 hours ago, Jason said:

My friend's wife has been in labor at the hospital since yesterday afternoon. The only person who exceeds them on awesome timing on giving birth during the pandemic is our other friend whose wife gave birth in May 2020.

For us it was a mess. We went in wednesday night to start the induction process (with the Foley Bulb), went home, called in the morning and they told us to show up at 1pm, got there and then had to wait around till 5:30pm to finally get her room, then they put her on meds to start the process which eventually we finally gave up at 12:30am on saturday morning and had a c-section at 5am saturday Oct 9th. The whole reason it took so long is because my wife really badly didn't want a c-section but the baby refused to come down all the way. =/ To top it off because it is a c-section we're required to stay at the hospital for 48h so we were not discharged until monday afternoon. :tired::tired: Luckily the hospital we delivered at is one of the main ones for births in the city so there are multiple floors dedicated to only dealing with this.


4 hours ago, Joe said:

My wife is due in a little over a month lol. Not great.

Seriously, get in all the sleep you can now!!! You're not going to be sleeping well for another 6 months. :cry: I'm only 2.5 months in so far on this trek to when my baby is 6 months.

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I shared this post on my Facebook page, but I figured I'd post it here as well as it's a powerful and courageous testimonial that should serve as an inspiration for us all in the new year.


John attended the University of Florida with me from 1993 to 1997.  In fact, I lived with John and Elisha in the final year before graduation.


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Thanks for sharing that Wade, it's definitely inspirational.


As promised, I will elaborate on our niece moving out this past week:


As said before, she comes from a rough household. Her and her half-brother were raised by their mom, but also spends time with her dad (though she only recently found out who she thought of as her dad is in fact not her biological father). Her mom has a douchebag fiance, as well. All three are anti-vax white trash, though at least her dad is fully vaccinated so that he can keep his job. 


She moved in with us in August after her mom kicked her out (saying she didn't contribute after graduating high school) and after brief stay with her dad (in an unsafe neighbourhood). We told her that she could live with us for free (room and food) as long as she continued her education. She wants to be a vet tech (and eventually vet). This past semester she has worked full time in the day as a vet assistant and has taken a few high school classes online at night/weekends. So far, so good. Unfortunately, her trash mom and her fiance have been bashing her via text (as well as bashing us heavily), saying she is too good to visit them because we won't allow it (as they are unvaccinated and party most nights of the week with tonnes of people). She received a lot of pressure at Christmas to see them, but did not. However, on Boxing Day we told her that we'd like her to stay home for a week (only going to work and back) while we waited to see how the Omicron wave started, and while we waited for our boosters to kick in (we got them along with her right before Christmas). She said that was fine, but later in the day texted us and said that she respected our rule of "our house, our rules," but that she'd have to move out as she was unable to go a week without seeing her family and friends. In reality, it looks like she has a secret boyfriend (we found flowers in her room when we packed her things up, and her social media also points to that) and I think that influenced her more than anything (she's 18, I get it, even if it's dumb).


The really shitty part is that only a day after her mom and step-dad texted her saying they didn't want her in their lives anymore since she was too good for them...she has moved back in. This will likely mean the end of her education for now, and she's in a really shitty household and neighbourhood. She's an adult and can make her own choices, and we ended things fairly amicably, but it still sucks. Her mom is crazy and believes all the Qanon stuff. :(  I just hope the four months she spent with us ingrained something in her to reject her mom's beliefs.

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I've spent the last couple years living with mostly successful, well adjusted people. The fucked up thing is that, even though I love them, I've always felt like I don't belong. Maybe that will always be a battle I face. And I know everyone is fucked up in their own way. But there's a part of me that has trouble relating to people that come from loving, functioning households and have never really had to struggle. They've never dealt with mental illness or addiction, they've never been abused.


This is mostly a response to Riley's post, I guess. Not to say I know what his niece is going through. Just saying, having come from a broken home, dealing with mental illness and addiction, being a high school drop out, etc... the feeling of "I don't belong here" is something that has always followed me and probably always will. And it's something I didn't realize until I was almost 30. I feel at home with fuck ups, burn outs and miscreants. Part of the reason I've stayed in the service industry so long is that basically everyone are fuck ups and miscreants, and I feel at home. I can be myself. Every time I've tried some other career I end up feeling inadequate or like an outcast. I don't have to hide the fact that I have tattoos that cover up where I've slit my wrists, I don't have to hide anything about who I am or what I've been through, because I know pretty much everyone has been through something similar.


And then the fucked up thing is that I don't want it to come off like "you just don't get it" like I'm on some kind of high horse. It's not a badge of honor.


I don't know, I'm rambling at this point and I lost the point I was trying to make.

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On 12/31/2021 at 6:16 PM, CitizenVectron said:

Thanks for sharing that Wade, it's definitely inspirational.


As promised, I will elaborate on our niece moving out this past week:


As said before, she comes from a rough household. Her and her half-brother were raised by their mom, but also spends time with her dad (though she only recently found out who she thought of as her dad is in fact not her biological father). Her mom has a douchebag fiance, as well. All three are anti-vax white trash, though at least her dad is fully vaccinated so that he can keep his job. 


She moved in with us in August after her mom kicked her out (saying she didn't contribute after graduating high school) and after brief stay with her dad (in an unsafe neighbourhood). We told her that she could live with us for free (room and food) as long as she continued her education. She wants to be a vet tech (and eventually vet). This past semester she has worked full time in the day as a vet assistant and has taken a few high school classes online at night/weekends. So far, so good. Unfortunately, her trash mom and her fiance have been bashing her via text (as well as bashing us heavily), saying she is too good to visit them because we won't allow it (as they are unvaccinated and party most nights of the week with tonnes of people). She received a lot of pressure at Christmas to see them, but did not. However, on Boxing Day we told her that we'd like her to stay home for a week (only going to work and back) while we waited to see how the Omicron wave started, and while we waited for our boosters to kick in (we got them along with her right before Christmas). She said that was fine, but later in the day texted us and said that she respected our rule of "our house, our rules," but that she'd have to move out as she was unable to go a week without seeing her family and friends. In reality, it looks like she has a secret boyfriend (we found flowers in her room when we packed her things up, and her social media also points to that) and I think that influenced her more than anything (she's 18, I get it, even if it's dumb).


The really shitty part is that only a day after her mom and step-dad texted her saying they didn't want her in their lives anymore since she was too good for them...she has moved back in. This will likely mean the end of her education for now, and she's in a really shitty household and neighbourhood. She's an adult and can make her own choices, and we ended things fairly amicably, but it still sucks. Her mom is crazy and believes all the Qanon stuff. :(  I just hope the four months she spent with us ingrained something in her to reject her mom's beliefs.


Sorry to hear that, my family has been in a cold war regarding my 16yo niece and 11yo nephew for the past 8 years that flares up now and then. 

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4 minutes ago, Jason said:


Wine Drinking GIF by BoJack Horseman


I know just enough about this shit to know that I need someone who knows more. Basically, it's a matter of (1) filing status, (2) education credits, and (3) income-based student loan payments. I'll be getting married this year and MFJ is better for (2) while MFS is better for (3), and I need someone who can actually work through all of the legalese bullshit to actually figure out what makes the most sense both short- and long- term since there are varying competing interests. It's a fucking mess.

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