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2 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

I shot my father in law a text telling him what was happening minutes before I did it. I didn't see his response until well after she said yes.


He's an asshole though and treats my wife like shit so it's more than he deserved.


God, that is the most 'you' anecdote you've ever shared.

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3 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

I shot my father in law a text telling him what was happening minutes before I did it. I didn't see his response until well after she said yes.


He's an asshole though and treats my wife like shit so it's more than he deserved.


Bummer. While my wife has a difficult history with her mother due to some really awful sexual abuse by a family friend that her mom ignored for a long time, she loves her and has been incredibly gracious with her despite my MIL still falling into a lot of the same situations that led directly to my wife and some of her siblings being harmed as children. Obviously now the risk to her is gone, but it does bring back bad memories often and is one of the reasons we don't really trust her mom to keep our kids other than when she is at our house.

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2 hours ago, sblfilms said:

It costs you literally nothing to play along with the cultural norms they have in this regard. I think that is one of the reasons I have a very good relationship with my inlaws, I don't buck up against stuff they do that is more or less harmless to me/my wife/my kids. I only push back when it is stuff that I do think encroaches in a negative way, for example, they are all "go give hugs and kisses to so and so" people and I'm very quick to shut that down. If my kids feel comfortable with a family member, they can choose to show physical affection, but get out of here with giving kisses to random aunts and uncles they've never met!


This is a pain I know all too well :P

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2 hours ago, sblfilms said:


Bummer. While my wife has a difficult history with her mother due to some really awful sexual abuse by a family friend that her mom ignored for a long time, she loves her and has been incredibly gracious with her despite my MIL still falling into a lot of the same situations that led directly to my wife and some of her siblings being harmed as children. Obviously now the risk to her is gone, but it does bring back bad memories often and is one of the reasons we don't really trust her mom to keep our kids other than when she is at our house.

That's shitty, I don't know what else to say there.


It's a bit different with her dad because he was the one who was verbally, emotionally, and sometimes physically abusive, some of which still comes through to this day. And he still refuses to acknowledge that he was all these things even after his kids have come forward to him about it (as it wasn't just directed at her but her other siblings as well, especially her brother). To say nothing of him just being a petty, argumentative dick who is just fucking mean about anything and everything. She's cried over that prick more times than I can count in the 15 years I've been with my wife, far more than anyone or anything else, and that's counting random pregnancy related hormonal tears. 

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Strange situation in our house—my wife's niece will be moving in with us. Some backstory: My wife's sister is, frankly, trash, and has two kids. She has an arguably abusive boyfriend and kicked out her daughter at age 17 (the niece) to go live with her dad. But the dad is also trash, and though I give him credit for at least letting the daughter stay with him the last few months, he lives in a really bad neighbourhood, has parties filled with cokeheads all the time, etc. Meanwhile, our niece worked her butt off to graduate high school with decent marks this past spring, and has been working as a veterinarian assistant for the past few months (and part-time before that). She wants to go to university to be a vet tech, and eventually get a second degree/masters be a veterinarian, but she needs to upgrade a few high school classes, first. In my province this is free, and can be done remotely online at your own pace. Her dad, however, says that since she is "done" high school she needs to start paying bills at his place, etc, and honestly doesn't want her to continue her education, saying she's a free-loader.


So, we talked to her yesterday (when she was over to have us help her with budgeting and signing up for the upgrade courses for chem, calculus, etc), and she's moving in with us in a week or two once we get a bed and some other stuff. 


It will be weird because we don't have kids and have never wanted them, but it's the right thing to do—I couldn't imagine this kid falling behind and not continuing to progress with her life, especially with her parents being so crappy. If we can help her out with a safe place to stay and provide some food, etc, then we'll do it. It will change a few of our plans financially over the next few years and make things a bit tight (anticipated stay with us is 3-4 years) since we'll be feeding an extra person + additional costs to help her out, but it's worth it. She's a good kid and if we can be the stability in her life that lets her get out of the rut her parents have her set up for, then we'll be glad to do it.

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6 hours ago, Jason said:

I had a pretty good second date yesterday so of course I'm going out of town for most of the month now. I'm hoping I can keep it alive with texts and phone calls until I get back.

Yeeeeeeahhhhh that ain’t happening after two dates

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Put him down. :(


He was likely in a lot of pain, he hadn't eaten for a few days (and had lost a tonne of weight in the last few months). Tumour in the intestines. He was a friendly goofball who liked being teased and being chased around. His sister (name: Little) won't understand where he's gone, and that will make it even worse. :(

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Aww, I’m really sorry :/  We had to put one of our cats down a few years ago, she always had respiratory issues but it got much worse quickly and a scan showed metastases everywhere. Took our dog and other cat a while to get up new routines / not look for her. It really sucks. 

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Sorry to hear about Rocky, Riley. I remember my childhood dog had to be put down during finals my last semester of grad school and man was I a wreck. It definitely hurt my performance on those exams because I was too distracted to study effectively.


7 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

Took our dog and other cat a while to get up new routines / not look for her.


I don't know if vets will let you do this but apparently your other pets will get it if you let them see (and I'd assume smell) the body. Same with if an owner dies. They understand and won't roam around looking for someone they've seen the body of.

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Ugh, today sucks. After living together since May last year, my girlfriend moved out today to start a new job. It's only a 1 year contract (9months really) so me going made no sense. The city is an accessibility hellscape plus I'd lose my Medicaid slot and here have to get on a decade long waiting list there.  She's only 6 hours away but with delta, her college not requiring masks or vaccines, and her schedule, could be October or December until I see her again. 



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/2/2021 at 12:44 PM, Jason said:

I had a pretty good second date yesterday so of course I'm going out of town for most of the month now. I'm hoping I can keep it alive with texts and phone calls until I get back.


On 8/2/2021 at 7:27 PM, Chris- said:

Yeeeeeeahhhhh that ain’t happening after two dates


On 8/2/2021 at 7:51 PM, CitizenVectron said:


Could always instead ask if he can call when he gets back, and go for a third date then. Might be safer.


On 8/2/2021 at 7:55 PM, Chris- said:

That would definitely be a stronger play


Well we kept texting while I was gone and we're going on another date on Wednesday so :shrug:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just got a call from the wife, apparently our nephew’s brother in law killed himself two days ago.


He was 13


I’ve got 14 and 12 year old sons and I just can’t fathom them being in such a state of despair that ending their life seemed the best option. 

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On 6/25/2021 at 10:40 PM, marioandsonic said:


I have an update.


Bad news: they determined that my cat does indeed need surgery, and it will cost about $3200.


Good news:  I have pet insurance on him, and I finally broke through to get them to (mostly) reimburse the money for the ultrasound that was used to determine his issue.  I feel a lot better now because of that.  This insurance is a 20% copay, so while that's still 20% of $3200 I would have to pay if I got him the surgery, it's nowhere near as much of a backbreaker.


Update on this.


My pet insurance did pre-approve the surgery.  It's scheduled for October 6th.

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