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Plot Details Leak About Christopher Nolan's Next Film

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1 hour ago, legend said:


You are probably right about it flying over people's heads. Simultaneously, a lot of the end was beating you over the head with "THIS IS WHAT'S HAPPENING" :p 


Or at least that is my recollection. It's been some time now and I probably can't give an especially deep critique of what didn't work for me at this point.


Fortunately for the movie, I do remember what I did like of it better.


While I do think that that part is the weakest part of the film... there was a LOT of expository writing in the last act... even WITH that, people still got lost so it was damned if you do damned if you don't.  I think the Nolans (his brother Jonathan co-wrote the film) were over-correcting a bit from some of the reaction to Inception where folks were legit confused by the ending so they wanted to be EXTRA clear for all the mouth breathers out there. I actually wouldn't be surprised if a lot of that third act was in response to notes from the studio.

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46 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


While I do think that that part is the weakest part of the film... there was a LOT of expository writing in the last act... even WITH that, people still got lost so it was damned if you do damned if you don't.  I think the Nolans (his brother Jonathan co-wrote the film) were over-correcting a bit from some of the reaction to Inception where folks were legit confused by the ending so they wanted to be EXTRA clear for all the mouth breathers out there. I actually wouldn't be surprised if a lot of that third act was in response to notes from the studio.


Yeah that sounds like an entirely plausible reason for why they went that way.

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I, too, am a huge fan of Interstellar. I saw it three times in theaters and have watched it three times since on Blu-ray. :lol:


Of course some aspects could be better, but what it does well, it does so damn well that I'm willing to forgive it its shortcomings. The emotional high notes are some of the best I've experienced in cinema. I was actually tearing up in the theater the first time I saw it. 

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3 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

From some friends at least, I got the impression that they thought Interstellar was "Nolan does 2001: Space Odyssey" and in tone and message, it's almost an anti-2001. As in, two friends I discussed it with dismissed it because they were looking for Hard Sci-Fi and grimness, not a cathartic tale of human connection overcoming unreal boundaries (to put it simply).


Interstellar is fucking great but let's all be honest - the story is a mess, the third act is really stupid, and there's some major, irritating character faux pas in the film. I actually found Honest Trailer's take on it on point rather than just saying stuff for laughs.


But, the film is great despite such flaws, I think. 

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1 hour ago, Nokra said:

I, too, am a huge fan of Interstellar. I saw it three times in theaters and have watched it three times since on Blu-ray. :lol:


Of course some aspects could be better, but what it does well, it does so damn well that I'm willing to forgive it its shortcomings. The emotional high notes are some of the best I've experienced in cinema. I was actually tearing up in the theater the first time I saw it. 

Dude, I still cry when watching it. I watched it a few weeks ago and needed some tissue. 

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6 minutes ago, johnny said:

Dude, I still cry when watching it. I watched it a few weeks ago and needed some tissue. 

I got choked up the last few times as well, but I haven't seen the movie in a couple years now. Maybe I'll do so in the next couple days. This may sound dumb but I think part of why it resonated so well with me was the fact that I'm living thousands of miles away from my family in another country, so I could empathize with all of the themes of separation, longing, and loss. Though for me it's only a 24 hour travel day to get home. :p 


What in the movie reaches you, emotionally? :hug:


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42 minutes ago, Nokra said:

I got choked up the last few times as well, but I haven't seen the movie in a couple years now. Maybe I'll do so in the next couple days. This may sound dumb but I think part of why it resonated so well with me was the fact that I'm living thousands of miles away from my family in another country, so I could empathize with all of the themes of separation, longing, and loss. Though for me it's only a 24 hour travel day to get home. :p 


What in the movie reaches you, emotionally? :hug:



There's quite a few bits in the movie that get me... Matt saying good by to Murph and by extension his whole family, him trying to connect with her initially from inside the construct, the last scene with her on her death bed when she tells him she knew he would come back because he promised her. The scene when he literally watches his children's lives flash before him on screen and breaks down into a snotty mess... and that's just the Matthew McCoughnehy  moments. So many great performances in this movie.  That's why watching this film with my niece who is the closest thing to a daughter that I have was so moving for me, especially the fact that she loved it almost as much as I did.


I think if folks go into this movie with the "logic police" hat on they would find a lot to nit pick. One of the film's themes is the whole illogical nature of emotions especially Love and then theorizes that love, like gravity, is a quantifiable force of nature that we just don't understand yet but is as real as gravity or time or other seemingly abstract concepts. At least that was my humble take and that's just one of the reasons why I think it's fuckin' brilliant because everything in the film is in service to that. The performances, the score... everything in this huge, big budget sci-fi film is designed to evoke "the feels" from the viewer and for everyone except the most jaded of film watchers it works. I have plenty of friends who didn't "get it" either but like my lovely lady always says... "Everything ain't for everybody". 

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12 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:


There's quite a few bits in the movie that get me... Matt saying good by to Murph and by extension his whole family, him trying to connect with her initially from inside the construct, the last scene with her on her death bed when she tells him she knew he would come back because he promised her. The scene when he literally watches his children's lives flash before him on screen and breaks down into a snotty mess... and that's just the Matthew McCoughnehy  moments. So many great performances in this movie.  That's why watching this film with my niece who is the closest thing to a daughter that I have was so moving for me, especially the fact that she loved it almost as much as I did.


I think if folks go into this movie with the "logic police" hat on they would find a lot to nit pick. One of the film's themes is the whole illogical nature of emotions especially Love and then theorizes that love, like gravity, is a quantifiable force of nature that we just don't understand yet but is as real as gravity or time or other seemingly abstract concepts. At least that was my humble take and that's just one of the reasons why I think it's fuckin' brilliant because everything in the film is in service to that. The performances, the score... everything in this huge, big budget sci-fi film is designed to evoke "the feels" from the viewer and for everyone except the most jaded of film watchers it works. I have plenty of friends who didn't "get it" either but like my lovely lady always says... "Everything ain't for everybody". 

McConaughey (who the fuck is supposed to remember how to spell that!?) having that meltdown over the score and everything else on paper should sound almost cloying and cheesy at this point of cinema yet it's one of the most moving moments in a film, for me at least, I've seen in a long time. That soundtrack is fucking sublime too, immediately went out and bought it. 


I keep viewing it in a similar fashion as David Lynch's stuff, pure emotional/gut reaction thrust, which I assume under a microscope would have holes as big as Texas. 

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1 hour ago, Bloodporne said:

McConaughey (who the fuck is supposed to remember how to spell that!?) having that meltdown over the score and everything else on paper should sound almost cloying and cheesy at this point of cinema yet it's one of the most moving moments in a film, for me at least, I've seen in a long time. That soundtrack is fucking sublime too, immediately went out and bought it. 


I keep viewing it in a similar fashion as David Lynch's stuff, pure emotional/gut reaction thrust, which I assume under a microscope would have holes as big as Texas. 

Yeah I tried several times to spell his name right and was too lazy to look it up... fuck it...


Is Fincher even British?

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On 3/6/2019 at 5:30 PM, Kal-El814 said:

I think it’s a fair bit dumber than some of the worse MCU movies, but part of that is because I think Batman Begins started out perhaps not “smart” but REALLY leaned into a grounded (sliding scale of course) explanation for everything down to shit like municipal water pressure.


Then in Rises, Gotham is under literal mob rule and I’m supposed to believe people are tuning into and giving a shit about the ethical implications of a police commissioner lying at the funeral of a district attorney when the message is being delivered from the leader of the occupying terrorist force? Gotham could get nuked at any moment and Batman has the time to do the world’s biggest Banksky? Batman needed a pro tip to realize Bane’s weak point might be his elaborate mask? Talia goes by an alias is but didn’t need to because Batman had no idea Ra’s had a kid?


Again none of this takes away from the movie being compelling but it’s weird to watch all three movies in succession given where Begins started and Rises ends. Begins and TDK didn’t have a lot of “The Prestige” type shit, where the main intent was to fool the viewer. Rises has a BUNCH of that. So it’s uncharitable for me to say it’s unintentionally funny, that’s just hyperbole on my part (the bat logo shit is super goofy tho). But it stands out from the other two Nolan Bat films in a few weird ways.

I like that Bruce makes Alfred think he's dead and then they see each other in a cafe in Europe and Alfred isn't like "dude wtf I'm your best friend!!!"


They just nod like two neighbors taking out the trash "yep we're doing this shit at the same time"

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2 hours ago, 2user1cup said:

I like that Bruce makes Alfred think he's dead and then they see each other in a cafe in Europe and Alfred isn't like "dude wtf I'm your best friend!!!"


They just nod like two neighbors taking out the trash "yep we're doing this shit at the same time"

That was what Alfred wanted to happen so he wouldn't have been upset.


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 I had a friend in college who used to offer strong critiques of movies all the time. One day I was hanging out with him watching a movie and he was doing a bunch of other shit while the movie was on... he was literally half watching the film and was missing pivotal scenes in the movie. I asked him is this how he always watched movies and he said yes. I never took his word on another movie again and he went on to become a TV writer of all things for a short period of time :p . Some people just don't have the attention span to sit for an hour or two... I've seen actual written TV reviews that miss shit all the time.

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We're 60 replies into a Nolan thread and no one has mentioned Dunkirk. For shame.


Dunkirk is like the racing version of a Nolan film. Where films like Interstellar and Inception have all the bells and whistles, Dunkirk is unburdened and streamlined. By removing all the convoluted messaging and superfluous narrative that hold back so many of his (generally great) films, Dunkirk becomes the best vehicle for Nolan's unique vision. A perfect score propels the film like few have in the history of cinema, pushing the viewer through multiple timelines edited together in a way that only Nolan could pull off. Dunkirk is the purest expression of Nolan as a filmmaker, and that's why it's easily his best film.



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2 hours ago, TwinIon said:

We're 60 replies into a Nolan thread and no one has mentioned Dunkirk. For shame.


Dunkirk is like the racing version of a Nolan film. Where films like Interstellar and Inception have all the bells and whistles, Dunkirk is unburdened and streamlined. By removing all the convoluted messaging and superfluous narrative that hold back so many of his (generally great) films, Dunkirk becomes the best vehicle for Nolan's unique vision. A perfect score propels the film like few have in the history of cinema, pushing the viewer through multiple timelines edited together in a way that only Nolan could pull off. Dunkirk is the purest expression of Nolan as a filmmaker, and that's why it's easily his best film.



Maybe but it’s a “have to see in theatre” movie. If you never saw it in the theatre, it’s not the same. You can watch it at home if you’ve seen it previously in a theatre and not lose much, but if you didn’t watch it when it was playing it’s definitely not as good. In my opinion a movie like that loses points. Watching it on a 32” screen is a waste of time. 


Edit- should probably clarify that every movie is better in theatre, but some lose a LOT less than others when you watch it at home. You lose a lot with Dunkirk. 

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